// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4NURBS.hh,v 1.10 2006/06/29 19:05:28 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02 $ // // Olivier Crumeyrolle 12 September 1996 // G4NURBS.hh // prototype for class G4NURBS - see documentation in graphics_reps/doc. // OC 280896 // Class Description: // Base class for shapes with NURBS drawing style. // See documentation in graphics_reps/doc for details. #ifndef __C_G4NURBS__ #define __C_G4NURBS__ 1 #include "globals.hh" #include "G4Visible.hh" // The internal floating point type is G4Float, defined line 162 #include "G4ios.hh" #include "G4Point3D.hh" #include "G4Vector3D.hh" class G4NURBS : public G4Visible { public: // NO public constructor. A G4NURBS must be builded with a child class. // Pure virtual function Whoami so one can't instanciate G4NURBS at all. // Whoami return a string describing the NURBS (e.g "Box") // * this string must not contain any \n * // this string is *not* yours (const char) virtual const char* Whoami() const = 0; // the copy constructor is private. // destructor. virtual ~G4NURBS(); // direction selector defined as a type because the user will use it // and we want the user to be well-manered. // However internally this typed enum is not as easy to use as it // could be (we can't ++). "t_" means it's a kind of local type. enum t_direction { U = 0, V = 1, DMask = 1, // NofD : Number of Directions NofD = 2 // DMask : direction mask for fast range control, }; // e.g. : m[a_dir & DMask] // external representation for t_direction (just U -> 'U' V -> 'V') static char Tochar(t_direction in_dir); // mother index type (I'd like to be able to use unsigned G4int // but it's impossible) typedef unsigned int t_index; // type for knot index, derivate from t_index typedef t_index t_indKnot; // type for ctrlpt coord and ctrlpt index typedef unsigned int t_indCoord; typedef unsigned int t_indCtrlPt; // mono index typedef t_index t_inddCtrlPt; // bi dim index, derivate from t_index // why only t_inddCtrlPt and t_indKnot (and t_order further) // "derive" of t_index ? Because only these ones need // to be compatible (order + nbrctrlpts = nbrknots in a given direction) // Ok, typedefs are not true type derivation, // but this is the "spirit" of declarations with t_index. // To do true derivation we need true classes // but classes for int are wastefull with today's compilers. // Note that these index types are defined // without knowledge of the indexed items types and that's perfect. // interface data type for the rationnal control points enum { X, Y, Z, W, NofC }; // NofC : number of coordinates // not typed as t_indCoord so loops are easy // to write, but the user is less restricted typedef G4double t_doubleCtrlPt [NofC]; // with doubles typedef G4float t_floatCtrlPt [NofC]; // with floats // access functions for others (e.g. GraphicsModel) G4int GetUorder() const; G4int GetVorder() const; G4int GetUnbrKnots() const; G4int GetVnbrKnots() const; G4int GetUnbrCtrlPts() const; G4int GetVnbrCtrlPts() const; G4int GettotalnbrCtrlPts() const; G4double GetUmin() const; G4double GetUmax() const; G4double GetVmin() const; G4double GetVmax() const; void CalcPoint(G4double u, G4double v, G4Point3D &p, G4Vector3D &utan, G4Vector3D &vtan) const; // alternate access functions with G4NURBS::t_direction // e.g. mynurb.Getorder(G4NURBS::U) // these functions never fail because in_dir is masked G4int Getorder(t_direction in_dir) const; G4int GetnbrKnots(t_direction in_dir) const; G4int GetnbrCtrlPts(t_direction in_dir) const; // crude access to knots vector and control points. // float and double versions. // * one should rather use the iterators below * // get a *copy* of the value; this copy is the user's // one, so the user is intended to manage it (including delete). // in_dir is masked, in_index checked and rounded. // errors on G4cerr G4float GetfloatKnot(t_direction in_dir, t_indKnot in_index) const; G4double GetdoubleKnot(t_direction in_dir, t_indKnot in_index) const; t_floatCtrlPt* GetfloatCtrlPt(t_indCtrlPt