#ifndef _utl_Integrator_h_ #define _utl_Integrator_h_ #include #include #include namespace utl { /** \class Integrator Integrator.h "utl/Integrator.h" \brief Class for integration of functions with one independent parameter. \author Darko Veberic \version $Id: Integrator.h 20246 2012-01-24 16:39:48Z dembinski $ \date 15 Mar 2007 \ingroup math Example of usage: \code // define function through the functor class class SinFunctor { public: SinFunctor(const double frequency, const double amplitude) : fFrequency(frequency), fAmplitude(amplitude) { } double operator()(const double x) const { return fAmplitude * sin(fFrequency * x); } private: const double fFrequency; const double fAmplitude; }; ... // one time integration SinFunctor sinf(3.1415, 2); const double intSin = MakeIntegrator(sinf).GetIntegral(0, 1); ... // repeated use of the integrator double result = 0; SinFunctor sinf(3.1415, 10); const utl::Integrator integrator(sinf); for (double d = 0; d < 100; d += 3) result += integrator.GetIntegral(d, d+3); \endcode Simple functions that do not need initialization or additional parameters can be used directly (without the functor): \code double MyLog(const double x) { return std::log(x); } const double res = MakeIntegrator(MyLog).GetIntegral(1, 2); \endcode Note that some built-in function do not have a static binding (like log(), exp() etc) and have to be wrapped in functor or function. */ template class Integrator { public: Integrator(Functor& functor, const double accuracy = 1e-5) : fFunctor(functor), fAccuracy(accuracy) { } /// final accuracy goal of the integration void SetAccuracy(const double accuracy) { fAccuracy = accuracy; } /// call this method when you do not care about the specific implementation double GetIntegral(const double a, const double b) const { return GetRombergIntegral(a, b); } /** \brief Romberg integration Setting order to 2 is equivalent to the Simpson's method. */ double GetRombergIntegral(const double a, const double b, const int order = 5, const int maxIterations = 20) const { const double delta = b - a; std::vector tInt(maxIterations+1); std::vector tStep(maxIterations+1); double oldInt = tInt[0] = GetBoxAverage(a, delta, 2); tStep[0] = delta; int i; for (i = 1; i < order; ++i) { oldInt = tInt[i] = GetTrapezoidalAverage(oldInt, a, delta, i); tStep[i] = delta/(1 << (2*i)); // h^2 } const double eps = 0.5*fAccuracy; double extrapolation = 0; for (; i <= maxIterations; ++i) { oldInt = tInt[i] = GetTrapezoidalAverage(oldInt, a, delta, i); tStep[i] = delta/(1 << (2*i)); // extrapolate h^2 dependence for h->0 const int first = i - order + 1; double residual; extrapolation = PolynomialInterpolation(order, &tStep[first], &tInt[first], 0, residual); if (fabs(residual) <= eps*fabs(extrapolation)) return delta*extrapolation; } if (fabs(extrapolation) > fAccuracy) WARNING("Maximal level limit reached, result is not accurate."); return delta*extrapolation; } /// Simpson improvement build on top of the trapezoidal integration double GetSimpsonIntegral(const double a, const double b, const int minLevel = 4, const int maxLevel = 20) const { const double delta = b - a; double trapezAverage = GetBoxAverage(a, delta, 2); int level; for (level = 1; level < minLevel; ++level) trapezAverage = GetTrapezoidalAverage(trapezAverage, a, delta, level); double trapezOld = trapezAverage; trapezAverage = GetTrapezoidalAverage(trapezAverage, a, delta, level++); double simpsonOld = (4./3)*trapezAverage - (1./3)*trapezOld; for (; level <= maxLevel; ++level) { trapezOld = trapezAverage; trapezAverage = GetTrapezoidalAverage(trapezAverage, a, delta, level); const double simpsonAverage = (4./3)*trapezAverage - (1./3)*trapezOld; if (fabs(simpsonAverage - simpsonOld) < fAccuracy*fabs(simpsonAverage) || (!simpsonAverage && !simpsonOld)) return delta*simpsonAverage; simpsonOld = simpsonAverage; } if (fabs(simpsonOld) > fAccuracy) WARNING("Maximal level limit reached, result is not accurate."); return delta*simpsonOld; } /// basic trapezoidal integration double GetTrapezoidalIntegral(const double a, const double b, const int minLevel = 4, const int maxLevel = 20) const { const double delta = b - a; double average = GetBoxAverage(a, delta, 2); int level; for (level = 1; level <= minLevel; ++level) average = GetTrapezoidalAverage(average, a, delta, level); for (; level <= maxLevel; ++level) { const double old = average; average = GetTrapezoidalAverage(average, a, delta, level); if (fabs(average - old) < fAccuracy*fabs(average) || (!average && !old)) return delta*average; } if (fabs(average) > fAccuracy) WARNING("Maximal level limit reached, result is not accurate."); return delta*average; } private: /** \brief Calculates succsessive approximations to the function average \param previousApproximation: result of the level-1 call \param a: start of the integration interval \param delta: width of the integration interval (b - a) \param level: should be greater or equal to 1 (see point scheme below) The evaluation points are generated according to the following scheme: \code interval level a b n 0 x x 2 <-- done by GetBoxAverage() 1 | x | 1 2 | x x | 2 3 | x x x x | 4 4 | x x x x x x x x | 8 5 |x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x| 16 x = function evaluation \endcode */ double GetTrapezoidalAverage(const double previousApproximation, const double a, const double delta, const int level) const { const int n = 1 << (level - 1); const double step = delta/n; return 0.5*(previousApproximation + GetBoxAverage(a+0.5*step, step, n)); } /// average of a function represented with equidistant boxes double GetBoxAverage(const double start, const double step, const int n) const { double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const double x = start + i*step; sum += fFunctor(x); } return sum/n; } Functor& fFunctor; double fAccuracy; }; /// convenience factory template inline Integrator MakeIntegrator(Functor& f) { return Integrator(f); } template class VectorIntegrator { public: VectorIntegrator(Functor& functor, const double accuracy = 1e-5) : fFunctor(functor), fAccuracy(accuracy) { } /// final accuracy goal of the integration void SetAccuracy(const double accuracy) { fAccuracy = accuracy; } /// Romberg integration, for details see utl::Integrator void GetIntegral(double* result, const double a, const double b, const int order = 5, const int maxIterations = 20) const { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) result[k] = 0; const double delta = b - a; std::vector tInt[dim]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) tInt[k].resize(maxIterations+1); std::vector tStep(maxIterations+1); double oldInt[dim]; GetBoxAverage(oldInt, a, delta, 2); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) tInt[k][0] = oldInt[k]; tStep[0] = delta; int i; for (i = 1; i < order; ++i) { GetTrapezoidalAverage(oldInt, a, delta, i); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) tInt[k][i] = oldInt[k]; tStep[i] = delta/(1 << (2*i)); // h^2 } const double eps = 0.5*fAccuracy; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) result[k] = 0; for (; i <= maxIterations; ++i) { GetTrapezoidalAverage(oldInt, a, delta, i); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) tInt[k][i] = oldInt[k]; tStep[i] = delta/(1 << (2*i)); // extrapolate h^2 dependence for h->0 const int first = i - order + 1; unsigned int nAccepted = 0; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) { double residual; result[k] = PolynomialInterpolation(order, &tStep[first], &tInt[k][first], 0, residual); if (fabs(residual) <= eps*fabs(result[k])) ++nAccepted; } if (nAccepted == dim) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) result[k] *= delta; return; } } WARNING("Maximal level limit reached, result is not accurate."); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) result[k] *= delta; } private: void GetTrapezoidalAverage(double* previousApproximation, const double a, const double delta, const int level) const { const int n = 1 << (level - 1); const double step = delta/n; double add[dim]; GetBoxAverage(add, a+0.5*step, step, n); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) previousApproximation[k] = 0.5*(previousApproximation[k] + add[k]); } /// average of a function represented with equidistant boxes void GetBoxAverage(double* sum, const double start, const double step, const int n) const { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) sum[k] = 0; double result[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const double x = start + i*step; fFunctor(result, x); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) sum[k] += result[k]; } for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dim; ++k) sum[k]/=n; } Functor& fFunctor; double fAccuracy; }; } #endif