C********************************************************************* C...PYTUNE C...Presets for a few specific underlying-event and min-bias tunes C...Note some tunes require external pdfs to be linked (e.g. 105:QW), C...others require particular versions of pythia (e.g. the SCI and GAL C...models). See below for details. SUBROUTINE PYTUNE(ITUNE) C C ITUNE NAME (detailed descriptions below) C 0 Default : No settings changed => linked Pythia version's defaults. C ====== Old UE, Q2-ordered showers ========================================== C 100 A : Rick Field's Tune A C 101 AW : Rick Field's Tune AW C 102 BW : Rick Field's Tune BW C 103 DW : Rick Field's Tune DW C 104 DWT : Rick Field's Tune DW with slower UE energy scaling C 105 QW : Rick Field's Tune QW (NB: needs CTEQ6.1 pdfs externally) C 106 ATLAS : Arthur Moraes' ATLAS tune C 107 ACR : Tune A modified with annealing CR C ====== New UE, Q2-ordered showers ========================================== C 200 IM 1 : Intermediate model: new UE, Q2-ordered showers, annealing CR C ====== New UE, interleaved pT-ordered showers, annealing CR ================ C 300 S0 : Sandhoff-Skands Tune 0 C 301 S1 : Sandhoff-Skands Tune 1 C 302 S2 : Sandhoff-Skands Tune 2 C 303 S0A : S0 with "Tune A" UE energy scaling C 304 NOCR : New UE "best try" without colour reconnections. C 305 Old : New UE, original (primitive) colour reconnections C ======= The Uppsala models ================================================= C ( NB! must be run with special modified Pythia 6.215 version ) C ( available from http://www.isv.uu.se/thep/MC/scigal/ ) C 400 GAL 0 : Generalized area-law model. Old parameters. C 401 SCI 0 : Soft-Colour-Interaction model. Old parameters. C 402 GAL 1 : Generalized area-law model. Tevatron MB retuned. C 403 SCI 1 : Soft-Colour-Interaction model. Tevatron MB retuned. C C More details; C C Quick Dictionary: C BE : Bose-Einstein C BR : Beam Remnants C CR : Colour Reconnections C HAD: Hadronization C ISR/FSR: Initial-State Radiation / Final-State Radiation C FSI: Final-State Interactions (=CR+BE) C MB : Minimum-bias C MI : Multiple Interactions C UE : Underlying Event C C A (100) and AW (101). Old UE model, Q2-ordered showers. C...*** NB : SHOULD BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.2 (e.g. 6.228) *** C...*** CAN ALSO BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.406+ C...Key feature: extensively compared to CDF data (R.D. Field). C...* Large starting scale for ISR (PARP(67)=4) C...* AW has even more radiation due to smaller mu_R choice in alpha_s. C...* See: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~rfield/cdf/ C C BW (102). Old UE model, Q2-ordered showers. C...*** NB : SHOULD BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.2 (e.g. 6.228) *** C...*** CAN ALSO BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.406+ C...Key feature: extensively compared to CDF data (R.D. Field). C...NB: Can also be run with Pythia 6.2 or 6.312+ C...* Small starting scale for ISR (PARP(67)=1) C...* BW has more radiation due to smaller mu_R choice in alpha_s. C...* See: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~rfield/cdf/ C C DW (103) and DWT (104). Old UE model, Q2-ordered showers. C...*** NB : SHOULD BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.2 (e.g. 6.228) *** C...*** CAN ALSO BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.406+ C...Key feature: extensively compared to CDF data (R.D. Field). C...NB: Can also be run with Pythia 6.2 or 6.312+ C...* Intermediate starting scale for ISR (PARP(67)=2.5) C...