#ifndef _Station_h_ #define _Station_h_ #include "ADC.h" /** \class aerarootiostation::Station \brief The aerarootiostation::Station class stores all relevant station information and a vector of aerarootioadc::ADC instances. \brief Different detector types (GER and NL) are supported. \brief The general structure for those types is the same: The station contains a station header and a station body with additional station information and ADC traces. \brief They differ in the content of the station body: each type has a different set of additional station information and a different number of ADC values. \author S. Mathys, University of Wuppertal */ namespace aerarootiostation { class Station : public TObject { public: /** Standard constructor */ Station(); /** Standard deconstructor */ ~Station(); /** Get the running event number created by T3 stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationEventNr(); /** Get the local station ID stored in the station header */ UShort_t getAeraStationLsID(); /** Get the local station hardware type stored in the station header: NL = 1, GER = 3, aevb = 7 */ UShort_t getAeraStationHWType(); /** Get the local station hardware version stored in the station header */ UShort_t getAeraStationHWVersion(); /** Get the station event time in seconds from GPS in GPS format stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationSeconds(); /** Get the station event time in nanoseconds stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationNanoseconds(); /** Get the station trigger flag stored in the station header. Value is taken to distinguish between the different trigger flags on station level */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerFlag(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to Aevb */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsAevb(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to self */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsSelf(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to calibration */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsCalibration(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to triggered by local station electronics, e.g. scintillator */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsScintillator(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to externally triggered by SD */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsSD(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to triggered by GUI */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsGUI(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to externally triggered by FD */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsFD(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to externally triggered by HEAT */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsHEAT(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to externally triggered by AERAlet */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsAERAlet(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to triggered by Airplane */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsAirplane(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to triggered periodically, the regular 10s or 100s trigger */ /** Convention in the DAQ: T3MinBias */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsPeriodic(); /** Check if the the station trigger flag is set to triggered by PassThrough. The event is passed without filters, e.g. cone algorithm */ /** For the Dutch data, every 40000th event is passed, for the German data randomly 1 out of 1000. */ /** Convention in the DAQ: T3Random */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerIsPassThrough(); /** Get the position of the trigger inside the trace stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationTriggerPos(); /** Get the ADC sampling frequency stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationSamplingFreq(); /** Get the channel mask stored in the station header. Indicates which of (up to four) channels have data */ UInt_t getAeraStationChannelMask(); /** Get the ADC resolution in bits stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationADCresolution(); /** Get the ADC tracelength in count of samples stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationTracelength(); /** Get the local station version stored in the station header */ UInt_t getAeraStationVersion(); /** Get the station status set by the converter. Set to 0, if no ADC values are in, 1 if status is ok */ UInt_t getAeraStationStatus(); // station status // Additional station information of old NL data ( < v7, before run 200300): /** NL v6, after run 200300): /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message trigger mask */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2TriggerMask(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message gps */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2GPS(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message status */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Status(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message CTD */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2CTD(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message length of channel 1 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH1(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message length of channel 2 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH2(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message length of channel 3 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH3(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message length of channel 4 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH4(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 1 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH1(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 2 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH2(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 3 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH3(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 4 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH4(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 1 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH1(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 2 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH2(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 3 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH3(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 4 */ UShort_t getAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH4(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message quantile 1 */ Float_t getAeraStationMessageV2Quantile1(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message quantile 2 */ Float_t getAeraStationMessageV2Quantile2(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message mask CTP */ UInt_t getAeraStationMessageV2CTP(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information: message sync */ Short_t getAeraStationMessageV2Sync(); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS GPS */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSGPS(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS control */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSControl(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS windows */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSWindows(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS channel 1 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH1(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS channel 2 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH2(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS channel 3 