# # File specialprimdemo.inp: A first example on how to use the "special" # primary particles feature of AIRES (Since # version 2.2.0). # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # As you see, all characters following '#' are ignored, as well as blank lines. # Every AIRES input file is a set of directives. All directives must be placed # in a single line, which can have up to 176 characters. # This file is similar to "demo1.inp", but it uses the "special" primary # feature. Skip &next The directive "Skip" skips all text until the label &label is found. Notice that it is not equivalent to a "go to" statement since it is not possible to skip backwards. This statement is useful to introduce plain text in the input files (with no need of single line comment '#' characters), as well to skip a part of the directives without deleting the lines. &next # Remarks will appear in the summary file. The "Remark" directive can be # abbreviated and has two alternative forms: Remark EXAMPLE WITH SPECIAL PRIMARIES # 1.- Single-line remarks. Rem &eor # 2.- Multi-line remarks. This is an example of an input file for AIRES. There are many things to learn here. &eor # You can place as many remarks as you want. # The directives can be placed in any order. # The input directives define a "task". Tasks are identified by their # task name and (eventually) version. If not defined, the version is zero. Task demospp # Use "Task demospp 5" to explicitly set task version to 5. # # DEFINING A NEW "SPECIAL" PRIMARY PARTICLE. # AddSpecialParticle manyhadrons specialprim0 # The first argument of the preceding directive is the name given to the # special particle being defined (up to 16 characters). The second field # is an executable module which will be invoked by the simulation program # at the beginning of every showers. This module must generate the # actual primary particle(s) to insert in the stacks before going on with # the propagation of the shower. # In this example "specialprim0" refers to the executable program generated # after compiling the file "specialprim0.f" (located inside this "demo" # directory). It is the user's responsibility to have this program correctly # compiled before processing this demo. # It is possible to define up to 10 special particles for a given task. # It is also possible to pass parameters to the executable progam, # placing them in the AddSpecialParticle directive after the # module's name. Additionally, it is possible to define global variables # that are readable from within the executable module. Such global variables # can be defined using the SetGlobal directive like in the following # examples (see the documentation for details): SetGlobal MYVAR1 String associated with this variable. SetGlobal Static MYVAR2 0.001567 # The following directives are mandatory (have no default values) # Look that TAB characters can also be used in place of blanks. # The primary particle is a "special" one. TotalShowers 3 PrimaryParticle manyhadrons PrimaryEnergy 1 PeV # All other parameters will be assigned a default value if not set. RunsPerProcess 3 # You will understand these directives when running ShowersPerRun 1 # the program (see the user's manual). Thinning 1e-4 Rel # Relative as well as Absolute specifications allowed. Ground 1000 g/cm2 # Most quantities are specified by two fields: # "number" and "unit". In this case "unit" can be # g/cm2, cm, m or km # # You can freely set the number of observing levels to record the shower # longitudinal development. You can define up to 510 observing levels and # (optionally) altitude of the highest and lowest levels. ObservingLevels 41 100 g/cm2 900 g/cm2 # Threshold energies. Particles are not followed below these energies. GammaCutEnergy 200 KeV ElectronCutEnergy 200 KeV MuonCutEnergy 1 MeV MesonCutEnergy 1.5 MeV NuclCutEnergy 150 MeV # The seed of the random number generator is set manually. RandomSeed 0.2560013287 # IDL allows inclusion of other input files. Input demo1s.inp # The remaining directives are in file "demo1s.inp" End The file is not scanned beyond an "End" directive.