* DWT has a different reference energy, the same as the "S" models C... below, leading to more UE activity at the LHC, but less at RHIC. C...* See: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~rfield/cdf/ C C QW (105). Old UE model, Q2-ordered showers. C...*** NB : SHOULD BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.2 (e.g. 6.228) *** C...*** CAN ALSO BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.406+ C...Key feature: uses CTEQ61 (external pdf library must be linked) C C ATLAS (106). Old UE model, Q2-ordered showers. C...*** NB : SHOULD BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.2 (e.g. 6.228) *** C...*** CAN ALSO BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.406+ C...Key feature: tune used by the ATLAS collaboration. C C ACR (107). Old UE model, Q2-ordered showers, annealing CR. C...*** NB : SHOULD BE RUN WITH PYTHIA 6.408+ *** C...Key feature: Tune A modified to use annealing CR. C...NB: PARP(85)=0D0 and amount of CR is regulated by PARP(78). C C...IM1 (200). Intermediate model, Q2-ordered showers. C...Key feature: new UE model with Q2-ordered showers and no interleaving. C...* "Rap" tune of hep-ph/0402078, modified with new annealing CR. C...* See: Sjostrand & Skands: JHEP 03(2004)053, hep-ph/0402078. C C S0 (300) and S0A (303). New UE model, pT-ordered showers. C...Key feature: large amount of multiple interactions C...* Somewhat faster than the other colour annealing scenarios. C...* S0A has a faster energy scaling of the UE IR cutoff, borrowed C... from Tune A, leading to less UE at the LHC, but more at RHIC. C...* Small amount of radiation. C...* Large amount of low-pT MI C...* Low degree of proton lumpiness (broad matter dist.) C...* CR Type S (driven by free triplets), of medium strength. C...* See: Pythia6402 update notes or later. C C S1 (301). New UE model, pT-ordered showers. C...Key feature: large amount of radiation. C...* Large amount of low-pT perturbative ISR C...* Large amount of FSR off ISR partons C...* Small amount of low-pT multiple interactions C...* Moderate degree of proton lumpiness C...* Least aggressive CR type (S+S Type I), but with large strength C...* See: Sandhoff & Skands: FERMILAB-CONF-05-518-T, in hep-ph/0604120. C C S2 (302). New UE model, pT-ordered showers. C...Key feature: very lumpy proton + gg string cluster formation allowed C...* Small amount of radiation C...* Moderate amount of low-pT MI C...* High degree of proton lumpiness (more spiky matter distribution) C...* Most aggressive CR type (S+S Type II), but with small strength C...* See: Sandhoff & Skands: FERMILAB-CONF-05-518-T, in hep-ph/0604120. C C NOCR (304). New UE model, pT-ordered showers. C...Key feature: no colour reconnections (NB: "Best fit" only). C...* NB: (Nch) problematic in this tune. C...* Small amount of radiation C...* Small amount of low-pT MI C...* Low degree of proton lumpiness C...* Large BR composite x enhancement factor C...* Most clever colour flow without CR ("Lambda ordering") C C...The GAL and SCI models (400+) are special and *SHOULD NOT* be run C...with an unmodified Pythia distribution. C...See http://www.isv.uu.se/thep/MC/scigal/ for more information. C C ::: + Future improvements? C Include also QCD K-factor a la M. Heinz / ATLAS TDR ? C (problem: K-factor affects everything so only works as C intended for min-bias, not for UE ... probably need a C better long-term solution to handle UE as well. Anyway, C Mark uses MSTP(33) and PARP(31)-PARP(33).) C...Global statements IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) INTEGER PYK,PYCHGE,PYCOMP C...Commonblocks. COMMON/PYDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) COMMON/PYPARS/MSTP(200),PARP(200),MSTI(200),PARI(200) C...SCI and GAL Commonblocks COMMON /SCIPAR/MSWI(2),PARSCI(2) C...Internal parameters PARAMETER(MXTUNS=500) CHARACTER*8 CHVERS, CHDOC PARAMETER (CHVERS='1.000 ',CHDOC='Oct 2006') CHARACTER*16 CHNAMS(0:MXTUNS), CHNAME CHARACTER*40 CHMSTJ(20), CHMSTP(51:100), CHPARP(61:100), & CHPARJ(41:100), CH40 CHARACTER*60 CH60 CHARACTER*70 CH70 SAVE /PYDAT1/,/PYPARS/ SAVE /SCIPAR/ SAVE DATA (CHNAMS(I),I=0,1)/'Default',' '/ DATA (CHNAMS(I),I=100,110)/ & 'Tune A','Tune AW','Tune BW','Tune DW','Tune DWT','Tune QW', & 'ATLAS Tune','Tune ACR',3*' '/ DATA (CHNAMS(I),I=300,310)/ & 'Tune S0','Tune S1','Tune S2','Tune S0A','NOCR','Old',5*' '/ DATA (CHNAMS(I),I=200,210)/ & 'IM Tune 1',10*' '/ DATA (CHNAMS(I),I=400,410)/ & 'GAL Tune 0','SCI Tune 0','GAL Tune 1','SCI Tune 1',7*' '/ DATA (CHMSTJ(I),I=11,20)/ & 5*' ','HAD treatment of small-mass systems',4*' '/ DATA (CHMSTP(I),I=51,100)/ 5 'PDF set','PDF set internal (=1) or pdflib (=2)', 6 8*' ','ISR master switch',8*' ', 7 'ISR IR regularization scheme',' ', 7 'ISR scheme for FSR off ISR',8*' ', 8 'UE model', 8 'UE hadron transverse mass distribution',5*' ', 8 'BR composite scheme','BR colour scheme',1*' ', 9 'BR primordial kT distribution', 9 'BR energy partitioning scheme',2*' ', 9 'FSI colour (re-)connection model',5*' '/ DATA (CHPARP(I),I=61,100)/ 6 ' ','ISR IR cutoff',' ','ISR renormalization scale prefactor', 6 2*' ','ISR Q2max factor',3*' ', 7 'FSR Q2max factor for non-s-channel procs',5*' ', 7 'FSI colour reconnection turnoff scale', 7 'FSI colour reconnection strength', 7 'BR composite x enhancement','BR breakup suppression', 8 2*'UE IR cutoff at reference ecm', 8 2*'UE mass distribution parameter', 8 'UE gg colour correlated fraction','UE total gg fraction', 8 2*' ', 8 'UE IR cutoff reference ecm','UE IR cutoff ecm scaling power', 9 'BR primordial kT width <|kT|>',' ', 9 'BR primordial kT UV cutoff',7*' '/ DATA (CHPARJ(I),I=41,90)/ 4 ' ','HAD string parameter b',8*' ',10*' ',10*' ',10*' ', 8 'FSR Lambda_QCD scale','FSR IR cutoff',8*' '/ C...1) Shorthand notation M13=MSTU(13) M11=MSTU(11) IF (ITUNE.LE.MXTUNS.AND.ITUNE.GE.0) THEN CHNAME=CHNAMS(ITUNE) IF (ITUNE.EQ.0) GOTO 9999 ELSE CALL PYERRM(9,'(PYTUNE:) Tune number > max. Using defaults.') GOTO 9999 ENDIF C...2) Hello World IF (M13.GE.1) WRITE(M11,5000) CHVERS, CHDOC C...3) Tune parameters C============================================================================= C...Tunes S0, S1, S2, S0A, NOCR, and RAP (by P. Skands) IF (ITUNE.GE.300.AND.ITUNE.LE.305) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) WRITE(M11,5010) ITUNE, CHNAME IF (MSTP(181).LE.5.OR.(MSTP(181).EQ.6.AND.MSTP(182).LE.405))THEN CALL PYERRM(9,'(PYTUNE:) linked PYTHIA version incompatible'// & ' with tune.') ENDIF C...PDFs MSTP(52)=1 MSTP(51)=7 C...ISR PARP(64)=1D0 C...UE on, new model. MSTP(81)=21 C...Slow IR cutoff energy scaling by default PARP(89)=1800D0 PARP(90)=0.16D0 C...Switch off trial joinings MSTP(96)=0 C...Primordial kT cutoff PARP(93)=5D0 C...S0 (300), S0A (303) IF (ITUNE.EQ.300.OR.ITUNE.EQ.303) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN CH60='see PYTHIA 6.402+ update notes,' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='M. Sandhoff & P. Skands, in hep-ph/0604120,' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='and T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, EPJC39(2005)129' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF C...Smooth ISR, low FSR MSTP(70)=2 MSTP(72)=0 C...pT0 PARP(82)=1.85D0 C...Transverse density profile. MSTP(82)=5 PARP(83)=1.6D0 C...Colour Reconnections MSTP(95)=6 PARP(78)=0.20D0 PARP(77)=0.0D0 C... Reference energy for pT0 and energy scaling pace. IF (ITUNE.EQ.303) PARP(90)=0.25D0 C...Lambda_FSR scale. PARJ(81)=0.14D0 C...FSR activity. PARP(71)=4D0 C...Rap order, Valence qq, qq x enhc, BR-g-BR supp MSTP(89)=1 MSTP(88)=0 PARP(79)=2D0 PARP(80)=0.01D0 C... S1 (301) ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.301) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN CH60='see M. Sandhoff & P. Skands, in hep-ph/0604120' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='and T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, EPJC39(2005)129' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF C... Sharp ISR, high FSR MSTP(70)=0 MSTP(72)=1 C... pT0 PARP(82)=2.1D0 C... Colour Reconnections MSTP(95)=2 PARP(78)=0.35D0 C... Transverse density profile. MSTP(82)=5 PARP(83)=1.4D0 C... Lambda_FSR scale. PARJ(81)=0.14D0 C... FSR activity. PARP(71)=4D0 C... Rap order, Valence qq, qq x enhc, BR-g-BR supp MSTP(89)=1 MSTP(88)=0 PARP(79)=2D0 PARP(80)=0.01D0 C... S2 (302) ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.302) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN CH60='see M. Sandhoff & P. Skands, in hep-ph/0604120' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='and T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, EPJC39(2005)129' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF C... Smooth ISR, low FSR MSTP(70)=2 MSTP(72)=0 C... pT0 PARP(82)=1.9D0 C... Transverse density profile. MSTP(82)=5 PARP(83)=1.2D0 C... Colour Reconnections MSTP(95)=4 PARP(78)=0.15D0 C... Lambda_FSR scale. PARJ(81)=0.14D0 C... FSR activity. PARP(71)=4D0 C... Rap order, Valence qq, qq x enhc, BR-g-BR supp MSTP(89)=1 MSTP(88)=0 PARP(79)=2D0 PARP(80)=0.01D0 C... NOCR (304) ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.304) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN CH60='"best try" without colour reconnections' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='see T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, EPJC39(2005)129' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF C... Smooth ISR, low FSR MSTP(70)=2 MSTP(72)=0 C... pT0 PARP(82)=2.05D0 C... Transverse density profile. MSTP(82)=5 PARP(83)=1.8D0 C... Colour Reconnections MSTP(95)=0 C... Lambda_FSR scale. PARJ(81)=0.14D0 C... FSR activity. PARP(71)=4D0 C... Lambda order, Valence qq, large qq x enhc, BR-g-BR supp MSTP(89)=2 MSTP(88)=0 PARP(79)=3D0 PARP(80)=0.01D0 C..."Lo FSR" retune (305) ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.305) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN CH60='"Lo FSR retune" with primitive colour reconnections' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='see T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, EPJC39(2005)129' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF C... Smooth ISR, low FSR MSTP(70)=2 MSTP(72)=0 C... pT0 PARP(82)=1.9D0 C... Transverse density profile. MSTP(82)=5 PARP(83)=2.0D0 C... Colour Reconnections MSTP(95)=1 PARP(78)=1.0D0 C... Lambda_FSR scale. PARJ(81)=0.14D0 C... FSR activity. PARP(71)=4D0 C... Rap order, Valence qq, qq x enhc, BR-g-BR supp MSTP(89)=1 MSTP(88)=0 PARP(79)=2D0 PARP(80)=0.01D0 ENDIF C... Output IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' WRITE(M11,5040) 51, MSTP(51), CHMSTP(51) WRITE(M11,5040) 52, MSTP(52), CHMSTP(52) WRITE(M11,5050) 