/** \file MParticleSubBlockOutput.h Enables the writing of individual particles into CORSIKA subblocks \author Ralf Ulrich \date Fri Oct 19 10:43:17 CEST 2007 \version $Id: MParticleSubBlockOutput.h 5116 2016-01-04 19:09:04Z darko $ */ #ifndef _INCLUDE_MParticleSubBlockOutput_H_ #define _INCLUDE_MParticleSubBlockOutput_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace crs { class GroundParticle; class MEventHeader; } namespace crsRead { /** \class MParticleSubBlockOutput \brief Class to write individual particles into subblocks */ class MParticleSubBlockOutput : public TSubBlockIO { // friend inline std::ofstream& operator<<(std::ofstream& ,MParticleSubBlockOutput&); friend inline MParticleSubBlockOutput& operator<<(MParticleSubBlockOutput&, const crs::GroundParticle& p); public: // MParticleSubBlockOutput(); ///< Default constructor MParticleSubBlockOutput(bool Thinned, int NBlockSizeInfo, const crs::MEventHeader& header); bool IsFull() const {return fParticleWriteIndex>=crs::TBlock::fgNParticles;} void Clear(); private: MParticleSubBlockOutput(const MParticleSubBlockOutput&); ///< copy constructor MParticleSubBlockOutput& operator=(const MParticleSubBlockOutput &sb); protected: int fParticleWriteIndex; const double fArrayRotation; }; /** \fn inline ofstream& operator<<( ofstream& s, MParticleSubBlockOutput& b) \brief Corsika data file streaming operator This function defines the operator<< to stream out CORSIKA/COAST CParticles into binary particle sub-blocks. \author Ralf Ulrich \date Tue Jun 14 17:45:10 CEST 2005 \version $Id: MParticleSubBlockOutput.h 5116 2016-01-04 19:09:04Z darko $ */ inline MParticleSubBlockOutput& operator<<(MParticleSubBlockOutput& b, const crs::GroundParticle& p) { if (b.IsFull()) { std::cerr << "COAST> MParticleSubBlockOutput::ERROR trying to add more than " << crs::TBlock::fgNParticles << " to particle subblock! Check your code! " << std::endl; return b; } const int writeIndex = b.fParticleWriteIndex * (b.fThinned ? crs::TBlock::fgNEntriesThinned : crs::TBlock::fgNEntriesNotThinned ); CREAL* particleData = &(((CREAL*)b.fSubBlockData)[writeIndex]); const double ARRANR = b.fArrayRotation; const double COSANG = std::cos(ARRANR); const double SINANG = std::sin(ARRANR); particleData[0] = p.GetCorsikaId(); particleData[1] = p.Px * COSANG + p.Py * SINANG; particleData[2] = p.Py * COSANG - p.Px * SINANG; particleData[3] = p.Pz; particleData[4] = p.x * COSANG + p.y * SINANG; particleData[5] = p.y * COSANG - p.x * SINANG; particleData[6] = p.time; if (b.fThinned) { particleData[7] = p.weight; } ++b.fParticleWriteIndex; return b; } }; #endif