c $Id: anndec.f 5115 2016-01-04 19:07:31Z darko $ C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## subroutine anndec(io,mm1,ii1,iiz1,mm2,ii2,iiz2,sqrts,sig,gam) c c cinput io : 0: annihilation; 1: decay cinput mm1 : mass of scattering/decaying particle 1 cinput ii1 : ID of scattering/decaying particle 1 cinput iiz1 : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering/decaying particle 1 cinput mm2 : mass of scattering particle 2 cinput ii2 : ID of scattering particle 2 cinput iiz2 : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering particle 2 cinput sqrts : $sqrts{s}$ of collision; resonance mass for decay coutput sig : resonance scattering cross section coutput gam : width of the produced resonance c c {\tt anndec} handles meson-baryon and meson-meson annihilations c as well as all meson and baryon resonance decays. In case of c annihilations it returs the total resonance production cross section c and the decay width of the resonance chosen as final state. c The final state itself for both cases, annihilation and decay c is returned via the {\tt newpart} common block. In the case c of a decay the final state may consist of up to 4 particles. c c Technically, {\tt anndec} is only an interface to {\tt anndex}, c which actually handles the summation of the Breit-Wigner formulas c in the annihilation case and the final state generation for c annihilation and decay. c Ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc C implicit none integer io,i1,i2,iz1,iz2,ii1,ii2,iiz1,iiz2,is real*8 m1,m2,mm1,mm2,sig,gam,sqrts include 'comres.f' include 'options.f' integer strit C C ************************************************************************ C Case 1 : Two ingoing Particles --> One outgoing Particle (Resonance,...) C C i1=ii1 i2=ii2 iz1=iiz1 iz2=iiz2 m1=mm1 m2=mm2 if(io.eq.0)then !annihilation C sig=0d0 gam=0d0 C C Check if (sqrt(s)-masses of ingoing particles) is significant different C from zero C if(sqrts-mm1-mm2.le.1d-3)return C C Check if CTOption(15) is set different from zero-->then skip anndec.f C if(CTOption(15).ne.0)return C C C Check if itype of particle one is smaller than the one of particle two C if so --> interchange particle one and particle two C in case of particle one = B and particle two = M --> then C new particle one = M and new particle two = B C if(iabs(i1).lt.iabs(i2))call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2) C C Determination of the amount of the netstrangness C is=iabs(strit(i1)+strit(i2)) C C maxbar (Maximum Baryon ityp) C if second particle is antibaryon and first particle is strange C switch antibaryon to baryon C if(iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then if(i2.lt.0)then if(strit(i1).ne.0)i1=-i1 ! get corresponding anti-branch end if end if C C C Check if both particles are mesons C if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i2).ge.minmes)then C C c... boson+boson sector C C C Check if amount of netstrangeness is greater than 1 c currently no resonant processes for |s|>1 are implemented if(is.gt.1)return if(is.ne.0)then call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts, . sig,gam,maxbrm,minmes+1,maxmes,bmtype,branmes) else call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts, . sig,gam,maxbrm,minmes+1,maxmes,bmtype,branmes) endif C C Check if second particle is baryon C (with zero amount of netstrangeness) ? C e.g. pion-nucleon case C else if(is.eq.0.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then c... (anti-)N*,D* call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, . maxbra,minnuc+1,maxdel,brtype,branres) C C Check if second particle is baryon C (with amount one of netstrangeness) ? C else if(is.eq.1.