64, PARP(64), CHPARP(64) WRITE(M11,5040) 70, MSTP(70), CHMSTP(70) WRITE(M11,5040) 72, MSTP(72), CHMSTP(72) WRITE(M11,5050) 71, PARP(71), CHPARP(71) WRITE(M11,5060) 81, PARJ(81), CHPARJ(81) WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 82, PARP(82), CHPARP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 89, PARP(89), CHPARP(89) WRITE(M11,5050) 90, PARP(90), CHPARP(90) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 83, PARP(83), CHPARP(83) WRITE(M11,5040) 88, MSTP(88), CHMSTP(88) WRITE(M11,5040) 89, MSTP(89), CHMSTP(89) WRITE(M11,5050) 79, PARP(79), CHPARP(79) WRITE(M11,5050) 80, PARP(80), CHPARP(80) WRITE(M11,5050) 93, PARP(93), CHPARP(93) WRITE(M11,5040) 95, MSTP(95), CHMSTP(95) WRITE(M11,5050) 78, PARP(78), CHPARP(78) ENDIF C============================================================================= C...Tunes A, AW, BW, DW, DWT, and QW (by R.D. Field, CDF) (100-105) C...and ATLAS Tune (by A. Moraes, ATLAS) (106) ELSEIF (ITUNE.GE.100.AND.ITUNE.LE.106) THEN IF (M13.GE.1.AND.ITUNE.NE.106) THEN WRITE(M11,5010) ITUNE, CHNAME CH60='see R.D. Field (CDF), in hep-ph/0610012' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='and T. Sjostrand & M. v. Zijl, PRD36(1987)2019' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF C...Multiple interactions on, old framework MSTP(81)=1 C...Fast IR cutoff energy scaling by default PARP(89)=1800D0 PARP(90)=0.25D0 C...Default CTEQ5L (internal), except for QW: CTEQ61 (external) MSTP(51)=7 MSTP(52)=1 IF (ITUNE.EQ.105) THEN MSTP(51)=10150 MSTP(52)=2 ENDIF C...Double Gaussian matter distribution. MSTP(82)=4 PARP(83)=0.5D0 PARP(84)=0.4D0 C...FSR activity. PARP(71)=4D0 C...Lambda_FSR scale. PARJ(81)=0.29D0 C...Tune A and AW IF(ITUNE.EQ.100.OR.ITUNE.EQ.101) THEN C...pT0. PARP(82)=2.0D0 c...String drawing almost completely minimizes string length. PARP(85)=0.9D0 PARP(86)=0.95D0 C...ISR cutoff, muR scale factor, and phase space size PARP(62)=1D0 PARP(64)=1D0 PARP(67)=4D0 C...Intrinsic kT, size, and max MSTP(91)=1 PARP(91)=1D0 PARP(93)=5D0 C...AW : higher ISR IR cutoff, but also larger alpha_s and more intrinsic kT. IF (ITUNE.EQ.101) THEN PARP(62)=1.25D0 PARP(64)=0.2D0 PARP(91)=2.1D0 PARP(92)=15.0D0 ENDIF C... Tune BW (larger alpha_s, more intrinsic kT. Smaller ISR phase space.) ELSEIF (ITUNE.EQ.102) THEN C... pT0. PARP(82)=1.9D0 c... String drawing completely minimizes string length. PARP(85)=1.0D0 PARP(86)=1.0D0 C... ISR cutoff, muR scale factor, and phase space size PARP(62)=1.25D0 PARP(64)=0.2D0 PARP(67)=1D0 C... Intrinsic kT, size, and max MSTP(91)=1 PARP(91)=2.1D0 PARP(93)=15D0 C... Tune DW ELSEIF (ITUNE.EQ.103) THEN C... pT0. PARP(82)=1.9D0 c... String drawing completely minimizes string length. PARP(85)=1.0D0 PARP(86)=1.0D0 C... ISR cutoff, muR scale factor, and phase space size PARP(62)=1.25D0 PARP(64)=0.2D0 PARP(67)=2.5D0 C... Intrinsic kT, size, and max MSTP(91)=1 PARP(91)=2.1D0 PARP(93)=15D0 C... Tune DWT ELSEIF (ITUNE.EQ.104) THEN C... pT0. PARP(82)=1.9409D0 C... Run II ref scale and slow scaling PARP(89)=1960D0 PARP(90)=0.16D0 c... String drawing completely minimizes string length. PARP(85)=1.0D0 PARP(86)=1.0D0 C... ISR cutoff, muR scale factor, and phase space size PARP(62)=1.25D0 PARP(64)=0.2D0 PARP(67)=2.5D0 C... Intrinsic kT, size, and max MSTP(91)=1 PARP(91)=2.1D0 PARP(93)=15D0 C...Tune QW ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.105) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' CH70='NB! This tune requires CTEQ6.1 pdfs to be '// & 'externally linked and' WRITE(M11,5035) CH70 