c $Id$ cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c include-file newpart c cdes this file contains arrays for scattered or new created particles cdes and is used to communicate between the different routines which cdes are involved in hadling the kinematics c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer mprt,oprt c maximum number of new particles: parameter(mprt=200) ! maximum number of produced particles parameter(oprt=2) ! maximum number of incoming particles c pslot : slots of incoming particles c itypnew: ityps of new particles c i3new: $2*I_3$ of new particles c inew: array-indices of new particles (will be assigned in scatter-routines) c nexit: number of particles in exit-channel c iline: tag for out-channel process c nstring1 : number of particles in string 1 c nstring2 : number of particles in string 2 c strcount : ?? c sidnew : stringID for produced particles c pslot : slots of incoming particles c itot: $2*I_{tot}$ of new particles (will be assigned in scatter-routines) c pnew(5,mprt) : momenta, energy and mass of produced particles c pnew(1,*) = px c pnew(2,*) = py c pnew(3,*) = pz c pnew(4,*) = e c pnew(5,*) = mass c xnew(4,mprt) : locations and time of produced particles c xnew(1,*) = rx c xnew(2,*) = ry c xnew(3,*) = rz c xnew(4,*) = r0 c pold(5,oprt) : momenta, defined like pnew c itypold : incoming itypes c iso3old : incoming iso3's c xtotfacold: xtotfacs of incoming particles c mstring() masses of strings 1 and 2 (or particles 1 and 2) c leadfac(mprt): (1-leadfac) is the factor, by which the total cross c section of a hadron is multiplied within its formation c time (.ne.1 only for leading hadrons) integer itypnew(mprt),i3new(mprt),itot(mprt),inew(mprt),nexit integer nstring1, nstring2,iline,itypold(oprt),iso3old(oprt) integer pslot(oprt),strcount real*8 pnew(5,mprt),xnew(4,mprt),mstring(2),leadfac(mprt) real*8 pold(5,oprt),xtotfacold(oprt) integer sidnew(mprt) c relative velocity/between comp. frame and two particle rest frame c is betax, betay, betaz (needed for lotrans) c momentum vector in two particle restframe is p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn real*8 betax,betay,betaz,p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn,pnn,pnnout common /inewpart/ itypnew,i3new,itot,inew,nexit,iline,strcount, & pslot,nstring1,nstring2,sidnew,itypold,iso3old common /rnewpart/ pnew,xnew,betax,betay,betaz,pold, & p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn,pnn,mstring,pnnout, & xtotfacold common /fnewpart/ leadfac