C********************************************************************* C...PYDCYK C...Handles flavour production in the decay of unstable particles C...and small string clusters. SUBROUTINE PYDCYK(KFL1,KFL2,KFL3,KF) C...Double precision and integer declarations. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) INTEGER PYK,PYCHGE,PYCOMP C...Commonblocks. COMMON/PYDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) COMMON/PYDAT2/KCHG(500,4),PMAS(500,4),PARF(2000),VCKM(4,4) SAVE /PYDAT1/,/PYDAT2/ SAVE C.. Call PYKFDI directly if no popcorn option is on IF(MSTJ(12).LT.2) THEN CALL PYKFDI(KFL1,KFL2,KFL3,KF) MSTU(124)=KFL3 RETURN ENDIF KFL3=0 KF=0 IF(KFL1.EQ.0) RETURN KF1A=IABS(KFL1) KF2A=IABS(KFL2) NSTO=130 NMAX=MIN(MSTU(125),10) C.. Identify rank 0 cluster qq IRANK=1 IF(KF1A.GT.10.AND.KF1A.LT.10000) IRANK=0 IF(KF2A.GT.0)THEN C.. Join jets: Fails if store not empty IF(MSTU(121).GT.0) THEN MSTU(121)=0 RETURN ENDIF CALL PYKFDI(KFL1,KFL2,KFL3,KF) ELSEIF(KF1A.GT.10.AND.MSTU(121).GT.0)THEN C.. Pick popcorn meson from store, return same qq, decrease store KF=MSTU(NSTO+MSTU(121)) KFL3=-KFL1 MSTU(121)=MSTU(121)-1 ELSE C.. Generate new flavour. Then done if no diquark is generated 100 CALL PYKFDI(KFL1,0,KFL3,KF) IF(MSTU(121).EQ.-1) GOTO 100 MSTU(124)=KFL3 IF(KF.EQ.0.OR.IABS(KFL3).LE.10) RETURN C.. Simple case if no dynamical popcorn suppressions are considered IF(MSTJ(12).LT.4) THEN IF(MSTU(121).EQ.0) RETURN NMES=1 KFPREV=-KFL3 CALL PYKFDI(KFPREV,0,KFL3,KFM) C.. Due to eta+eta' suppr., a qq->M+qq attempt might end as qq->B+q IF(IABS(KFL3).LE.10)THEN KFL3=-KFPREV RETURN ENDIF GOTO 120 ENDIF C test output qq against fake Gamma, then return if no popcorn. GB=2D0 IF(IRANK.NE.0)THEN CALL PYZDIS(1,2103,5D0,Z) GB=5D0*(1D0-Z)/Z IF(1D0-PARF(192)**GB.LT.PYR(0)) THEN MSTU(121)=0 GOTO 100 ENDIF ENDIF IF(MSTU(121).EQ.0) RETURN C..Set store size memory. Pick fake dynamical variables of qq. NMES=MSTU(121) CALL PYPTDI(1,PX3,PY3) X=1D0 POPM=0D0 G=GB POPG=GB C.. Pick next popcorn meson, test with fake dynamical variables 110 KFPREV=-KFL3 PX1=-PX3 PY1=-PY3 CALL PYKFDI(KFPREV,0,KFL3,KFM) IF(MSTU(121).EQ.-1) GOTO 100 CALL PYPTDI(KFL3,PX3,PY3) PM=PYMASS(KFM)**2+(PX1+PX3)**2+(PY1+PY3)**2 CALL PYZDIS(KFPREV,KFL3,PM,Z) G=(1D0-Z)*(G+PM/Z) X=(1D0-Z)*X PTST=1D0 GTST=1D0 RTST=PYR(0) IF(MSTJ(12).GT.4)THEN POPMN=SQRT((1D0-X)*(G/X-GB)) POPM=POPM+PMAS(PYCOMP(KFM),1)-PMAS(PYCOMP(KFM),3) PTST=EXP((POPM-POPMN)*PARF(193)) POPM=POPMN ENDIF IF(IRANK.NE.0)THEN POPGN=X*GB GTST=(1D0-PARF(192)**POPGN)/(1D0-PARF(192)**POPG) POPG=POPGN ENDIF IF(RTST.GT.PTST*GTST)THEN MSTU(121)=0 IF(RTST.GT.PTST) MSTU(121)=-1 GOTO 100 ENDIF C.. Store meson 120 IF(NMES.LE.NMAX) MSTU(NSTO+MSTU(121)+1)=KFM IF(MSTU(121).GT.0) GOTO 110 C.. Test accepted system size. If OK set global popcorn size variable. IF(NMES.GT.NMAX)THEN KF=0 KFL3=0 RETURN ENDIF MSTU(121)=NMES ENDIF RETURN END