c $Id$ cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c Revision : 1.0 c c common block for the tabulated branching ratios c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c number of points for the interpolation integer widnsp c the branching ratios are interpolated with high precision in the range c from mintab to maxtab1 and from maxtab1 to maxtab2 with a smaller precision c version number of the table integer tabver real*8 mintab, maxtab1, maxtab2 c set the default values parameter (widnsp=120) parameter (mintab=0.1d0) parameter (maxtab1=5.0d0) parameter (maxtab2=50.0d0) c increase this parameter, if you make changes, which require a new table parameter (tabver=9) c tabulated x-values (i.e. sqrt(s) of the collision) real*8 tabx (1:widnsp) c tabulated y-values (i.e. the branching ratios) and the second c derivatives of the function. c full baryon ratio real*8 fbtaby (1:widnsp,minbar:maxbar,1:2) c partial baryon ratios cdh real*8 pbtaby (1:widnsp,1:2,minbar:maxbar,0:maxbrs1) real*8 pbtaby (1:widnsp,1:2,minbar:maxbar,0:maxbra) c full meson ratio real*8 fmtaby (1:widnsp,minmes:maxmes,1:2) c partial meson ratios real*8 pmtaby (1:widnsp,1:2,minmes:maxmes,0:maxbrm) c Breit-Wigner norms c norm of Breit-Wigner with mass dependent widths baryons/mesons real*8 bwbarnorm(minbar:maxbar),bwmesnorm(minmes:maxmes) c tabulated fppfit() c tabulated x-values (i.e. sqrt(s) of the collision) real*8 tabxnd (1:widnsp) c 2-resonance channels c x deriv ND N*..D* real*8 frrtaby(1:widnsp,1:2,1:2,2:maxdel) c this flag indicates the progress of tabulating the function integer wtabflg c name of file containing the tables character*77 tabname common /decaywidth/ tabx,fbtaby,pbtaby,fmtaby,pmtaby,wtabflg common /brwignorm/ bwbarnorm,bwmesnorm common /xsections/ tabxnd,frrtaby common /tabnames/ tabname