#ifndef _atm_AAerosolSQLManager_h_ #define _atm_AAerosolSQLManager_h_ /** \file Manager for aerosol portion of atmospheric monitoring database \author Tom Paul \author Darko Veberic \version $Id: AAerosolSQLManager.h 18230 2011-01-03 17:15:30Z dembinski $ \date 22 Jan 2004 \date 12 Jan 2007 DV update */ #include #include #ifdef AUGER_SQLITE_ENABLED #include #else #include #endif static const char CVSId_atm_AAerosolSQLManager[] = "$Id: AAerosolSQLManager.h 18230 2011-01-03 17:15:30Z dembinski $"; namespace atm { /** \brief Manager for aerosol portion of atmospheric monitoring database \author Tom Paul \author Darko Veberic \version $Id: AAerosolSQLManager.h 18230 2011-01-03 17:15:30Z dembinski $ \date 22 Jan 2004 \date 12 Jan 2007 DV update \ingroup managers */ class AAerosolSQLManager : public det::VSQLManager { public: AAerosolSQLManager(); VSQLMANAGER_GETDATA_GETDBDATA(double) VSQLMANAGER_GETDATA_GETDBDATA(int) VSQLMANAGER_GETDATA_GETDBDATA(std::string) VSQLMANAGER_GETDATA_GETDBDATA(std::vector) VSQLMANAGER_GETDATA_GETDBDATA(std::vector) VSQLMANAGER_GETDATA_GETDBDATA(std::vector) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(std::vector) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(utl::TabulatedFunction) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(utl::TabulatedFunctionComplexLgAmpPhase) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(std::list) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(std::list) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(std::list) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(std::list >) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(std::map) VMANAGER_GETDATA_DENIED(std::map) private: // Helper methods that sends the DB query and retrieves a MYSQL_RES*. // This method is present mainly to separate the comparitively verbose // query code from the shorter bit of code which uses the templated type. // for fundamental types virtual Status GetDBResFundamental(const std::string& tableName, const std::string& columnName, const IndexMap& componentIndex) const; // for vector of fundamental types virtual Status GetDBResVector(const std::string& tableName, const std::string& columnName, const IndexMap& componentIndex) const; }; } // atm #endif // _atm_AAerosolSQLManager_h_ // Configure (x)emacs for this file ... // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // compile-command: "make -C .. -k" // End: