// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4SteppingManager.hh,v 1.32 2010/10/06 13:17:15 kurasige Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04 $ // //--------------------------------------------------------------- // // G4SteppingManager.hh // // class description: // This is the class which plays an essential role in tracking // the particle. It takes cares all message passing between // objects in the different categories (for example, // geometry(including transportation), interactions in // matter, etc). It's public method 'stepping' steers to step // the particle. // Geant4 kernel use only // // Contact: // Questions and comments to this code should be sent to // Katsuya Amako (e-mail: Katsuya.Amako@kek.jp) // Takashi Sasaki (e-mail: Takashi.Sasaki@kek.jp) // //--------------------------------------------------------------- // modified for new ParticleChange 12 Mar. 1998 H.Kurashige class G4SteppingManager; #ifndef G4SteppingManager_h #define G4SteppingManager_h 1 class G4VSensitiveDetector; #include "G4ios.hh" // Include from 'system' #include // Include from 'system' #include // Include from 'system' #include "globals.hh" // Include from 'global' #include "Randomize.hh" // Include from 'global' #include "G4Navigator.hh" // Include from 'geometry' #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh" // Include from 'geometry' #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" // Include from 'geometry' #include "G4ProcessManager.hh" // Include from 'piim' #include "G4Track.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4TrackVector.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4TrackStatus.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4StepStatus.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4UserSteppingAction.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4Step.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4StepPoint.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4VSteppingVerbose.hh" // Include from 'tracking' #include "G4TouchableHandle.hh" // Include from 'geometry' #include "G4TouchableHistoryHandle.hh" // Include from 'geometry' // typedef std::vector G4SelectedAtRestDoItVector; typedef std::vector G4SelectedAlongStepDoItVector; typedef std::vector G4SelectedPostStepDoItVector; static const size_t SizeOfSelectedDoItVector=100; // In global scope for porting on WIN-VC compiler... /////////////////////// class G4SteppingManager /////////////////////// { //-------- public: //without description //-------- // Constructor/Destructor G4SteppingManager(); // SteppingManger should be dynamically persistent, therefore // you need to invoke new() when you call this constructor. // "Secodary track vector" will be dynamically created by this // cosntructor. "G4UserSteppingAction" will be also constructed // in this constructor, and "this" pointer will be passed to // "G4UserSteppingAction". ~G4SteppingManager(); // Get/Set functions const G4TrackVector* GetSecondary() const; void SetUserAction(G4UserSteppingAction* apAction); G4Track* GetTrack() const; void SetVerboseLevel(G4int vLevel); void SetVerbose(G4VSteppingVerbose*); G4Step* GetStep() const; // Other member functions G4StepStatus Stepping(); // Steers to move the give particle from the TrackingManger // by one Step. void SetInitialStep(G4Track* valueTrack); // Sets up initial track information (enegry, position, etc) to // the PreStepPoint of the G4Step. This funciton has to be called // just once before the stepping loop in the "TrackingManager". void GetProcessNumber(); // Get methods G4double GetPhysicalStep(); G4double GetGeometricalStep(); G4double GetCorrectedStep(); G4bool GetPreStepPointIsGeom(); G4bool GetFirstStep(); G4StepStatus GetfStepStatus(); G4double GetTempInitVelocity(); G4double GetTempVelocity(); G4double GetMass(); G4double GetsumEnergyChange(); G4VParticleChange* GetfParticleChange(); G4Track* GetfTrack(); G4TrackVector* GetfSecondary(); G4Step* GetfStep(); G4StepPoint* GetfPreStepPoint(); G4StepPoint* GetfPostStepPoint(); G4VPhysicalVolume* GetfCurrentVolume(); G4VSensitiveDetector* GetfSensitive(); G4VProcess* GetfCurrentProcess(); G4ProcessVector* GetfAtRestDoItVector(); G4ProcessVector* GetfAlongStepDoItVector(); G4ProcessVector* GetfPostStepDoItVector(); G4ProcessVector* GetfAlongStepGetPhysIntVector(); G4ProcessVector* GetfPostStepGetPhysIntVector(); G4ProcessVector* GetfAtRestGetPhysIntVector(); G4double GetcurrentMinimumStep(); G4double GetnumberOfInteractionLengthLeft(); size_t