c======================================================================= c c s h o w p l l p a r a m s . f c ----------------------------- c c Ausgabe der Schnelluebersicht ueber die verfuegbaren parallelen c corsika steering Files. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c gfortran -fbounds-check -O0 showpllparams.f -o showpllparams c ifort -C -check bounds -O0 showpllparams.f -o showpllparams c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c HILOW 101.01 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c juergen.oehlschlaeger@kit.edu c----------------------------------------------------------------------- program showpllparams implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) character chzeile*240, chsteer*240, cpllfile*15, chdatum*12 character cfmtflt*7, cfmtint*4, chthind*6 dimension ecut(4), ecmnt(4), jcexp(4) data cfmtflt/'(f 6.2)'/,cfmtint/'(i1)'/ c - - - - - - print title line of tabular: write(*,'(/,''primary lg(E) theta phi'',4x,''runnr'',5x, + ''date'',7x,''ecutmax'',2x,''files'',3x,''Ratio'',2x, + ''obslev'',3x,''Xmagn'',3x,''Zmagn'',2x,''ecutha'',2x, + ''ecutmu'',2x,''ecutel'',2x,''ecutga'',2x,''thinning'',/)') c - - - - - - read names of parallel steering files: jpll = 0 101 continue read(*,'(a)',end=199,err=199) chsteer ipll = index(chsteer(1:240),'parallel') cpllfile = chsteer(ipll:ipll+14) chdatum = chsteer(ipll-13:ipll-2) open(unit=1,file=cpllfile,form='formatted', + access='sequential',status='old') jpll = jpll + 1 if ( mod(jpll,60) .eq. 0 ) +write(*,'(/,''primary lg(E) theta phi'',4x,''runnr'',5x, + ''date'',7x,''ecutmax'',2x,''files'',3x,''Ratio'',2x, + ''obslev'',3x,''Xmagn'',3x,''Zmagn'',2x,''ecutha'',2x, + ''ecutmu'',2x,''ecutel'',2x,''ecutga'',2x,''thinning'',/)') mthi = 0 lthi = 0 chthind = ' ' c - - - - - - test contents of parallel steering files: 103 continue read(1,'(a)',end=195,err=195) chzeile if ( chzeile(1:4) .eq. 'EXIT' ) goto 195 ! - - - parallel parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:8) .eq. 'PARALLEL' ) then jbl1 = index( chzeile, ' ') 110 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 110 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) ectmin 111 continue jbl2 = jbl2 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl2:jbl2) .eq. ' ' ) goto 111 jbl3 = index( chzeile(jbl2:240), ' ') + jbl2 -1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl3-jbl2 read(chzeile(jbl2:jbl3-1),cfmtflt) ectmax endif ! - - - primary particle code - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'PRMPAR' ) then jbl1 = index( chzeile(1:240), ' ') 112 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 112 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtint(3:3),'(i1)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtint) mcode endif ! - - - primary particle energy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'ERANGE' ) then jbl1 = index( chzeile(1:240), ' ') 113 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 113 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) energy deratio = 1. if ( ectmax .gt. 0. ) deratio = energy/ectmax energy = 9.+log10(energy) endif ! - - - theta angle in degrees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'THETAP' ) then jbl1 = index( chzeile, ' ') 114 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 114 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) theta endif ! - - - azimuth angle in degrees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'PHIP ' ) then phia = 359.99d0 jbl1 = index( chzeile, ' ') 115 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 115 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) phia 116 continue jbl2 = jbl2 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl2:jbl2) .eq. ' ' ) goto 116 jbl3 = index( chzeile(jbl2:240), ' ') + jbl2 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl3-jbl2 