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then c... (anti-)Y* call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, . maxbrs1,minlam+1,maxsig,bs1type,branbs1) C C Check if second particle is baryon C (with amount two of netstrangeness) ? C else if(is.eq.2.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then c... (anti-)X* call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, . maxbrs2,mincas+1,maxcas,bs2type,branbs2) C C else sig=0d0 return end if C C ************************************************************* Css Case 2 : one ingoing particle (resonance,..) --> 2-4 outgoing Css particles (decay) C else ! decay !!!!! i2=0 iz2=0 m2=0.d0 is=iabs(strit(i1)) c if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes)then ! meson dec. call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, . maxbrm ,minmes+1,maxmes,bmtype,branmes) else if(is.eq.0)then ! n*,d,d* call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, . maxbra,minnuc+1,maxdel,brtype,branres) else if(is.eq.1)then ! call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, . maxbrs1,minlam+1,maxsig,bs1type,branbs1) else if(is.eq.2)then call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, . maxbrs2,mincas+1,maxcas,bs2type,branbs2) else write(6,*)'make22(anndex): s=',is,'not included' stop end if C C End of Cases 1 and 2 : annihilation/decay C end if C ************************************************************ C return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## subroutine anndex(io,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam, & maxbr,mini,maxi,btype,branch) c cinput io : 0: annihilation; 1: decay cinput m1 : mass of scattering/decaying particle 1 cinput i1 : ID of scattering/decaying particle 1 cinput iz1 : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering/decaying particle 1 cinput m2 : mass of scattering particle 2 cinput i2 : ID of scattering particle 2 cinput iz2 : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering particle 2 cinput sqrts : $sqrts{s}$ of collision; resonance mass for decay coutput sig : resonance scattering cross section coutput gam : width of the produced resonance cinput maxbr : number of decay channels for particle class cinput mini : smallest {\tt ityp} of particle class cinput maxi : largest {\tt ityp} of particle class cinput btype : array with exit channel definitions cinput branch : array with branching ratios for final state c c c {\tt anndex} performs meson-baryon and meson-meson annihilations c as well as all meson and baryon resonance decays. In case of c annihilations it returs the total resonance production cross section c and the decay width of the resonance chosen as final state. c The final state itself for both cases, annihilation and decay c is returned via the {\tt newpart} common block. In the case c of a decay the final state may consist of up to 4 particles. c c In {\tt anndex} the actual summation over Breit-Wigner formulas c in the case of annihilations is performed. c c For decays the branch is choosen according to the mass dependent c part of the decay width (call to {\tt fbrancx}); then the final c state (which consists of particle {\tt ityp}, $2\cdot I_3$ and c mass is generated and transferred to teh {\tt newpart} common c block. c Ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'comres.f' include 'comwid.f' include 'newpart.f' include 'options.f' real*8 pi,cc,sqrts parameter(pi=3.1415927,cc=0.38937966) integer maxbr,mini,maxi,btype(4,0:maxbr) real*8 branch(0:maxbr,mini:maxi) integer icnt,is integer io,i,j,i1,i2,iz1,iz2,itag,ii1,ii2 integer itn1,itnz1 real*8 