/** \file Accumulator.h \author Darko Veberic \date 24 Aug 2008 \version $Id: Accumulator.h 20959 2012-04-17 16:44:19Z tartare $ */ #ifndef _utl_Accumulator_h_ #define _utl_Accumulator_h_ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace utl { namespace Accumulator { template class Min { public: typedef T Type; Min(const T first) : fMin(first) { } void operator()(const T x) { if (fMin > x) fMin = x; } T GetMin() const { return fMin; } void Clear(const T x) { fMin = x; } protected: Min() { fMin = T(); } void SetFirst(const T x) { fMin = x; } void Clear() { fMin = T(); } private: T fMin; }; template class Max { public: typedef T Type; Max(const T first) : fMax(first) { } void operator()(const T x) { if (fMax < x) fMax = x; } T GetMax() const { return fMax; } void Clear(const T x) { fMax = x; } protected: Max() { fMax = T(); } void Clear() { fMax = T(); } private: T fMax; }; template class MinMax : public Min, public Max { public: typedef T Type; MinMax(const T first) : Min(first), Max(first) { } MinMax(const T firstMin, const T firstMax) : Min(firstMin), Max(firstMax) { } void operator()(const T x) { Min::operator()(x); Max::operator()(x); } void Clear(const T x) { Clear(x, x); } void Clear(const T min, const T max) { Min::Clear(min); Max::Clear(max); } protected: MinMax() { } void Clear() { Min::Clear(); Max::Clear(); } }; class AverageN { public: AverageN() : fX(0) { } void operator()(const double x) { fX += x; } double GetAverage(const int n) const { return fX / n; } double GetSum() const { return fX; } void Clear() { fX = 0; } protected: double fX; }; class Average { public: Average() : fAvg(), fN(0) { } void operator()(const double x) { fAvg(x); ++fN; } double GetAverage() const { return fAvg.GetAverage(fN); } int GetN() const { return fN; } void Clear() { fAvg.Clear(); fN = 0; } private: AverageN fAvg; int fN; }; template class MinMaxAverage : public Min, public Max, public Average { public: typedef T Type; MinMaxAverage(const T first) : Min(first), Max(first) { Average::operator()(first); } void operator()(const T x) { Min::operator()(x); Max::operator()(x); Average::operator()(x); } void Clear(const T x) { Min::Clear(x); Max::Clear(x); Average::Clear(); Average::operator()(x); } protected: MinMaxAverage() { } void Clear() { Min::Clear(); Max::Clear(); Average::Clear(); } }; // class Validator { public: Validator() : fIsValid(false) { } bool IsValid() const { return fIsValid; } void Validate(const bool state = true) { fIsValid = state; } void Clear() { fIsValid = false; } private: bool fIsValid; }; /** This class enables the usage of the uninitialized versions (default empty constructors) of the accumulators that require the first value to be passed in the constructor. Example: \code Accumulator::Safe > min; if (min) cout << "min is initialized" << endl; else cout << "min is uninitialized" << endl; min(13); if (min) cout << "min is initialized" << endl; else cout << "min is uninitialized" << endl; cout << min.GetMin() << endl; \endcode This example prints \code min is uninitialized min is initialized 13 \endcode */ template class Safe : public AccumulatorT, public Validator, public SafeBoolCast > { public: void operator()(const typename AccumulatorT::Type x) { if (*this) AccumulatorT::operator()(x); else { AccumulatorT::Clear(x); Validate(); } } bool BoolCast() const { return IsValid(); } void Clear() { AccumulatorT::Clear(); Validator::Clear(); } }; // class SampleVarianceN : public AverageN { public: SampleVarianceN() : AverageN(), fX2(0) { } void operator()(const double x) { AverageN::operator()(x); fX2 += Sqr(x); } double GetVariance(const int n) const { return (fX2 - Sqr(fX)/n) / (n - 1); } double GetAverageError(const int n) const { return std::sqrt(GetVariance(n)/n); } double GetSumOfSquares() const { return fX2; } void Clear() { AverageN::Clear(); fX2 = 0; } protected: double fX2; }; // class