in_onedimindex) const; t_floatCtrlPt* GetfloatCtrlPt(t_inddCtrlPt in_Uindex, t_inddCtrlPt in_Vindex) const; t_doubleCtrlPt* GetdoubleCtrlPt(t_indCtrlPt in_onedimindex) const; t_doubleCtrlPt* GetdoubleCtrlPt(t_inddCtrlPt in_Uindex, t_inddCtrlPt in_Vindex) const; // complete copy functions // the user don't control the allocation and the copy process // but he/she own the result and will have to delete it // when he/she does not need it any more. G4float* GetfloatAllKnots(t_direction in_dir) const; G4double* GetdoubleAllKnots(t_direction in_dir) const; G4float* GetfloatAllCtrlPts() const; G4double* GetdoubleAllCtrlPts() const; // the iterators need that, the user does not protected: // internal type for reel numbers // ( Float is defined in templates.hh and is // under the control of HIGH_PRECISION ) typedef Float G4Float; public: // internal type for order, derivate from t_index typedef t_index t_order; // internal type for knot typedef G4Float t_Knot; protected: // internal types for the control points typedef G4Float t_Coord; typedef t_Coord t_CtrlPt [NofC]; // (nb: templates.hh included in globals.hh) // type for ref counting //typedef unsigned int t_refcount; public: // iterators for an .... iterative access to knots and control points // errors are reported on G4cerr // they are friends, they use the protected members. // one can have as many iterators as he/she wants working in the same time. // declarations of iterators class KnotsIterator; class CtrlPtsCoordsIterator; class CtrlPtsIterator; // friendness declarations for iterators friend class KnotsIterator; friend class CtrlPtsCoordsIterator; friend class CtrlPtsIterator; // Example for the KnotsIterator // G4float * my_array, * my_float_p; // my_float_p = my_array = new float [my_nurb.GetnbrKnots(G4NURBS::U)]; // G4NURBS::KnotsIterator my_iterator(my_nurb, G4NURBS::U); // while (my_iterator.pick(my_float_p++)); // that's all! my_array contain all the U knots. class KnotsIterator { public: KnotsIterator(const G4NURBS & in_rNurb, t_direction in_dir, t_indKnot in_startIndex = 0); G4bool pick(G4double * inout_pDbl); G4bool pick(G4float * inout_pFlt); //~KnotsIterator(); protected: const t_direction kmdir; const t_Knot * const kmpMax; const t_Knot * mp; }; // the CtrlPtsCoordsIterator. Works like the knots' one : // G4float * my_array, * my_float_p; // my_float_p = my_array = // new float [my_nurb.GettotalnbrCtrlPts()*G4NURBS::NofC*sizeof(float)]; // G4NURBS::CtrlPtsCoordsIterator my_iterator(my_nurb); // while (my_iterator.pick(my_float_p++)); // after the while statement; my_float_p point just after the array // Remember ctrlpts are given U index increasing first class CtrlPtsCoordsIterator { public: CtrlPtsCoordsIterator(const G4NURBS & in_rNurb, t_indCtrlPt in_startCtrlPtIndex = 0); G4bool pick(G4double * inout_pDbl); G4bool pick(G4float * inout_pFlt); //~CtrlPtsCoordsIterator(); protected: const t_Coord * const kmpMax; const t_Coord * mp; }; // this iterator work CtrlPt by CtrlPt // see the << overload for an example class CtrlPtsIterator { public: CtrlPtsIterator(const G4NURBS & in_rNurb, t_indCtrlPt in_startIndex = 0); G4bool pick(t_doubleCtrlPt * inout_pDblCtrlPt); G4bool pick(t_floatCtrlPt * inout_pFltCtrlPt); //~CtrlPtsIterator(); protected: const t_CtrlPt * const kmpMax; const t_CtrlPt * mp; }; // Q: a directional Iterator to extract one col/row of CtrlPts ? protected: // little structure containing data for each direction struct t_Dir { t_order order; t_inddCtrlPt nbrCtrlPts; t_indKnot nbrKnots; t_Knot * pKnots; //t_refcount nbralias; }; // check flag for the constructor typedef enum { NOcheck, check } t_CheckFlag; // first constructor (see G4NURBScylinder.cc for an example) // compulsory arguments : // order of the surface in U and V direction // number of control points in U and V direction // control points array (usualy empty here, *but* allocated) // optional arguments : // U and V knots vector (can be automaticaly generated) // check flag (default is to check!) // G4NURBS (t_order in_Uorder, t_order in_Vorder, t_inddCtrlPt