CH70='MSTP(51) should be set manually according to '// & 'the library used' WRITE(M11,5035) CH70 ENDIF C... pT0. PARP(82)=1.1D0 c... String drawing completely minimizes string length. PARP(85)=1.0D0 PARP(86)=1.0D0 C... ISR cutoff, muR scale factor, and phase space size PARP(62)=1.25D0 PARP(64)=0.2D0 PARP(67)=2.5D0 C... Intrinsic kT, size, and max MSTP(91)=1 PARP(91)=2.1D0 PARP(93)=15D0 C...ATLAS Tune ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.106) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5010) ITUNE, CHNAME CH60='see A. Moraes et al., SN-ATLAS-2006-057' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='and T. Sjostrand & M. v. Zijl, PRD36(1987)2019' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF C... pT0. PARP(82)=1.8D0 C... Different ref and rescaling pacee PARP(89)=1000D0 PARP(90)=0.16D0 C... Parameters of mass distribution PARP(83)=0.5D0 PARP(84)=0.5D0 C... Old default string drawing PARP(85)=0.33D0 PARP(86)=0.66D0 C... ISR, phase space equivalent to Tune B PARP(62)=1D0 PARP(64)=1D0 PARP(67)=1D0 C... FSR PARP(71)=4D0 PARJ(81)=0.29D0 C... Intrinsic kT MSTP(91)=1 PARP(91)=1D0 PARP(93)=5D0 ENDIF C... Output IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' WRITE(M11,5040) 51, MSTP(51), CHMSTP(51) WRITE(M11,5040) 52, MSTP(52), CHMSTP(52) WRITE(M11,5050) 62, PARP(62), CHPARP(62) WRITE(M11,5050) 64, PARP(64), CHPARP(64) WRITE(M11,5050) 67, PARP(67), CHPARP(67) WRITE(M11,5050) 71, PARP(71), CHPARP(71) WRITE(M11,5060) 81, PARJ(81), CHPARJ(81) WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 82, PARP(82), CHPARP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 89, PARP(89), CHPARP(89) WRITE(M11,5050) 90, PARP(90), CHPARP(90) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 83, PARP(83), CHPARP(83) WRITE(M11,5050) 84, PARP(84), CHPARP(84) WRITE(M11,5050) 85, PARP(85), CHPARP(85) WRITE(M11,5050) 86, PARP(86), CHPARP(86) WRITE(M11,5040) 91, MSTP(91), CHMSTP(91) WRITE(M11,5050) 91, PARP(91), CHPARP(91) WRITE(M11,5050) 93, PARP(93), CHPARP(93) ENDIF C============================================================================= C... ACR, tune A with new CR (107) ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.107) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5010) ITUNE, CHNAME CH60='Tune A modified with new colour reconnections' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='PARP(85)=0D0 and amount of CR is regulated by PARP(78)' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF IF (MSTP(181).LE.5.OR.(MSTP(181).EQ.6.AND.MSTP(182).LE.406))THEN CALL PYERRM(9,'(PYTUNE:) linked PYTHIA version incompatible'// & ' with tune. Using defaults.') GOTO 9998 ENDIF MSTP(81)=1 PARP(89)=1800D0 PARP(90)=0.25D0 MSTP(82)=4 PARP(83)=0.5D0 PARP(84)=0.4D0 MSTP(51)=7 MSTP(52)=1 PARP(71)=4D0 PARJ(81)=0.29D0 PARP(82)=2.0D0 PARP(85)=0.0D0 PARP(86)=0.66D0 PARP(62)=1D0 PARP(64)=1D0 PARP(67)=4D0 MSTP(91)=1 PARP(91)=1D0 PARP(93)=5D0 MSTP(95)=6 PARP(78)=0.25D0 C...Output IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' WRITE(M11,5040) 51, MSTP(51), CHMSTP(51) WRITE(M11,5040) 52, MSTP(52), CHMSTP(52) WRITE(M11,5050) 62, PARP(62), CHPARP(62) WRITE(M11,5050) 64, PARP(64), CHPARP(64) WRITE(M11,5050) 67, PARP(67), CHPARP(67) WRITE(M11,5050) 71, PARP(71), CHPARP(71) WRITE(M11,5060) 81, PARJ(81), CHPARJ(81) WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 82, PARP(82), CHPARP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 89, PARP(89), CHPARP(89) WRITE(M11,5050) 90, PARP(90), CHPARP(90) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 