GetfAtRestDoItProcTriggered(); size_t GetfAlongStepDoItProcTriggered(); size_t GetfPostStepDoItProcTriggered(); G4int GetfN2ndariesAtRestDoIt(); G4int GetfN2ndariesAlongStepDoIt(); G4int GetfN2ndariesPostStepDoIt(); G4Navigator* GetfNavigator(); G4int GetverboseLevel(); size_t GetMAXofAtRestLoops(); size_t GetMAXofAlongStepLoops(); size_t GetMAXofPostStepLoops(); G4SelectedAtRestDoItVector* GetfSelectedAtRestDoItVector(); G4SelectedAlongStepDoItVector* GetfSelectedAlongStepDoItVector(); G4SelectedPostStepDoItVector* GetfSelectedPostStepDoItVector(); G4double GetfPreviousStepSize(); const G4TouchableHandle& GetTouchableHandle(); G4SteppingControl GetStepControlFlag(); G4Navigator GetNavigator(); G4UserSteppingAction* GetUserAction(); G4double GetphysIntLength(); G4ForceCondition GetfCondition(); G4GPILSelection GetfGPILSelection(); // G4bool KillVerbose; //--------- private: //--------- // Member functions void DefinePhysicalStepLength(); // Calculate corresponding physical length from the mean free path // left for each discrete phyiscs process. The minimum allowable // Step for each continious process will be also calculated. void InvokeAtRestDoItProcs(); void InvokeAlongStepDoItProcs(); void InvokePostStepDoItProcs(); void InvokePSDIP(size_t); // void SetNavigator(G4Navigator* value); G4double CalculateSafety(); // Return the estimated safety value at the PostStepPoint void ApplyProductionCut(G4Track*); // Member data G4UserSteppingAction* fUserSteppingAction; G4VSteppingVerbose* fVerbose; G4double PhysicalStep; G4double GeometricalStep; G4double CorrectedStep; G4bool PreStepPointIsGeom; G4bool FirstStep; G4StepStatus fStepStatus; G4double TempInitVelocity; G4double TempVelocity; G4double Mass; G4double sumEnergyChange; G4VParticleChange* fParticleChange; G4Track* fTrack; G4TrackVector* fSecondary; G4Step* fStep; G4StepPoint* fPreStepPoint; G4StepPoint* fPostStepPoint; G4VPhysicalVolume* fCurrentVolume; G4VSensitiveDetector* fSensitive; G4VProcess* fCurrentProcess; // The pointer to the process of which DoIt or // GetPhysicalInteractionLength has been just executed. G4ProcessVector* fAtRestDoItVector; G4ProcessVector* fAlongStepDoItVector; G4ProcessVector* fPostStepDoItVector; G4ProcessVector* fAtRestGetPhysIntVector; G4ProcessVector* fAlongStepGetPhysIntVector; G4ProcessVector* fPostStepGetPhysIntVector; size_t MAXofAtRestLoops; size_t MAXofAlongStepLoops; size_t MAXofPostStepLoops; size_t fAtRestDoItProcTriggered; size_t fAlongStepDoItProcTriggered; size_t fPostStepDoItProcTriggered; G4int fN2ndariesAtRestDoIt; G4int fN2ndariesAlongStepDoIt; G4int fN2ndariesPostStepDoIt; // These are the numbers of secondaries generated by the process // just executed. G4Navigator *fNavigator; G4int verboseLevel; G4SelectedAtRestDoItVector* fSelectedAtRestDoItVector; G4SelectedAlongStepDoItVector* fSelectedAlongStepDoItVector; G4SelectedPostStepDoItVector* fSelectedPostStepDoItVector; G4double fPreviousStepSize; G4TouchableHandle fTouchableHandle; G4SteppingControl StepControlFlag; G4double kCarTolerance; // Cached geometrical tolerance on surface G4double proposedSafety; // This keeps the minimum safety value proposed by AlongStepGPILs. G4ThreeVector endpointSafOrigin; G4double endpointSafety; // To get the true safety value at the PostStepPoint, you have // to subtract the distance to 'endpointSafOrigin' from this value. G4double physIntLength; G4ForceCondition fCondition; G4GPILSelection fGPILSelection; // Above three variables are for the method // DefinePhysicalStepLength(). To pass these information to // the method Verbose, they are kept at here. Need a more // elegant mechanism. }; //******************************************************************* // // Inline function // //******************************************************************* inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetPhysicalStep(){ return PhysicalStep; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetGeometricalStep(){ return GeometricalStep; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetCorrectedStep(){ return CorrectedStep; } inline G4bool G4SteppingManager::GetPreStepPointIsGeom(){ return PreStepPointIsGeom; } inline G4bool G4SteppingManager::GetFirstStep(){ return FirstStep; } inline G4StepStatus G4SteppingManager::GetfStepStatus(){ return fStepStatus; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetTempInitVelocity(){ return TempInitVelocity; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetTempVelocity(){ return TempVelocity; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetMass(){ return Mass; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetsumEnergyChange(){ return sumEnergyChange; } inline G4VParticleChange* G4SteppingManager::GetfParticleChange(){ return fParticleChange; } inline G4Track* G4SteppingManager::GetfTrack(){ return fTrack; } inline G4TrackVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfSecondary(){ return fStep->GetfSecondary(); } inline G4Step* G4SteppingManager::GetfStep(){ return fStep; } inline G4StepPoint* G4SteppingManager::GetfPreStepPoint(){ return fPreStepPoint; } inline G4StepPoint* G4SteppingManager::GetfPostStepPoint(){ return fPostStepPoint; } inline G4VPhysicalVolume* G4SteppingManager::GetfCurrentVolume(){ return fCurrentVolume; } inline G4VSensitiveDetector* G4SteppingManager::GetfSensitive(){ return fSensitive; } inline G4VProcess* G4SteppingManager::GetfCurrentProcess(){ return fCurrentProcess; } inline G4ProcessVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfAtRestDoItVector(){ return fAtRestDoItVector; } inline G4ProcessVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfAlongStepDoItVector(){ return fAlongStepDoItVector; } inline G4ProcessVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfPostStepDoItVector(){ return fPostStepDoItVector; } inline G4ProcessVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfAtRestGetPhysIntVector(){ return fAtRestGetPhysIntVector; } inline G4ProcessVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfAlongStepGetPhysIntVector(){ return fAlongStepGetPhysIntVector; } inline G4ProcessVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfPostStepGetPhysIntVector(){ return fPostStepGetPhysIntVector; } inline size_t G4SteppingManager::GetMAXofAtRestLoops(){ return MAXofAtRestLoops; } inline size_t G4SteppingManager::GetMAXofAlongStepLoops(){ return MAXofAlongStepLoops; } inline size_t G4SteppingManager::GetMAXofPostStepLoops(){ return MAXofPostStepLoops; } inline size_t G4SteppingManager::GetfAtRestDoItProcTriggered(){ return fAtRestDoItProcTriggered; } inline size_t G4SteppingManager::GetfAlongStepDoItProcTriggered(){ return fAtRestDoItProcTriggered; } inline size_t G4SteppingManager::GetfPostStepDoItProcTriggered(){ return fPostStepDoItProcTriggered; } inline G4int G4SteppingManager::GetfN2ndariesAtRestDoIt(){ return fN2ndariesAtRestDoIt; } inline G4int G4SteppingManager::GetfN2ndariesAlongStepDoIt(){ return fN2ndariesAlongStepDoIt; } inline G4int G4SteppingManager::GetfN2ndariesPostStepDoIt(){ return fN2ndariesPostStepDoIt; } inline G4Navigator* G4SteppingManager::GetfNavigator(){ return fNavigator; } inline G4int G4SteppingManager::GetverboseLevel(){ return verboseLevel; } inline G4SelectedAtRestDoItVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfSelectedAtRestDoItVector(){ return fSelectedAtRestDoItVector; } inline G4SelectedAlongStepDoItVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfSelectedAlongStepDoItVector(){ return fSelectedAlongStepDoItVector; } inline G4SelectedPostStepDoItVector* G4SteppingManager::GetfSelectedPostStepDoItVector(){ return fSelectedPostStepDoItVector; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetfPreviousStepSize(){ return fPreviousStepSize; } inline const G4TouchableHandle& G4SteppingManager::GetTouchableHandle() { return fTouchableHandle; } inline G4SteppingControl G4SteppingManager::GetStepControlFlag(){ return StepControlFlag; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::GetphysIntLength(){ return physIntLength; } inline G4ForceCondition G4SteppingManager::GetfCondition(){ return fCondition; } inline G4GPILSelection G4SteppingManager::GetfGPILSelection(){ return fGPILSelection; } inline const G4TrackVector* G4SteppingManager::GetSecondary() const { return fStep->GetSecondary(); } inline void G4SteppingManager::SetNavigator(G4Navigator* value){ fNavigator = value; } inline void G4SteppingManager::SetUserAction(G4UserSteppingAction* apAction){ fUserSteppingAction = apAction; } inline G4UserSteppingAction* G4SteppingManager::GetUserAction(){ return fUserSteppingAction; } inline G4Track* G4SteppingManager::GetTrack() const { return fTrack; } inline void G4SteppingManager::SetVerboseLevel(G4int vLevel){ verboseLevel = vLevel; } inline void G4SteppingManager::SetVerbose(G4VSteppingVerbose* yourVerbose){ fVerbose = yourVerbose; } inline G4Step* G4SteppingManager::GetStep() const { return fStep; } inline G4double G4SteppingManager::CalculateSafety(){ return std::max( endpointSafety - (endpointSafOrigin - fPostStepPoint->GetPosition()).mag(), kCarTolerance ); } #endif