c $Id$ subroutine cascinit(ZZ,AA,nucleus) implicit none include 'coms.f' include 'options.f' include 'inputs.f' integer Z,A,i,getspin,fchg,ZZ,AA,antia, j,k, nrjc,izcnt,nucleus real*8 R,P,R2,ranf,sint,phi,nucrad,cost,drr real*8 xcm,ycm,zcm,pxcm,pycm,pzcm,densnorm,add,avd,ws real*8 r_long, r_short, rdef, ratio, alpha c c mass correction according to binding energy real*8 meff ce bcorr to prevent recycling odd nuclei logical bcorr common /ini/ bcorr bcorr=.false. C averaged density of one Gaussian in units of central value avd = 0.5**1.5 pxcm=0.d0 pycm=0.d0 pzcm=0.d0 A=abs(AA) Z=abs(ZZ) antia=A/AA PT_AA(nucleus)=A if(A.gt.AAmax) then write(6,*)'***(E): Mass ',A,' exceeds initialization limit!' write(6,*)' -> increase parameter AAmax=',AAmax write(6,*)' in include-file inputs.f ' write(6,*)' -> uqmd aborting ... ' stop endif if (A.eq.1) then ! proton or neutron i = 1 PT_iso3(i,nucleus) = antia*(-1+2*Z) PT_ityp(i,nucleus) = antia*1 uid_cnt=uid_cnt+1 PT_uid(i,nucleus)=uid_cnt PT_spin(i,nucleus) = 1 PT_dectime(i,nucleus)=1.d31 PT_charge(i,nucleus)=fchg(PT_iso3(i,nucleus), & PT_ityp(i,nucleus)) PT_fmass(i,nucleus) = EMNUC PT_p0(i,nucleus)=sqrt(PT_fmass(i,nucleus)**2) return end if C C Initialisation of A nucleons in configuration space C xcm=0.d0 ycm=0.d0 zcm=0.d0 R2=0.d0 if (CTOption(24).eq.1) then R2 = nucrad(A) + 10.0 elseif(CTOption(24).eq.0)then R2 = nucrad(A) endif nrjc = 0 if(CTOption(24).eq.2)then ! use fast method call nucfast(A,nucleus) do j=1,A PT_dectime(j,nucleus)=1.d31 xcm=xcm+PT_rx(j,nucleus) ycm=ycm+PT_ry(j,nucleus) zcm=zcm+PT_rz(j,nucleus) enddo else do 1 j=1,A PT_dectime(j,nucleus)=1.d31 111 nrjc = nrjc+1 R = R2*ranf(0)**(1./3.) cost = 1.-2.*ranf(0) sint = sqrt(1.-cost**2) phi = 2.*Pi*ranf(0) PT_r0(j,nucleus) = 0.d0 PT_rx(j,nucleus) = R*sint*cos(phi) PT_ry(j,nucleus) = R*sint*sin(phi) PT_rz(j,nucleus) = R*cost if (CTParam(21).gt.0.0) then ratio = sqrt((1 + 4.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) / $ (1 - 2.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) ) alpha = atan( sqrt(PT_rx(j,nucleus)*PT_rx(j,nucleus) $ + PT_ry(j,nucleus)*PT_ry(j,nucleus))/PT_rz(j,nucleus)) r_short = nucrad(A)*(ratio**(-(1.0/3.0))) r_long = nucrad(A)*(ratio**(2.0/3.0)) rdef = r_short/sqrt(1-((r_long**2-r_short**2)/r_long**2) $ *cos(alpha)*cos(alpha)) else rdef = nucrad(A) endif if (CTOption(24).eq.1) then WS = 1 / ( 1 + dexp( ( R - rdef ) / 0.545 ) ) cdh if (ranf(0) > WS ) then if (ranf(0) .gt. WS ) then c write (6,*) "rejected: ",R goto 111 endif else do 11 k=1,j-1 drr=(PT_rx(j,nucleus)-PT_rx(k,nucleus))**2 & +(PT_ry(j,nucleus)-PT_ry(k,nucleus))**2 & +(PT_rz(j,nucleus)-PT_rz(k,nucleus))**2 if (drr.lt.2.6.and.nrjc.lt.CTParam(46)) goto 111 11 continue endif