83, PARP(83), CHPARP(83) WRITE(M11,5050) 84, PARP(84), CHPARP(84) WRITE(M11,5050) 85, PARP(85), CHPARP(85) WRITE(M11,5050) 86, PARP(86), CHPARP(86) WRITE(M11,5040) 91, MSTP(91), CHMSTP(91) WRITE(M11,5050) 91, PARP(91), CHPARP(91) WRITE(M11,5050) 93, PARP(93), CHPARP(93) WRITE(M11,5040) 95, MSTP(95), CHMSTP(95) WRITE(M11,5050) 78, PARP(78), CHPARP(78) ENDIF C============================================================================= C... Intermediate model. Rap tune (retuned to post-6.406 IR factorization) ELSEIF(ITUNE.EQ.200) THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5010) ITUNE, CHNAME CH60='see T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, JHEP03(2004)053' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 ENDIF IF (MSTP(181).LE.5.OR.(MSTP(181).EQ.6.AND.MSTP(182).LE.405))THEN CALL PYERRM(9,'(PYTUNE:) linked PYTHIA version incompatible'// & ' with tune.') ENDIF C...PDF MSTP(51)=7 MSTP(52)=1 C...ISR PARP(62)=1D0 PARP(64)=1D0 PARP(67)=4D0 C...FSR PARP(71)=4D0 PARJ(81)=0.29D0 C...UE MSTP(81)=11 PARP(82)=2.25D0 PARP(89)=1800D0 PARP(90)=0.25D0 C... ExpOfPow(1.8) overlap profile MSTP(82)=5 PARP(83)=1.8D0 C... Valence qq MSTP(88)=0 C... Rap Tune MSTP(89)=1 C... Default diquark, BR-g-BR supp PARP(79)=2D0 PARP(80)=0.01D0 C... Final state reconnect. MSTP(95)=1 PARP(78)=0.55D0 C... Output IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' WRITE(M11,5040) 51, MSTP(51), CHMSTP(51) WRITE(M11,5040) 52, MSTP(52), CHMSTP(52) WRITE(M11,5050) 62, PARP(62), CHPARP(62) WRITE(M11,5050) 64, PARP(64), CHPARP(64) WRITE(M11,5050) 67, PARP(67), CHPARP(67) WRITE(M11,5050) 71, PARP(71), CHPARP(71) WRITE(M11,5060) 81, PARJ(81), CHPARJ(81) WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 82, PARP(82), CHPARP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 89, PARP(89), CHPARP(89) WRITE(M11,5050) 90, PARP(90), CHPARP(90) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 83, PARP(83), CHPARP(83) WRITE(M11,5040) 88, MSTP(88), CHMSTP(88) WRITE(M11,5040) 89, MSTP(89), CHMSTP(89) WRITE(M11,5050) 79, PARP(79), CHPARP(79) WRITE(M11,5050) 80, PARP(80), CHPARP(80) WRITE(M11,5050) 93, PARP(93), CHPARP(93) WRITE(M11,5040) 95, MSTP(95), CHMSTP(95) WRITE(M11,5050) 78, PARP(78), CHPARP(78) ENDIF C============================================================================= C...Uppsala models: Generalized Area Law and Soft Colour Interactions ELSEIF(CHNAME.EQ.'GAL Tune 0'.OR.CHNAME.EQ.'GAL Tune 1') THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5010) ITUNE, CHNAME CH60='see J. Rathsman, PLB452(1999)364' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 C ? CH60='A. Edin, G. Ingelman, J. Rathsman, hep-ph/9912539,' C ? WRITE(M11,5030) CH60='and T. Sjostrand & M. v. Zijl, PRD36(1987)2019' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' CH70='NB! The GAL model must be run with modified '// & 'Pythia v6.215:' WRITE(M11,5035) CH70 CH70='available from http://www.isv.uu.se/thep/MC/scigal/' WRITE(M11,5035) CH70 WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' ENDIF C...GAL Recommended settings from Uppsala web page (as per 22/08 2006) MSWI(2) = 3 PARSCI(2) = 0.10 MSWI(1) = 2 PARSCI(1) = 0.44 MSTJ(16) = 0 PARJ(42) = 0.45 PARJ(82) = 2.0 PARP(62) = 2.0 MSTP(81) = 1 MSTP(82) = 1 PARP(81) = 1.9 MSTP(92) = 1 IF(CHNAME.EQ.'GAL Tune 1') THEN C...GAL retune (P. Skands) to get better min-bias at Tevatron MSTP(82)=4 PARP(83)=0.25D0 PARP(84)=0.5D0 PARP(82) = 1.75 IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 82, PARP(82), CHPARP(82) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 