// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4FRConst.hh,v 1.7 2006/06/29 21:16:36 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02 $ // // Satoshi TANAKA, Tue Jul 2 15:30:49 JST 1996 /////////////////////////////////// ///// G4FRConst.hh ///// /////////////////////////////////// #if !defined G4_FR_COMMAND_LIST_HH #define G4_FR_COMMAND_LIST_HH //----- Header comment const char FR_G4_PRIM_HEADER [] = "##G4.PRIM-FORMAT-2.4" ; //const char FR_PHYSICAL_VOLUME_NAME [] = "#/PhysicalVolumeName" ; const char FR_PHYSICAL_VOLUME_NAME [] = "#/PVName" ; //----- Execution control (beginning with !) const char FR_GUI [] = "!GraphicalUserInterface" ; const char FR_DEVICE [] = "!Device" ; const char FR_SET_CAMERA [] = "!SetCamera" ; const char FR_OPEN_DEVICE [] = "!OpenDevice" ; const char FR_CLOSE_DEVICE [] = "!CloseDevice" ; const char FR_DRAW_ALL [] = "!DrawAll" ; const char FR_CLEAR_DATA [] = "!ClearData" ; const char FR_QUIT [] = "!Quit" ; const char FR_DISCONNECT_DAWND [] = "!DisconnectDawnd" ; const char FR_TERMINATE_DAWND [] = "!TerminateDawnd" ; const char FR_SAVE [] = "!Save" ; const char FR_END_SAVE [] = "!EndSave" ; const char FR_WAIT [] = "!Wait" ; const char FR_PAUSE [] = "!Pause" ; //----- Drawing Style const char FR_WIREFRAME [] = "/Wireframe" ; const char FR_SURFACE [] = "/Surface" ; const char FR_LINES [] = "/Lines" ; //----- Begin and End of Modeling const char FR_BEGIN_MODELING [] = "!BeginModeling" ; const char FR_END_MODELING [] = "!EndModeling" ; //----- Bounding box const char FR_BOUNDING_BOX [] = "/BoundingBox" ; const char FR_BOUNDING_BOX_UNIT [] = "/BoundingBox -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5" ; //----- Number of divising curved surface const int FR_DEFALUT_NDIV_VALUE = 24 ; const char FR_NDIV [] = "/Ndiv" ; const char FR_NDIV_DEFAULT [] = "/Ndiv 24" ; const char FR_NDIV_3 [] = "/Ndiv 3" ; const char FR_NDIV_4 [] = "/Ndiv 4" ; const char FR_NDIV_8 [] = "/Ndiv 8" ; const char FR_NDIV_16 [] = "/Ndiv 16" ; const char FR_NDIV_24 [] = "/Ndiv 24" ; const char FR_NDIV_48 [] = "/Ndiv 48" ; const char FR_NDIV_96 [] = "/Ndiv 96" ; //----- Camera information const char FR_CAMERA_POSITION[] = "/CameraPosition" ; const char FR_CAMERA_POSITION_DEFAULT[] = "/CameraPosition 100000.0 0.0 0.0" ; // see from far upward position const char FR_TARGET_POINT [] = "/TargetPoint"; const char FR_ZOOM_FACTOR [] = "/ZoomFactor"; const char FR_SCALE [] = "/Scale"; const char FR_FOCAL_DISTANCE [] = "/FocalDistance"; //----- Body coordinate information const char FR_BASE_VECTOR [] = "/BaseVector" ; // Give e1 and e2. Then e3 is calculated. const char FR_BASE_VECTOR_DEFAULT [] = "/BaseVector 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0" ; const char FR_ORIGIN [] = "/Origin" ; const char FR_ORIGIN_DEFAULT [] = "/Origin 0.0 0.0 0.0" ; //----- Attribute information const char FR_DIFFUSE_RGB [] = "/DiffuseRGB" ; // old name of /ColorRGB const char FR_COLOR_RGB [] = "/ColorRGB" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_DEFAULT [] = "/ColorRGB 1.0 1.0 1.0" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_WHITE [] = "/ColorRGB 1.0 1.0 1.0" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_RED [] = "/ColorRGB 1.0 0.0 0.0" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_GREEN [] = "/ColorRGB 0.0 1.0 0.0" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_BLUE [] = "/ColorRGB 0.0 0.0 1.0" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_CYAN [] = "/ColorRGB 0.0 1.0 1.0" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_MAGENTA [] = "/ColorRGB 1.0 0.0 1.0" ; const char FR_COLOR_RGB_YELLOW [] = "/ColorRGB 1.0 1.0 0.0" ; const char FR_SPECULAR_RGB [] = "/SpecularRGB" ; const char FR_SPECULAR_RGB_DEFAULT [] = "/SpecularRGB 1.0 1.0 1.0" ; const char FR_SPECULAR_RGB_WHITE [] = "/SpecularRGB 1.0 1.0 1.0" ; const char FR_PHONG_POWER [] = "/PhongPower" ; const char FR_PHONG_POWER_DEFAULT [] = "/PhongPower 3" ; const char FR_TRANSPARENCY [] = "/Transparency" ; const char FR_TRANSPARENCY_ON [] = "/Transparency 1 " ; // transparent const char FR_TRANSPARENCY_OFF [] = "/Transparency 0 " ; // non-transparent const char FR_FORCE_WIREFRAME [] = "/ForceWireframe" ; const char FR_FORCE_WIREFRAME_ON [] = "/ForceWireframe 1" ; const char FR_FORCE_WIREFRAME_OFF [] = "/ForceWireframe 0" ; const char FR_VISIBILITY [] = "/Visibility" ; const char FR_VISIBILITY_ON [] = "/Visibility 1" ; // visible const char FR_VISIBILITY_OFF [] = "/Visibility 0" ; // invisible //----- 3D Primitives const char FR_POLYHEDRON [] = "/Polyhedron" ; const char FR_VERTEX [] = "/Vertex" ; const char FR_FACET [] = "/Facet" ; const char FR_END_POLYHEDRON [] = "/EndPolyhedron" ; const char FR_BOX [] = "/Box" ; const char FR_BOX_UNIT [] = "/Box 0.5 0.5 0.5" ; // dx, dy, dz const char FR_COLUMN [] = "/Column" ; const char FR_COLUMN_UNIT [] = "/Column 0.5 0.5" ; // R dz const char FR_POLYLINE [] = "/Polyline" ; const char FR_PL_VERTEX [] = "/PLVertex" ; const char FR_PL_VERTEX_OLD [] = "PLVertex" ; const char FR_END_POLYLINE [] = "/EndPolyline" ; const char FR_TRD [] = "/Trd" ; // /Trd dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 dz ; const char FR_TRAP [] = "/Trap" ; // /Trap dz theta phi h1 bl1 tl1 alpha1 h2 bl2 tl2 alpha2 const char FR_TUBS [] = "/Tubs" ; // /Tubs rmin rmax dz sphi dphi const char FR_CONS [] = "/Cons" ; // /Cons rmin1 rmax1 rmin2 rmax2 dz sphi dphi const char FR_SPHERE [] = "/Sphere" ; // /Sphere R const char FR_SPHERE_SEG [] = "/SphereSeg" ; // /SphereSeg rmin rmax s_theta d_theta s_phi d_phi const char FR_PARA [] = "/Parallelepiped" ; // /Parallelepiped dx dy dz tanAlpha tanTheta_cosPhi tanTheta_sinPhi const char FR_PCON [] = "/PolyCone" ; // /PolyCone sphi dphi nz z[nz] rmin[nz] rmax[nz] const char FR_PGON [] = "/PolyGon" ; // /PolyGon sphi dphi ndiv nz z[nz] rmin[nz] rmax[nz] const char FR_TORUS [] = "/Torus" ; // /PolyGon sphi dphi ndiv nz z[nz] rmin[nz] rmax[nz] //----- Marks I (arg: x y z half_size_3d) const char FR_FONT_NAME [] = "/FontName" ; //----- Marks I (arg: x y z half_size_3d) const char FR_MARK_CIRCLE_2D [] = "/MarkCircle2D" ; const char FR_MARK_SQUARE_2D [] = "/MarkSquare2D" ; const char FR_MARK_TEXT_2D [] = "/MarkText2D" ; // /MarkText2D x y z size_world x_offset_world y_offset_world string //----- Marks II (arg: x y z half_size_2d) const char FR_MARK_CIRCLE_2DS [] = "/MarkCircle2DS" ; const char FR_MARK_SQUARE_2DS [] = "/MarkSquare2DS" ; const char FR_MARK_TEXT_2DS [] = "/MarkText2DS" ; // /MarkText2DS x y z size_pt x_offset_pt y_offset_pt string //----- Text const char FR_TEXT_2DS [] = "/Text2DS" ; //----- For DAWNCUT const char FR_CLIPPING_PLANE [] = "/ClippingPlane" ; // /ClippingPlaneMarkCross2D a b c d // for plane ax + by + cz + d = 0 #endif