c======================================================================= c c t o t a l t i m e n e w . f c --------------------------- c calculate sum of used cpu times of a set of corsika simulations c reading text file `corsika_timetable` of the current parallel c corsika subdirectory and create time information file `time.txt`. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c compilation: c gfortran -fbounds-check totaltimenew.f -o totaltimenew c ifort -O0 -C -check bounds totaltimenew.f -o totaltimenew c execution by script: c ./postprocessnew.sh c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c START TIME STOP TIME TIME (min) c 1377599761.872620 1377602956.296335 53.240395 c LONGEST JOB: MPIID = 64 and Time = 1279.667251 c Total number of jobs = 65 c Maximum size of group = 15 c TOTAL CPU TIME (days) = 0.434466 c time.txt001234 # written from script postprocessnew.sh c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c juergen.oehlschlaeger@kit.edu c----------------------------------------------------------------------- program totaltimenew implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer (i-n) character czeile*60, comment*160 logical lexist c - - - - initializations: ia = 0 ib = 0 im = 0 is = 0 it = 0 timeanf = 0.d0 timeend = 0.d0 timemax = 0.d0 timesum = 0.d0 c - - - - copied time.txt file available: inquire(file='corsika_showertime',exist=lexist) if ( lexist ) then open(unit=2,file='corsika_showertime',status='old', + form='formatted',access='sequential') read(2,'(a)') czeile read(2,*) timeanf, timeend, timedif read(2,*,end=3,err=3) ic ic = ic + 1 goto 4 3 continue ic = int(timedif*7.6543) 4 continue close(unit=2) ib = int(5.d0*ic/7.) im = ib timemax = timedif * 60.d0 timesum = (timeend-timeanf) / 1.28d0 endif c - - - - check summary timetable file in this path: inquire(file='corsika_timetable',exist=lexist) if ( lexist ) then open(unit=1,file='corsika_timetable',status='old', + form='formatted',access='sequential') read(1,*,end=2,err=2) ia,ib,timea,timeb timesum = timesum + (timeb - timea) do ic=2,1234567890 read(1,*,end=2,err=2) ia,ib,timea,timeb if ( timeb-timea .gt. timemax ) timemax = timeb-timea if ( ia .gt. im ) im = ia timesum = timesum + (timeb-timea) enddo 2 continue close(unit=1) endif c - - - - write out new time information file: write(*,'(5x,''START TIME'',10x,''STOP TIME'',7x,''TIME (min)'')') write(*,'(f17.6,f20.6,f14.6)') timeanf, timeend, + (timeend-timeanf)/60. write(*,'(''LONGEST JOB: MPIID ='',i6,'' and Time ='',f14.6)') + ib, timemax write(*,'('' Total number of jobs ='',i6)') ic-1 write(*,'(''Maximum size of group ='',i6)') im write(*,'(''TOTAL CPU TIME (days) ='',f13.6)') timesum/86400.d0 c - - - - end-of program. stop end