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// $Id: G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager.hh,v 1.5 2006/06/29 19:08:31 gunter Exp $
// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02 $
// Abstract interface for GEANT4 Global Fast Simulation Manager.
// P. Mora de Freitas & M. Verderi 14/April/1999.
// Class description:
// G4GlobalFastSimulationManager is a "Singleton", i.e., only one instance 
// of it may exist. This is ensured by making the constructor private.
// G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager is an abstract interface for the
// G4GlobalFastSimulationManager one. It has the public access function
// GetConcreteInstance(), which is used to obtain a pointer to the concrete 
// G4GlobalFastSimulationManager, should it exist. After
// G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager* pVFSMan =  
//     G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager::GetConcreteInstance ();
// pVFSMan points to the real (concrete) G4GlobalFastSimulationManager if
// at least a parameterisation envelope exists, otherwise is zero.  
// Thus all code must be protected, for example by:
//   if (pVFSMan) 
//    G4FlavoredParallelWorld* =
//      pVFSMan -> GetFlavoredWorldForThis(p);


class G4VFlavoredParallelWorld;
class G4ParticleDefinition;

class G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager

public:  // with description

  static G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager* GetConcreteInstance ();
    // Returns pointer to actual Global Fast Simulation manager if
    // at least a parameterisation envelope exists. Always check value.

  virtual ~G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager () {}

  G4VFlavoredParallelWorld* GetFlavoredWorldForThis(G4ParticleDefinition*)=0;
    // VGlobalFastSimulationManager interface for visualisation.


  static void SetConcreteInstance (G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager*);
    // Sets the pointer to actual Global Fast Simulation manager.

  static G4VGlobalFastSimulationManager* fpConcreteInstance;  
    // Pointer to real G4GlobalFastSimulationManager.