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH3(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS channel 4 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH4(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS trigger 1 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger1(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS trigger 2 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger2(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS trigger 3 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger3(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS trigger 4 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger4(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 1 1 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter11(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 1 2 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter12(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 2 1 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter21(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 2 2 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter22(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 3 1 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter31(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 3 2 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter32(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 4 1 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter41(int position); /** NL>v6: Get the additional station information stored in a vector: message PPS filter 4 2 */ unsigned char getAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter42(int position); // Additional header information of german data: /** GER: Get the additional station information: start sample of channel 1 low-gain data */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerStartLowGain1(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: end sample of channel 1 low-gain data */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerEndLowGain1(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: start sample of channel 2 low-gain data */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerStartLowGain2(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: end sample of channel 2 low-gain data */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerEndLowGain2(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: current trigger rate of channel 1 (high and low) */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerTrigRate1(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: current trigger rate of channel 2 (high and low) */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerTrigRate2(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: current trigger threshold of channel 1 (high) */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerTrigThresh1(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: current trigger threshold of channel 2 (high) */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerTrigThresh2(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: MSP430 status register bits 16-29 information on power supply errors */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerStatus1(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: MSP430 status register bits 0-15 information on power supply errors */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerStatus2(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: GPS receiver status */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerGPSStatus(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: trigger status */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerTriggerStatus(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: T2 subsec */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerT2Subsec(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: delay of T3 GetEventMessage in milliseconds */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerT3Delay(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: int. temperature in Celsius */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerTemperatureInt(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: ext. temperature in Celsius */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerTemperatureExt(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: station DAQ revision */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerDAQRev(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: MSP430 revision */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerMSP430rev(); /** GER: Get the additional station information: firmware revision */ UShort_t getAeraStationGerFirmRev(); /** Get the pointer to an ADC channel inside the vector vADCs */ aerarootioadc::ADC* getAeraStationADC(Int_t ADC); /** Get the ids of the available channels */ Int_t getNumberOfAvailableAERAStationADCs(); /** Set the running event number created by T3 stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationEventNr(UInt_t set_STevent_id); /** Set the local station ID stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationLsID(UShort_t set_STls_id); /** Set the local station hardware type stored in the station header: NL = 1, GER = 3, aevb = 7 */ void setAeraStationHWType(UShort_t set_SThwtype); /** Set the local station hardware version stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationHWVersion(UShort_t set_SThwversion); /** Set the station event time in seconds from GPS in GPS format stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationSeconds(UInt_t set_STSeconds); /** Set the station event time in nanoseconds stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationNanoseconds(UInt_t set_STnanoseconds); /** Set the station trigger flag stored in the station header. Value is taken to distinguish between the different trigger flags on station level */ void setAeraStationTriggerFlag(UInt_t set_STtriggerflag); /** Set the station trigger flag to Aevb */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsAevb(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_Aevb); /** Set the station trigger flag to self */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsSelf(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_Self); /** Set the station trigger flag to calibration */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsCalibration(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_Calibration); /** Set the station trigger flag to triggered by local station electronics, e.g. scintillator */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsScintillator(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_Scintillator); /** Set the station trigger flag to externally triggered by SD */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsSD(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_SD); /** Set the station trigger flag to triggered by GUI */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsGUI(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_GUI); /** Set the station trigger flag to externally triggered by FD */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsFD(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_FD); /** Set the station trigger flag to externally triggered by HEAT */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsHEAT(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_HEAT); /** Set the station trigger flag to externally triggered by AERAlet */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsAERAlet(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_AERAlet); /** Set the station trigger flag to triggered by Airplane */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsAirplane(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_Airplane); /** Set the station trigger flag to triggered periodically, the regular 10s or 100s