xcm=xcm+PT_rx(j,nucleus) ycm=ycm+PT_ry(j,nucleus) zcm=zcm+PT_rz(j,nucleus) 1 continue endif if (nrjc.ge.CTParam(46)) then c write(6,*)'*** warning: initialisation corrupt ' bcorr=.true. end if xcm = xcm/dble(A) ycm = ycm/dble(A) zcm = zcm/dble(A) do 13 j=1,A if (CTOption(24).eq.0) then PT_rx(j,nucleus) = PT_rx(j,nucleus)-xcm PT_ry(j,nucleus) = PT_ry(j,nucleus)-ycm PT_rz(j,nucleus) = PT_rz(j,nucleus)-zcm endif PT_rho(j,nucleus) = avd 13 continue C local proton density in nucleus A,Z do 14 j=1,Z do 15 k=j+1,Z drr=(PT_rx(j,nucleus)-PT_rx(k,nucleus))**2 & +(PT_ry(j,nucleus)-PT_ry(k,nucleus))**2 & +(PT_rz(j,nucleus)-PT_rz(k,nucleus))**2 add=exp(-(2.0*gw*drr)) PT_rho(j,nucleus) = PT_rho(j,nucleus)+add PT_rho(k,nucleus) = PT_rho(k,nucleus)+add 15 continue 14 continue C local neutron density in nucleus A,Z do 16 j=Z+1,A do 17 k=j+1,A drr=(PT_rx(j,nucleus)-PT_rx(k,nucleus))**2 & +(PT_ry(j,nucleus)-PT_ry(k,nucleus))**2 & +(PT_rz(j,nucleus)-PT_rz(k,nucleus))**2 add=exp(-(2.0*gw*drr)) PT_rho(j,nucleus) = PT_rho(j,nucleus)+add PT_rho(k,nucleus) = PT_rho(k,nucleus)+add 17 continue 16 continue densnorm = (2.0*gw/pi)**1.5 do 18 j=1,A PT_rho(j,nucleus) = PT_rho(j,nucleus)*densnorm PT_pmax(j,nucleus) = hqc*(3.0*pi*pi*PT_rho(j,nucleus))**(1./3.) 18 continue izcnt=0 do 12 j=1,A P = PT_pmax(j,nucleus)*ranf(0)**(1./3.) cost = 1.-2.*ranf(0) sint = sqrt(1.-cost**2) phi = 2.*Pi*ranf(0) PT_px(j,nucleus) = P*sint*cos(phi) PT_py(j,nucleus) = P*sint*sin(phi) PT_pz(j,nucleus) = P*cost pxcm=pxcm+PT_px(j,nucleus) pycm=pycm+PT_py(j,nucleus) pzcm=pzcm+PT_pz(j,nucleus) if (j.le.Z) then PT_iso3(j,nucleus)= 1*antia PT_charge(j,nucleus)=1*antia else PT_iso3(j,nucleus)= -(1*antia) PT_charge(j,nucleus)=0 endif PT_spin(j,nucleus) = getspin(1,-1) PT_ityp(j,nucleus) = 1*antia uid_cnt=uid_cnt+1 PT_uid(j,nucleus)=uid_cnt 12 continue c perform CM-correction pxcm=pxcm/A pycm=pycm/A pzcm=pzcm/A do 2 i=1,A PT_px(i,nucleus)=PT_px(i,nucleus)-pxcm PT_py(i,nucleus)=PT_py(i,nucleus)-pycm PT_pz(i,nucleus)=PT_pz(i,nucleus)-pzcm c effective masses for initial energy corr. (CTOption(11).eq.0) r=sqrt(PT_rx(i,nucleus)**2+PT_ry(i,nucleus)**2 & +PT_rz(i,nucleus)**2) p=sqrt(PT_px(i,nucleus)**2+PT_py(i,nucleus)**2 & +PT_pz(i,nucleus)**2) ctp060202 PT_fmass(i,nucleus) = meff(z,a,r,p) PT_fmass(i,nucleus) = meff(z,a,p) PT_p0(i,nucleus)=sqrt(PT_px(i,nucleus)**2+PT_py(i,nucleus)**2 & +PT_pz(i,nucleus)**2+PT_fmass(i,nucleus)**2) 2 continue c end of CM-correction return end subroutine nucfast(IA,JJ) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) include 'inputs.f' real*8 nucrad am=0.545 rad=nucrad(ia)/am cr1=1.+3./rad+6./rad**2+6./rad**3 cr2=3./rad cr3=3./rad+6./rad**2 rimmax=0.0 DO I=1,IA 1 zuk=ranf(0)*cr1-1. if(zuk.le.0.)then tt=rad*(ranf(0)**.3333-1.) elseif(zuk.le.cr2 )then tt=-log(ranf(0)) elseif(zuk.lt.cr3 )then tt=-log(ranf(0))-log(ranf(0)) else tt=-log(ranf(0))-log(ranf(0))-log(ranf(0)) endif if(ranf(0).gt.1./(1.