c $Id: proppot.f 5115 2016-01-04 19:07:31Z darko $ c Setting of global paramters c subroutine params implicit none real*8 A0, chi include 'coms.f' c gw = 0.25 fm^-2 width of the gaussian logSky = .true. logYuk = .true. logCb = .true. logPau = .false. gw = 0.25 sgw = sqrt(gw) Cb0 = 1.44 Yuk0 = 0.0 !-85.0 gamYuk = 1.4 drPau = 9.0 dpPau = 0.0144 Pau0 = 0.0 !99.5*(hqc/sqrt(drPau*dpPau))**3 C C hard Skyrme EOS (usual stuff) C c Sky30 = 70.5 c gamSky = 2.0 c A0 = -124.2 * 0.5 C C hard Skyrme EOS (JK parametrisation corrected for Gausswidth gw=0.25) C Sky30 = 125.93 gamSky = 1.676 A0 = -87.67 chi = 0.93 c Sky30 = 303.0 !188.18 c gamSky = 7.0/6.0 !1.457 c A0 = -356.0 * 0.5 Sky20 = chi*2.0*A0 Yuk0 = (1.0-chi)/(2.0*pi*gamYuk**2)*A0 c Sky20 = 0.0d0 c Sky30 = 0.0d0 c Yuk0 = 0.0d0 c Cb0 = 0.0d0 delr = 0.2 fdel = delr*delr/6.0 da = -(1.0/delr) db = -da cutdww = 20.0 cutPau = 20.0 cutYuk = 20.0 cutCb = 20.0 dtimestep=0.2 dt = 0.02 c dt2 = 0.5*dt c dt6 = dt/6.0 return end c Reset of all indexed variables c subroutine set0 implicit none integer i, j include 'coms.f' do 10 i=1,nspl spPauy(i) = 0.0 outPau(i) = 0.0 spCby(i) = 0.0 outCb(i) = 0.0 spYuky(i) = 0.0 outYuk(i) = 0.0 spSkyy(i) = 0.0 outSky(i) = 0.0 spdwwy(i) = 0.0 outdww(i) = 0.0 10 continue do 20 j=1,nmax spin(j) = 0 iso3(j) = 0 ncoll(j) = 0 rx(j) = 0.0 ry(j) = 0.0 rz(j) = 0.0 px(j) = 0.0 py(j) = 0.0 pz(j) = 0.0 fmass(j) = 0.0 20 continue return end subroutine derivs(row) implicit none integer j, k, index, row real*8 spu, spo, outu, outo, tmp, a, b, dy, dp, drdp, dpj real*8 rxjku, ryjku, rzjku, rjku, pxjku, pyjku, pzjku, pjku logical iPau include 'coms.f' C aopx(j,?) = -dH/dx_j C aorx(j,?) = dH/dpx_j do 10 j=1,nbar rww(j) = 0.0 10 continue if(logSky) then do 20 j=1,nbar do 30 k=j+1,nbar rxjku = (airx(j)-airx(k)) ryjku = (airy(j)-airy(k)) rzjku = (airz(j)-airz(k)) rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2) if(rjku.lt.cutdww) then index = int(rjku/delr)+1 a = dble(index) - rjku/delr b = 1.0 - a tmp = a*spdwwy(index)+b*spdwwy(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outdww(index)+(b**3-b)*outdww(index+1))*fdel rww(j) = rww(j) + tmp rww(k) = rww(k) + tmp end if 30 continue 20 continue end if do 40 j=1,nbar aopx(j,row) = 0.0 aopy(j,row) = 0.0 aopz(j,row) = 0.0 dpj = 1.0/sqrt(aipx(j)*aipx(j)+aipy(j)*aipy(j)+aipz(j)*aipz(j)+ + fmass(j)*fmass(j)) aorx(j,row) = aipx(j)*dpj aory(j,row) = aipy(j)*dpj aorz(j,row) = aipz(j)*dpj 40 continue do 50 j=1,nbar do 60 k=j+1,nbar rxjku = (airx(j)-airx(k)) ryjku = (airy(j)-airy(k)) rzjku = (airz(j)-airz(k)) rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2) if (rjku.ge.1.0E-8) then rxjku = rxjku/rjku ryjku = ryjku/rjku rzjku = rzjku/rjku else rxjku = 0.0 ryjku = 0.0 rzjku = 0.0 end if spu = 0.0 spo = 0.0 outu = 0.0 outo = 0.0 dy = 0.0 index = int(rjku/delr)+1 a = dble(index)-rjku/delr b = 1.0-a if(logYuk.and.rjku.lt.cutYuk) then spu = spu + spYuky(index) spo = spo + spYuky(index+1) outu = outu + outYuk(index) outo = outo + outYuk(index+1) end if if(logSky.and.rjku.lt.cutdww) then tmp = Sky20 + Sky30*gamSky/(gamSky+1.0)* * (rww(j)**(gamSky-1.0)+rww(k)**(gamSky-1.0)) spu = spu + spdwwy(index)*tmp spo = spo + spdwwy(index+1)*tmp outu = outu + outdww(index)*tmp outo = outo + outdww(index+1)*tmp