trigger */ /** Convention in the DAQ: T3MinBias */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsPeriodic(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_Periodic); /** Set the station trigger flag to triggered by PassThrough. The event is passed without filters, e.g. cone algorithm */ /** For the Dutch data, every 40000th event is passed, for the German data randomly 1 out of 1000. */ /** Convention in the DAQ: T3Random */ void setAeraStationTriggerIsPassThrough(UInt_t set_STtriggersource_PassThrough); /** Set the position of the trigger inside the trace stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationTriggerPos(UInt_t set_STtriggerpos); /** Set the ADC sampling frequency stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationSamplingFreq(UInt_t set_STsamplingfreq); /** Set the channel mask stored in the station header. Indicates which of (up to four) channels have data */ void setAeraStationChannelMask(UInt_t set_STchannelmask); /** Set the ADC resolution in bits stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationADCresolution(UInt_t set_STADCresolution); /** Set the ADC tracelength in count of samples stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationTracelength(UInt_t set_STtracelength); /** Set the local station version stored in the station header */ void setAeraStationVersion(UInt_t set_STversion); /** Set the station status set by the converter. Set to 0, if no ADC values are in, 1 if status is ok */ void setAeraStationStatus(UInt_t set_STstatus); // Additional station information of old NL data ( < v7, before run 200300): /** NL v6, after run 200300): void setAeraStationMessageV2TriggerMask(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_triggermask); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message gps */ void setAeraStationMessageV2GPS(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_gps); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message status */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Status(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_status); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message CTD */ void setAeraStationMessageV2CTD(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_ctd); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message length of channel 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH1(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_lengthch1); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message length of channel 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH2(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_lengthch2); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message length of channel 3 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH3(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_lengthch3); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message length of channel 4 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2LengthCH4(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_lengthch4); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH1(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold1ch1); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH2(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold1ch2); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 3 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH3(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold1ch3); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 1 of channel 4 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold1CH4(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold1ch4); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH1(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold2ch1); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH2(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold2ch2); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 3 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH3(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold2ch3); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message threshold 2 of channel 4 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Threshold2CH4(UShort_t set_ST_messageV2_threshold2ch4); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message quantile 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Quantile1(Float_t set_ST_messageV2_quantile1); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message quantile 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Quantile2(Float_t set_ST_messageV2_quantile2); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message mask CTP */ void setAeraStationMessageV2CTP(UInt_t set_ST_messageV2_ctp); /** NL>v6: Set the additional station information: message sync */ void setAeraStationMessageV2Sync(Short_t set_ST_messageV2_sync); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsgps: message PPS GPS */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSGPS(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsgps); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppscontrol: message PPS control */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSControl(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppscontrol); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppswindows: message PPS windows */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSWindows(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppswindows); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsch1: message PPS channel 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH1(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsch1); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsch2: message PPS channel 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH2(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsch2); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsch3: message PPS channel 3 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH3(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsch3); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsch4: message PPS channel 4 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSCH4(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsch4); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger1: message PPS trigger 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger1(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppstrigger1); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger2: message PPS trigger 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger2(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppstrigger2); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger3: message PPS trigger 3 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger3(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppstrigger3); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger4: message PPS trigger 4 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSTrigger4(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppstrigger4); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter11: message PPS filter 1 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter11(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter11); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter12: message PPS filter 1 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter12(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter12); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter21: message PPS filter 2 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter21(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter21); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter22: message PPS filter 2 