in_UnbrCtrlPts, t_inddCtrlPt in_VnbrCtrlPts, t_CtrlPt * in_pCtrlPts, t_Knot * in_pUKnots = 0, t_Knot * in_pVKnots = 0, t_CheckFlag in_CheckFlag = check ); // NB: the minimal NURBS is order 1, 2 knots, => 1 control points // one can actually define some curves with G4NURBS, set U as you want // set the V dir as order 1, 1 ctrlpt, 2 knots { 0 1 } // OpenGL work with this kind of data // second constructor (easier to use) (see G4NURBStube.cc for an example) // compulsory arguments : // order of the surface in U and V direction // number of control points in U and V direction // optional arguments : // U and V knots vector generation flag (automaticaly or not) // check flag (default is to check!) // Allocations are Done for the user // but he/she still have to fill some arrays // For the moment I don't see yet how to ensure // that the user correctly fill the arrays // (in particular how avoid out of range access) // without class types for arrays. public: // knots vector generation flag enum t_KnotVectorGenFlag { UserDefined, // The user will fill the array (in the child constructor // for instance). Regular, // First and last knot repeated order time // other knots regularly spaced, unrepeated. // Typically used for "linear" knots vector RegularRep // First and last knot repeated order time // other knots regularly spaced but repeated one time. // Typically used for "circular" knots vector and alikes. }; //t_KnotVectorGenFlag protected: // external representation for t_KnotVectorGenFlag // as a << overload. // (used in errors report) friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inout_OutStream, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_KVGFlag); G4NURBS (t_order in_Uorder, t_order in_Vorder, t_inddCtrlPt in_UnbrCtrlPts, t_inddCtrlPt in_VnbrCtrlPts, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_UKVGFlag = Regular, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_VKVGFlag = Regular, t_CheckFlag in_CheckFlag = check ); // nurbs data t_Dir m[NofD]; // t_Dir : order nbrCtrlPts nbrKnots pKnots t_indCtrlPt mtotnbrCtrlPts; // Total number of control points t_CtrlPt * mpCtrlPts; // U increasing first, V after //t_refcount mnbralias; // ref count for mpCtrlPts // 2dim index to 1 dim conversion t_indCtrlPt To1d(t_inddCtrlPt in_Uindex, t_inddCtrlPt in_Vindex) const; // internal functions for converting the internal // data points to the interface type required // one can do some better things with class conversion // but for the moment control point data types are not class. // static functions. // if changed to member functions, one must add the const // status and rewrite calls with an instance in // some of the get functions. // return a float copy static t_floatCtrlPt* TofloatCtrlPt(const t_CtrlPt &); // return a double copy static t_doubleCtrlPt* TodoubleCtrlPt(const t_CtrlPt &); // Building functions // KnotsVector builder // static function that work on a t_Dir and its // knot vector. So we can define // some knots vector outside a nurbs // object. (This avoid the existence // of some incompletly defined nurbs object, // used just as knots vector container) // Return true if succesfull. // ALWAYS allocate the knots array. // (return false and do nothing if it already exists (ie != 0)) // Always fail if order + nbrCtrlPt != nbrKnots static G4bool MakeKnotVector(t_Dir & inout_dirdat, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_KVGFlag); static G4bool MakeKnotVector(t_Dir * p_inoutdirdat, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_KVGFlag); static void CP(G4NURBS::t_CtrlPt & rcp, t_Coord x, t_Coord y, t_Coord z, t_Coord w); static void CP(G4NURBS::t_CtrlPt & rcp, t_Coord x, t_Coord y, t_Coord z, t_Coord w, G4Float factor); private: // check function used internally by constructors. // no returned value because all errors reported are fatals. // (assume order + nbrCtrlPts == nbrKnots // cf constructors to understand why) void Conscheck() const; // copy constructor. // Not really necessary for geant. A warning is issued when used. G4NURBS(const