// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4RunManager.hh,v 1.55 2010/11/15 09:49:32 asaim Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04 $ // // // class description: // // This is a class for run control in GEANT4 // // User must provide his own classes derived from the following // three abstract classes and register them to the RunManager. // G4VUserDetectorConstruction - Detector Geometry, Materials // G4VUserPhysicsList - Particle types and Processes // G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction - Event Generator selection // // In addition to the above mandatory classes, user can easily // customize of the default functionality of GEANT4 simulation // by making his own classes derived from the following 5 user // action classes. // G4UserRunAction - Actions for each Run // G4UserEventAction - Actions for each Event // G4UserStackingAction - Tracks Stacking selection // G4UserTrackingAction - Actions for each Track // G4UserSteppingAction - Actions for each Step // // G4RunManager is the only manager class in Geant4 kernel which // the user MUST construct an object by him/herself in the main(). // Also, G4RunManager is the only manager class in Geant4 kernel // which the user CAN derive it to costomize the behavior of the // run control. For this case, user should use protected methods // provided in this class for procedures he/she does not want to // change. // // G4RunManager or the derived class of it MUST be a singleton. // The user MUST NOT construct more than one object even if there // are two different concrete implementations. // // G4RunManager controls all of state changes. See G4ApplicationState.hh // in intercoms category for the meanings of each state. // #ifndef G4RunManager_h #define G4RunManager_h 1 // userAction classes class G4VUserDetectorConstruction; class G4VUserPhysicsList; class G4UserRunAction; class G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction; class G4UserEventAction; class G4UserStackingAction; class G4UserTrackingAction; class G4UserSteppingAction; class G4VPhysicalVolume; class G4LogicalVolume; class G4Region; class G4Timer; class G4RunMessenger; class G4DCtable; class G4Run; class G4PrimaryTransformer; #include "G4RunManagerKernel.hh" #include "G4Event.hh" #include "G4EventManager.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include #include class G4RunManager { public: // with description static G4RunManager* GetRunManager(); // Static method which returns the singleton pointer of G4RunManager or // its derived class. private: static G4RunManager* fRunManager; public: // with description G4RunManager(); virtual ~G4RunManager(); // The constructor and the destructor. The user must construct this class // object at the beginning of his/her main() and must delete it at the // bottom of the main(). public: // with description virtual void BeamOn(G4int n_event,const char* macroFile=0,G4int n_select=-1); // This method starts an event loof of "n_event" events. The condition of Geant4 // is examined before starting the event loop. This method must be invoked at // Idle state. The state will be changed to GeomClosed during the event loop and // will go back to Idle when the loop is over or aborted. // In case a string "macroFile" which represents the name of a macro file is given, // this macro file will be executed AT THE END of each event processing. In case // "n_select" is greater than zero, at the ond of first "n_select" events the macro // file is executed. virtual void Initialize(); // This method invokes all the necessary initialization procedures for an event // loop. This method must be invoked at the Geant4 state of PreInit or Idle. The // state will be changed to Init during the initialization procedures and then // changed to Idle. // This method invokes two protected methods, InitializeGeometry() and // InitializePhysics(). // After some event loops, the user can invoke this method once again. It is // required if the user changes geometry, physics process, and/or cut off value. // If the user forget the second invokation, G4RunManager will invoke BeamOn() // method will invoke this method. (Note that this feature is not valid for the // first initialization.) virtual void DefineWorldVolume(G4VPhysicalVolume * worldVol, G4bool topologyIsChanged=true); // This method must be invoked if the geometry setup has been changed between // runs. The flag 'topologyIsChanged' will specify if the geometry topology is // different from the original one used in the previous run; if not, it must be // set to false, so that the original optimisation and navigation history is // preserved. This method is invoked also at initialisation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////virtual void ResetNavigator() const; // Resets the state of the navigator for tracking; needed for geometry updates. // It forces the optimisation and navigation history to be reset. virtual void AbortRun(G4bool softAbort=false); // This method safely aborts the current event loop even if an event is in progress. // This method is available for Geant4 states of GeomClosed and EventProc. The state // will be changed to Idle, so that another event loop can be done. // If softAbort is true, the event loop is aborted after processing the current // event, while the current event is aborted if it is false. virtual void AbortEvent(); // This method aborts the currently processing event, remaining events in the // current event loop will be processed. This method is available only for // EventProc state. protected: // with description virtual void InitializeGeometry(); virtual void InitializePhysics(); // These