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter22(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter22); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter31: message PPS filter 3 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter31(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter31); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter32: message PPS filter 3 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter32(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter32); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter41: message PPS filter 4 1 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter41(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter41); /** NL>v6: Push a new value of the additional station information into the vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter42: message PPS filter 4 2 */ void setAeraStationMessageV2PPSFilter42(unsigned char set_ST_messageV2_ppsfilter42); // Additional header information of german data: /** GER: Set the additional station information: start sample of channel 1 low-gain data */ void setAeraStationGerStartLowGain1(UShort_t set_ST_ger_start_lowgain1); /** GER: Set the additional station information: end sample of channel 1 low-gain data */ void setAeraStationGerEndLowGain1(UShort_t set_ST_ger_end_lowgain1); /** GER: Set the additional station information: start sample of channel 2 low-gain data */ void setAeraStationGerStartLowGain2(UShort_t set_ST_ger_start_lowgain2); /** GER: Set the additional station information: end sample of channel 2 low-gain data */ void setAeraStationGerEndLowGain2(UShort_t set_ST_ger_end_lowgain2); /** GER: Set the additional station information: current trigger rate of channel 1 (high and low) */ void setAeraStationGerTrigRate1(UShort_t set_ST_ger_trigrate1); /** GER: Set the additional station information: current trigger rate of channel 2 (high and low) */ void setAeraStationGerTrigRate2(UShort_t set_ST_ger_trigrate2); /** GER: Set the additional station information: current trigger threshold of channel 1 (high) */ void setAeraStationGerTrigThresh1(UShort_t set_ST_ger_trigthresh1); /** GER: Set the additional station information: current trigger threshold of channel 2 (high) */ void setAeraStationGerTrigThresh2(UShort_t set_ST_ger_trigthresh2); /** GER: Set the additional station information: MSP430 status register bits 16-29 information on power supply errors */ void setAeraStationGerStatus1(UShort_t set_ST_ger_status1); /** GER: Set the additional station information: MSP430 status register bits 0-15 information on power supply errors */ void setAeraStationGerStatus2(UShort_t set_ST_ger_status2); /** GER: Set the additional station information: GPS receiver status */ void setAeraStationGerGPSStatus(UShort_t set_ST_ger_GPS_status); /** GER: Set the additional station information: trigger status */ void setAeraStationGerTriggerStatus(UShort_t set_ST_ger_trigstatus); /** GER: Set the additional station information: T2 subsec */ void setAeraStationGerT2Subsec(UShort_t set_ST_ger_T2subsec); /** GER: Set the additional station information: delay of T3 GetEventMessage in milliseconds */ void setAeraStationGerT3Delay(UShort_t set_ST_ger_T3delay); /** GER: Set the additional station information: int. temperature in Celsius */ void setAeraStationGerTemperatureInt(UShort_t set_ST_ger_temperatureint); /** GER: Set the additional station information: ext. temperature in Celsius */ void setAeraStationGerTemperatureExt(UShort_t set_ST_ger_temperatureext); /** GER: Set the additional station information: station DAQ revision */ void setAeraStationGerDAQRev(UShort_t set_ST_ger_DAQrev); /** GER: Set the additional station information: MSP430 revision */ void setAeraStationGerMSP430rev(UShort_t set_ST_ger_MSP430rev); /** GER: Set the additional station information: firmware revision */ void setAeraStationGerFirmRev(UShort_t set_ST_ger_firmrev); /** This function stores a new instance of an ADC channel into the vADCs vector by a push_back */ void setAeraStationADC(); private: UInt_t STevent_id; UShort_t STls_id; UShort_t SThwtype; UShort_t SThwversion; UInt_t STseconds; UInt_t STnanoseconds; UInt_t STtriggerflag; UInt_t STtriggersource_Aevb; UInt_t STtriggersource_Self; UInt_t STtriggersource_Calibration; UInt_t STtriggersource_Scintillator; UInt_t STtriggersource_SD; UInt_t STtriggersource_GUI; UInt_t STtriggersource_FD; UInt_t STtriggersource_HEAT; UInt_t STtriggersource_AERAlet; UInt_t STtriggersource_Airplane; UInt_t STtriggersource_Periodic; UInt_t STtriggersource_PassThrough; UInt_t STtriggerpos; UInt_t STsamplingfreq; UInt_t STchannelmask; UInt_t STADCresolution; UInt_t STtracelength; UInt_t STversion; UInt_t STstatus; UShort_t ST_message_id; UShort_t ST_message_length; UShort_t ST_message_channelmask; UShort_t ST_message_triggermask; UShort_t ST_message_pretriggerwindow; UShort_t ST_message_coincidencewindow; UShort_t ST_message_posttriggerwindow; UShort_t ST_message_CDT; UShort_t ST_message_signal_treshold_CH0; UShort_t ST_message_signal_treshold_CH1; UShort_t ST_message_signal_treshold_CH2; UShort_t ST_message_signal_treshold_CH3; UShort_t ST_message_noise_treshold_CH0; UShort_t ST_message_noise_treshold_CH1; UShort_t ST_message_noise_treshold_CH2; UShort_t ST_message_noise_treshold_CH3; UShort_t ST_message_ADCcount; UShort_t ST_messageV2_triggermask; UShort_t ST_messageV2_gps; UShort_t ST_messageV2_status; UShort_t ST_messageV2_ctd; UShort_t ST_messageV2_lengthch1; UShort_t ST_messageV2_lengthch2; UShort_t ST_messageV2_lengthch3; UShort_t ST_messageV2_lengthch4; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold1ch1; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold1ch2; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold1ch3; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold1ch4; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold2ch1; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold2ch2; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold2ch3; UShort_t ST_messageV2_threshold2ch4; Float_t ST_messageV2_quantile1; Float_t ST_messageV2_quantile2; UInt_t ST_messageV2_ctp; Short_t ST_messageV2_sync; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsgps; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppscontrol; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppswindows; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsch1; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsch2; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsch3; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsch4; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger1; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger2; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger3; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppstrigger4; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter11; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter12; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter21; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter22; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter31; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter32; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter41; std::vector ST_messageV2_ppsfilter42; UShort_t ST_ger_start_lowgain1; UShort_t ST_ger_end_lowgain1; UShort_t ST_ger_start_lowgain2; UShort_t ST_ger_end_lowgain2; UShort_t ST_ger_trigrate1; UShort_t ST_ger_trigrate2; UShort_t ST_ger_trigthresh1; UShort_t ST_ger_trigthresh2; UShort_t ST_ger_status1; UShort_t ST_ger_status2; UShort_t ST_ger_GPS_status; UShort_t ST_ger_trigstatus; UShort_t ST_ger_T2subsec; UShort_t ST_ger_T3delay; UShort_t ST_ger_temperatureint; UShort_t ST_ger_temperatureext; UShort_t ST_ger_DAQrev; UShort_t ST_ger_MSP430rev; UShort_t ST_ger_firmrev; /** Store the aerarootioadc::ADC objects */ std::vector vADCs; ClassDef( aerarootiostation::Station,3 ) }; } #endif // _Station_h_