#ifndef __DetectorGeometry_H #define __DetectorGeometry_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TBits; class TelescopeGeometry; class EyeGeometry; enum EGridFlag { eNoGrid = 0, eRegularArray = 1<<0, /// 1500 m spacing eInfill = 1<<1, /// 750 m spacing eDoublet = 1<<2, /// pair stations eTriplet = 1<<3 /// triplets }; // // class representing the detector geometry // class DetectorGeometry : public TObject { public: typedef std::map StationPosMap; typedef std::map StationNameMap; typedef std::map StationGridTypeMap; typedef std::map StationCommissionTimeMap; typedef StationPosMap::iterator StationPosMapIterator; typedef StationPosMap::const_iterator StationPosMapConstIterator; typedef std::map EyeMap_t; typedef EyeMap_t::iterator EyeIterator; typedef EyeMap_t::const_iterator ConstEyeIterator; static const unsigned int knPixelPerMirror; public: DetectorGeometry(); // -------------- FD part ------------------ /// get maximum and minimum angles of mirror void GetMinMaxPhi(const UInt_t eyeid, const TBits & MiBits, double &MinPhi, double &MaxPhi) const; void GetMinMaxOmega(const UInt_t eyeid, const TBits & MiBits, double &MinOmega, double &MaxOmega) const; bool HasEye(UInt_t eyeid) const {return fEyes.count(eyeid);} void AddEye(UInt_t eyeid, const EyeGeometry &eye); EyeGeometry& GetEye(UInt_t eyeid); const EyeGeometry& GetEye(UInt_t eyeid) const; unsigned int GetNEyes() const {return fEyes.size();} EyeIterator EyesBegin() {return fEyes.begin();} EyeIterator EyesEnd() {return fEyes.end();} ConstEyeIterator EyesBegin() const {return fEyes.begin();} ConstEyeIterator EyesEnd() const {return fEyes.end();} /// get map of eye ids std::vector GetEyeNumbers() const; /// set eye x-coordinate in Site CS [m] void SetEye(const UInt_t iEye, const double X, const double Y, const double Z, const double phi, const double phiEye, const double thetaEye, const std::string &eyeName, const std::string &eyeNameAbbr); /// set telescope elevation and azimuth void SetTelescope(const UInt_t eyeId, const UInt_t mirrorId, const std::map& telElevations, const std::map& telAzimuths, UInt_t nFADC, Double_t bFADC, const std::map& telPixPhis, const std::map& telPixOmegas); // -------------- SD part ------------------ /// set station x-coordinate in Site CS [m] void SetStation(const unsigned int iStation, const double X, const double Y, const double Z, const int gridType); /// set the station name void SetStationName(const unsigned int iStation, const TString name); /// set station commission time in gps seconds void SetStationCommissionTime(const unsigned int iStation, const double gpsSecond); /// check if station is known bool isKnown(unsigned int i) const { return fStationName.find(i) != fStationName.end(); } /// get station coordinates in Site CS [m] const TVector3& GetStationPosition(const unsigned int i) const; /// get station name const TString& GetStationName(const unsigned int i) const; /// get station commission time as gps second double GetStationCommissionTime(const unsigned int i) const; /// get map of station positions const StationPosMap& GetStations() const { return fStationPos; } /// begining of stations StationPosMapIterator GetStationsBegin() { return fStationPos.begin(); } /// end of stations StationPosMapIterator GetStationsEnd() { return fStationPos.end(); } /// begining of const stations StationPosMapConstIterator GetStationsBegin() const { return fStationPos.begin(); } /// end of const stations StationPosMapConstIterator GetStationsEnd() const { return fStationPos.end(); } /// get a vector of station ids std::vector GetStationIds() const; /// get a vector of station coordinates std::vector GetStationXPositions() const; std::vector GetStationYPositions() const; std::vector GetStationZPositions() const; /// get number of stations Int_t GetNStations() const { return fStationPos.size(); } /// get min and max X coordinate double GetMinX() const; double GetMaxX() const; /// get min and max Y coordinate double GetMinY() const; double GetMaxY() const; /// get min and max Z coordinate double GetMinZ() const; double GetMaxZ() const; /// get id of station closest to (x,y) UInt_t GetClosestStationId(const double x, const double y) const ; /// get distance of station closest to (x,y) units: [m] double GetClosestStationDistance(const double x, const double y) const; /// test whether a point is in side the hexagon cell of a station bool IsInStationHexagon(const Int_t stId, const double x, const double y, const double gridScale = 1500. /* meter */) const; /// get station axis distance in the shower plane given a tank, an axis and a core double GetStationAxisDistance(const TVector3 & tank, const TVector3 & axis, const TVector3& core) const; /// get station axis distance in the shower plane given a tank ID, an axis and a core double GetStationAxisDistance(const Int_t stId, const TVector3 & axis, const TVector3& core) const; /// get station coordinates in Shower plane [m] const TVector2 GetStationShowerPosition(const TVector3& tank, const TVector3& axis, const TVector3& core) const; /// get station coordinates in Shower plane [m] TVector2 GetStationShowerPosition(int id, const TVector3& axis, const TVector3& core) const; /// ids of stations of hexagon centered around station with id (includes id) const std::vector& GetHexagon(const unsigned int stationID, const EGridFlag flag = eRegularArray) const; /// get Fd-Trigger-Readout-Section to which the stations belongs unsigned int GetFdTriggerReadoutSection(const unsigned int stationID) const; /** Merge the list of stations with that of another * DetectorGeometry and store it in the object. * Returns number of stations added to the object's list. */ unsigned int MergeStationsFrom(const DetectorGeometry& source); /** Merge the eyes, telescopes, and telescope pointings with those * of another DetectorGeometry and store them in the object. * Returns ture if the object was modified. * The object into which the information is merged takes precedence * on conflicts. */ bool MergeFDFrom(const DetectorGeometry& source); /// set cloud pixel definitions void SetCloudPixelDimensions(const double dx, const double dy) { fCloudPixelXWidth = dx; fCloudPixelYWidth = dy; } /// get cloud pixel center coordinates (site CS) std::vector& GetCloudPixelCenters() { return fCloudPixelCenters; } const std::vector& GetCloudPixelCenters() const { return fCloudPixelCenters; } double GetCloudPixelWidthX() const { return fCloudPixelXWidth; } double GetCloudPixelWidthY() const { return fCloudPixelYWidth; } #ifdef AUGER_RADIO_ENABLED // -------------- Radio part ------------------ /// set station x-coordinate in Site CS [m] void SetRdStation(unsigned int iStation, double X, double Y, double Z); /// set the station name void SetRdStationName(unsigned int iStation, TString name); /// check if station is known bool isRdStationKnown(unsigned int i) const {return fRdStationsPos.count(i);} /// get station coordinates in Site CS [m] const TVector3& GetRdStationPosition(unsigned int i) const; TVector3& GetRdStationPosition(unsigned int i); /// get station name const TString& GetRdStationName(unsigned int i) const; TString& GetRdStationName(unsigned int i); /// get station coordinate iterators const StationPosMap& GetRdStations() const { return fRdStationsPos; } StationPosMapIterator GetRdStationsBegin() { return fRdStationsPos.begin(); } StationPosMapConstIterator GetRdStationsBegin() const { return fRdStationsPos.begin(); } StationPosMapIterator GetRdStationsEnd() { return fRdStationsPos.end(); } StationPosMapConstIterator GetRdStationsEnd() const { return fRdStationsPos.end(); } /// get a vector of station coordinates std::vector GetRdStationXPositions() const; std::vector GetRdStationYPositions() const; std::vector GetRdStationZPositions() const; /// get number of stations Int_t GetNRdStations() const { return fRdStationsPos.size(); } /// get Id of station closest to (x,y) UInt_t GetClosestRdStationId(double x, double y) const; /// get distance of station closest to (x,y) units: [m] double GetClosestRdStationDistance(double x, double y) const; /// get station axis distance in the shower plane given a tank, an axis and a core double GetRdStationAxisDistance(const TVector3& station, const TVector3& axis, const TVector3& core) const; /// get station axis distance in the shower plane given a tank ID, an axis and a core double GetRdStationAxisDistance(Int_t StationId, const TVector3& axis, const TVector3& core) const; /// get station coordinates in Shower plane [m] TVector3 GetRdStationShowerPosition(const TVector3& station, const TVector3& axis, const TVector3& core) const; /// get station coordinates in Shower plane [m] TVector3 GetRdStationShowerPosition(int StationId, const TVector3& axis, const TVector3& core); /// get ids of stations of hexagon centered around stationID (includes stationID) // const std::vector & GetHexagon(unsigned int stationID); // We are not Even sure that we will use hexagon /// get Fd-Trigger-Readout-Section to which the stations belongs #endif private: // cache implementation to compute some expensive look ups only once // all variables are declared mutable and not streamed to a file ("//!") mutable bool fNeedCacheRebuild; //! void RebuildCache() const; mutable std::map fFdTriggerSections; //! typedef std::map > HexagonCache; mutable HexagonCache fHexagons[2]; //! mutable double fMaxX; //! mutable double fMaxY; //! mutable double fMaxZ; //! mutable double fMinX; //! mutable double fMinY; //! mutable double fMinZ; //! private: // -------------- FD part ------------------ EyeMap_t fEyes; // -------------- SD part ------------------ StationPosMap fStationPos; StationNameMap fStationName; StationGridTypeMap fStationGridType; StationCommissionTimeMap fStationCommissionTime; // ------------- atmosphere ----------------- std::vector fCloudPixelCenters; double fCloudPixelXWidth; double fCloudPixelYWidth; #ifdef AUGER_RADIO_ENABLED // ---------------------Radio Part------------- StationPosMap fRdStationsPos; StationNameMap fRdStationName; //--------------------------------- #endif ClassDef(DetectorGeometry, 21); }; #endif