+exp(-abs(tt))))goto 1 rim=tt+rad z=rim*(2D0*ranf(0)-1D0) rim=dsqrt(rim*rim-z*z) cc if(rimmax.lt.rim*AM)rimmax=rim*AM PT_r0(I,JJ)=0d0 PT_rz(I,JJ)=Z * AM 2 s1=2d0*ranf(0)-1d0 s2=2d0*ranf(0)-1d0 s3=s1*s1+s2*s2 if(s3.gt.1d0)goto 2 s3=dsqrt(s3) c=s1/s3 s=s2/s3 PT_rx(I,JJ)=rim * C * AM PT_ry(I,JJ)=rim * S * AM enddo cc print *,"rimmax",rimmax cc if(debug.ge.3)then cc write (*,*) "nucleons" cc do i=1,ia cc write (*,'(i3,3g12.6)')i,PT_rx(i,JJ),PT_ry(i,JJ),PT_rz(i,JJ) cc enddo cc write (*,*) cc endif return END function nucrad(AA) implicit none real*8 nucrad, r_0 integer A,AA include 'coms.f' include 'options.f' A=abs(AA) c root mean square radius of nucleus of mass A c r_0 corresponding to rho0 if (CTOption(24).ge.1) then c root mean square radius of nucleus of mass A (Mayer-Kuckuck) nucrad = 1.128 * a**(1./3.) - 0.89 * a**(-(1./3.)) else r_0 = (0.75/pi/rho0)**(1./3.) c subtract gaussian tails, for distributing centroids correctly nucrad = r_0*(0.5*(a + (a**(1./3.)-1.)**3.))**(1./3.) endif return end subroutine boostnuc(i1,i2,pin,b,dst) implicit none include 'coms.f' include 'options.f' integer i1,i2,i real*8 b,dst,ei,ti real*8 pin,beta,gamma do 1 i=i1,i2 beta = pin/sqrt(pin**2+fmass(i)**2) gamma = 1.d0/sqrt(1.d0-beta**2) c Gallilei-Trafo in x-direction (impact parameter) c projectile hits at POSITIVE x rx(i) = rx(i) + b c distance between nuclei: projectile at NEGATIVE z for dst < 0 if(CTOption(23).eq.0)then ti = r0(i) rz(i) = rz(i)/gamma+dst/gamma else rz(i) = (rz(i) + dst) end if Ei = p0(i) p0(i) = gamma*(p0(i) - beta*pz(i)) pz(i) = gamma*(pz(i) - beta*Ei) 1 continue return end ctp060202 real*8 function meff(z,a,r,p) real*8 function meff(z,a,p) c mean binding energy of a nucleon in a nucleus according to weizaecker implicit none include 'options.f' real*8 av,as,ac,aa,ap,mdef,p,e,EMNUC integer z,a parameter (av=0.01587,as=0.01834,ac=0.00071) parameter (aa=0.09286,ap=11.46,EMNUC=0.938) if(CTOption(11).ne.0.or.a.eq.1)then meff=EMNUC return end if c...mass defect mdef=-(av*A)+as*A**0.66667+ac*z*z/a**0.33333+aa*(z-a/2.)**2/a c...energy per nucleon = binding energy + nucleon mass e=min(0d0,mdef/a)+EMNUC meff=sqrt(e**2-p**2) return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine getnucleus(nucleus,offset) c c Revision: 1.0 c cinput nucleus : 1=projectile, 2=target cinput offset : offset for location of nucleus in particle vectors c c output : via common blocks c c This subroutine read in a nucleus which has been initialized c by {\tt cascinit} and stored in the {\tt PT\_ *(i,nucleus)} arrays. c The respective nucleus is then rotated randomly in configuration c and momentum space to yield a new initial state. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'coms.f' include 'options.f' include 'inputs.f' c local variables real*8 eul1,eul2,eul3,ceul1,seul1,ceul2,seul2,ceul3,seul3 real*8 vecx0,vecy0,vecz0,vecx1,vecy1,vecz1,vecx2 real*8 vecy2,vecz2 integer k,nucleus,offset c functions real*8 ranf c *** c *** rotation around Euler-angles c *** if (CTParam(21).gt.0.0) then eul1 = 0.0 eul2 = 0.0 eul3 = 0.0 else eul1 = ranf(0)*2.0*pi eul2 = ranf(0)*2.0*pi eul3 = ranf(0)*2.0*pi endif ceul1 = cos(eul1) seul1 = sin(eul1) ceul2 = cos(eul2) seul2 = sin(eul2) ceul3 = cos(eul3) seul3 = sin(eul3) do 178 k=1,PT_AA(nucleus) c rotate in configuration space vecx0 = PT_rx(k,nucleus) vecy0 = PT_ry(k,nucleus) vecz0 = PT_rz(k,nucleus) vecx1 = ceul1*vecx0 + seul1*vecy0 vecy1 = -(seul1*vecx0)+ ceul1*vecy0 vecz1 = vecz0 vecx2 = ceul2*vecx1 + seul2*vecz1 vecy2 = vecy1 vecz2 = -(seul2*vecx1) + ceul2*vecz1 vecx0 = ceul3*vecx2 + seul3*vecy2 vecy0 = -(seul3*vecx2)+ ceul3*vecy2 vecz0 = vecz2 rx(k+offset) = vecx0 ry(k+offset) = vecy0 rz(k+offset) = vecz0 c rotate in momentum space vecx0 = PT_px(k,nucleus) vecy0 = PT_py(k,nucleus) vecz0 = PT_pz(k,nucleus) vecx1 = ceul1*vecx0 + seul1*vecy0 vecy1 = -(seul1*vecx0)+ ceul1*vecy0 vecz1 = vecz0 vecx2 = ceul2*vecx1 + seul2*vecz1 vecy2 = vecy1 vecz2 = -(seul2*vecx1) + ceul2*vecz1 vecx0 = ceul3*vecx2 + seul3*vecy2 vecy0 = -(seul3*vecx2) + ceul3*vecy2 vecz0 = vecz2 px(k+offset) = vecx0 py(k+offset) = vecy0 pz(k+offset) = vecz0 c initialize the other quantum numbers iso3(k+offset)=PT_iso3(k,nucleus) ityp(k+offset)=PT_ityp(k,nucleus) uid(k+offset)=PT_uid(k,nucleus) spin(k+offset)=PT_spin(k,nucleus) dectime(k+offset)=PT_dectime(k,nucleus) charge(k+offset)=PT_charge(k,nucleus) fmass(k+offset)=PT_fmass(k,nucleus) r0(k+offset)=PT_r0(k,nucleus) p0(k+offset)=PT_p0(k,nucleus) 178 continue return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## real*8 function rnfWSX(AA,zmin,zmax) c yields a $x^n$ distributet value for $x$ between mmin and mmax cccccCcc1ccccccccc2ccccccccc3ccccccccc4ccccccccc5ccccccccc6ccccccccc7cc implicit none real*8 zmin,zmax,ranf,a,rr,yf,z,nucrad integer AA parameter (a=0.54d0) rr=nucrad(aa) if(zmax.lt.rr)then write(6,*)'rnfwsx: maximum radius seems too low' stop end if 108 continue z=zmin+ranf(0)*(zmax-zmin) yf=z*z/((zmax-zmin)**3)*0.5d0/(1d0+exp(z-rr)/a) rnfWSX=z if(yf.gt.1d0)stop'rnfWSX: wrong normalisaton:' if(yf.gt.ranf(0)) return goto 108 end CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC subroutine setonshell(i) c c Revision : 1.0 c This subroutine set particle i on-shell cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc include 'coms.f' integer i p0(i) = sqrt(px(i)**2+py(i)**2+pz(i)**2+fmass(i)**2) return end