read(chzeile(jbl2:jbl3-1),cfmtflt) phib endif ! - - - observation level - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'OBSLEV' ) then jbl1 = index( chzeile, ' ') 119 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 119 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) obslev obslev = obslev / 100. endif ! - - - magnetic field components - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'MAGNET' ) then jbl1 = index( chzeile, ' ') 120 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 120 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) bxmag 121 continue jbl2 = jbl2 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl2:jbl2) .eq. ' ' ) goto 121 jbl3 = index( chzeile(jbl2:240), ' ') + jbl2 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl3-jbl2 read(chzeile(jbl2:jbl3-1),cfmtflt) bzmag endif ! - - - energy cuts of four particle groups - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'ECUTS ' ) then jbl1 = index( chzeile, ' ') 125 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 125 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) ecut(1) 126 continue jbl2 = jbl2 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl2:jbl2) .eq. ' ' ) goto 126 jbl3 = index( chzeile(jbl2:240), ' ') + jbl2 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl3-jbl2 read(chzeile(jbl2:jbl3-1),cfmtflt) ecut(2) 127 continue jbl3 = jbl3 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl3:jbl3) .eq. ' ' ) goto 127 jbl4 = index( chzeile(jbl3:240), ' ') + jbl3 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl4-jbl3 read(chzeile(jbl3:jbl4-1),cfmtflt) ecut(3) 128 continue jbl4 = jbl4 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl4:jbl4) .eq. ' ' ) goto 128 jbl5 = index( chzeile(jbl4:240), ' ') + jbl4 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl5-jbl4 read(chzeile(jbl4:jbl5-1),cfmtflt) ecut(4) do j=1,4 if ( ecut(j) .lt. 1. ) then jcexp(j) = int(log10(ecut(j))*1.000003-0.999) else jcexp(j) = int(log10(ecut(j))*1.000003) endif ecmnt(j) = ecut(j)/10.d0**jcexp(j) enddo endif ! - - - thinning specification - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if ( chzeile(1:7) .eq. 'MTHINH ' ) then chthind = chzeile(1:6) endif if ( chzeile(1:6) .eq. 'THIN ' ) then chthind = chzeile(1:5)//' ' jbl1 = index( chzeile, ' ') 140 continue jbl1 = jbl1 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl1:jbl1) .eq. ' ' ) goto 140 jbl2 = index( chzeile(jbl1:240), ' ') + jbl1 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl2-jbl1 read(chzeile(jbl1:jbl2-1),cfmtflt) thinlev thinlev = log10(thinlev+4.67735141e-34) 141 continue jbl2 = jbl2 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl2:jbl2) .eq. ' ' ) goto 141 jbl3 = index( chzeile(jbl2:240), ' ') + jbl2 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl3-jbl2 read(chzeile(jbl2:jbl3-1),cfmtflt) thiwmax 142 continue jbl3 = jbl3 + 1 if ( chzeile(jbl3:jbl3) .eq. ' ' ) goto 142 jbl4 = index( chzeile(jbl3:240), ' ') + jbl3 - 1 write(cfmtflt(3:4),'(i2)') jbl4-jbl3 read(chzeile(jbl3:jbl4-1),cfmtflt) thirad thirad = log10(thirad+4.67735141e-34) - 2. ! meters mthi = mthi + 1 lthi = 1 endif goto 103 c - - - - - - end-of current parallel steering file reached. 195 continue close(unit=1) c - - - - - - print tabular of current parallel steering file: write(*,'(i6,f8.2,f6.1,f7.1,3x,a6,2x,a12,1p,e9.1,0p,i7, + 2f8.1,2f8.2,4(ss,f5.1,''e'',sp,i2),2x,a6)') + mcode,energy,theta,phia,cpllfile(10:15),chdatum,ectmax, + int(10.d0**(energy-9.)*2.44/ectmax),10.d0**(energy-9.)/ectmax, + obslev,bxmag,bzmag,(ecmnt(j),jcexp(j),j=1,4),chthind goto 101 c - - - - - - print closing title line: 199 continue write(*,'(/,''primary lg(E) theta phi'',4x,''runnr'',5x, + ''date'',7x,''ecutmax'',2x,''files'',3x,''Ratio'',2x, + ''obslev'',3x,''Xmagn'',3x,''Zmagn'',2x,''ecutha'',2x, + ''ecutmu'',2x,''ecutel'',2x,''ecutga'',2x,''thinning'',/)') stop end