m1,m2,prob(0:100),sum,sig,gam,cgk2 real*8 sigi(minnuc:maxmes),mmax,mmin,br,mmi1,mmi2,ppcm,gt real*8 m,g,mo c functions real*8 fbrwig,pcms,massit real*8 mminit,widit,fbrancx,ranf,fcgk,fwidth real*8 fprwdt integer jit,isoit,strit if(io.eq.1)then C C C one ingoing particle --> two,three,four outgoing particles C c... decays do 3 i=0,maxbr if(isoit(btype(1,i))+isoit(btype(2,i))+isoit(btype(3,i))+ & isoit(btype(4,i)).lt.iabs(iz1).or. & m1.lt.mminit(btype(1,i))+mminit(btype(2,i)) & +mminit(btype(3,i))+mminit(btype(4,i)) )then prob(i)=0.d0 else prob(i)=fbrancx(i,iabs(i1),iz1,m1,branch(i,iabs(i1)), & btype(1,i),btype(2,i),btype(3,i),btype(4,i)) endif 3 continue icnt=0 c... find out branch = i call getbran(prob,0,100,sum,0,maxbr,i) ctp060202 9 call getbran(prob,0,100,sum,0,maxbr,i) if(i.gt.maxbr)then write(6,*)'anndex(dec): no final state found for:',i1,m1,iz1 write(6,*)'please check minimal masses: m1,m1min,m2min' write(6,*)'and iso3 of decaying particle' write(6,*)(prob(j),j=0,maxbr) stop end if c... get itypes and set number of outgoing particles, prepare final state nexit=2 itypnew(1)=btype(1,i) itot(1)=isoit(itypnew(1)) itypnew(2)=btype(2,i) itot(2)=isoit(itypnew(2)) itypnew(3)=btype(3,i) if(itypnew(3).ne.0) then itot(3)=isoit(itypnew(3)) pnew(5,3)=massit(itypnew(3)) c sidnew is used to set the lstcoll array sidnew(3)=strcount sidnew(2)=strcount ! correct here, set only for nexit > 2 nexit=nexit+1 endif itypnew(4)=btype(4,i) if(itypnew(4).ne.0) then itot(4)=isoit(itypnew(4)) pnew(5,4)=massit(itypnew(4)) sidnew(4)=strcount nexit=nexit+1 endif if(nexit.gt.2) strcount=strcount+1 c check for some special cases involving decay of antibaryons and c strange mesons if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.strit(i1).ne.0) then do 41 j=1,nexit if(strit(itypnew(j)).ne.0)then c for anti-K* decays(mesons with one s-quark) itypnew(j)=isign(itypnew(j),i1) end if 41 continue elseif(iabs(i1).lt.minmes) then c the (anti-)baryon MUST always be the first outgoing particle c -> conserve baryon-charge itypnew(1)=isign(itypnew(1),i1) do 42 j=2,nexit if(strit(itypnew(j)).ne.0.and.i1.lt.0) then itypnew(j)=(-1)*itypnew(j) endif 42 continue endif c... get isopin-3 components itag=-50 call isonew4(isoit(i1),iz1,itot,i3new,itag) c write(6,*)'anndem:',iz3,iz1,iz2,'#',is3,is1,is2 c... get masses if(widit(itypnew(1)).ge.1.d-4.and. & widit(itypnew(2)).le.1.d-4)then c... i1 is a broad meson pnew(5,2)=massit(itypnew(2)) mmin=mminit(itypnew(1)) mo = pnew(5,2) if(nexit.gt.2) then do 39 j=3,nexit mo=mo+pnew(5,j) 39 continue endif mmax=sqrts-mo call getmas(massit(itypnew(1)),widit(itypnew(1)),itypnew(1) & ,isoit(itypnew(1)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,1)) elseif(widit(itypnew(2)).ge.1.d-4 & .and.widit(itypnew(1)).le.1.d-4)then c... i2 is a broad meson pnew(5,1)=massit(itypnew(1)) mmin=mminit(itypnew(2)) mo = pnew(5,1) if(nexit.gt.2) then do 49 j=3,nexit mo=mo+pnew(5,j) 49 continue endif mmax=sqrts-mo call getmas(massit(itypnew(2)),widit(itypnew(2)),itypnew(2) & ,isoit(itypnew(2)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,2)) elseif(widit(itypnew(1)).ge.1.d-4 & .and.widit(itypnew(2)).ge.1.d-4)then c... i1&i2 are both broad if(ranf(0).gt.0.5)then mmin=mminit(itypnew(1)) mo=mminit(itypnew(2)) if(nexit.gt.2) then do 59 j=3,nexit mo=mo+pnew(5,j) 59 continue endif mmax=sqrts-mo call getmas(massit(itypnew(1)),widit(itypnew(1)), & itypnew(1),isoit(itypnew(1)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,1)) mmin=mminit(itypnew(2)) mo=pnew(5,1) if(nexit.gt.2) then do 69 j=3,nexit mo=mo+pnew(5,j) 69 continue endif mmax=sqrts-mo call getmas(massit(itypnew(2)),widit(itypnew(2)), & itypnew(2),isoit(itypnew(2)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,2)) else ! of ranf.gt.0.5 mmin=mminit(itypnew(2)) mo=mminit(itypnew(1)) if(nexit.gt.2) then do 79 j=3,nexit mo=mo+pnew(5,j) 79 continue endif mmax=sqrts-mo call getmas(massit(itypnew(2)),widit(itypnew(2)), & itypnew(2),isoit(itypnew(2)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,2)) mmin=mminit(itypnew(1)) mo=pnew(5,2) if(nexit.gt.2) then do 89 j=3,nexit mo=mo+pnew(5,j) 89 continue endif mmax=sqrts-mo call getmas(massit(itypnew(1)),widit(itypnew(1)), & itypnew(1),isoit(itypnew(1)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,1)) endif c none are broad else pnew(5,2)=massit(itypnew(2)) pnew(5,1)=massit(itypnew(1)) end if mmax=0.d0 do 99 j=1,nexit mmax=mmax+pnew(5,j) 99 continue if(sqrts.le.mmax)then write(6,*)' *** error(anndex): treshold violated',sqrts-mmax stop end if C C C two ingoing particles --> one outgoing particle (resonance) C C i.e. (i0=0) else c.... collisions: find in-branch = j sig=0.0 gam=0.0 C ii1=i1 ii2=i2 c for strange - nonstrange meson-meson scattering: strip sign is=iabs(strit(i1)+strit(i2)) if(is.ne.0.and.iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i2).ge.minmes) then ii1=iabs(i1) ii2=iabs(i2) endif c for meson baryon, strip sign of baryon if(iabs(i2).le.maxbar) then ii2=iabs(i2) endif c call getobr(btype,0,maxbr,ii1,ii2,j) if(j.eq.-99)return mmi1=mminit(i1) mmi2=mminit(i2) c C next line outside the loop (compare post-QM-version: inside the loop) C C ppcm=pcms(sqrts,m1,m2) C C Loop over different branches (resonances...) C do 88 i=mini,maxi sigi(i)=0.d0 br=branch(j,i) gt=widit(i) if(br*gt.lt.1d-4)goto 88 cgk2=fcgk(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,i) if(br*cgk2.gt.0d0.and.sqrts.gt.mmi1+mmi2+1d-2.and. & ppcm.gt.1d-2)then C C br=fprwdt(j,i,iz1+iz2,sqrts)/fwidth(i,iz1+iz2,sqrts) m=dabs(sqrts) g=fwidth(i,iz1+iz2,m) sigi(i)=dble(jit(i)+1) / /dble((jit(i1)+1)*(jit(i2)+1)) * *pi/ppcm**2*br * *g*g/((m-massit(i))**2+g*g/4d0)*cgk2*cc end if if(sigi(i).gt.1e10)then write(6,*)' ***error(anndec) cross section too high ' write(6,*)'anndex(ann):',i, , br,cgk2,fbrwig(i,iz1+iz2,sqrts,1), , 1/pcms(sqrts,m1,m2),sigi(i) write(6,*)m1,m2,sqrts write(6,*)i1,i2,i write(6,*)iz1,iz2,iz1+iz2 end if C C 88 continue c... find outgoing resonance call getbran(sigi,minnuc,maxmes,sig,mini,maxi,itn1) ctp060202 108 call getbran(sigi,minnuc,maxmes,sig,mini,maxi,itn1) if(sig.ge.1d-10)then itnz1=iz1+iz2 gam=fwidth(itn1,itnz1,sqrts) end if c copy created resonance into newpart arrays itypnew(1)=itn1 i3new(1)=itnz1 pnew(5,1)=sqrts if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i2).ge.minmes) then if(iabs(strit(i1)+strit(i2)).ne.0) then itypnew(1)=isign(itypnew(1),i1*i2) endif else itypnew(1)=isign(itypnew(1),i2) endif ctp060202 3333 continue C C End of two Cases (annihilation/decay) C C end if !dec/ann return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## real*8 function fbrwig(i,iz,mi,bit) c cinput i : resonance ID cinput iz : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance cinput mi : mass of resonance cinput bit : sign is used as option to toggle between fixed and m.dep. widths c c {\tt fbrwig} returns a normalized Breit-Wigner Function. c Note, that the normalization actually only holds true for c fixed decay widths. {\tt fbrwig}, however, uses per default c a mass dependent width. You should divide by c {\tt bwnorm} to obtain normalized Breit-Wigners for mass dependent c widths also. For {\tt bit} < 0 a fixed width is used. c cccccCcc1ccccccccc2ccccccccc3ccccccccc4ccccccccc5ccccccccc6ccccccccc7cc implicit none integer i,iz,bit real*8 pi,mi,g,fwidth,massit,widit real*8 f,e,m0,g1,g2 parameter(pi=3.1415927) f(e,m0,g1,g2)=0.5/pi*g1/((e-m0)**2+0.25*g2**2) if(bit.lt.0)then g=widit(i) fbrwig=f(mi,massit(i),g,g) else g=fwidth(i,iz,mi) fbrwig=f(mi,massit(i),g,g) end if return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine getbran(x,dmin,dmax,sumx,nmin,nmax,i) c c cinput x : vector containing weights, dimension is {\tt x(dmin:dmax)} cinput dmin : lower dimension of {\tt x} cinput dmax : upper dimension of {\tt x} coutput sumx : sum of elements of {\tt x} from {\tt nmin} to {\tt nmax} cinput nmin : lower boundary for {\tt getbran} operation cinput nmax : upper boundary for {\tt getbran} operation coutput i : index of element which has been choosen randomly c c {\tt getbran} takes a vector of weights or probabilities c {\tt x(dmin:dmax)} and sums up the elements from c {\tt nmin} to {\tt nmax}. It then chooses randomly an element {\tt i} c between {\tt nmin} and {\tt nmax}. The probability of c choosing {\tt i} depends on the weights contained in {\tt x}. c c \danger{ {\tt i} will be undefined if {\tt sum} is less or c equal to zero} c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none integer i,j,nmin,nmax,dmin,dmax real*8 x(dmin:dmax),sumx,ranf,rx,cut parameter (cut=1d-20) sumx=0D0 do 10 j=nmin,nmax sumx=sumx+x(j) 10 continue if (sumx.lt.cut) then i=nmax+1 return endif rx=sumx*ranf(0) do 20 j=nmin,nmax if (rx.le.x(j)) then i=j return endif rx=rx-x(j) 20 continue if (abs(rx).lt.1D-10) then i=nmax return endif call error ('getbran','no channel found',rx,3) end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## subroutine getobr(x,dmin,dmax,i1,i2,i) c c cinput x : array, either {\tt brtype, bmtype, bs1type} or {\tt bs2type} cinput dmin : lower dimension of {\tt x(4,dmin:dmax)} cinput dmin : upper dimension of {\tt x(4,dmin:dmax)} cinput i1 : ID of first incoming particle cinput i2 : ID of second incoming particle coutput i : index of decay branch into {\tt i1} and {\tt i2} c c {\tt getobr} returns the index of the decay branch for the c exit channel $B^* \rightarrow$ {\tt i1} + {\tt i2} c from one of the arrays c {\tt brtype, bmtype, bs1type} or {\tt bs2type}. This index c is needed for the calculation of the cross section c {\tt i1} + {\tt i2} $\rightarrow B^*$. c cccccCcc1ccccccccc2ccccccccc3ccccccccc4ccccccccc5ccccccccc6ccccccccc7cc implicit none integer i,j,i1,i2,dmin,dmax,x(4,dmin:dmax) do 108 j=dmin,dmax if((x(1,j).eq.i1.and.x(2,j).eq.i2.and.x(3,j).eq.0).OR. & (x(1,j).eq.i2.and.x(2,j).eq.i1.and.x(3,j).eq.0))then i=j return end if 108 continue i=-99 return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine normit (sigma,isigline) c c Revision : 1.0 c cinput sigma : vector with all (partial) cross sections coutput sigma : unitarized vector with cross sections cinput isigline : process class of cross sections c c {\tt normit} unitarizes the cross sections contained in the c {\tt sigma} array. The total cross section is stored in c {\tt sigma(0)}. The partial cross sections are unitarized c (rescaled) such, that their sum adds up to the total cross c section. Confidence levels can be assigned to different c partial cross sections indicating whether they may be rescaled c (i.e. if they are not well known) or whether they must not c be rescaled (i.e. because they have been fitted to experimental c data). c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'options.f' include 'comres.f' real*8 sigma(0:maxpsig) integer isigline integer i, npsig, restart integer uncert(1:maxpsig) real*8 diff, sumpart, gsumpart real*8 newsig(0:maxpsig) c get the number of channels npsig=sigmaln(1,1,isigline) c normalize only if sigtot is not given by the sum of sigpart if (sigmaln(2,1,isigline).gt.0) then c copy array do 10 i=1,npsig uncert(i)=sigmaln(i+2,2,isigline) 10 continue 100 restart=0 sumpart=0 gsumpart=0 c calculate the sum of all sigpart do 20 i=1,npsig sumpart=sumpart+sigma(i) gsumpart=gsumpart+sigma(i)*uncert(i) 20 continue c difference between sigtot and the sum of sigpart diff=sigma(0)-sumpart c if all channels are exactly zero, there must be an error in blockres.f! if (sumpart.eq.0.0) then write (6,*) 'normit: Error! sumpart.eq.0' c stop return endif if (gsumpart.eq.0.0) then do 50 i=1,npsig c now all channels can be modified if (uncert(i).eq.0) then c write (6,*) 'modify channel',i uncert(i)=1 endif 50 continue c restart calculation goto 100 endif do 60 i=1,npsig c rescale channels newsig(i)=sigma(i)+uncert(i)*diff*sigma(i)/gsumpart c if a channel is negative... if (newsig(i).lt.0) then c set it to zero and restart sigma(i)=0.0 restart=1 endif 60 continue if (restart.eq.1) goto 100 c copy new values to sigma do 70 i=1,npsig sigma(i)=newsig(i) 70 continue endif if (CTOption(7).eq.1.and.sigma(2).gt.1d-10) then sigma(1)=0d0 endif if (CTOption(7).eq.-1) then do 80 i=2,npsig sigma(i)=0d0 80 continue end if return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## real*8 function fwidth(ir,izr,m) c cinput ir : resonance ID cinput izr : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance cinput m : mass of resonance c c {\tt fwidth} returns the mass-dependent total decay width c of the resonance {\tt ir}. c c C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## implicit none include 'comres.f' include 'comwid.f' include 'options.f' integer i,ir,izr,mm,mp,ires real*8 gtot,m,widit,splint real*8 minwid, fprwdt if (CTOption(1).ne.0) then fwidth=widit(ir) return endif if (wtabflg.gt.0.and.CTOption(33).eq.0) then ires=iabs(ir) minwid=min(widit(ir),1D-8) if (ires.ge.minbar.and.ires.le.maxbar) then !baryons c widths are continued horicontally outside the spline region if(m.le.maxtab2)then fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fbtaby(1,ires,1), . fbtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,m),minwid) else fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fbtaby(1,ires,1), . fbtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,maxtab2),minwid) endif else if (ires.ge.minmes.and.ires.le.maxmes) then !mesons c widths are continued horicontally outside the spline region if(m.le.maxtab2)then fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fmtaby(1,ires,1), . fmtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,m),minwid) else fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fmtaby(1,ires,1), . fmtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,maxtab2),minwid) endif else write (6,*) '*** error(fwidth) wrong itype:',ir fwidth=0 endif else call brange(ir,mm,mp) gtot=0d0 if(mp.gt.0)then do 27 i=mm,mp gtot=gtot+fprwdt(i,ir,izr,m) 27 continue end if fwidth=gtot !*widit(ir) end if return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## real*8 function fprwdt(i,ir,izr,mi) c cinput i : decay branch cinput ir : resonance ID cinput izr : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance cinput mi : mass of resonance c c {\tt fprwdt} returns the mass dependent partial decay width c of the decay channel {\tt i}. c C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## implicit none real*8 m,br,bi,mir,g,mi integer i,ir,izr,i1,i2,i3,i4 real*8 widit,fbrancx,mminit,massit call b3type(ir,i,bi,i1,i2,i3,i4) m=dabs(mi) g=0d0 mir=massit(ir) if(bi.gt.1d-9.and.mir.gt.mminit(i1)+mminit(i2))then br=fbrancx(i,ir,izr,m,bi,i1,i2,i3,i4) c write(6,*)' ',bi,gi,widit(ir) g=br*widit(ir) end if fprwdt=g