end if dy = da*spu+db*spo+ + ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outu+(3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outo)*fdel if(logCb) then if(rjku.lt.cutCb) then dy = dy + (da*spCby(index)+db*spCby(index+1)+ + ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outCb(index)+ + (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outCb(index+1))*fdel)* * dble(charge(j)*charge(k)) else dy = dy - Cb0/rjku/rjku*dble(charge(j)*charge(k)) end if end if if(logPau.and.iPau(j,k)) then pxjku = (aipx(j)-aipx(k)) pyjku = (aipy(j)-aipy(k)) pzjku = (aipz(j)-aipz(k)) pjku = sqrt(pxjku**2+pyjku**2+pzjku**2) if (pjku.ge.1.0E-8) then pxjku = pxjku/pjku pyjku = pyjku/pjku pzjku = pzjku/pjku else pxjku = 0.0 pyjku = 0.0 pzjku = 0.0 end if drdp = 0.5*(pjku*pjku/dpPau+rjku*rjku/drPau) if(drdp.lt.cutPau) then index = int(drdp/delr)+1 a = dble(index)-drdp/delr b = 1.0-a tmp = da*spPauy(index)+db*spPauy(index+1)+ + ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outPau(index)+ + (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outPau(index+1))*fdel dy = dy+tmp*rjku/drPau dp = tmp*pjku/dpPau*0.001 aorx(j,row) = aorx(j,row)+dp*pxjku aory(j,row) = aory(j,row)+dp*pyjku aorz(j,row) = aorz(j,row)+dp*pzjku aorx(k,row) = aorx(k,row)-dp*pxjku aory(k,row) = aory(k,row)-dp*pyjku aorz(k,row) = aorz(k,row)-dp*pzjku end if end if dy = -(0.001*dy) aopx(j,row) = aopx(j,row)+dy*rxjku aopy(j,row) = aopy(j,row)+dy*ryjku aopz(j,row) = aopz(j,row)+dy*rzjku aopx(k,row) = aopx(k,row)-dy*rxjku aopy(k,row) = aopy(k,row)-dy*ryjku aopz(k,row) = aopz(k,row)-dy*rzjku 60 continue 50 continue return end real*8 function Ekintot() implicit none integer j real*8 Ekin include 'coms.f' Ekintot = 0.0 do 3 j=1,npart Ekintot= Ekintot+Ekin(j) 3 continue return end real*8 function EtotJK() implicit none real*8 Etot integer j include 'coms.f' EtotJK = Etot() do 3 j=1,npart EtotJK= EtotJK-fmass(j) 3 continue EtotJK = EtotJK/npart return end real*8 function Etot() implicit none integer j, k, index real*8 a, b, y, drdp, tp, tr, tmp, Ekintot real*8 Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau, Ekin real*8 rxjku, ryjku, rzjku, rjku, pxjku, pyjku, pzjku, pjku logical iPau include 'coms.f' common /energies/ Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau Etot = 0.0 Ekinbar = 0.0 Ekinmes = 0.0 ESky2 = 0.0 ESky3 = 0.0 EYuk = 0.0 ECb = 0.0 EPau = 0.0 if(EoS.eq.0) then c CASCADE mode Etot=Ekintot() return else c with potentials c kinetic energies of mesons first do 4 j=nbar+1,npart Etot= Etot+Ekin(j) Ekinmes = Ekinmes+Ekin(j) 4 continue do 10 j=1,nbar rww(j) = 0.0 10 continue if(logSky) then do 20 j=1,nbar do 30 k=j+1,nbar rxjku = (rx(j)-rx(k)) ryjku = (ry(j)-ry(k)) rzjku = (rz(j)-rz(k)) rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2) if(rjku.lt.cutdww) then index = int(rjku/delr)+1 a = dble(index) - rjku/delr b = 1.0 - a tmp = a*spdwwy(index)+b*spdwwy(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outdww(index)+(b**3-b)*outdww(index+1))*fdel rww(j) = rww(j) + tmp rww(k) = rww(k) + tmp end if 30 continue 20 continue end if do 40 j=1,nbar Etot = Etot + Ekin(j) + 0.0005*Sky20*rww(j) + + 0.001*Sky30/(gamSky+1.0)*rww(j)**gamSky Ekinbar = Ekinbar + Ekin(j) ESky2 = ESky2 + 0.0005*Sky20*rww(j) ESky3 = ESky3 + 0.001*Sky30/(gamSky+1.0)*rww(j)**gamSky do 50 k=j+1,nbar rxjku = (rx(j)-rx(k)) ryjku = (ry(j)-ry(k)) rzjku = (rz(j)-rz(k)) rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2) index = int(rjku/delr)+1 a = dble(index)-rjku/delr b = 1.0-a if(logYuk.and.rjku.lt.cutYuk) then y = a*spYuky(index)+b*spYuky(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outYuk(index)+(b**3-b)*outYuk(index+1))*fdel Etot = Etot + 0.001*y EYuk = EYuk + 0.001*y end if if(logCb) then if(rjku.lt.cutCb) then y = (a*spCby(index)+b*spCby(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outCb(index)+(b**3-b)*outCb(index+1))*fdel)* * dble(charge(j)*charge(k)) else y = Cb0/rjku*dble(charge(j)*charge(k)) end if Etot = Etot + 0.001*y ECb = ECb + 0.001*y end if if(logPau.and.iPau(j,k)) then pxjku = (px(j)-px(k)) pyjku = (py(j)-py(k)) pzjku = (pz(j)-pz(k)) pjku = sqrt(pxjku**2+pyjku**2+pzjku**2) tp = pjku tr = rjku drdp = 0.5*(pjku*pjku/dpPau+rjku*rjku/drPau) if(drdp.lt.cutPau) then index = int(drdp/delr)+1 a = dble(index)-drdp/delr b = 1.0-a y = a*spPauy(index)+b*spPauy(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outPau(index)+(b**3-b)*outPau(index+1))*fdel Etot = Etot + 0.001*y EPau = EPau + 0.001*y end if end if 50 continue 40 continue Ekinbar = Ekinbar/dble(nbar) Ekinmes = Ekinmes/dble(max(1,npart-nbar)) ESky2 = ESky2/dble(nbar) ESky3 = ESky3/dble(nbar) EYuk = EYuk/dble(nbar) ECb = ECb/dble(nbar) EPau = EPau/dble(nbar) end if return end subroutine cascstep(tim,dtime) implicit none real*8 tim,dtime,energ integer j include 'coms.f' include 'boxinc.f' include 'options.f' ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation logical ctp060202 ctp060202=.false. if(ctp060202)write(*,*)tim ctp060202 end do 1 j=1,npart energ = sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2) r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime rx(j) = rx(j) + px(j)/energ*dtime rz(j) = rz(j) + pz(j)/energ*dtime ry(j) = ry(j) + py(j)/energ*dtime 1 continue return end subroutine proprk(tim,dtime) implicit none real*8 tim,dtime,energ,dt2, dt6 integer j include 'coms.f' include 'boxinc.f' include 'options.f' ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation logical ctp060202 ctp060202=.false. if(ctp060202)write(*,*)tim ctp060202 end if (EoS.eq.0) then c cascade mode do 1 j=1,npart energ = p0(j) ! sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2) r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime rx(j) = rx(j) + px(j)/energ*dtime ry(j) = ry(j) + py(j)/energ*dtime rz(j) = rz(j) + pz(j)/energ*dtime 1 continue return else c propagation with potentials c propagate mesons on straight lines do 2 j=nbar+1,npart energ = p0(j) ! sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2) r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime rx(j) = rx(j) + px(j)/energ*dtime ry(j) = ry(j) + py(j)/energ*dtime rz(j) = rz(j) + pz(j)/energ*dtime 2 continue c propagate baryons c adjust time-step parameters dt = dtime dt2 = dtime/2.0d0 dt6 = dtime/6.0d0 do 10 j=1,nbar airx(j) = rx(j) airy(j) = ry(j) airz(j) = rz(j) aipx(j) = px(j) aipy(j) = py(j) aipz(j) = pz(j) 10 continue call derivs(1) do 20 j=1,nbar