83, PARP(83), CHPARP(83) WRITE(M11,5050) 84, PARP(84), CHPARP(84) ENDIF ELSE IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 81, PARP(81), CHPARP(81) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) ENDIF ENDIF C...Output IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5050) 62, PARP(62), CHPARP(62) WRITE(M11,5060) 82, PARJ(82), CHPARJ(82) WRITE(M11,5040) 92, MSTP(92), CHMSTP(92) CH40='FSI SCI/GAL selection' WRITE(M11,6040) 1, MSWI(1), CH40 CH40='FSI SCI/GAL sea quark treatment' WRITE(M11,6040) 2, MSWI(2), CH40 CH40='FSI SCI/GAL sea quark treatment parm' WRITE(M11,6050) 1, PARSCI(1), CH40 CH40='FSI SCI/GAL string reco probability R_0' WRITE(M11,6050) 2, PARSCI(2), CH40 WRITE(M11,5060) 42, PARJ(42), CHPARJ(42) WRITE(M11,5070) 16, MSTJ(16), CHMSTJ(16) ENDIF ELSEIF(CHNAME.EQ.'SCI Tune 0'.OR.CHNAME.EQ.'SCI Tune 1') THEN IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5010) ITUNE, CHNAME CH60='see A.Edin et al, PLB366(1996)371, Z.Phys.C75(1997)57,' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 CH60='and T. Sjostrand & M. v. Zijl, PRD36(1987)2019' WRITE(M11,5030) CH60 WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' CH70='NB! The SCI model must be run with modified '// & 'Pythia v6.215:' WRITE(M11,5035) CH70 CH70='available from http://www.isv.uu.se/thep/MC/scigal/' WRITE(M11,5035) CH70 WRITE(M11,5030) ' ' ENDIF C...SCI Recommended settings from Uppsala web page (as per 22/08 2006) MSTP(81)=1 MSTP(82)=1 PARP(81)=2.2 MSTP(92)=1 MSWI(2)=2 PARSCI(2)=0.50 MSWI(1)=2 PARSCI(1)=0.44 MSTJ(16)=0 IF (CHNAME.EQ.'SCI Tune 1') THEN C...SCI retune (P. Skands) to get better min-bias at Tevatron MSTP(81) = 1 MSTP(82) = 3 PARP(82) = 2.4 PARP(83) = 0.5D0 PARP(62) = 1.5 PARP(84)=0.25D0 IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 82, PARP(82), CHPARP(82) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) WRITE(M11,5050) 83, PARP(83), CHPARP(83) WRITE(M11,5050) 62, PARP(62), CHPARP(62) ENDIF ELSE IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5040) 81, MSTP(81), CHMSTP(81) WRITE(M11,5050) 81, PARP(81), CHPARP(81) WRITE(M11,5040) 82, MSTP(82), CHMSTP(82) ENDIF ENDIF C...Output IF (M13.GE.1) THEN WRITE(M11,5040) 92, MSTP(92), CHMSTP(92) CH40='FSI SCI/GAL selection' WRITE(M11,6040) 1, MSWI(1), CH40 CH40='FSI SCI/GAL sea quark treatment' WRITE(M11,6040) 2, MSWI(2), CH40 CH40='FSI SCI/GAL sea quark treatment parm' WRITE(M11,6050) 1, PARSCI(1), CH40 CH40='FSI SCI/GAL string reco probability R_0' WRITE(M11,6050) 2, PARSCI(2), CH40 WRITE(M11,5070) 16, MSTJ(16), CHMSTJ(16) ENDIF ELSE IF (MSTU(13).GE.1) WRITE(M11,5020) ITUNE ENDIF 9998 IF (MSTU(13).GE.1) WRITE(M11,6000) 9999 RETURN 5000 FORMAT(1x,78('*')/' *',76x,'*'/' *',3x,'PYTUNE v',A6,' : ', & 'Presets for underlying-event (and min-bias)',13x,'*'/' *', & 20x,'Last Change : ',A8,' - P. Skands',22x,'*'/' *',76x,'*') 5010 FORMAT(' *',3x,I4,1x,A16,52x,'*') 5020 FORMAT(' *',3x,'Tune ',I4, ' not recognized. Using defaults.') 5030 FORMAT(' *',3x,10x,A60,3x,'*') 5035 FORMAT(' *',3x,A70,3x,'*') 5040 FORMAT(' *',5x,'MSTP(',I2,') = ',I12,3x,A40,5x,'*') 5050 FORMAT(' *',5x,'PARP(',I2,') = ',F12.4,3x,A40,5x,'*') 5060 FORMAT(' *',5x,'PARJ(',I2,') = ',F12.4,3x,A40,5x,'*') 5070 FORMAT(' *',5x,'MSTJ(',I2,') = ',I12,3x,A40,5x,'*') 5140 FORMAT(' *',5x,'MSTP(',I3,')= ',I12,3x,A40,5x,'*') 5150 FORMAT(' *',5x,'PARP(',I3,')= ',F12.4,3x,A40,5x,'*') 6000 FORMAT(' *',76x,'*'/1x,32('*'),1x,'END OF PYTUNE',1x,31('*')) 6040 FORMAT(' *',5x,'MSWI(',I1,') = ',I12,3x,A40,5x,'*') 6050 FORMAT(' *',5x,'PARSCI(',I1,')= ',F12.4,3x,A40,5x,'*') END