// $Id: FdRecPixel.h 20046 2011-12-23 21:34:36Z darko $ #ifndef __FdRecPixel_H #define __FdRecPixel_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Pixel data definition class FdRecPixel : public TObject { public: FdRecPixel(); // getters int GetNumberOfPixels() const { return fnPixel; } ///< returns total number of pixels int GetNumberOfTriggeredPixels() const { return fnTrigPixel; } ///< returns number of triggered pixels int GetNumberOfPulsedPixels() const { return fnRecPixel; } ///< returns number of pixels after PulseFinder int GetNumberOfTracePixels() const { return fDataTrace.size(); } ///< returns number of pixels with stored adc-trace int GetNumberOfSpotTracePixels() const { return fSpotRecTrace.size(); } ///< returns number of pixels with stored adc-trace int GetNumberOfSDPFitPixels() const; ///& GetID() const { return fID; } /// get vector of pixel reconstruction status (see FdRecLevel) const std::vector& GetStatus() const { return fStatus; } /// get vector of pulse centroid times [100 ns] const std::vector& GetTime() const { return fTime; } /// get vector of pulse centroid time uncertainties [100 ns] const std::vector& GetTimeErr() const { return fTimeErr; } /// get vector of $chi$ angles [rad] const std::vector& GetChi() const { return fChi; } /// get vector of pixel charge const std::vector& GetCharge() const { return fCharge; } /// get the i'th pixel id = (iTel-1)*440 + (idPix-1) int GetID(const int i) const { return fID[i]; } /// get the i'th pixel telescope id int GetTelescopeId(const int i) const { return fID[i]/440 + 1; } /// get the i'th pixel pixel id int GetPixelId(const int i) const { return fID[i]%440 + 1; } /// get the i'th pixel reconstruction status (see FdRecLevel) EPixelStatus GetStatus(const int i) const { return fStatus[i]; } /// get the i'th pulse centroid time [100 ns] double GetTime(const int i) const { return fTime[i]; } /// get the i'th pulse centroid time uncertainty [100 ns] double GetTimeErr(const int i) const { return fTimeErr[i]; } /// get the i'th $chi$ angle [rad] double GetChi(const int i) const { return fChi[i]; } /// get the i'th pixel charge double GetCharge(const int i) const { return fCharge[i]; } /// get the FLT threshold of the i'th pixel int GetThreshold(const int i) const { return fThreshold[i]; } /// get the mean FLT threshold double GetMeanThreshold() const; /// get the i'th pixels adc trace const std::vector& GetTrace(const int iPixel) const; /// get the i'th pixels (spot) reconstructed adc trace const std::vector& GetSpotRecTrace(const int iPixel) const; /// get the i'th pixels simulated trace components const std::vector& GetSimTrace(const int iPixel, const FdApertureLight::ELightComponent comp) const; /// get the adc traces const std::map& GetTraces() const { return fDataTrace; } int GetSimTraceOffset(const int iPixel) const; /// get start time of pulse [100 ns] int GetPulseStart(const int i) const; /// get stop time of pulse [100 ns] int GetPulseStop(const int i) const; /// get baseline RMS double GetRMS(const int i) const; /// get trace ADC sum from bin j to k double GetTraceSum(const int i, const int j, const int k) const; /// get trace ADC sum from bin j to k double GetSpotRecTraceSum(const int i, const int j, const int k) const; /// get trace ADC maximum from bin j to k double GetTraceMax(const int i) const; /// get trace ADC maximum from bin j to k double GetSpotRecTraceMax(const int i) const; /// get the calibration constant double GetCalibrationConstant(const int i) const; /// ask for high gain saturation of the ith pixel bool IsHighGainSaturated(const int i) const { return fHighGainSaturatedPixels.find(i) != fHighGainSaturatedPixels.end(); } /// ask