airx(j) = rx(j) + dt2*aorx(j,1) airy(j) = ry(j) + dt2*aory(j,1) airz(j) = rz(j) + dt2*aorz(j,1) aipx(j) = px(j) + dt2*aopx(j,1) aipy(j) = py(j) + dt2*aopy(j,1) aipz(j) = pz(j) + dt2*aopz(j,1) 20 continue call derivs(2) do 30 j=1,nbar airx(j) = rx(j) + dt2*aorx(j,2) airy(j) = ry(j) + dt2*aory(j,2) airz(j) = rz(j) + dt2*aorz(j,2) aipx(j) = px(j) + dt2*aopx(j,2) aipy(j) = py(j) + dt2*aopy(j,2) aipz(j) = pz(j) + dt2*aopz(j,2) 30 continue call derivs(3) do 40 j=1,nbar airx(j) = rx(j) + dt*aorx(j,3) airy(j) = ry(j) + dt*aory(j,3) airz(j) = rz(j) + dt*aorz(j,3) aipx(j) = px(j) + dt*aopx(j,3) aipy(j) = py(j) + dt*aopy(j,3) aipz(j) = pz(j) + dt*aopz(j,3) 40 continue call derivs(4) do 50 j=1,nbar r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime rx(j)=rx(j)+dt6*(aorx(j,1)+2.0*(aorx(j,2)+aorx(j,3))+aorx(j,4)) ry(j)=ry(j)+dt6*(aory(j,1)+2.0*(aory(j,2)+aory(j,3))+aory(j,4)) rz(j)=rz(j)+dt6*(aorz(j,1)+2.0*(aorz(j,2)+aorz(j,3))+aorz(j,4)) px(j)=px(j)+dt6*(aopx(j,1)+2.0*(aopx(j,2)+aopx(j,3))+aopx(j,4)) py(j)=py(j)+dt6*(aopy(j,1)+2.0*(aopy(j,2)+aopy(j,3))+aopy(j,4)) pz(j)=pz(j)+dt6*(aopz(j,1)+2.0*(aopz(j,2)+aopz(j,3))+aopz(j,4)) p0(j)=sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2) 50 continue end if return end subroutine potPau implicit none integer i, ncut, index real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy, Pau include 'coms.f' rx(1) = 0.0d0 ry(1) = 0.0d0 rz(1) = 0.0d0 ry(2) = 0.0d0 rz(2) = 0.0d0 px(1) = 0.0d0 py(1) = 0.0d0 pz(1) = 0.0d0 px(1) = 0.0d0 py(2) = 0.0d0 pz(2) = 0.0d0 Ecut = 1.0E-5 i = 0 99 i = i+1 dr = delr*dble(i-1) rx(2) = sqrt(2.0*dr*drPau) spx(i) = dr spPauy(i) = Pau(1,2) if(spPauy(i).lt.Ecut) then spPauy(i) = 0.0 cutPau = dr abl0 = -Pau0 abln = 0.0 ncut = i else goto 99 end if call spline(spx,spPauy,ncut,abl0,abln,outPau) write(6,'(''Pauli-Potential '',e10.3,i5,f7.1)') + Ecut, ncut, cutPau do 10 i=0,20 dr = 0.323*dble(i) if(dr.gt.cutPau) then y = 0.0 dy = 0.0 else rx(2) = dr dr = 0.5*dr*dr/drPau index = int(dr/delr)+1 a = dble(index) - dr/delr b = 1.0 - a y = a*spPauy(index)+b*spPauy(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outPau(index)+ + (b**3-b)*outPau(index+1))*fdel dy = da*spPauy(index)+db*spPauy(index+1)+ + ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outPau(index)+ + (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outPau(index+1))*fdel dy = dy*sqrt(2.0*dr*drPau)/drPau end if 10 continue return end subroutine potCb implicit none integer i, ncut, index real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy, dCb, Cb include 'coms.f' rx(1) = 0.0d0 ry(1) = 0.0d0 rz(1) = 0.0d0 ry(2) = 0.0d0 rz(2) = 0.0d0 Ecut = 1.0E-5 iso3(1) = 1 iso3(2) = 1 i = 0 99 i = i+1 dr = delr*dble(i-1) rx(2) = dr spx(i) = dr spCby(i) = Cb(1,2) if(abs(spCby(i)*dr-Cb0)/max(dr,1.0d-5).lt.Ecut) then spCby(i) = Cb0/dr cutCb = dr abln = dCb(1,2) abl0 = 0.0 ncut = i else goto 99 end if call spline(spx,spCby,ncut,abl0,abln,outCb) write(6,'(''Coulomb-Potential '',e10.3,i5,f7.1)') + Ecut, ncut, cutCb do 10 i=0,20 dr = 0.2*dble(i)+0.01212 rx(2) = dr if(dr.ge.cutCb) then y = Cb0/dr dy = -(Cb0/dr/dr) else index = int(dr/delr)+1 a = dble(index) - dr/delr b = 1.0 - a y = a*spCby(index)+b*spCby(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outCb(index)+(b**3-b)*outCb(index+1))*fdel dy = da*spCby(index)+db*spCby(index+1)+ + ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outCb(index)+ + (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outCb(index+1))*fdel end if 10 continue return end subroutine potYuk implicit none integer i, ncut, index real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy real*8 Yuk include 'coms.f' rx(1) = 0.0d0 ry(1) = 0.0d0 rz(1) = 0.0d0 ry(2) = 0.0d0 rz(2) = 0.0d0 Ecut = 1.0E-5 i = 0 99 i = i+1 dr = delr*dble(i-1) rx(2) = dr spx(i) = dr spYuky(i) = Yuk(1,2) if(abs(spYuky(i)).lt.Ecut) then spYuky(i) = 0.0 cutYuk = dr abl0 = 0.0 abln = 0.0 ncut = i else goto 99 end if call spline(spx,spYuky,ncut,abl0,abln,outYuk) write(6,'(''Yukawa-Potential '',e10.3,i5,f7.1)') + Ecut, ncut, cutYuk do 10 i=0,40 dr = 0.2*dble(i) rx(2) = dr if(dr.gt.cutYuk) then y = 0.0 dy = 0.0 else index = int(dr/delr)+1 a = dble(index) - dr/delr b = 1.0 - a y = a*spYuky(index)+b*spYuky(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outYuk(index)+(b**3-b)*outYuk(index+1))*fdel dy = da*spYuky(index)+db*spYuky(index+1)+ + ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outYuk(index)+ + (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outYuk(index+1))*fdel end if 10 continue return end subroutine potdww implicit none integer i, ncut, index real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy real*8 dww include 'coms.f' rx(1) = 0.0d0 ry(1) = 0.0d0 rz(1) = 0.0d0 ry(2) = 0.0d0 rz(2) = 0.0d0 Ecut = 1.0E-8 i = 0 99 i = i+1 dr = delr*dble(i-1) rx(2) = dr spx(i) = dr spdwwy(i) = dww(1,2) if(abs(spdwwy(i)).lt.Ecut) then spdwwy(i) = 0.0 cutdww = dr abl0 = 0.0 abln = 0.0 ncut = i else goto 99 end if call spline(spx,spdwwy,ncut,abl0,abln,outdww) write(6,'(''Interaction-Density'',e10.3,i5,f7.1)') + Ecut, ncut, cutdww do 10 i=0,20 dr = 0.295*dble(i) rx(2) = dr if(dr.gt.cutdww) then y = 0.0 dy = 0.0 else index = int(dr/delr)+1 a = dble(index) - dr/delr b = 1.0 - a y = a*spdwwy(index)+b*spdwwy(index+1)+ + ((a**3-a)*outdww(index)+(b**3-b)*outdww(index+1))*fdel dy = da*spdwwy(index)+db*spdwwy(index+1)+ + ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outdww(index)+ + (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outdww(index+1))*fdel end if 10 continue return end c Kinetic Energy c function Ekin(j) implicit none integer j real*8 Ekin include 'coms.f' Ekin = sqrt((px(j)+ffermpx(j))*(px(j)+ffermpx(j))+ + (py(j)+ffermpy(j))*(py(j)+ffermpy(j))+ + (pz(j)+ffermpz(j))*(pz(j)+ffermpz(j))+ + fmass(j)*fmass(j)) return end c Derivative for Kinetic Energy c function dEkin(j) implicit none integer j real*8 dEkin include 'coms.f' dEkin = 1.0/sqrt(px(j)*px(j)+py(j)*py(j)+pz(j)*pz(j)+ + fmass(j)*fmass(j)) return end c Skyrme Potential (3-body) rwwterm c function dww(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 dww, rjk include 'coms.f' dww = gw/pi*sqrt(gw/pi)*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)))/ / rho0 return end cc Skyrme Potential cc function Sky(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 Sky, rjk include 'coms.f' Sky = Sky20*gw/pi*sqrt(gw/pi)*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k))) return end c Coulomb Potential c function Cb(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 Cb, rjk real*8 erf include 'coms.f' if (iso3(j).eq.1.and.iso3(k).eq.1) then if (rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then Cb = Cb0*er0*sgw else Cb = Cb0/rjk(j,k)*erf(sgw*rjk(j,k)) end if else Cb = 0.0 end if return end c Derivative for Coulomb Potential c function dCb(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 dCb, rjk real*8 erf include 'coms.f' if (iso3(j).eq.1.and.iso3(k).eq.1) then if (rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then dCb = 0.0 else dCb = Cb0*(er0*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)))*sgw*rjk(j,k)- + erf(sgw*rjk(j,k)))/rjk(j,k)/rjk(j,k) end if else dCb = 0.0 end if return end c Yukawa Potential c function Yuk(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 Yuk, rjk real*8 erf include 'coms.f' if(rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then Yuk = Yuk0*(er0*sgw-exp(0.25/gamYuk/gamYuk/gw)/gamYuk* * (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw))) else Yuk = Yuk0*0.5/rjk(j,k)*exp(0.25/gamYuk/gamYuk/gw)* * (exp(-(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk))* + (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw-sgw*rjk(j,k)))- - exp(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk)* + (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw+sgw*rjk(j,k)))) end if return end c Derivative for Yukawa Potential c function dYuk(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 dYuk, rjk real*8 erf include 'coms.f' if(rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then dYuk = 0.0 else dYuk = 0.5*Yuk0/rjk(j,k)*( exp(0.25/gamYuk/gamYuk/gw)*( * (-(1.0/rjk(j,k))-1.0/gamYuk)*exp(-(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk))* * (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw-sgw*rjk(j,k))) + * (1.0/rjk(j,k)-1.0/gamYuk)*exp(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk)* * (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw+sgw*rjk(j,k))) ) + + sgw*er0*2.0*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k))) ) end if return end c Pauli Potential c function Pau(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 Pau, pjk, rjk include 'coms.f' Pau = Pau0*exp(-(0.5*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)/drPau))* * exp(-(0.5*pjk(j,k)*pjk(j,k)/dpPau)) return end c Derivative (p) for Pauli Potential c function dPaup(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 dPaup, pjk, rjk include 'coms.f' dPaup = -(Pau0/dpPau*pjk(j,k)* * exp(-(0.5*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)/drPau))* * exp(-(0.5*pjk(j,k)*pjk(j,k)/dpPau))) return end c Derivative (r) for Pauli Potential c function dPaur(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 dPaur, pjk, rjk include 'coms.f' dPaur = -(Pau0/drPau*rjk(j,k)* * exp(-(0.5*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)/drPau))* * exp(-(0.5*pjk(j,k)*pjk(j,k)/dpPau))) return end function rjk(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 rjk include 'coms.f' rjk = sqrt((rx(j)-rx(k))**2+(ry(j)-ry(k))**2+(rz(j)-rz(k))**2) return end function pjk(j,k) implicit none integer j, k real*8 pjk include 'coms.f' pjk = sqrt((px(j)-px(k))**2+(py(j)-py(k))**2+(pz(j)-pz(k))**2) return end function iPau(j,k) implicit none integer j, k logical iPau include 'coms.f' iPau = .false. if (iso3(j).eq.iso3(k).and.ityp(j).eq.ityp(k)) iPau = .true. return end