#ifndef _utl_MathConstants_h_ #define _utl_MathConstants_h_ /** \file \brief Mathematical constants For unit conversions (including degree <-> radian), use the constants from the utl/AugerUnits.h header. For machine limits, use the numerical_limits template from the standard limits header. \author Lukas Nellen \version $Id: MathConstants.h 20547 2012-03-14 11:05:29Z munger $ \date 23 Sep 2003 \ingroup units math */ #include static const char CVSId_utl_MathConstants[] = "$Id: MathConstants.h 20547 2012-03-14 11:05:29Z munger $"; namespace utl { const double kPi = 3.1415926535897932384626; const double kPiOnTwo = 0.5*kPi; const double kTwoPi = 2*kPi; const double kE = 2.7182818284590452353602; const double kLn10 = 2.3025850929940456840180; const double kSqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488017; const double kSqrt3 = 1.7320508075688772935274; const double kSqrt2Pi = 2.5066282746310005024158; const double kSqrtPi = 1.7724538509055160272982; // Euler-Mascheroni Constant const double kEulerGamma = 0.5772156649015328606065; } // utl #endif // Configure (x)emacs for this file ... // Local Variables: // mode: c++ // compile-command: "make -C .. -k" // End: