c $Id$ cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine stringdec(ityp,iz2,smass,part,ident2,npart) c cinput smass : Stringmass cinput ityp : Particle ID cinput iz2 : Isospin$_3\cdot 2$ c coutput part : 4-momenta, 4-position, masses (array) coutput ident2 : ityp, iz2 (array) coutput npart : number of outgoing particles c c This subroutine performs string fragmentation. c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) PARAMETER(MXPTCL=200) COMMON/PARTCL/ PPTCL(9,MXPTCL),nptcl,IDENT(MXPTCL),IDCAY(MXPTCL) include 'comstr.f' dimension part(9,mxptcl) dimension ident2(2,mxptcl) c we call the translation routine call ityp2id(ityp,iz2,ifa,ifb) goto 1 cspl... string fragmentation called with quark id's and energy as arguments entry qstring(ifanew,ifbnew,smass,part,ident2,npart) ifa=ifanew ifb=ifbnew 1 continue smem=smass c here we call the fragmentation routine. the produced hadrons and their c properties are returned via the pptcl- and ident-array in the common-block call string(ifa,ifb,smass) c here the array pptcl has been filled with nptcl entries (1->nptcl) c now we translate to uqmd and shift the pptcl- and ident-info to the c corresponding part- and ident2-arrays of the newpart-common-block: npart=nptcl do 2 i=1,nptcl call id2ityp(ident(i),pptcl(5,i),itypout,iz2out) ident2(1,i)=itypout ident2(2,i)=iz2out smem=smem-pptcl(4,i) do 3 j=1,9 part(j,i)=pptcl(j,i) 3 continue 2 continue c check for energy conservation: ctp060926 if(abs(smem).gt.1.0D-5)then ctp060926 write(*,*)'! stringdec: energy difference=',smem ctp060926 write(*,*)'ifa,ifb,smass=',ifa,ifb,smass ctp060926 endif return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine strini c c output : via common blocks c c {\tt strini} calculates mixing angles for the meson-multipletts c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) include 'options.f' include 'comres.f' include 'comstr.f' real*8 m3 real*8 massit integer jit c mixing angles of meson multiplets according to flavor SU(3) quark model: cspl-0795 these parameters assign the pure u/ubar,d/dbar,s/sbar states c (e.g. 110,220,330) to the physical particles according to the su(3) c quark model. The flavor mixing angles are chosen according to quadratic c Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula (Review of Particle Properties, c Phys. Rev D50 (1994) 1319). For the scalar mesons this formula is not c applicable. We assume an ideal mixing angle (tan(theta)=1/sqrt(2)). c c pseudoscalar: theta=-10 deg c vector : theta= 39 deg c pseudovector: theta= 51 deg c tensor : theta= 28 deg c real*8 mixang(njspin) c ideal mixing angles assumed for the last three multiplets data mixang/-10d0,39d0,35.3d0,51d0,28d0,35.3d0,35.3d0,35.3d0/ c pi = 4d0*datan2(1d0,1d0) c calculate 'singlet shift probabilities', e.g. a 11 (u-ubar) state c can be changed to a 22 (d-dbar) or 33 (s-sbar) state with a certain c probability. THEN they can be identified with physical hadrons! do 3 i=1,njspin mixang(i)=mixang(i)/36d1*2d0*3.1416d0 PMIX1S(1,i)=(dcos(mixang(i))/sqrt(6d0) & -dsin(mixang(i))/sqrt(3d0))**2 PMIX1S(2,i)=PMIX1S(1,i) PMIX1S(3,i)=(-(dcos(mixang(i))*2d0/dsqrt(6d0)) & -dsin(mixang(i))/dsqrt(3d0))**2 PMIX2S(1,i)=0.5d0 PMIX2S(2,i)=0.5d0 PMIX2S(3,i)=1d0 ce calculate probabilities of the meson multipletts ce according to parm=(spin degeneracy)/(average mass) *ctp(50 ff.) parm(i)=0d0 m3=0d0 do 102 j=0,3 itp=mlt2it(4*(i-1)+j+1) m3=m3+massit(itp) jpc=jit(itp)/2 102 continue parm(i)=parm(i)+(2*jpc+1)/m3*4*CTParam(49+i) c the mixing-angles are the same for 'string' and 'cluster': do 2 k=1,3 PMIX1C(k,i)=PMIX1S(k,i) PMIX2C(k,i)=PMIX2S(k,i) c write(6,*)'#',pmix1c(k,i) 2 continue 3 continue return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc SUBROUTINE GAUSPT(PT0,SIGQT) c cinput sigqt : Width of Gaussian c coutput pt0 : transverse momentum c C generate pt with Gaussian c distribution $\propto pt \exp(-pt^2/sigqt^2)$ c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit none real*8 pt0,sigqt,rnd,ranf RND=ranf(0) PT0=SIGQT*SQRT(-DLOG(1.d0-RND)) RETURN END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc SUBROUTINE FLAVOR(ID,IFL1,IFL2,IFL3,JSPIN) c cinput ID : quarkcode c coutput ifl1 : single quarks id coutput ifl2 : single quarks id coutput ifl3 : single quarks id coutput jspin : spin id c C THIS SUBROUTINE UNPACKS THE IDENT CODE ID=+/-IJKL c C -MESONS: C I=0, J<=K, +/- IS SIGN FOR J, C ID=110 FOR PI0, ID=220 FOR ETA, ETC. c C -BARYONS: C I<=J<=K IN GENERAL, C J150) IF(MOD(IFL(JSIDE),100).EQ.0) GO TO 150 C IFL(JSIDE) IS A QUARK C NOW WE SELECT Q,QBAR PAIR OR QQ,QQBAR PAIR DIQBR=.FALSE. DRND=ranf(0) c.. do a qq-qqbar pair with certain prob. IF(DRND.LT.PBARS) GO TO 140 C Q,QBAR PAIR IFLN=ISIGN(IFLAV(PU,PRBS),-IFL(JSIDE)) GO TO 200 C QQ,QQBAR PAIR 140 IQ1=IFLAV(PU,PRBS) IQ2=IFLAV(PU,PRBS) c.. no single-strange diquarks (us,ds)! cblubb if(max0(iq1,iq2).eq.3.and.min0(iq1,iq2).lt.3)goto 140 c.. suppr. double strange di-quarks(ss) with certain prob. (acc. to ctp 29) if((IQ1.eq.3.and.IQ2.eq.3) & .and.ranf(0).gt.CTParam(29))goto 140 IF(IQ1.LE.IQ2) GO TO 145 ISWAP=IQ1 IQ1=IQ2 IQ2=ISWAP 145 IFQQ=1000*IQ1+100*IQ2 IFLN=ISIGN(IFQQ,IFL(JSIDE)) GO TO 200 c..the di-quark part: C IFL(JSIDE) IS A DIQUARK C CAN DIQUARK BREAK OR NOT 150 DRND=ranf(0) IF(DRND.LE. PARDBS) GO TO 190 C DIQUARK BREAK (prob. in PARDBS) CALL FLAVOR(IFL(JSIDE),IFLD1,IFLD2,IFLD3,JSPIN) IFLL=IFLD1 IFL(JSIDE)=IFLD2 DRND=ranf(0) IF(DRND.GE.PARQLS) GO TO 160 IFLL=IFLD2 IFL(JSIDE)=IFLD1 160 DIQBR=.TRUE. C LEADING QUARK TRANSVERSE MOMENTUM CALL GAUSPT(PTL0,SIGQTS) PHI=2.*PI*ranf(0) PXL=PTL0*COS(PHI) PYL=PTL0*SIN(PHI) PX1L(JSIDE)=PX1(JSIDE) PY1L(JSIDE)=PY1(JSIDE) PX1(JSIDE)=-PXL PY1(JSIDE)=-PYL C Q,QBAR PAIR IFLN=ISIGN(IFLAV(PU,PRBS),-IFL(JSIDE)) GO TO 200 C DIQUARK DOES NOT BREAK C Q,QBAR PAIR 190 IFLN=ISIGN(IFLAV(PU,PRBS),IFL(JSIDE)) DIQBR=.FALSE. C IDENT,MASS AND TRANSVERSE MOMENTUM OF PARTICLE 200 IDENT(I)=IDPARS(IFL(JSIDE),IFLN,SPINT,KSPIN) PPTCL(5,I)=AMASS(IDENT(I)) SIGQTSN=SIGQTS IF(MOD(IFLN,100).EQ.0) SIGQTSN=sigqts*ctparam(38) if(iabs(ifln).eq.3.or.iabs(ifl(jside)).eq.3) & sigqtsn=sigqts*ctparam(39) CALL GAUSPT(PT2,SIGQTSN) c no pt for leading hadron: leading=.false. if((JSIDE.EQ.1.and.NPR.eq.1).and. & (abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1120 .or.abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1220) )then c & (abs(IDENT(I)).ge.1110))then leading=.true. cblu pt2=pt2/2d0 ilead=ilead+1 endif if((JSIDE.EQ.2.and.NPL.eq.1).and. & (abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1120 .or.abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1220) )then c & (abs(IDENT(I)).ge.1110))then leading=.true. cblu pt2=pt2/2d0 ilead=ilead+1 endif c..transverse momentum choosen for the newly produced hadron PHI=2.*PI*ranf(0) PX2=PT2*COS(PHI) PY2=PT2*SIN(PHI) PPTCL(1,I)=PX1(JSIDE)+PX2 PPTCL(2,I)=PY1(JSIDE)+PY2 C GENERATE Z-momentum PMTS(3-JSIDE)=AMASS(IABS(IFL(3-JSIDE)))**2 PTS=PPTCL(1,I)**2+PPTCL(2,I)**2 PMTS(JSIDE)=PPTCL(5,I)**2+PTS IF(PMTS(JSIDE)+PMTS(3-JSIDE).GE.PARRS*W(1)*W(2)) GO TO 100 ZMIN=PMTS(JSIDE)/(W(1)*W(2)) ZMAX=1.-PMTS(3-JSIDE)/(W(1)*W(2)) IF(ZMIN.GE.ZMAX) GO TO 100 C..WARNING: VERY IMPORTANT THE ORDER OF IFL AND IFLN IN ZFRAGS c.. fraction of momentum acc. to the fragmentation fct. Z=ZFRAGS(IFL(JSIDE),IFLN,PTS,ZMIN,ZMAX,leading) PPTCL(3,I)=0.5*(Z*W(JSIDE)-PMTS(JSIDE)/ *(Z*W(JSIDE)))*(-1.)**(JSIDE+1) PPTCL(4,I)=0.5*(Z*W(JSIDE)+PMTS(JSIDE)/(Z*W(JSIDE))) IDCAY(I)=0 IF(.NOT.(JSIDE.EQ.1)) GO TO 282 IDENTR(NPR)=IDENT(I) PPTR(1,NPR)=PPTCL(1,I) PPTR(2,NPR)=PPTCL(2,I) PPTR(3,NPR)=PPTCL(3,I) PPTR(4,NPR)=PPTCL(4,I) PPTR(5,NPR)=PPTCL(5,I) 282 IF(.NOT.(JSIDE.EQ.2)) GO TO 283 IDENTL(NPL)=IDENT(I) PPTL(1,NPL)=PPTCL(1,I) PPTL(2,NPL)=PPTCL(2,I) PPTL(3,NPL)=PPTCL(3,I) PPTL(4,NPL)=PPTCL(4,I) PPTL(5,NPL)=PPTCL(5,I) 283 IF(DIQBR) GO TO 210 IFL(JSIDE)=-IFLN PX1(JSIDE)=-PX2 PY1(JSIDE)=-PY2 GO TO 220 C NEW DIQUARK CREATION 210 ID1=IABS(IFLL) ID2=IABS(IFLN) IF(ID1.LE.ID2) GO TO 215 ISWAP=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID1=ISWAP 215 IFL(JSIDE)=ISIGN(1000*ID1+100*ID2,IFLL) PX1L(JSIDE)=PX1L(JSIDE)+PXL-PX2 PY1L(JSIDE)=PY1L(JSIDE)+PYL-PY2 PX1(JSIDE)=PX1L(JSIDE) PY1(JSIDE)=PY1L(JSIDE) 220 W(1)=W(1)-PPTCL(4,I)-PPTCL(3,I) W(2)=W(2)-PPTCL(4,I)+PPTCL(3,I) SPINT=.TRUE. KSPIN=2 IF(MOD(IFL(1),100).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IFL(2),100).EQ.0) GO TO 240 IDB=IDPARS(IFL(1),IFL(2),SPINT,KSPIN) AMB=AMASS(IDB)+dmass GO TO 211 240 IFCN=1 IF(ranf(0).GT.0.5) IFCN=2 IFLC1=-IFCN IF(IFL(1).GT.0) IFLC1=IFCN IFLC2=-IFLC1 IKH1=IDPARS(IFL(1),IFLC1,SPINT,KSPIN) IKH2=IDPARS(IFL(2),IFLC2,SPINT,KSPIN) AMB=AMASS(IKH1)+AMASS(IKH2)+DMASs 211 P1X=PX1(1)+PX1(2) P1Y=PY1(1)+PY1(2) PT12=P1X**2+P1Y**2 W12=W(1)*W(2) AMS2=W12-PT12 IF(AMS2.LT.AMB**2) GO TO 100 SPINT=.TRUE. KSPIN=1 IF(MOD(IFL(1),100).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IFL(2),100).EQ.0) GO TO 231 IDR=IDPARS(IFL(1),IFL(2),SPINT,KSPIN) WEND=(AMASS(IDR)+DMAS)**2 GO TO 232 231 IKHR1=IDPARS(IFL(1),IFLC1,SPINT,KSPIN) IKHR2=IDPARS(IFL(2),IFLC2,SPINT,KSPIN) WEND=(AMASS(IKHR1)+AMASS(IKHR2)+DMAS)**2 232 SPINT=.FALSE. KSPIN=0 IF(W(1)*W(2).GE.WEND) GO TO 130 GO TO 230 225 P1X=PX1(1)+PX1(2) P1Y=PY1(1)+PY1(2) PT12=P1X**2+P1Y**2 W12=W(1)*W(2) AMS2=W12-PT12 C LAST BREAK OF STRING 230 NPTCL=I AMC=SQRT(AMS2) EC=(W(1)+W(2))/2.0 VC(1)=P1X/EC VC(2)=P1Y/EC VC(3)=(W(1)-W(2))/(2.0*EC) NIN1=NPTCL+1 c.. the last break of the string will be done in clustr CALL CLUSTR(IFL(1),IFL(2),AMC,ilead) IF(LRET) GO TO 100 NFIN1=NPTCL CALL LORTR(VC,NIN1,NFIN1,BACK) NPR=NPR+1 NPL=NPL+1 IF(NPR.GT.MXPTCL.OR.NPL.GT.MXPTCL) GO TO 9999 c..the hadron from the left and the right side of the string c..are copied to the final pptcl array IDENTL(NPL)=IDENT(NFIN1) PPTL(1,NPL)=PPTCL(1,NFIN1) PPTL(2,NPL)=PPTCL(2,NFIN1) PPTL(3,NPL)=PPTCL(3,NFIN1) PPTL(4,NPL)=PPTCL(4,NFIN1) PPTL(5,NPL)=PPTCL(5,NFIN1) IDENTR(NPR)=IDENT(NIN1) PPTR(1,NPR)=PPTCL(1,NIN1) PPTR(2,NPR)=PPTCL(2,NIN1) PPTR(3,NPR)=PPTCL(3,NIN1) PPTR(4,NPR)=PPTCL(4,NIN1) PPTR(5,NPR)=PPTCL(5,NIN1) JJ=NFIX DO 284 J=1,NPR JJ=JJ+1 IDENT(JJ)=IDENTR(J) PPTCL(1,JJ)=PPTR(1,J) PPTCL(2,JJ)=PPTR(2,J) PPTCL(3,JJ)=PPTR(3,J) PPTCL(4,JJ)=PPTR(4,J) PPTCL(5,JJ)=PPTR(5,J) 284 CONTINUE JJ=NFIX+NPR DO 285 J=1,NPL JJ=JJ+1 K=NPL-J+1 IDENT(JJ)=IDENTL(K) PPTCL(1,JJ)=PPTL(1,K) PPTCL(2,JJ)=PPTL(2,K) PPTCL(3,JJ)=PPTL(3,K) PPTCL(4,JJ)=PPTL(4,K) PPTCL(5,JJ)=PPTL(5,K) 285 CONTINUE N1=NFIX+1 N2=NFIX+NPR+NPL-1 c.. we choose the LUND scheme consti=.false. IF(CONSTI) THEN C------------------------------------------------------C C----- CONSTITUENT TIME ----------------C C------------------------------------------------------C DO 1286 J=N1,N2 P3S=0. ES=0. DO 1287 L=N1,J P3S=P3S+PPTCL(3,L) 1287 ES=ES+PPTCL(4,L) c.. TI is the formation time of the particle c.. ZI is the z coordinate TI=(AMSTR-2.*P3S)/(2.*XAP) ZI=(AMSTR-2.*ES)/(2.*XAP) IF(J.NE.N2) GO TO 1288 TII=TI ZII=ZI 1288 PPTCL(6,J)=0. PPTCL(7,J)=0. PPTCL(8,J)=ZI PPTCL(9,J)=TI 1286 CONTINUE C PPTCL(6,N2+1)=0. PPTCL(7,N2+1)=0. PPTCL(8,N2+1)=ZII PPTCL(9,N2+1)=TII C GO TO 1253 ENDIF C------------------------------------------------------C C----- INSIDE-OUTSIDE TIME (LUND) ----------------C C------------------------------------------------------C DO 286 J=N1,NPTCL P3S=0. ES=0. NJ=J-1 IF(NJ.EQ.0) GO TO 289 DO 287 L=N1,NJ P3S=P3S+PPTCL(3,L) 287 ES=ES+PPTCL(4,L) c.. TI is the formation time of the particle c.. ZI is the z coordinate 289 TI=(AMSTR-2.*P3S+PPTCL(4,J)-PPTCL(3,J))/(2.*XAP) ZI=(AMSTR-2.*ES-PPTCL(4,J)+PPTCL(3,J))/(2.*XAP) PPTCL(6,J)=0. PPTCL(7,J)=0. PPTCL(8,J)=ZI PPTCL(9,J)=TI 286 CONTINUE 1253 RETURN c.. warning if to many hadrons are produced in string c.. increase the particle arrays to avoid this 9999 WRITE(6,9998) I 9998 FORMAT(//10X,40H...STOP IN STRING..NPTCL TOO HIGH NPTCL=,I5) STOP END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc SUBROUTINE CLUSTR(IFL1,IFL2,AMCTR,ilead) c cinput amctr : stringmass, cinput ifl1 : leading quark (or diquark) along $+Z$ axis cinput ifl2 : 2nd leading quark (or diquark) cinput ilead : $2-ilead=$ number of leading (di-)quarks c c output : produced particles via common block ({\tt pptcl}) c C HADRONS PRODUCTION BY MEANS CLUSTER BREAKING C WITH QUARK AND ANTIQUARK OR QUARK AND DIQUARK OR DIQUARK AND C ANTIDIQUARK IFL1 AND IFL2 ON ENDS. c Only the final 2 particles are created in {\tt clustr}! c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) COMMON/COMTRY/ NTRIES PARAMETER(MXPTCL=200) COMMON/PARTCL/ PPTCL(9,MXPTCL),nptcl,IDENT(MXPTCL),IDCAY(MXPTCL) include 'comstr.f' COMMON/COLRET/ LRET LOGICAL LRET DIMENSION IFL(2),U(3) LOGICAL SPINT real*8 valint(1) common /values/ valint include 'options.f' ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation logical ctp060202 ctp060202=.false. if(ctp060202)write(*,*)ilead ctp060202 end c.. strange and charm suppression in clustr (see string) prbs=ctparam(6) prbc=ctparam(7) c..the diquark-suppresion parameter is reduced for small c string masses (finite size effect) see A. Jahns diploma thesis if(amctr.le.2.8d0)then pbarc=0.d0 elseif (amctr.le.5d0)then pbarc=((amctr-2.8d0)/2.2d0)**3*ctparam(8) else pbarc=ctparam(8) endif dmas=ctparam(9) dmass=ctparam(10) C C PRBS STRANGENESS SUPPRESSION PARAMETER C PRBC CHARM SUPPRESSION PARAMETER PU=1./(2.+PRBS+PRBC) C NFIX=NPTCL NREP=0 LRET=.FALSE. 100 I=NFIX IF(NREP.LT.NTRIES) GO TO 101 LRET=.TRUE. RETURN 101 CONTINUE KSPIN=0 IFL(1)=IFL1 IFL(2)=IFL2 SPINT=.FALSE. I=I+2 IF(I.GT.MXPTCL) GO TO 9999 C CHOOSE SIDE OF BREAK JSIDE=1 C IF ANY IFL IS A DIQUARK IF(MOD(IFL(1),100).EQ.0.OR.MOD(IFL(2),100).EQ.0) GO TO 150 C IFL(1) AND IFL(2) ARE QUARKS C SELECT Q,QBARPAIR OR QQ,QQBAR PAIR DRND=ranf(0) IF(DRND.LT.PBARC.and.valint(1).eq.0.d0) GO TO 140 C Q,QBAR PAIR IFLN=ISIGN(IFLAV(PU,PRBS),-IFL(JSIDE)) GO TO 200 C QQ,QQBAR PAIR 140 IQ1=IFLAV(PU,PRBS) IQ2=IFLAV(PU,PRBS) IF(IQ1.LE.IQ2) GO TO 145 ISWAP=IQ1 IQ1=IQ2 IQ2=ISWAP 145 IFQQ=1000*IQ1+100*IQ2 IFLN=ISIGN(IFQQ,IFL(JSIDE)) GO TO 200 C IFL(1) OR IFL(2) IS DIQUARK C Q,QBAR PAIR 150 IPSIGN=IFL(JSIDE) IF(MOD(IFL(JSIDE),100).EQ.0) GO TO 130 IPSIGN=-IFL(JSIDE) 130 IFLN=ISIGN(IFLAV(PU,PRBS),IPSIGN) C IDENTS AND MASSES OF PARTICLES 200 continue c..quark-flip included (to describe some phi data) if(CTParam(5).gt.ranf(0).and.mod(ifln,100).ne.0.and. & mod(ifl(jside),100).ne.0.and.mod(ifl(3-jside),100).ne.0)then c quark-flip IDENT(I-1)=IDPARC(IFL(JSIDE),IFL(3-JSIDE),SPINT,KSPIN) IDENT(I)=IDPARC(-IFLN,IFLN,SPINT,KSPIN) else IDENT(I-1)=IDPARC(IFL(JSIDE),IFLN,SPINT,KSPIN) IDENT(I)=IDPARC(IFL(3-JSIDE),-IFLN,SPINT,KSPIN) end if c..for special bbar-b annihilation reactions for conservation c of total quantum numbers if(valint(1).ne.0.d0)then ifq1=int(valint(1)/10.) ifq2=-mod(int(valint(1)),10) if(isign(1,ifln).eq.isign(1,ifq1))then IDENT(I-1)=IDPARC(IFL(JSIDE),ifq1,SPINT,KSPIN) IDENT(I)=IDPARC(IFL(3-JSIDE),ifq2,SPINT,KSPIN) else IDENT(I-1)=IDPARC(IFL(JSIDE),ifq2,SPINT,KSPIN) IDENT(I)=IDPARC(IFL(3-JSIDE),ifq1,SPINT,KSPIN) endif endif PPTCL(5,I-1)=AMASS(IDENT(I-1)) PPTCL(5,I)=AMASS(IDENT(I)) C IF TOO LOW MASS,START ALL OVER (i.e. goto 100) DEMAS=0.15 IF(IFLN.LT.3) DEMAS=0. c IF(AMCTR.GT.PPTCL(5,I-1)+PPTCL(5,I)+DEMAS) GO TO 102 IF(AMCTR.GT.PPTCL(5,I-1)+PPTCL(5,I)+DEMAS) then if(mod(ifl1,100).eq.0.or.mod(ifl2,100).eq.0)goto 102 c..maximum kinetic energy cutoff for meson-clustr: c..we want a lot of energy in the particle mass in this last break IF(AMCTR-PPTCL(5,I-1)-PPTCL(5,I).lt.ctparam(43)) GO TO 102 endif NREP=NREP+1 c.. 100 starts all over GO TO 100 102 CONTINUE c.. isotropic px py pz distribution PA=DBLPCM(AMCTR,PPTCL(5,I-1),PPTCL(5,I)) U(3)=1.-2.*ranf(0) PHI=2.*PI*ranf(0) ST=SQRT(1.-U(3)**2) U(1)=ST*COS(PHI) U(2)=ST*SIN(PHI) PPTCL(1,I-1)=PA*U(1) PPTCL(1,I)=-(PA*U(1)) PPTCL(2,I-1)=PA*U(2) PPTCL(2,I)=-(PA*U(2)) PPTCL(3,I-1)=PA*U(3) PPTCL(3,I)=-(PA*U(3)) PA2=PA**2 PPTCL(4,I-1)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I-1)**2) PPTCL(4,I)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I)**2) IDCAY(I-1)=0 IDCAY(I)=0 NPTCL=I c..forward/backward distribution in clustr for baryons c..(no pt in the last string break!) c..pt for the baryon comes from parton kick in the excitation if(abs(ident(i)).ge.1000.or.abs(ident(i-1)).ge.1000)then PPTCL(1,I-1)=0.d0 PPTCL(1,I)=0.d0 PPTCL(2,I-1)=0.d0 PPTCL(2,I)=0.d0 PPTCL(3,I-1)=PA PPTCL(3,I)=-PA PA2=PA**2 PPTCL(4,I-1)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I-1)**2) PPTCL(4,I)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I)**2) IDCAY(I-1)=0 IDCAY(I)=0 NPTCL=I endif c..if baryon number=+-1, force the (anti-)baryon in positive c..z-direction (just pick the right hemisphere) if(ctoption(29).gt.0)then if( (iabs(ident(i)/1000).ne.0.and.iabs(ident(i-1)/1000).eq.0 & .and.pptcl(3,i).lt.0.d0).or. & (iabs(ident(i-1)/1000).ne.0.and.iabs(ident(i)/1000).eq.0 & .and.pptcl(3,i-1).lt.0.d0)) then pptcl(3,i) =-pptcl(3,i) pptcl(3,i-1)=-pptcl(3,i-1) endif endif RETURN c.. particle array to small warning: 9999 WRITE(6,9998) I 9998 FORMAT(//10X,40H...STOP IN CLUSTR..NPTCL TOO HIGH NPTCL=,I5) STOP END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer FUNCTION IFLAV(PU,PRBS) c cinput PU : 1-{\tt PU}= up (down, resp.) probability cinput PRBS : Strange quark suppression c c output : {\tt iflav}: flavor of created quark c c Returns quark flavor acc. to suppression prob's: c 1=up, 2=down, 3=strange, 4=charm c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) C RNDOM=ranf(0) C IF(RNDOM.GT.PU) GO TO 1 c..create up quark IFLAV=1 RETURN 1 IF(RNDOM.GT.2.0*PU) GO TO 2 c..create down quark IFLAV=2 RETURN 2 IF(RNDOM.GT.PU*(2.0+PRBS)) GO TO 3 c..create strange quark IFLAV=3 RETURN c..create charm quark 3 IFLAV=4 RETURN END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*8 FUNCTION ZFRAGS(IFL,IFLN,PT2,ZMIN,ZMAX,leading) c cinput IFL : ID of existing quark cinput IFLN : ID of newly created quark cinput PT2 : $p_t$ of newly created hadron cinput ZMIN : lowest allowed longitudinal momentum fraction cinput ZMAX : highest allowed longitudinal momentum fraction cinput leading : flag for leading particle c coutput ZFRAGS : longitudinal momentum fraction of created hadron c c According to the fragmentation function(s), longitudinal momentum c is assigned to the hadron. c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) LOGICAL leading include 'options.f' COMMON/INPRNT/ ITDKY,ITLIS PARAMETER(ALFT=0.5,ARHO=0.5,APHI=0.,APSI=-2.) PARAMETER(AN=-0.5,ALA=-0.75,ALAC=-1.75) PARAMETER(AKSI=-1.0,AUSC=-2.0,AUCC=-2.0) c.. cto 21 chooses the fragmentation fct. if ((.not.leading).or.(ifln.eq.3)) then affm=ctparam(47) bffm=ctparam(48) 5108 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=((1d0-ZFRAGS)**bffm*(bffm+1)*affm+1-affm)/3d0 ctp060926 if(yf.gt.1d0.or.yf.lt.0d0)then ctp060926 write(6,*)'ZFRAGS: wrong norm:',yf,zmin,zmax,zfrags ctp060926 end if IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 5108 endif c.. GAUSSIAN fragmentation fct. if(CTOption(21).eq.0)then affm=CTParam(36) bffm=CTParam(37) c.. suppress low momentum particles deltaz=zmax-zmin zmin=zmin+deltaz*0.25d0 108 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) c.. gaussian distr. yf=exp(-(((zfrags-bffm)**2)/(2.*affm**2))) c.. field-feynmann fragmentation fct. c YF=((1d0-ZFRAGS)**bffm*(bffm+1)*affm+1-affm)/3d0 ctp060926 if(yf.gt.1d0.or.yf.lt.0d0)then ctp060926 write(6,*)'ZFRAGS: wrong norm:',yf,zmin,zmax,zfrags ctp060926 end if c return IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 108 else if(CTOption(21).eq.1)then c..lund-fragmentation fct. 1008 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1-zfrags)*exp(-(0.7*pt2/zfrags))/3d0 ctp060926 if(yf.gt.1d0.or.yf.lt.0d0)then ctp060926 write(6,*)'ZFRAGS: wrong norm:',yf,zmin,zmax,zfrags ctp060926 end if IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 1008 else if(CTOption(21).eq.2)then c.. kaidalov's fragmentation fct. ID1=IABS(IFL) ID2=IABS(IFLN) IF(MOD(ID2,100).EQ.0) GO TO 15 GO TO(1,2,3,4),ID2 C UU-TRAJECTORY 1 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.0-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-ARHO) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 1 C DD-TRAJECTORY 2 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-ARHO) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 2 C SS-TRAJECTORY 3 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-APHI) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 3 C CC-TRAJECTORY 4 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-APSI) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 4 C 15 Continue CALL FLAVOR(ID2,IFL2,IFL3,IFL1,ISPIN) IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.1)) GO TO 16 IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.2)) GO TO 17 IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.3)) GO TO 18 IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 19 IF((IFL2.EQ.2.AND.IFL3.EQ.2)) GO TO 20 IF((IFL2.EQ.2.AND.IFL3.EQ.3)) GO TO 21 IF((IFL2.EQ.2.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 22 IF((IFL2.EQ.3.AND.IFL3.EQ.3)) GO TO 23 IF((IFL2.EQ.3.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 24 IF((IFL2.EQ.4.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 25 C UUUU-TRAJECTORY 16 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AN-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 16 C UDUD-TRAJECTORY 17 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AN-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 17 C USUS-TRAJECTORY 18 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALA-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 18 C UCUC-TRAJECTORY 19 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALAC-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 19 C DDDD-TRAJECTORY 20 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AN-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 16 C DSDS-TRAJECTORY 21 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALA-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 21 C DCDC-TRAJECTORY 22 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALAC-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 22 C SSSS-TRAJECTORY 23 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AKSI-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 23 C SCSC-TRAJECTORY 24 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AUSC-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 24 C CCCC-BARYON 25 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN) YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AUCC-ARHO)) IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN GO TO 25 else write(6,*)'string.f: cto(21)=',ctoption(21),' not valid' stop end if END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc SUBROUTINE LORTR(V,NIN,NFIN,BACK) c cinput V : boost velocity (3-vector) cinput NIN : lower boundary in the pptcl array cinput NFIN : upper boundary in the pptcl array cinput back : inversion flag for transformation c c output : via common block ({\tt pptcl}) c c Performs a Lorentz-boost of a part of the pptcl array c (from {\tt nin} to {\tt nfin}) c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) PARAMETER(MXPTCL=200) COMMON/PARTCL/ PPTCL(9,MXPTCL),nptcl,IDENT(MXPTCL),IDCAY(MXPTCL) DIMENSION V(3),VD(3) LOGICAL BACK L=1 IF(BACK) L=-1 DO 3 I=1,3 3 VD(I)=V(I) VVD=VD(1)*VD(1)+VD(2)*VD(2)+VD(3)*VD(3) GAD=1.D0/DSQRT(DABS(1.D0-VVD)) GA=GAD DO 100 J=NIN,NFIN VP=V(1)*PPTCL(1,J)+V(2)*PPTCL(2,J)+V(3)*PPTCL(3,J) GAVP=GA*(GA*VP/(1.+GA)-FLOAT(L)*PPTCL(4,J)) PPTCL(1,J)=PPTCL(1,J)+GAVP*V(1) PPTCL(2,J)=PPTCL(2,J)+GAVP*V(2) PPTCL(3,J)=PPTCL(3,J)+GAVP*V(3) PMAS=PPTCL(5,J) PPTCL(4,J)=SQRT(PPTCL(1,J)**2+PPTCL(2,J)**2+PPTCL(3,J)**2+ +PMAS**2) 100 CONTINUE RETURN END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc BLOCK DATA D2 c c Initial values for several common blocks CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) C C INPUT QUARK DISTRIBUTION PARAMETERS C include 'comstr.f' COMMON/KAPPA/ XAP COMMON/CONSTI/ CONSTI LOGICAL CONSTI DATA CONSTI/.FALSE./ C C C DATA FOR COSPAR c this parameter controls the min. energy for ending string fragmentation c default DATA DMAS/0.35/ c now: ctparam(9) and ctparam(10) c DATA DMAS/1./ c data dmass/0.25/ C C C INPUT STRING TENSION (FERMI/GEV) DATA XAP/1.0/ C C INPUT FRAGMENTATION PARAMETERS: C DATA PARQLS/0.5/,PARRS/0.9/ C PRBS STRANGENESS SUPPRESSION PARAMETER C PRBC CHARM SUPPRESSION PARAMETER C PBARC AND PBARS BARYON PAIRS SUPPRESION PARAMETERS C DATA PRBS/0.3/,PRBC/0.0005/,PBARC/0.09/,PBARS/0.09/ c these are now ctparam(6),ctparam(7) and ctparam(8) c DATA PRBS/0.33/,PRBC/0.0/,PBARC/0.09/,PBARS/0.09/ C C THESE PARAMETERS ARE IMPORTANT FOR RESONANCE PRODUCTION DATA PJSPNC/.50/ DATA PJSPNS/.50/ c DATA PJSPNC/1./ c DATA PJSPNS/1./ C DATA PMIX1C/.25,.25,.5,.5,.5,1./,PMIX2C/.5,.5,1.,0.,0.,1./ c DATA PMIX1S/.25,.25,.5,.5,.5,1./,PMIX2S/.5,.5,1.,0.,0.,1./ c QUARK MIXING PARAMETERS cspl-0795 these parameters assign the pure u/ubar,d/dbar,s/sbar states c (e.g. 110,220,330) to the physical particles according to the su(3) c quark model. The flavor mixing angles are chosen according to quadratic c Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula (Review of Particle Properties, c Phys. Rev D50 (1994) 1319). For the scalar mesons this formula is not c applicable. We assume an ideal mixing angle (tan(theta)=1/sqrt(2)). c c pseudoscalar: theta=-10 deg c vector : theta= 39 deg c pseudovector: theta= 51 deg c tensor : theta= 28 deg c c PMIX1C/S(IF1,JSPIN) gives the quark content of the heavy isosinglet: c e.g. the eta' (330) is 25% u/ubar 25% d/dbar and 50% s/sbar c PMIX2C/S(IF1,JSPIN) chooses for nonstrange qqbars between the isosinglet c the and the isotriplet c quark content of the heavy singlett c DATA PMIX1C/.25,.25,.5, ! eta' c & 0.,0.,1., ! phi c & 0.,0.,1., ! f_0 c & .04,.04,.92, ! f_1' c & .01,.01,.98/ ! f_2' c DATA PMIX2C/.5 ,.5 ,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5 ,.5 ,1. ,.5 ,.5 , 1./ c DATA PMIX1S/.25,.25,.5,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,1.,.04,.04,.92,.01,.01,.98/, c & PMIX2S/.5 ,.5 ,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5 ,.5 ,1. ,.5 ,.5 , 1./ C C SIGQTS IS IMPORTANT PARAMETER FOR PRODUCED HADRON TRANSVERSE MOMENTA C c DATA SIGQTS/0.65/ -> ctparam(42) END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc BLOCK DATA D4 c cinput () : NONE c coutput () : via common blocks c c Initial values for several common blocks CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) COMMON/COMTRY/ NTRIES C C C DATA COMTRY DATA NTRIES/1000/ C END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer FUNCTION IDPARS(IFL01,IFL02,SPINT,IR) c cinput IFL01 : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks cinput IFL02 : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks cinput SPINT : flag for spin assignment cinput IR : Determines particle spin c c output : Quark code of the hadron c C CONSTRUCT MESON FROM QUARK AND ANTIQUARK WITH FLAVORS IFL01,IFL02 C OR CONSTRUCT BARYON FROM DIQUARK AND QUARK OR ANTIDIQUARK AND C ANTIQUARK WITH FLAVORS IFL01,IFL02. c THE MESON MULTIPLETT IS CHOSEN ACC. TO SUPPRESSION PARAM'S: c parm gives the probability for different meson multiplets according c to spin degeneracy and average mass ratios c spin-parity 0- : 1- : 0+ : 1+ : 2+ = parm(1):parm(2)...:parm(5) c If SPINT=.t., IR will be used to assign particle spin c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) LOGICAL SPINT include 'options.f' include 'comstr.f' C IFL1=IFL01 IFL2=IFL02 C CONSTRUCT MESON WITH ACCOUNT FLAVOR MIXING IF(MOD(IFL1,100).EQ.0) GO TO 420 IF(MOD(IFL2,100).EQ.0) GO TO 425 c call getbran(parm,1,njspin,psdum,1,njspin,jspin) jspin=jspin-1 IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.2) JSPIN=0 IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.1) JSPIN=1 ID1=IFL1 ID2=IFL2 IF(ID1+ID2.NE.0) GO TO 400 C ID1=IABS(ID1) IF(ID1.GE.4) GO TO 401 RND=ranf(0) ID1=INT(PMIX1S(ID1,JSPIN+1)+RND)+INT(PMIX2S(ID1,JSPIN+1)+RND)+1 401 ID2=-ID1 C 400 IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 410 ISAVE=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISAVE 410 IDHAD=ISIGN(100*IABS(ID1)+10*IABS(ID2)+JSPIN,ID1) GO TO 470 C CONSTRUCT BARYON IDENT 420 ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL1/100,10),IFL1) ID2=IFL1/1000 ID1=IFL2 GO TO 430 425 ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL2/100,10),IFL2) ID2=IFL2/1000 ID1=IFL1 430 IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 431 ISWAP=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISWAP 431 IF(IABS(ID2).LE.IABS(ID3)) GO TO 432 ISWAP=ID2 ID2=ID3 ID3=ISWAP 432 IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 440 ISWAP=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISWAP 440 JSPIN=1 IF(ID1.EQ.ID2.AND.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 450 JSPIN=INT(ranf(0)+PJSPNS) IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.2) JSPIN=0 IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.1) JSPIN=1 450 IF(JSPIN.EQ.1.OR.ID1.EQ.ID2.OR.