G4NURBS &); }; // external representation for t_KnotVectorGenFlag std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inout_OutStream, G4NURBS::t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_KVGFlag); // << overload to dump a nurbs // writted with public access functions // do not depends on protected part std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & inout_outStream, const G4NURBS & in_kNurb); /*********************************************************************** * * * Inline code for public access functions. * * depends on the protected part * * * ***********************************************************************/ inline G4int G4NURBS::GetUorder() const { return m[U].order; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GetVorder() const { return m[V].order; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GetUnbrKnots() const { return m[U].nbrKnots; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GetVnbrKnots() const { return m[V].nbrKnots; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GetUnbrCtrlPts() const { return m[U].nbrCtrlPts; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GetVnbrCtrlPts() const { return m[V].nbrCtrlPts; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GettotalnbrCtrlPts() const { return mtotnbrCtrlPts; } inline G4double G4NURBS::GetUmin() const { return (G4double) m[U].pKnots[GetUorder()-1]; } inline G4double G4NURBS::GetUmax() const { return (G4double) m[U].pKnots[GetUnbrCtrlPts()]; } inline G4double G4NURBS::GetVmin() const { return (G4double) m[V].pKnots[GetVorder()-1]; } inline G4double G4NURBS::GetVmax() const { return (G4double) m[V].pKnots[GetVnbrCtrlPts()]; } inline G4int G4NURBS::Getorder(G4NURBS::t_direction in_dir) const { return m[in_dir & DMask].order; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GetnbrKnots(G4NURBS::t_direction in_dir) const { return m[in_dir & DMask].nbrKnots; } inline G4int G4NURBS::GetnbrCtrlPts(G4NURBS::t_direction in_dir) const { return m[in_dir & DMask].nbrCtrlPts; } inline char G4NURBS::Tochar(G4NURBS::t_direction in_dir) { return (in_dir?'V':'U'); } /*********************************************************************** * * * inline code for protected functions * * * ***********************************************************************/ // convert two dim. index to one dim. //( Ctrl Pts are stored U increasing first ) // no check. inline G4NURBS::t_indCtrlPt G4NURBS::To1d(t_inddCtrlPt in_Uindex, t_inddCtrlPt in_Vindex) const { return in_Uindex + in_Vindex*m[U].nbrCtrlPts; } // return a float copy inline G4NURBS::t_floatCtrlPt* G4NURBS::TofloatCtrlPt(const t_CtrlPt & in_krcp) { G4NURBS::t_floatCtrlPt * pcopy = new G4NURBS::t_floatCtrlPt [1]; for (G4int indCoord = X; indCoord < NofC; indCoord++) (*pcopy)[indCoord] = (G4float)in_krcp[indCoord]; return pcopy; } // return a double copy inline G4NURBS::t_doubleCtrlPt* G4NURBS::TodoubleCtrlPt(const t_CtrlPt & in_krcp) { G4NURBS::t_doubleCtrlPt * pcopy = new G4NURBS::t_doubleCtrlPt [1]; for (G4int indCoord = X; indCoord < NofC; indCoord++) (*pcopy)[indCoord] = (G4double)in_krcp[indCoord]; return pcopy; } // MakeKnotVector alias inline G4bool G4NURBS::MakeKnotVector(G4NURBS::t_Dir * p_inoutdirdat, G4NURBS::t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_KVGFlag) { return MakeKnotVector(*p_inoutdirdat, in_KVGFlag); } /*********************************************************************** * * * inlines functions to simplify control points definition * * see GG4NURBSbox.cc for instance * * * ***********************************************************************/ inline void G4NURBS::CP(G4NURBS::t_CtrlPt & rcp, t_Coord x, t_Coord y, t_Coord z, t_Coord w) { rcp[G4NURBS::X]=x; rcp[G4NURBS::Y]=y; rcp[G4NURBS::Z]=z; rcp[G4NURBS::W]=w; } // with a common factor inline void G4NURBS::CP(G4NURBS::t_CtrlPt & rcp, t_Coord x, t_Coord y, t_Coord z, t_Coord w, G4Float factor) { rcp[G4NURBS::X]=factor*x; rcp[G4NURBS::Y]=factor*y; rcp[G4NURBS::Z]=factor*z; rcp[G4NURBS::W]=factor*w; } #endif /* end of __C_G4NURBS__ */