SampleStandardDeviationN : public SampleVarianceN { public: SampleStandardDeviationN() : SampleVarianceN() { } void operator()(const double x) { SampleVarianceN::operator()(x); } double GetStandardDeviation(const int n) const { return std::sqrt(GetVariance(n)); } }; // class SampleVariance : public Average { public: SampleVariance() : Average(), fVariance() { } void operator()(const double x) { Average::operator()(x); fVariance(x); } double GetVariance() const { return fVariance.GetVariance(Average::GetN()); } double GetAverageError() const { return fVariance.GetAverageError(GetN()); } double GetSumOfSquares() const { return fVariance.GetSumOfSquares(); } void Clear() { Average::Clear(); fVariance.Clear(); } protected: SampleVarianceN fVariance; }; /** \class SampleStandardDeviation Accumulator.h "utl/Accumulator.h" \brief Accumulates and calculates standard deviation Typical usage: \code vector v; utl::Accumulator::SampleStandardDeviation sigma; for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), sigma); cout << sigma.GetStandardDeviation() << endl; \endcode or in within some loop \code vector v; utl::Accumulator::SampleStandardDeviation sigma; for (vector::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { ... sigma(*it); ... } \endcode */ class SampleStandardDeviation : public SampleVariance { public: SampleStandardDeviation() : SampleVariance() { } void operator()(const double x) { SampleVariance::operator()(x); } double GetStandardDeviation() const { return std::sqrt(GetVariance()); } }; // class CorrelationCoefficient { public: unsigned int GetN() const { return fX.GetN(); } double GetAverageX() const { return fX.GetAverage(); } double GetAverageY() const { return fY.GetAverage(GetN()); } double GetAverageXY() const { return fXY.GetAverage(GetN()); } double GetStandardDeviationX() const { return fX.GetStandardDeviation(); } double GetStandardDeviationY() const { return fY.GetStandardDeviation(GetN()); } double GetCorrelationCoefficient() const { return GetN() * (GetAverageXY() - GetAverageX()*GetAverageY()) / ((GetN() - 1) * GetStandardDeviationX() * GetStandardDeviationY()); } void Clear() { fX.Clear(); fY.Clear(); fXY.Clear(); } void operator()(const double x, const double y) { fX(x); fY(y); fXY(x*y); } private: SampleStandardDeviation fX; SampleStandardDeviationN fY; AverageN fXY; }; // class Threshold { public: Threshold(const double threshold, const double baseline = 0, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fThreshold(n, threshold), fBaseline(n, baseline), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n) { } /*Threshold(const double threshold, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fThreshold(n, threshold), fBaseline(n, 0), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n) { }*/ /*template Threshold(const Vector& threshold, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fThreshold(&threshold[0], &threshold[n]), fBaseline(n, 0), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n) { }*/ template Threshold(const Vector& threshold, const Vector& baseline, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fThreshold(&threshold[0], &threshold[n]), fBaseline(&baseline[0], &baseline[n]), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n) { } template bool operator()(const Vector* const v) const { int coincidences = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fN; ++i) { coincidences += ((v[i] - fBaseline[i]) >= fThreshold[i]); } return (coincidences >= fMultiplicity); } private: const int fN; const std::vector fThreshold; const std::vector fBaseline; const int fMultiplicity; }; class ThresholdLatch { public: ThresholdLatch(const double threshold, const double baseline, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, baseline, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fLatch(false) { } /*ThresholdLatch(const double