protected methods are invoked from Initialize() method for the // initializations of geometry and physics processes. The user's concrete // G4VUserDetectorConstruction class will be accessed from InitializeGeometry() and // G4VUserPhysicsList class will be accessed from InitializePhysics(). virtual G4bool ConfirmBeamOnCondition(); virtual void RunInitialization(); virtual void DoEventLoop(G4int n_event,const char* macroFile=0,G4int n_select=-1); virtual void RunTermination(); // These four protected methods are invoked from BeamOn() method. These four methods // are invoked in this order. // ConfirmBeamOnCondition() method checks if all the necessary initializations have // already done. If the condition is not satisfied, false is returned and the follwing // three methods will be skipped. // RunInitialization() method initializes a run. For example, a G4Run class object // is constructed in this method. // DoEventLoop() method control an event loop. Arguments are same as BeamOn() method. // Inide the event loop, two following protected methods are invoked at the begining // and the end of each event. // RunTermination() method terminates a run processing. For example, a G4Run class // object is deleted in this class. If the user uses ODBMS and wants to store the // G4Run class object, he/she must override this method. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////virtual void BuildPhysicsTables(); // This method is invoked from RunInitialization() to create physics tables. virtual G4Event* GenerateEvent(G4int i_event); virtual void AnalyzeEvent(G4Event* anEvent); // These two protected methods are invoked from DoEventLoop() method at the begining // and the end of each event processing. // GenerateEvent() method constructs a G4Event class object and invoke the user's // G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction concrete class. If the user is using ODBMS and event // objects have been created and stored in the data base, he/she must override this // method. // AnalyzeEvent() stores an event to a data base if a concrete G4VPersistentManager // class is defined. public: // with description //////////////////////////////////////////////////////void UpdateRegion(); // Update region list. // This method is mandatory before invoking following two dump methods. // At RunInitialization(), this method is automatically invoked, and thus // the user needs not invoke. void DumpRegion(const G4String& rname) const; // Dump information of a region. void DumpRegion(G4Region* region=0) const; // Dump information of a region. // If the pointer is NULL, all regions are shown. protected: void StackPreviousEvent(G4Event* anEvent); protected: G4RunManagerKernel * kernel; G4EventManager * eventManager; G4VUserDetectorConstruction * userDetector; G4VUserPhysicsList * physicsList; G4UserRunAction * userRunAction; G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction * userPrimaryGeneratorAction; G4UserEventAction * userEventAction; G4UserStackingAction * userStackingAction; G4UserTrackingAction * userTrackingAction; G4UserSteppingAction * userSteppingAction; private: G4RunMessenger* runMessenger; protected: G4bool geometryInitialized; G4bool physicsInitialized; G4bool runAborted; G4bool initializedAtLeastOnce; G4bool geometryToBeOptimized; G4int runIDCounter; G4int verboseLevel; G4Timer * timer; G4DCtable* DCtable; G4Run* currentRun; G4Event* currentEvent; std::vector* previousEvents; G4int n_perviousEventsToBeStored; G4int numberOfEventToBeProcessed; G4bool storeRandomNumberStatus; G4int storeRandomNumberStatusToG4Event; G4String randomNumberStatusDir; G4String randomNumberStatusForThisRun; G4String randomNumberStatusForThisEvent; G4VPhysicalVolume* currentWorld; G4int nParallelWorlds; public: virtual void rndmSaveThisRun(); virtual void rndmSaveThisEvent(); virtual void RestoreRandomNumberStatus(const G4String& fileN); public: // with description inline void SetUserInitialization(G4VUserDetectorConstruction* userInit) { userDetector = userInit; } inline void SetUserInitialization(G4VUserPhysicsList* userInit) { physicsList = userInit; kernel->SetPhysics(userInit); } inline void SetUserAction(G4UserRunAction* userAction) { userRunAction = userAction; } inline void SetUserAction(G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction* userAction) { userPrimaryGeneratorAction = userAction; } inline void SetUserAction(G4UserEventAction* userAction) { eventManager->SetUserAction(userAction); userEventAction = userAction; } inline void SetUserAction(G4UserStackingAction* userAction) { eventManager->SetUserAction(userAction); userStackingAction = userAction; } inline void SetUserAction(G4UserTrackingAction* userAction) { eventManager->SetUserAction(userAction); userTrackingAction = userAction; } inline void SetUserAction(G4UserSteppingAction* userAction) { eventManager->SetUserAction(userAction); userSteppingAction = userAction; } // These methods store respective user initialization and action classes. inline const G4VUserDetectorConstruction* GetUserDetectorConstruction() const { return userDetector; } inline const G4VUserPhysicsList* GetUserPhysicsList() const { return physicsList; } inline const G4UserRunAction* GetUserRunAction() const { return userRunAction; } inline const G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction* GetUserPrimaryGeneratorAction() const { return userPrimaryGeneratorAction; } inline const G4UserEventAction* GetUserEventAction() const { return userEventAction; } inline const G4UserStackingAction* GetUserStackingAction() const { return userStackingAction; } inline const G4UserTrackingAction* GetUserTrackingAction() const { return userTrackingAction; } inline const G4UserSteppingAction* GetUserSteppingAction() const { return userSteppingAction; } // These methods returns respective user initialization and action classes. inline void SetNumberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks(G4int iAdd) { eventManager->SetNumberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks(iAdd); } // Set the number of additional (optional) waiting stacks. // This method must be invoked at PreInit, Init or Idle states. // Once the user set the number of additional waiting stacks, // he/she can use the corresponding ENUM in G4ClassificationOfNewTrack. inline const G4String& GetVersionString() const { return kernel->GetVersionString(); } inline void SetPrimaryTransformer(G4PrimaryTransformer* pt) { kernel->SetPrimaryTransformer(pt); } inline void StoreRandomNumberStatusToG4Event(G4int vl) // if vl = 1 : status before primary particle generation is stored // if vl = 2 : status before event processing (after primary particle generation) is stored // if vl = 3 : both are stored // if vl = 0 : none is stored (default) { storeRandomNumberStatusToG4Event = vl; eventManager->StoreRandomNumberStatusToG4Event(vl); } inline G4int GetFlagRandomNumberStatusToG4Event() const { return storeRandomNumberStatusToG4Event; } public: inline void SetRandomNumberStore(G4bool flag) { storeRandomNumberStatus = flag; } inline G4bool GetRandomNumberStore() const { return storeRandomNumberStatus; } inline void SetRandomNumberStoreDir(const G4String& dir) { G4String dirStr = dir; if( dirStr(dirStr.length()-1) != '/' ) dirStr += "/"; #ifndef WIN32 G4String shellCmd = "mkdir -p "; #else std::replace(dirStr.begin(), dirStr.end(),'/','\\'); G4String shellCmd = "mkdir "; #endif shellCmd += dirStr; randomNumberStatusDir = dirStr; system(shellCmd); } inline const G4String& GetRandomNumberStoreDir() const { return randomNumberStatusDir; } inline const G4String& GetRandomNumberStatusForThisRun() const { return randomNumberStatusForThisRun; } inline const G4String& GetRandomNumberStatusForThisEvent() const { if(storeRandomNumberStatusToG4Event==0 || storeRandomNumberStatusToG4Event==2) { G4Exception("Random number status is not available for this event."); } return randomNumberStatusForThisEvent; } public: // with description inline void GeometryHasBeenModified() { kernel->GeometryHasBeenModified(); } // This method must be invoked (or equivalent UI command can be used) // in case the user changes his/her detector geometry after // Initialize() metho has been invoked. Then, at the begining of the next BeamOn(), // all necessary re-initialization will be done. inline void PhysicsHasBeenModified() { kernel->PhysicsHasBeenModified(); } // This method must be invoked (or equivalent UI command can be used) // in case the user changes his/her physics process(es), e.g. (in)activate // some processes. Once this method is invoked, regardless of cuts are // changed or not, BuildPhysicsTable() of PhysicsList is invoked for // refreshing all physics tables. inline void CutOffHasBeenModified() { G4cerr << "CutOffHasBeenModified becomes obsolete." << G4endl; G4cerr << "It is safe to remove invoking this method." << G4endl; } public: // with description void ReOptimizeMotherOf(G4VPhysicalVolume*); // This method may be used if the orientation and/or size of this // particular physical volume has been modified while rest of the // geometries in the world has not been changed. This avoids the // full re-optimization of the entire geometry tree which is forced // if GeometryHasBeenModified() method is invoked. void ReOptimize(G4LogicalVolume*); // Same as above, but the mother logical volume is specified. public: inline void SetVerboseLevel(G4int vl) { verboseLevel = vl; kernel->SetVerboseLevel(vl); } inline G4int GetVerboseLevel() const { return verboseLevel; } inline void SetGeometryToBeOptimized(G4bool vl) { if(geometryToBeOptimized != vl) { geometryToBeOptimized = vl; kernel->GeometryHasBeenModified(); kernel->SetGeometryToBeOptimized(vl); } } inline G4bool GetGeometryToBeOptimized() { return geometryToBeOptimized; } public: // with description inline void SetNumberOfEventsToBeStored(G4int val) { n_perviousEventsToBeStored = val; } // Sets the number of events to be kept after processing. That is, "val" previous // events can be used with the most recent event for digitizing pileup. "val"+1 // previous event is deleted. // This method must be invoked before starting the event loop. inline const G4Run* GetCurrentRun() const { return currentRun; } // Returns the pointer to the current run. This method is available for Geant4 // states of GeomClosed and EventProc. inline const G4Event* GetCurrentEvent() const { return currentEvent; } // Returns the pointer to the current event. This method is available for EventProc // state. inline const G4Event* GetPreviousEvent(G4int i) const { if(i>=1 && i<=n_perviousEventsToBeStored) { return (*previousEvents)[i-1]; } return 0; } // Returns the pointer to the "i" previous event. This method is availavle for // EventProc state. In case the event loop has not yet to reach to the requested // event, null will be returned. To use this method, SetNumberOfEventsToBeStored() // method mentioned above must be invoked previously to the event loop. inline void SetRunIDCounter(G4int i) { runIDCounter = i; } // Set the run number counter. Initially, the counter is initialized to zero and // incremented by one for every BeamOn(). inline G4int GetNumberOfParallelWorld() const { return nParallelWorlds; } public: inline void SetDCtable(G4DCtable* DCtbl) { DCtable = DCtbl; } public: void ConstructScoringWorlds(); protected: void UpdateScoring(); }; #endif