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 460 DRND=ranf(0) IF(DRND.GT.PJSPNS) GO TO 460 ISWAP=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISWAP 460 IDHAD=1000*IABS(ID1)+100*IABS(ID2)+10*IABS(ID3)+JSPIN IDHAD=ISIGN(IDHAD,IFL1) 470 IDPARS=IDHAD RETURN END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer FUNCTION IDPARC(IFL01,IFL02,SPINT,IR) c cinput IFL01 : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks cinput IFL02 : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks cinput SPINT : flag for spin assignment cinput IR : Determines particle spin c c output : Quark code of the hadron c C CONSTRUCT MESON FROM QUARK AND ANTIQUARK WITH FLAVORS IFL01,IFL02 C OR CONSTRUCT BARYON FROM DIQUARK AND QUARK OR ANTIDIQUARK AND C ANTIQUARK WITH FLAVORS IFL01,IFL02. c THE MESON MULTIPLETT IS CHOSEN ACC. TO SUPPRESSION PARAM'S: c parm gives the probability for different meson multiplets according c to spin degeneracy and average mass ratios c spin-parity 0- : 1- : 0+ : 1+ : 2+ = parm(1):parm(2)...:parm(5) c If SPINT=.t., IR will be used to assign particle spin CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) LOGICAL SPINT include 'options.f' include 'comstr.f' C IFL1=IFL01 IFL2=IFL02 C CONSTRUCT MESON WITH ACCOUNT FLAVOR MIXING IF(MOD(IFL1,100).EQ.0) GO TO 420 IF(MOD(IFL2,100).EQ.0) GO TO 425 c.. choose multiplett by its probability call getbran(parm,1,njspin,dummy,1,njspin,jspin) jspin=jspin-1 IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.2) JSPIN=0 IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.1) JSPIN=1 ID1=IFL1 ID2=IFL2 IF(ID1+ID2.NE.0) GO TO 400 C ID1=IABS(ID1) IF(ID1.GE.4) GO TO 401 c.. singlet mixing acc. to mixing angles RND=ranf(0) ID1=INT(PMIX1C(ID1,JSPIN+1)+RND)+INT(PMIX2C(ID1,JSPIN+1)+RND)+1 401 ID2=-ID1 C 400 IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 410 ISAVE=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISAVE 410 IDHAD=ISIGN(100*IABS(ID1)+10*IABS(ID2)+JSPIN,ID1) GO TO 470 C CONSTRUCT BARYON IDENT 420 ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL1/100,10),IFL1) ID2=IFL1/1000 ID1=IFL2 GO TO 430 425 ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL2/100,10),IFL2) ID2=IFL2/1000 ID1=IFL1 430 IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 431 ISWAP=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISWAP 431 IF(IABS(ID2).LE.IABS(ID3)) GO TO 432 ISWAP=ID2 ID2=ID3 ID3=ISWAP 432 IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 440 ISWAP=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISWAP 440 JSPIN=1 IF(ID1.EQ.ID2.AND.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 450 JSPIN=INT(ranf(0)+PJSPNC) IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.2) JSPIN=0 IF(SPINT.AND.IR.EQ.1) JSPIN=1 450 IF(JSPIN.EQ.1.OR.ID1.EQ.ID2.OR.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 460 DRND=ranf(0) IF(DRND.GT.PJSPNC) GO TO 460 ISWAP=ID1 ID1=ID2 ID2=ISWAP 460 IDHAD=1000*IABS(ID1)+100*IABS(ID2)+10*IABS(ID3)+JSPIN IDHAD=ISIGN(IDHAD,IFL1) 470 IDPARC=IDHAD RETURN END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*8 FUNCTION AMASS(ID) c c cinput ID : Quark code c c C THIS FUNCTION RETURNS THE MASS OF THE PARTICLE WITH C IDENT CODE ID. (QUARK-BASED IDENT CODE) c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) include 'comres.f' include 'comstr.f' real*8 mmin,mmax,m0,mminit, massit, widit integer isoit dimension amq(4) include 'options.f' c.. quark masses (u,d,s,c) DATA AMq/.15,.15,.45,1.6/ c fraction of baryonresonances bresfrac=ctparam(11) CALL FLAVOR(ID,IFL1,IFL2,IFL3,JSPIN) idabs=iabs(id) c get quark masses if (idabs.le.4) then amass=amq(idabs) return endif c get diquark masses IF(ID.NE.0.AND.MOD(ID,100).EQ.0) then AMASS=AMq(IABS(IFL1))+AMq(IABS(IFL2)) return endif c get hadron masses c get baryon masses c (anti-)nucleon ? if ((idabs.eq.1120).or.(idabs.eq.1220)) then if (ranf(0).lt.bresfrac)then c.. N* amass=getmass(mresmax,1) return else c.. N amass=0.938 return endif endif c (anti-)delta ? if ((idabs.eq.1111).or.(idabs.eq.1121) & .or.(idabs.eq.1221).or.(idabs.eq.2221)) then if (ranf(0).lt.bresfrac)then c.. D* amass=getmass(mresmax,2) return else c.. Delta(1232) m0=massit(mindel) w0=widit(mindel) c get meson mass accord. to breit wigner distr. mmin=mminit(mindel) mmax=m0+3d0*w0 cdh call getmas(m0,w0,mindel,isoit(mindel),mmin,mmax,-1,amass) call getmas(m0,w0,mindel,isoit(mindel),mmin,mmax,-1.d0,amass) return endif endif c (other baryons) if(idabs-1000.ge.0) then call id2ityp(id,0.d0,itypin,iz2) c..check range and avoid double counting for explicitely treated resonances if ((abs(itypin).ge.minlam.and.abs(itypin).le.maxcas).and. & (idabs.ne.1231.and.idabs.ne.1131.and.idabs.ne.2231.and. & idabs.ne.1331.and.idabs.ne.2331).and. & (ctoption(31).eq.1)) then c.. generate also non-groundstate ityps for strange baryons call probitypres(itypin,ityp) else ityp=itypin endif amass=massit(iabs(ityp)) return endif c mesons if(idabs.le.330+njspin-1) then call id2ityp(id,0.d0,ityp,iz2) m0=massit(iabs(ityp)) w0=widit(iabs(ityp)) c get meson mass accord. to breit wigner distr. mmin=max(mminit(iabs(ityp)),m0-3d0*w0) mmax=m0+3d0*w0 cdh call getmas(m0,w0,ityp,iz2,mmin,mmax,-1,amass) call getmas(m0,w0,ityp,iz2,mmin,mmax,-1.d0,amass) return endif write(6,*)'! amass: no mass for part.id:',id return END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*8 FUNCTION DBLPCM(A,B,C) c cinput A : Mass of particle A cinput B : Mass of particle B cinput C : Mass of particle C c c c In the rest frame of a particle of mass A, decaying into particles c of masses B and C, {\tt dblpcm} returns the momenta of the outgoing c particles. c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) DA=A DB=B DC=C DVAL=(DA**2-DB**2-DC**2)**2-(2.D0*DB*DC)**2 DBLPCM=0. IF(DVAL.GT.0.D0)DBLPCM=DSQRT(DVAL)/(2.D0*DA) return END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine ityp2id(ityp,iz2,ifa,ifb) c cinput ityp : UrQMD particle ID cinput iz2 : UrQMD $2\cdot I_3$ c coutput ifa : quarkcode (diquark) coutput ifb : quarkcode (quark) c c returns quark id from uqmd-ityp and isospin z-component (times 2) c c quark ids are: 1 up, 2 down, 3 strange, 4 charm CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit none include 'comres.f' integer itypabs,ityp,iz2,ifa,ifb,sf integer t3,if(3) itypabs=iabs(ityp) t3=iz2*isign(1,ityp) c nucleons ? if (itypabs.lt.minmes) then sf=strres(itypabs) c uuu if(t3.eq.3) then if(1)=1 if(2)=1 if(3)=1 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c uus if(t3.eq.2) then if(1)=1 if(2)=1 if(3)=3 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c uud if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf.eq.0)) then if(1)=1 if(2)=1 if(3)=2 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c uss if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf.eq.2)) then if(1)=1 if(2)=3 if(3)=3 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c uds if((t3.eq.0).and.(sf.eq.1)) then if(1)=1 if(2)=2 if(3)=3 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c sss if((t3.eq.0).and.(sf.eq.3)) then if(1)=3 if(2)=3 if(3)=3 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c udd if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf.eq.0)) then if(1)=1 if(2)=2 if(3)=2 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c dss if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf.eq.2)) then if(1)=2 if(2)=3 if(3)=3 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c dds if (t3.eq.-2) then if(1)=2 if(2)=2 if(3)=3 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif c ddd if (t3.eq.-3) then if(1)=2 if(2)=2 if(3)=2 call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp) ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp) return endif endif c-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- c bosons if (itypabs.ge.minmes) then sf=strmes(itypabs) c d ubar if(t3.eq.-2) then ifa=2 ifb=-1 return endif c d sbar if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.-1)) then ifa=2 ifb=-3 return endif c s ubar if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.+1)) then ifa=3 ifb=-2 return endif c q qbar if(t3.eq.0) then c u ubar c all neutral triplet states: if ((itypabs.eq.minmes+1) .or. !pi0 & (itypabs.eq.minmes+4) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+11) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+14) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+18) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+22) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+26) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+30) .or. c the gamma gets also a quark content & (itypabs.eq.minmes)) then ifa=1 ifb=-1 return endif c d dbar c light singlet states (generally less strange quark content) if ((itypabs.eq.minmes+2) .or. !eta & (itypabs.eq.minmes+3) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+5) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+15) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+19) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+23) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+27) .or. & (itypabs.eq.minmes+31)) then ifa=2 ifb=-2 return endif c s sbar if ((itypabs.eq.minmes+7) .or. !eta' (958) & (itypabs.eq.minmes+9) .or. !phi (1020) & (itypabs.eq.minmes+12) .or. !f_0 (980) & (itypabs.eq.minmes+16) .or. !f_1 (1510) & (itypabs.eq.minmes+20) .or. !f_2'(1525) & (itypabs.eq.minmes+24) .or. !f_2'(1525) & (itypabs.eq.minmes+28) .or. !f_2'(1525) & (itypabs.eq.minmes+32))then ifa=3 ifb=-3 return endif endif c u sbar if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.-1)) then ifa=1 ifb=-3 return endif c s dbar if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.+1)) then ifa=3 ifb=-1 return endif c u dbar if(t3.eq.2) then ifa=1 ifb=-2 return endif endif c in any other case we will do a mesonic string c.. and a warning ! ctp060926 write(*,*)'! ityp2id: ityp',ityp,',iz2',iz2, ctp060926 & ' can not be converted into id. Please check.' ifa=1 ifb=-1 RETURN end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine mquarks(if,ifa,ifb) c cinput if : single quarks (array) c coutput ifa : diquark coutput ifb : quark c c this routine adds randomly the single quarks of the c baryon to become a diquark and a quark. c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit none include 'options.f' real*8 ranf integer if(0:2),ifa,ifb,ir integer i,prod,inons ir=int(3.*ranf(0)) ifa=1000*if(ir)+100*if(mod(ir+1,3)) ifb=if(mod(ir+2,3)) c.. check if heavy quark clusters are switched off (cto 37=0) if (CTOption(37).eq.0) return c.. not switched off -> clusters strange quarks to c.. diquark molecule, i.e. keep ss-diquark together c. are there 2 strange quarks prod=if(0)*if(1)*if(2) if (prod.eq.9.or.prod.eq.18.or.prod.eq.27) then c. find the non-strange quark inons inons=0 do i=0,2 if(if(i).lt.3) inons=i enddo ifb=if(inons) ifa=1000*if(mod(inons+1,3))+100*if(mod(inons+2,3)) endif return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine id2ityp(id,mass,it,iz) c cinput id : quarkcode cinput mass : mass of resonance c coutput: it : UrQMD particle ID coutput: iz : $2\cdot I_3$ of particle c c returns UrQMD ID ({\tt it}) and isospin z-component (times 2) ({\tt IZ}) c from quark id c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit none include 'comres.f' include 'options.f' integer IT,IZ,id,idabs,i,j,k,jspin,idloc,whichres real*8 mass,pardelt,mminit,dm,dmold,massit integer iit,irun c.. extract quark id's and spin IDABS=IABS(ID) I=IDABS/1000 J=MOD(IDABS/100,10) K=MOD(IDABS/10,10) JSPIN=MOD(IDABS,10) c single diquarks are not popular in urqmd: IF(ID.NE.0.AND.MOD(ID,100).EQ.0) GO TO 222 c single quarks are not popular in urqmd: IF(J.EQ.0) GO TO 222 c mesons: if(I.EQ.0) then c calculate isospin from quark content: IZ=0 if(j.lt.3) IZ=3-2*j if(k.lt.3) IZ=IZ+(2*k-3) IZ=isign(1,id)*IZ idloc=idabs-jspin if((idloc.eq.110).or.