// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4Surface.hh,v 1.12 2010/07/07 14:45:31 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04 $ // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class G4Surface // // Class description: // // Base class for a generic surface. // Authors: J.Sulkimo, P.Urban. // Revisions by: L.Broglia, G.Cosmo. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __surface_h #define __surface_h 1 #include "geomdefs.hh" #include "G4CurveVector.hh" #include "G4PointRat.hh" #include "G4Ray.hh" #include "G4BoundingBox3D.hh" #include "G4STEPEntity.hh" #include "G4SurfaceBoundary.hh" class G4Surface : public G4STEPEntity { public: // with description G4Surface(); virtual ~G4Surface(); // Constructor & destructor. G4int operator==( const G4Surface& s ); // Equality operator. virtual G4String GetEntityType() const; // Returns type information, needed for STEP output. virtual const char* Name() const; virtual G4int MyType() const; // Returns type information, redundant versions... void SetBoundaries(G4CurveVector*); // Sets the boundaries of the surface. The curves in the CurveVector // must be non-intersecting closed curves. virtual G4double HowNear( const G4Vector3D& x ) const; // Returns the distance from the point x to the Surface. // The default for a Surface is the distance from the point to the // origin. Overridden by derived classes to take into account boundaries. virtual G4double ClosestDistanceToPoint(const G4Point3D& Pt); // Returns the closest distance to point Pt, as for HowNear() above. // This one is used by G4BREPSolid. inline G4Vector3D GetOrigin() const; inline G4double GetDistance() const; inline void SetDistance(G4double Dist); inline G4int IsActive() const; inline void SetActive(G4int act); inline void Deactivate(); inline void SetSameSense(G4int sameSense0); inline G4int GetSameSense() const; inline G4BoundingBox3D* GetBBox(); inline const G4Point3D& GetClosestHit() const; inline void SetNextNode(G4Surface*); inline G4Surface* GetNextNode(); // Get/Set methods for surface's attributes. virtual void Reset(); // Resets basic attributes. virtual G4int Intersect(const G4Ray&); // Should return the intersection with a ray. Cannot be called from // G4Surface base class. Overridden by subclasses. virtual G4Vector3D Normal( const G4Vector3D& p ) const; // Returns the Normal unit vector to a Surface at the point p on // (or nearly on) the Surface. The default is not well defined, // so return ( 0, 0, 0 ). Overridden by subclasses. virtual void CalcBBox(); // Calculates the bounds for a bounding box to the surface. // The bounding box is used for a preliminary check of intersection. public: // without description static void Project (G4double& Coord, const G4Point3D& Pt, const G4Plane& Pl); // Utility function returning the projection (Coord) of a point Pt // on a plane Pl. virtual G4double GetUHit() const; virtual G4double GetVHit() const; // Overriden by BSplineSurface. // uhit and vhit are never set. virtual G4Point3D Evaluation(const G4Ray& G4Rayref); virtual G4int Evaluate(register const G4Ray& Rayref); // For NURBS, there is a two pass intersection algorithm. // Sometimes, the result of the cheap one tells us // that execution of the expensive one is not necessary. // Evaluation (Evaluate?) is one of them. Better names wanted! virtual void Project(); // Used by BREPSolid. Thus it's probably needed. virtual void CalcNormal(); // Used only in G4FPlane. Should be private to that class? virtual G4int IsConvex() const; // Only in G4FPlane. BREPSolid::IsConvex uses it. // But who uses BREPSolid::IsConvex? Thus: probably not needed. // However, knowing if the surface is convex could be used for // optimization. virtual G4int GetConvex() const; // Only in G4FPlane, but G4BREPSolid uses them. virtual G4int GetNumberOfPoints() const; virtual const G4Point3D& GetPoint(G4int Count) const; // ??? virtual G4Ray* Norm(); virtual G4Vector3D SurfaceNormal(const G4Point3D& Pt) const = 0; // There is Normal as well -- so what do these do? /* virtual G4double distanceAlongRay( G4int which_way, const G4Ray* ry, G4Vector3D& p ) const; // Returns distance along a Ray (straight line with G4ThreeVec) to leave // or enter a Surface. The input variable which_way should be set to +1 // to indicate leaving a Surface, -1 to indicate entering a Surface. // p is the point of intersection of the Ray with the Surface. // This is a default function which just gives the distance // between the origin of the Ray and the origin of the Surface. // Since a generic Surface doesn't have a well-defined Normal, no // further checks are Done. It must be overwritten by derived classes. virtual G4double G4Surface::distanceAlongHelix( G4int which_way, const Helix* hx, G4ThreeVec& p ) const; // Returns the distance along a Helix to leave or enter a Surface. // The input variable which_way should be set to +1 to indicate // leaving a Surface, -1 to indicate entering a Surface. // p is the point of intersection of the Helix with the Surface. // This is a default function which just gives the distance // between the origin of the Helix and the origin of the Surface. // Since a generic Surface doesn't have a well-defined Normal, no // further checks are Done. It must be overwritten by derived classes. */ protected: virtual void InitBounded(); protected: G4BoundingBox3D* bbox; G4Point3D closest_hit; G4Surface* next; G4SurfaceBoundary surfaceBoundary; // The boundaries of the surface. G4double kCarTolerance, kAngTolerance; G4int Intersected; // BSplineSurface and FPlane sets it, no one gets it. G4Vector3D origin; // Origin of Surface. G4int Type; G4int AdvancedFace; G4int active; G4double distance; G4double uhit,vhit; // Generic attributes... G4int sameSense; // by L. Broglia private: G4Surface(const G4Surface&); G4Surface& operator=(const G4Surface&); // Private copy constructor and assignment operator. }; #include "G4Surface.icc" #endif