return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*8 function fbrancx(i,ir,izr,em,bi,b1,b2,b3,b4) c cinput i : decay branch cinput ir : ID of resonance cinput em : actual mass of resonance cinput bi : branching ration at peak cinput b1 : itype of 1st outgoing particle cinput b2 : itype of 2nd outgoing particle cinput b3 : itype of 3rd outgoing particle cinput b4 : itype of 4th outgoing particle c c {\tt fbrancx} returns the mass dependent branching ratio for c the decay channel {\tt i} of resonance {\tt ir}. This c branching ratio is NOT normalized. To extract the mass dependent c decay width, use {\tt fprwdt}. c c {\tt fbrancx} =$ c \left( \Gamma^{i,j}_{R} \frac{M_{R}}{M} c \left( \frac{\langle p_{i,j}(M) \rangle} c {\langle p_{i,j}(M_{R}) \rangle} \right)^{2l+1} c \frac{1.2}{1+ 0.2 c \left( \frac{\langle p_{i,j}(M) \rangle} c {\langle p_{i,j}(M_{R}) \rangle} \right)^{2l} } c \right) $ c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none real*8 kdiv1,kdiv2,em,b,mmin,mn,m1m,m2m real*8 bi,minwid real*8 fbran,splint,splintth,pmean integer i,ires,ir,izr,b1,b2,b3,b4 include 'comres.f' include 'comwid.f' include 'options.f' real*8 mminit,massit integer isoit,flbr,ipwr,ipwr1 ires=iabs(ir) if(iabs(izr).gt.isoit(ires))then fbrancx=0d0 return end if if(CTOption(8).ne.0)then fbrancx=bi return end if m1m=mminit(b1) m2m=mminit(b2) c in case of three or four particle decays put masses in m2m if(b3.ne.0) m2m=m2m+mminit(b3) if(b4.ne.0) m2m=m2m+mminit(b4) mn=massit(ires) ! nominal mass mmin= m1m+m2m ! minimal mass of resonance if (wtabflg.ge.2.and.CTOption(33).eq.0) then minwid=min(fbran(i,ires),1D-8) if (ires.ge.minbar.and.ires.le.maxbar) then !baryons c branching ratios are continued horicontally outside the spline region if(em.le.maxtab2)then b=max(splintth(tabx,pbtaby(1,1,ires,i), . pbtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,em,mmin),minwid) else b=max(splintth(tabx,pbtaby(1,1,ires,i), . pbtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,maxtab2,mmin),minwid) endif else if (ires.ge.minmes.and.ires.le.maxmes) then !mesons if (em.le.maxtab2) then c branching ratios are continued horicontally outside the spline region b=max(splint(tabx,pmtaby(1,1,ires,i), . pmtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,em),minwid) else b=max(splint(tabx,pmtaby(1,1,ires,i), . pmtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,maxtab2),minwid) endif else write (6,*) '*** error(fbrancx) wrong id:',ir b=0 endif else b=0d0 if (bi.gt.0.and.em.gt.mmin.and.mn.gt.mmin) then ipwr=flbr(i,ires) ipwr1=ipwr+1 c determine expectation values of outgoing masses c call of pmean with -99 instead of iso3 to ensure usage of fixed c resonance widths: 5% error, but avoids recursion via call c to fwidth from pmean if(CTOption(33).ne.0)then kdiv1=pmean(em,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr1)/ & pmean(mn,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr1) kdiv2=pmean(em,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr)/ & pmean(mn,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr) else kdiv1=pmean(em,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2), & b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr1)/ & pmean(mn,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2), & b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr1) kdiv2=pmean(em,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2), & b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr)/ & pmean(mn,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2), & b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr) end if b=bi*mn/em*kdiv1*1.2/(1.+0.2*kdiv2) else b=0. end if end if fbrancx=b return end