for high saturation of any pixels in this event bool HasHighGainSaturatedPixels() const { return !fHighGainSaturatedPixels.empty(); } /// ask for low gain saturation of the ith pixel bool IsLowGainSaturated(const int i) const { return fLowGainSaturatedPixels.find(i) != fLowGainSaturatedPixels.end(); } /// ask for low saturation of any pixels in this event bool HasLowGainSaturatedPixels() const { return !fLowGainSaturatedPixels.empty(); } /// ask for low gain saturation of the ith pixel bool IsSaturationRecovered(const int i) const { return fSaturationRecoveredPixels.find(i) != fSaturationRecoveredPixels.end(); } /// ask for low saturation of any pixels in this event bool HasSaturationRecoveredPixels() const { return !fSaturationRecoveredPixels.empty(); } /// return true if ADC-trace for i'th pixel is available bool HasADCTrace(const int i) const { return fDataTrace.find(i) != fDataTrace.end(); } bool HasSpotRecADCTrace(const int i) const { return fSpotRecTrace.find(i) != fSpotRecTrace.end(); } bool HasSimTrace(const int i, const FdApertureLight::ELightComponent source) const; /// return true if information about pixel status is available bool HasPixelStatus() const { return !fStatus.empty(); } // setters void SetNumberOfPixels(const int nPx); ///< set total number of pixels and initialize vectors void SetNumberOfTriggeredPixels(const int nPix) { fnTrigPixel = nPix; } ///< set number of triggered pixels void SetNumberOfPulsedPixels(const int nPix) { fnRecPixel = nPix; } ///< set number of pixels with found pulse void SetNumberOfTracePixels(const int fnTracePx); ///< set number of pixels with stored adc-trace void SetID(const int i, const UShort_t id) { fID[i] = id; } void SetMeanPixelRMS(const float rms) { fmeanPixelRMS = rms; } void SetMeanADCRMS(const float rms) { fmeanADCRMS = rms; } void SetStatus(const int i, const EPixelStatus status) { fStatus[i] = status; } void SetTime(const int i, const double time) { fTime[i] = time; } ///< [timeslots] void SetTimeErr(const int i, const double error) { fTimeErr[i] = error; } ///< [timeslots] void SetCharge(const int i, const double charge) { fCharge[i] = charge; } ///< [adcCounts] void SetChi(const int i, const double chi) { fChi[i] = chi; } void SetThreshold(const int i, const int t) { fThreshold[i] = t; } void SetCalibrationConstant(const int i, const double cal) { fCalibConst[i] = cal; } void SetHighGainSaturated(const int i) { fHighGainSaturatedPixels.insert(i); } void SetLowGainSaturated(const int i) { fLowGainSaturatedPixels.insert(i); } void SetSaturationRecovered(const int i) { fSaturationRecoveredPixels.insert(i); } void SetDataTrace(const int i, const std::vector& trace); void SetSpotRecTrace(const int i, const std::vector& trace); void SetSimTrace(const std::vector& trace, const int iPixel, const FdApertureLight::ELightComponent source, const int offset); void SetRMS(const int i, const double rms) { fRMS[i] = rms; } void SetPulseStart(const int i, const int start) { fPulseStart[i] = start; } void SetPulseStop(const int i, const int stop) { fPulseStop[i] = stop; } private: int fnPixel; int fnTrigPixel; int fnRecPixel; int fnTracePixel; float fmeanPixelRMS; float fmeanADCRMS; std::vector fID; std::vector fStatus; std::vector fTime; std::vector fTimeErr; std::vector fChi; std::vector fCharge; std::vector fThreshold; std::set fHighGainSaturatedPixels; std::set fLowGainSaturatedPixels; std::set fSaturationRecoveredPixels; std::map fDataTrace; std::map fSpotRecTrace; std::map fSimTraceComponents; std::map fSimTraceComponentsOffset; std::map fPulseStart; std::map fPulseStop; std::map fRMS; std::map fCalibConst; ClassDef(FdRecPixel, 10); }; #endif