# REAS V3.11 by Tim Huege & Marianne Ludwig - parameter file # For details see: # Ludwig, M., Huege, T., Astroparticle Physics 34 (2011), 438-446, doi:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2010.10.012 # Portions related to refractive index developed in collaboration with Clancy James # Portions related to electric fields based on work of Stijn Buitink # global parameters: ParameterFileVersion = 22 ; do not change manually NumParticlesToCalculate = 10000000000 NumSimultaneousParticles = 1000000 RandomSeed = 7219786 ; -1: chosen randomly, other: chosen manually AtmosphereModel = 10 ; 0: US Standard, 10: Argentina Winter, 20: Europe January, 30: South Pole March, 90: Constant Density CurvedGeometry = 0 EarthRadius = 637131500 ; in cm, only used if Curved = 1 # parameters setting up the spatial observer configuration: CoreCoordinateNorth = 0 ; in cm CoreCoordinateWest = 0 ; in cm CoreCoordinateVertical = 156145 ; in cm # parameters setting up the temporal observer configuration: TimeLowerBoundary = -1 ; in s, only if AutomaticTimeBoundaries set to 0 TimeUpperBoundary = 1 ; in s, only if AutomaticTimeBoundaries set to 0 TimeResolution = 2e-10 ; in s GroundLevelRefractiveIndex = 1.000292 ; specify refractive index at 0 m asl # parameters setting the optimisation strategies: AutomaticTimeBoundaries = 4e-07 ; 0: off, x: automatic boundaries with width x in s ResolutionReductionScale = 5000 ; 0: off, x: decrease time resolution linearly every x cm in radius AutomaticLambdaEnlargementToggle = 1 AutomaticBinInactivationToggle = 1 ComparisonLowestFrequency = 0 ; in Hz, for automatic groundbin inactivation ComparisonHighestFrequency = 100000000 ; in Hz, for automatic groundbin inactivation RequiredRelativePrecision = 0.001 ; in case of automatic groundbin inactivation SufficientDynamicRange = 0.001 ; in case of automatic groundbin inactivation NumPrecisionComparisons = 5 ; in case of automatic groundbin inactivation TrajectoryPointsPerUnitPathDepth = 0 ShowerEvolutionClippingDistance = 100000 ; in cm MeanPathDepth = 0.05 ; in g/cm^2 PathDepthProjectionToggle = 1 ; backproject path depths appropriately # parameters read from CORSIKA files, these are not interpreted by REAS but stated here for your convenience PrimaryParticleEnergy = 6.4921e+18 ; in eV PrimaryParticleType = 14 ; as defined in CORSIKA ShowerZenithAngle = 27.6742 ; in degrees ShowerAzimuthAngle = 171.122 ; in degrees, 0: shower propagates to north, 90: to west DepthOfShowerMaximum = 733.9512939 ; slant depth in g/cm^2 (not used in case of CORSIKA histogrammed shower evolution) MagneticFieldStrength = 0.2433372855 ; in Gauss MagneticFieldInclinationAngle = -35.5672773 ; in degrees, >0: in northern hemisphere, <0: in southern hemisphere # parameters specific to CORSIKA based showers - other parameters are read from the CORSIKA input file: CorsikaFilePath = ./ ; path to the CORSIKA files (cannot include space characters!) CorsikaParameterFile = RUN005101.inp ; specify CORSIKA card file CorsikaSlantOptionToggle = 1 ; set to 1 if CORSIKA option SLANT is used SelectedCorsikaShower = 1 ; i: i-th shower ShowerEvolutionShift = 0 ; apply slant depth shift to CORSIKA-derived shower evolution, in g/cm^2 # parameters related to electric field effects: ElectricFieldToggle = 0 ; only usable with special CORSIKA version! ElectricFieldStrength = 35 ; in V/m ElectricFieldInclinationAngle = 90 ; in degrees, 90: field points downwards ElectricFieldAzimuthAngle = 0 ; in degrees, 90: field points westwards # event information for Auger-Offline simulations: RunNumber = 2150 EventNumber = 194551 GPSSecs = 986929067 GPSNanoSecs = 926779000 CoreEastingPampaAmarilla = -26076.9 ; in meters CoreNorthingPampaAmarilla = 15130.4 ; in meters CoreVerticalPampaAmarilla = 90.215 ; in meters RotationAngleForMagfieldDeclination = 2.714 ; in degrees