// $Id: EyeGeometry.h 20044 2011-12-23 20:01:16Z darko $ #ifndef __EyeGeometry_H #define __EyeGeometry_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // class to hold FD event class EyeGeometry : public TObject { public: typedef std::map TelescopeList_t; typedef TelescopeList_t::iterator TelescopeIterator; typedef TelescopeList_t::const_iterator ConstTelescopeIterator; struct MinMaxFOV_t { Double_t MinPhi; Double_t MinOmega; Double_t MaxPhi; Double_t MaxOmega; }; public: EyeGeometry(); EyeGeometry(const Double_t x, const Double_t y, const Double_t z, const Double_t phi, const Double_t phiEye, const Double_t thetaEye, const std::string& eyeName, const std::string& eyeNameAbbr); /// get maximum and minimum angles of mirror void GetMinMaxPhi(const TBits& miBits, Double_t& minPhi, Double_t& maxPhi) const; void GetMinMaxOmega(const TBits& miBits, Double_t& minOmega, Double_t& maxOmega) const; void GetMinMaxPhi(const TBits& miBits, const Detector::EyePointingIdMap& pointingIds, Double_t& minPhi, Double_t& maxPhi) const; void GetMinMaxOmega(const TBits& miBits, const Detector::EyePointingIdMap& pointingIds, Double_t& minOmega, Double_t& maxOmega) const; /// get the number of mirrors of eye UShort_t GetNumberOfMirrors() const { return fTelescopes.size(); } /// get eye pos in Site CS [m] const TVector3& GetEyePos() const { return fEyeCoordinates; } /// get eye name const TString& GetEyeName() const { return fEyeName; } /// get abbreviated eye name const TString& GetEyeNameAbbr() const { return fEyeNameAbbreviation; } /// get eye backwall angle [rad] Double_t GetBackWallAngle() const { return fBackWallAngle; } /// get local eye vertical vector phi Double_t GetEyePhiZ() const { return fEyePhiZ; } /// get local eye vertical vector theta Double_t GetEyeThetaZ() const { return fEyeThetaZ; } /// get list of valid tel IDs std::vector GetTelescopeIDs() const; /// xy rotation from Site to Eye coordinate system /// translation is applied if isPosition=true TVector3 GetApproximateEyeVecFromSiteVec(TVector3 siteVec, const bool isPosition) const; TVector3 TransformEyeToSite(const TVector3& siteVec) const; TVector3 TransformSiteToEye(const TVector3& siteVec) const; TVector3 TransformEyeToLocal(const TVector3& siteVec) const; TVector3 TransformLocalToEye(const TVector3& siteVec) const; TVector3 TransformSiteToLocal(const TVector3& siteVec) const; TVector3 TransformLocalToSite(const TVector3& siteVec) const; void AddTelescope(const UInt_t telid, const std::map& telElevations, const std::map& telAzimuths, const UInt_t nFADC, const Double_t bFADC, const std::map& telPixPhis, const std::map& telPixOmegas); void AddTelescope(const UInt_t telid, const TelescopeGeometry& tel); bool HasTelescope(const UInt_t id) const { return fTelescopes.find(id) != fTelescopes.end(); } TelescopeGeometry& GetTelescope(const UInt_t id); const TelescopeGeometry& GetTelescope(const UInt_t id) const; TelescopeIterator TelescopesBegin() { return fTelescopes.begin(); } TelescopeIterator TelescopesEnd() { return fTelescopes.end(); } ConstTelescopeIterator TelescopesBegin() const { return fTelescopes.begin(); } ConstTelescopeIterator TelescopesEnd() const { return fTelescopes.end(); } /** Merge the telescopes and telescope pointings with those * of another EyeGeometry and store them in the object. * Returns ture if the object was modified. * The object into which the information is merged takes precedence * on conflicts. */ bool MergeEyeFrom(const EyeGeometry& source); private: MinMaxFOV_t CalculateMinMaxFOV(const TBits& MiBits, const Detector::EyePointingIdMap& pointingIds) const; void InitTransformerMatrices() const; static bool invert3by3(double a[3][3]); static void cross(const double a[3], const double b[3], double c[3]); static TVector3 multiply(const double m[3][3], const TVector3& v); private: TelescopeList_t fTelescopes; TVector3 fEyeCoordinates; Double_t fBackWallAngle; Double_t fEyePhiZ; Double_t fEyeThetaZ; TString fEyeName; TString fEyeNameAbbreviation; // fast access pfusch --------- mutable double fTransformerLocalSite[3][3]; //! mutable double fTransformerSiteLocal[3][3]; //! mutable bool fTransformerInit; //! // ----------------------------- ClassDef(EyeGeometry, 5); }; #endif