Copyright UrQMD source and documentation are provided freely for the purpose of checking and reproducing published results of the authors. The Open Standard Codes and Routines (OSCAR)-Group has established - for good reasons - guidelines for reproducablity, usage and quality control of simlulations codes for pA and AA collsions. UrQMD is a complex model. In order to ensure that it is used correctly that all results are reproducible and that the proper credits are given we ask for your agreement to the following copyright and safeguard mechanisms in the OSCAR spirit. The UrQMD collaboration favors cooperation and joint projects with outside researchers. We encourage experimental collaborations to compare their results to UrQMD. We support you and/or cooperate on any sensible project related to UrQMD If you are interested in a project, please contact us. Projects without the participation of the UrQMD-Collaboration are accepted, if the project is not a current thesis topic of any UrQMD-Collaboration member. We expect that the code authors are informed about any changes and modifications made to the code. Any changes to the official version must be documented. The code or any fragments of it shall not be given away to third parties. Similarily, events generated with UrQMD shall not be given to third parties without consent of the code authors.