#ifndef _utl_BinomialCache_h_ #define _utl_BinomialCache_h_ #include #include namespace utl { /** \class BinomialCoefficients BinomialCoefficients.h "utl/BinomialCoefficients.h" \brief Calculates binomial coefficients and caches the results Call to the class' operator(n, k) is equivalent to binomial coefficient \f${n \choose k}\f$. Due to rounding errors for the explicit formula with factorials (division of large numbers) this generator is using the Pascal triangle relations instead, i.e. \f[ {n \choose k} = {n-1 \choose k-1} + {n-1 \choose k}, \f] where only addition of moderate sized numbers can be maintained even for fairly large n. Usage: \code BinomialCoefficients& binomial = BinomialCoefficients::GetInstance(); const double b_4_2 = binomial(4, 2); \endcode \author Darko Veberic \date 05 Sep 2009 \version $Id: BinomialCoefficients.h 20954 2012-04-17 13:18:40Z tartare $ \ingroup math */ class BinomialCoefficients : public Singleton { public: BinomialCoefficients(const int initialN = 3) : fMaxN(0), fCoefficients(1, 1) { Generate(initialN); } double operator()(const int n, const int k) { if (k < 0 || k > n) return 0; if (n > fMaxN) Generate(n); return GetUnchecked(n, k); } private: double& GetUnchecked(const int n, const int k) { return fCoefficients[n*(n+1)/2 + k]; } void Generate(const int n); int fMaxN; std::vector fCoefficients; }; } #endif