(idloc.eq.120))then c..triplett (e.g. pion) IT= mlt2it(jspin*4+1) ! minmes+1 return else if(idloc.eq.220)then c..1st singlett (e.g. eta) IT= mlt2it(jspin*4+3) !minmes+2 return else if(idloc.eq.130.or.idloc.eq.230)then c..strange doublett (e.g. (anti-)kaon) IT=isign(mlt2it(jspin*4+2),id) return else if(idloc.eq.330)then c..2nd singlett (e.g. eta') IT=mlt2it(jspin*4+4) !minmes+7 return else goto 222 endif else c.. baryons: c calculate isospin from quark content: IZ=0 if(i.lt.3) IZ=3-2*i if(j.lt.3) IZ=IZ+3-2*j if(k.lt.3) IZ=IZ+3-2*k IZ=isign(1,id)*IZ c spin 1/2 baryons (all nucleon-resonances are treated here!) if(jspin.eq.0)then c (anti-)nucleons and resonances if(idabs.eq.1120.or.idabs.eq.1220)then c mass below parnuc -> nucleon (ground state), mass above parnuc ->N* if(mass.lt.mminit(minnuc+1))then IT=isign(minnuc,id) return else IT=isign(whichres(dble(mass),1),id) return endif else if(idabs.eq.2130)then c lambda iit=minlam if (mass.gt.1d0)then dmold=1d30 do irun = minlam,maxlam dm=abs(massit(irun)-mass) if (dm.le.dmold)then dmold=dm iit=irun end if end do end if IT=isign(iit,id) return else if(idabs.eq.1230.or.idabs.eq.1130.or.idabs.eq.2230)then c sigma iit=minsig if (mass.gt.1d0)then dmold=1d30 do irun = minsig,maxsig dm=abs(massit(irun)-mass) if (dm.le.dmold)then dmold=dm iit=irun end if end do end if IT=isign(iit,id) return else if(idabs.eq.1330.or.idabs.eq.2330)then c cascade iit=mincas if (mass.gt.1d0)then dmold=1d30 do irun = mincas,maxcas dm=abs(massit(irun)-mass) if (dm.le.dmold)then dmold=dm iit=irun end if end do endif IT=isign(iit,id) return else goto 222 endif c spin 3/2 baryons (all delta-resonances are treated here!) else if(jspin.eq.1)then if(idabs.eq.1111.or.idabs.eq.1121.or. & idabs.eq.1221.or.idabs.eq.2221)then c if mass below pardelt -> Delta1232, otherwise: Delta-resonance pardelt=1.45 if(mass.lt.pardelt)then c delta 1232 IT=isign(whichres(dble(mass),0),id) return else c delta resonance IT=isign(whichres(dble(mass),2),id) return endif else if(idabs.eq.1231.or.idabs.eq.1131.or.idabs.eq.2231)then c sigma* IT=isign(minsig+1,id) return else if(idabs.eq.1331.or.idabs.eq.2331)then c cascade* IT=isign(mincas+1,id) return else if(idabs.eq.3331)then c omega IT=isign(minome,id) return else goto 222 endif c higher spin baryons include here: else goto 222 endif endif 222 continue ctp060926 write(6,*)'! ID=',id,' can not be converted into ityp' ctp060926 write(6,*)'I=',i,'J=',j,'K=',k,'spin=',jspin RETURN END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine probitypres(itypin,itypout) c cinput itypin : ityp of groundstate c coutput: itypout : ityp of groundstate plus resonances c c returns a new ityp which also includes resonce ityps, this is c necessary to include hyperon resonces as long as no proper getmass c for hyperons existst. c the probabilities are chooses according to a exp(delta m/b) distribution. c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit none include 'comres.f' integer itypin,itypout,ss,i,itypinn real*8 prob(1:200),probres,norm,deltam,massit ss=itypin/abs(itypin) itypinn=abs(itypin) c.. the lambda if (itypinn.ge.minlam.and.itypinn.le.maxlam)then c get probabilities and norm norm=0d0 do i=minlam+1,maxlam deltam=abs(massit(i)-massit(minlam)) prob(i)=probres(deltam,massit(minlam),i) norm=norm+prob(i) end do do i=minlam+1,maxlam prob(i)=prob(i)/norm end do call findityp(prob,itypout,minlam+1,maxlam) itypout=itypout*ss return end if c.. the sigma if (itypinn.ge.minsig.and.itypinn.le.maxsig)then c get probabilities and norm norm=0d0 do i=minsig+1,maxsig deltam=abs(massit(i)-massit(minsig)) prob(i)=probres(deltam,massit(minsig),i) c... do not generate masses for minsig+1 they are treated ecplicitely if (i.eq.minsig+1) prob(i)=0d0 norm=norm+prob(i) end do do i=minsig+1,maxsig prob(i)=prob(i)/norm end do call findityp(prob,itypout,minsig+1,maxsig) itypout=itypout*ss return end if c.. the cascades if (itypinn.ge.mincas.and.itypinn.le.maxcas)then c get probabilities and norm norm=0d0 do i=mincas+1,maxcas deltam=abs(massit(i)-massit(mincas)) prob(i)=probres(deltam,massit(mincas),i) c... do not generate masses for mincas+1 they are treated ecplicitely if (i.eq.mincas+1) prob(i)=0d0 norm=norm+prob(i) end do do i=mincas+1,maxcas prob(i)=prob(i)/norm end do call findityp(prob,itypout,mincas+1,maxcas) itypout=itypout*ss return end if write(*,*)'itypin, itypout',itypin,itypout stop 'Error in probitypres!' end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*8 function probres(dm,minmass,it) c cinput dm : mass difference to groundstate cinput minmass : mass of groundstate cinput it : ityp c coutput: probres: unnormalized probability for this state c c returns probabilty for a higher mass state according to c exponential distribution with degeneracy c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit none real*8 dm,minmass,j,g,T integer it, getspin c.. assume temperature T=170 MeV (from statistical model, e.g. becattini,heinz) T=0.170d0 c.. get spin*2 j=1d0*getspin(it,1) if (j.lt.0) then c.. take spin into account via J= m^2 and deg. g=2j+1 (regge theory) j=2d0*(minmass+dm)**2 end if g=(j+1d0) probres=g*exp(-(dm/T)) return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine findityp (p,it,mini,maxi) c cinput p : array with normalized probabilities cinput mini : lowest index cinput maxi : largest index c coutput: it: ityp according to probability c c returns a new ityp according to probabilties defined in p c CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC implicit none real*8 p(1:200),y,ranf integer it,mini,maxi,ix it=mini ix=0 y=0d0 1 continue ix=int(mini+int((maxi-mini+1)*ranf(0))) y=ranf(0) if (y.lt.p(ix)) then it=ix return end if goto 1 end C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C THE END