c $Id$ c cdes This file contains definitions for the collision term c integer maxbar,maxbra,minbar integer offmeson,maxmeson,pimeson,maxbrm,minnuc,mindel integer maxbrs1,maxbrs2 integer numnuc,numdel,nucleon,maxnuc,maxdel integer minmes,maxmes parameter (minnuc=1) ! lowest baryon particle ID parameter (minmes=100) ! lowest meson particle ID parameter (maxmes=132) ! hightest meson particle ID c number of resonances of a kind parameter (numnuc=16) ! number of nucleon resonances parameter (numdel=10) ! number of delta resonances c indices of minimal and maximal itype of a kind (redundant but nice) parameter (maxnuc=minnuc+numnuc-1) ! highest nucleon ID parameter (mindel=minnuc+maxnuc) ! lowest delta ID parameter (maxdel=mindel+numdel-1) ! highest delta ID c minres & maxres define the range of nonstable & nonstrange baryons integer minres,maxres parameter (minres=minnuc+1) ! lowest baryon resonance ID parameter (maxres=maxdel) ! highest (nonstrange) baryon ! resonance ID c strangenes.ne.0 baryon resonances integer minlam,minsig,mincas,minome integer numlam,numsig,numcas,numome integer maxlam,maxsig,maxcas,maxome parameter (numlam=13) ! number of lambda states parameter (numsig=9) ! number of sigma states parameter (numcas=6) ! number of cascade states parameter (numome=1) ! number of omega states parameter (minlam=mindel+numdel) ! ID of lowest lambda state parameter (maxlam=minlam+numlam-1) ! ID of highest lambda state parameter (minsig=minlam+numlam) ! ID of lowest sigma state parameter (maxsig=minsig+numsig-1) ! ID of highest sigma state parameter (mincas=minsig+numsig) ! ID of lowest cascade state parameter (maxcas=mincas+numcas-1) ! ID of highest cascade state parameter (minome=mincas+numcas) ! ID of lowest omega state parameter (maxome=minome+numome-1) ! ID of highest omega state c minbar & maxbar define the range of all baryons parameter (minbar=minnuc) ! ID of lowest baryon state parameter (maxbar=maxome) ! ID of highest baryon state parameter (offmeson=minmes) ! offset between zero and lowest ! meson state parameter (maxmeson=maxmes) ! ID of highest meson state c... these variables are in principal obsolete and should be exchanged c were referenced c... avoid hard coded itypes integer itrho,itome,iteta,itkaon,itphi,itetapr parameter (itkaon=106) ! ID of kaon parameter (itrho=104) ! ID of rho meson parameter (itome=103) ! ID of omega meson parameter (iteta=102) ! ID of eta parameter (itphi=109) ! ID of phi parameter (itetapr=107) ! ID of eta' parameter (pimeson=101) ! ID of $\pi$ parameter (nucleon=minnuc) ! ID of nucleon integer itmin,itmax parameter (itmin=minnuc) ! lowest defined ID parameter (itmax=maxmes) ! highest defined ID c parameter (maxbra=11) ! decay channels for $s=0$ baryon resonances parameter (maxbrm=25) ! decay channels for meson resonances parameter (maxbrs1=10)! decay channels for $s=1$ baryon resonances parameter (maxbrs2=3) ! decay channels for $s=2$ baryon resonances c integer mlt2it(maxmes-minmes) ! meson IDs sorted by multipletts real*8 massoff,mresmin,mresmax parameter (massoff=1d-4) ! offset for mass generation parameter (mresmin=1.0765d0) ! minimum baryon resonance mass parameter (mresmax=5d0) ! maximum baryon resonance mass character*45 versiontag common /versioning/ versiontag real*8 massres(minbar:maxbar),widres(minbar:maxbar) real*8 branmes(0:maxbrm,minmes+1:maxmes) real*8 branres(0:maxbra,minnuc+1:maxdel) real*8 branbs1(0:maxbrs1,minlam+1:maxsig) real*8 branbs2(0:maxbrs2,mincas+1:maxcas) integer Jres(minbar:maxbar) integer Jmes(minmes:maxmes) integer pares(minbar:maxbar),pames(minmes:maxmes) integer Isores(minbar:maxbar), Isomes(minmes:maxmes) integer brtype(4,0:maxbra),bmtype(4,0:maxbrm) integer bs1type(4,0:maxbrs1),bs2type(4,0:maxbrs2) real*8 massmes(minmes:maxmes) real*8 mmesmn(minmes:maxmes) real*8 widmes(minmes:maxmes) integer strres(minbar:maxbar),strmes(minmes:maxmes) integer lbr(0:maxbra,minnuc+1:maxdel) integer lbs1(0:maxbrs1,minlam+1:maxsig) integer lbs2(0:maxbrs2,mincas+1:maxcas) integer lbm(0:maxbrm,minmes+1:maxmes) common /resonances/ massres,widres,massmes,widmes,mmesmn, , branres,branmes,branbs1,branbs2, , bs1type,bs2type,lbs1,lbs2,lbm, , jres,jmes,lbr,brtype,pares,pames, , bmtype, , Isores,Isomes,strres,strmes,mlt2it c massres : baryon mass table c widres : baryon decay width table c massmes : meson mass table c widmes : meson decay width table c mmesmn : table of minimum masses for meson resonances c branres : branching ratios for $s=0$ baryon resonances c branmes : branching ratios for meson resonances c branbs1 : branching ratios for $s=1$ baryon resonances c branbs2 : branching ratios for $s=2$ baryon resonances c brtype : definitions of the decay branches for $s=0$ baryon resonances c bmtype : definitions of the decay branches for meson resonances c bs1type : definitions of the decay branches for $s=1$ baryon resonances c bs2type : definitions of the decay branches for $s=2$ baryon resonances c lbr : decay angular momenta for $s=0$ baryon decays c lbm : decay angular momenta for meson decays c lbs1 : decay angular momenta for $s=1$ baryon decays c lbs2 : decay angular momenta for $s=2$ baryon decays c jres : spin table for baryons c jmes : spin table for mesons c pares : parity table for baryons c pames : parity table for mesons c isores : isospin table for baryons c isomes : isospin table for mesons c strres : strangeness table for baryons c strmes : strangeness table for mesons c c ccccccccccccccccccccc sigtab-declarations cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc integer itblsz,nsigs,maxreac,maxpsig,sigver c VERSION NUMBER of SIGTAB parameter (sigver = 1000) ! version number for collision ! term and tables ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c parameter (maxreac = 13) ! maximum number of collision classes parameter (maxpsig = 12) ! maximum number of cross ! sections per class parameter (nsigs = 10) ! number of tabulated cross sections PARAMETER (ITBLSZ= 100) ! table size of cross section tables c integer sigmaLN(maxpsig,2,maxreac) integer sigmainf(nsigs,20) real*8 sigmascal(nsigs,5), sigmas(nsigs,itblsz) c common/sigtabi/sigmaln,sigmainf common/sigtabr/sigmas,sigmascal c sigmaln : pointer array connecting collision classes with cross sections c sigmainf : information related to tabulated cross sections c sigmascal : information related to tabulated cross sections c sigmas : tabulated cross sections