threshold, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fLatch(false) { }*/ /*template ThresholdLatch(const Vector& threshold, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fLatch(false) { }*/ template ThresholdLatch(const Vector& threshold, const Vector& baseline, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, baseline, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fLatch(false) { } template bool operator()(const T* const v) { const bool trigger = fThreshold(v); fLatch(trigger); return trigger; } bool GetLatch() const { return fLatch.GetMax(); } void Clear() { fLatch.Clear(false); } private: Threshold fThreshold; Max fLatch; }; class TimeOverThreshold { public: /*TimeOverThreshold(const double threshold, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fNBins(nBins), fWindow(window) { Clear(); }*/ TimeOverThreshold(const double threshold, const double baseline, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, baseline, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fNBins(nBins), fWindow(window) { Clear(); } /*template TimeOverThreshold(const Vector& threshold, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fNBins(nBins), fWindow(window) { Clear(); }*/ template TimeOverThreshold(const Vector& threshold, const Vector& baseline, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fThreshold(threshold, baseline, n, multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), fNBins(nBins), fWindow(window) { Clear(); } template bool operator()(const T* const v) { // fifo const bool trigger = fThreshold(v); fTriggersInWindow.push_front(trigger); fTriggerCount += trigger - fTriggersInWindow.back(); fTriggersInWindow.pop_back(); return fTriggerCount >= fNBins; } void Clear() { fTriggerCount = 0; fTriggersInWindow.clear(); fTriggersInWindow.resize(fWindow, false); } private: Threshold fThreshold; int fNBins; int fWindow; int fTriggerCount; std::deque fTriggersInWindow; }; class TimeOverThresholdDeconvoluted { public: /*TimeOverThresholdDeconvoluted(const double threshold, const double decayBins, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fDeconvolutionFactor(std::exp(-1/decayBins)), fMultiplicity(multiplicity), fBaseline(n, 0), fPrevious(n, 0), fCurrent(n, 0), fTimeOverThreshold(n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) fTimeOverThreshold[i].reset(new TimeOverThreshold(threshold, nBins, window, 1, 1)); Clear(); }*/ TimeOverThresholdDeconvoluted(const double threshold, const double baseline, const double decayBins, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fDeconvolutionFactor(std::exp(-1/decayBins)), fMultiplicity(multiplicity), fBaseline(n, baseline), fPrevious(n, 0), fCurrent(n, 0), fTimeOverThreshold(n) { // ToT triggers have zero baseline because they are subtracted in this class for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) fTimeOverThreshold[i].reset(new TimeOverThreshold(threshold, 0., nBins, window, 1, 1)); Clear(); } /*template TimeOverThresholdDeconvoluted(const Vector& threshold, const double decayBins, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fDeconvolutionFactor(std::exp(-1/decayBins)), fMultiplicity(multiplicity), fBaseline(n, 0), fPrevious(n, 0), fCurrent(n, 0), fTimeOverThreshold(n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) fTimeOverThreshold[i].reset(new TimeOverThreshold(threshold, nBins, window, 1, 1)); Clear(); }*/ template TimeOverThresholdDeconvoluted(const Vector& threshold, const Vector& baseline, const double decayBins, const int nBins, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fDeconvolutionFactor(std::exp(-1/decayBins)), fMultiplicity(multiplicity), fBaseline(&baseline[0], &baseline[n]), fPrevious(n, 0), fCurrent(n, 0), fTimeOverThreshold(n) { // ToT triggers have zero baseline because they are subtracted in this class Vector zeroBaseline; for (unsigned int i = 0; i != fBaseline.size(); ++i) zeroBaseline[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) fTimeOverThreshold[i].reset(new TimeOverThreshold(threshold, zeroBaseline, nBins, window, 1, 1)); Clear(); } template bool operator()(const T* const v) { for (int i = 0; i < fN; ++i) { fCurrent[i] = (v[i] - fBaseline[i] - fDeconvolutionFactor*fPrevious[i]) / (1 - fDeconvolutionFactor); fPrevious[i] = v[i] - fBaseline[i]; } int coincidences = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fN; ++i) coincidences += (*fTimeOverThreshold[i])(&fCurrent[i]); return (coincidences >= fMultiplicity); } void Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < fN; ++i) { fPrevious[i] = 0; fCurrent[i] = 0; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fTimeOverThreshold.size(); ++i) fTimeOverThreshold[i]->Clear(); } private: const int fN; const double fDeconvolutionFactor; const int fMultiplicity; const std::vector fBaseline; std::vector fPrevious; std::vector fCurrent; std::vector > fTimeOverThreshold; }; class MultiplicityOfPositiveSteps { public: MultiplicityOfPositiveSteps(const int low, const int high, const int nveto, const int nbin, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), //fPosSteps(0), //fJump(false), fNveto(nveto), fPrevious(n,0), fJumpCount(n,0), fWindow(window), fOneTrace(fWindow,false), fJumpsInWindow(n,fOneTrace), fCumulSteps(n,0), fNSatisfy(0), fLveto(n,0), fveto(n,0), fHigh(high), fLow(low), fMin(nbin) { Clear();} /*Threshold(const double threshold, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fThreshold(n, threshold), fBaseline(n, 0), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n) { }*/ /*template Threshold(const Vector& threshold, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fThreshold(&threshold[0], &threshold[n]), fBaseline(n, 0), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n) { }*/ template MultiplicityOfPositiveSteps(const int low, const int high, const int nveto, const int nbin, const int window, const int n = 1, const int multiplicity = 0) : fN(n), fMultiplicity(multiplicity ? multiplicity : n), //fPosSteps(0), //fJump(false), fNveto(nveto), fPrevious(n,0), fJumpCount(n,0), fJumpCountSum(0), fWindow(window), fOneTrace(fWindow,false), fJumpsInWindow(n,fOneTrace), fCumulSteps(n,0), fNSatisfy(0), fLveto(n,0), fveto(n,0), fHigh(high), fLow(low), fMin(nbin) { Clear(); } template bool operator()(const T* const v) //const { for (int i = 0; i < fN; ++i) { if(fPrevious[i] == -1) { fPrevious[i] = v[i]; return false; } int IsJump = 0; int step = v[i]-fPrevious[i]; if(step<=0){ IsJump += (fCumulSteps[i] >= fLow && fCumulSteps[i] <= fHigh && fveto[i] <= 0); if(fNveto >= 0 && fCumulSteps[i] >=16){ fLveto[i]=2; if(fCumulSteps[i] >=32) fLveto[i]++; if(fCumulSteps[i] >=63) fLveto[i]++; if(fCumulSteps[i] >=128) fLveto[i]++; if(fCumulSteps[i] >=256) fLveto[i]++; if(fCumulSteps[i] >=512) fLveto[i]++; fveto[i] = std::max(fveto[i],fNveto+fLveto[i]); } fCumulSteps[i] = 0; } else fCumulSteps[i] += step; if(fveto[i] > 0) fveto[i]--; fJumpsInWindow[i].push_front(IsJump); fJumpCount[i] += IsJump - int(fJumpsInWindow[i].back()); fNSatisfy += (fJumpCount[i] > fMin); fJumpsInWindow[i].pop_back(); fPrevious[i] = v[i]; } return (fNSatisfy >= fMultiplicity); } void Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < fN; ++i) { fPrevious[i] = -1; fJumpCount[i] = 0; fLveto[i] = 0; fveto[i] = 0; fJumpsInWindow[i].clear(); fJumpsInWindow[i].resize(fWindow, false); } fJumpsInWindow.resize(fN,fOneTrace); } private: const int fN; const int fMultiplicity; int fNveto; std::vector fPrevious; std::vector fJumpCount; int fJumpCountSum; int fPosSteps; int fWindow; std::deque fOneTrace; std::vector< std::deque > fJumpsInWindow; std::vector fCumulSteps; int fNSatisfy; std::vector fLveto; std::vector fveto; const int fHigh; const int fLow; const int fMin; }; } // namespace Accumulator } // namespace utl #endif