*=== part2 ============================================================*
*                                                                      *
*     Partial (extensions to the original one by the Leipzig group)    *
*     Copyright (C) 2019-2022      by Alberto Fasso`, Alfredo Ferrari, *
*      All Rights Reserved.           their collaborators, and INFN    *
*    (Copyright (C) 1996-2019      by       INFN and CERN, for the     *
*     extensions only)                                                 *
*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *
*     Include file: part2           Revised on 20-Aug-96 by A. Ferrari *
*                                                                      *
*     Authors:                        Alfredo Ferrari & Johannes Ranft *
*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *
*     Last change   on   15-Feb-22     by      Alfredo Ferrari         *
*                                                  Private             *
*                                                                      *
*     Included in the following subroutines or functions:              *
*                                                                      *
*     W A R N I N G !!!! check also part for any change!!!             *
*                                                                      *
*     Description of the common block(s) and variable(s)               *
*                                                                      *
*            Aam = particle mass (including whatever excitation,       *
*                  isomer or excited state) (GeV/c^2)                  *
*             Ga = particle width (GeV)                                *
*            Tau = particle mean life (s)                              *
*         Aamdsc = "effective" particle mass for energy balance (GeV)  *
*         Eexprt = excitation energy of the particle (GeV, meaningful  *
*                  only for ions with A>4)                             *
*         Zmnabs = lower width (adimensional unit) to be used during   *
*                  particle decay to assure that at least one decay    *
*                  channel is physically open                          *
*         Atnmna = atan (Zmnabs)                                       *
*           Iich = particle electric charge                            *
*          Iibar = particle baryon number                              *
*         Isosym = index of the isospin reversed (T_z --> -T_z)        *
*                  particle (if any, if 0 no such particle is available*
*                  in the part listing)                                *
*         Ichcon = index of the charge conjugated (antiparticle)       *
*                  particle (if any, if 0 no such particle is available*
*                  in the part listing)                                *
*             K1 = index of first decay channel                        *
*             K2 = index of last  decay channel                        *
*         Kptoip = conversion from part to paprop numbering            *
*         Iptokp = conversion from paprop to part numbering            *
*         Kptoia = conversion from part to abltis numbering            *
*         Iatokp = conversion from abltis to part numbering            *
*         Idcflg = decay flag                                          *
*         Iptype = particle type                                       *
*                  -1: heavy fragments                                 *
*                   0: unknown particle or lepton                      *
*                   1: nucleon                                         *
*                   2: antinucleon                                     *
*                   3: pion                                            *
*                   4: K+/K0                                           *
*                  -4: Kshrt/Klong                                     *
*                   5: K-/K0bar                                        *
*                   6: Lamda/Sigma   (strangeness -1 hyperon)          *
*                   7: Xsi           (strangeness -2 hyperon)          *
*                   8: Omega         (strangeness -3 hyperon)          *
*                   9: ALamda/ASigma (strangeness +1 antihyperon)      *
*                  10: AXsi          (strangeness +2 antihyperon)      *
*                  11: AOmega        (strangeness +3 antihyperon)      *
*                  12: D+/D0                                           *
*                  13: D-/D0bar                                        *
*                  14: D_s+/D_s-                                       *
*                  15: Lambda_c+                                       *
*                  16: Xsi_c+/Xsi_c0                                   *
*                  17: Xsi'_c+/Xsi'_c0                                 *
*                  18: Omega_c                                         *
*                  19: ALambda_c+                                      *
*                  20: AXsi_c-/AXsi_c0                                 *
*                  21: AXsi'_c-/AXsi'_c0                               *
*                  22: AOmega_c                                        *
*         Jexlvl = particle excited level id, meaningful only for ions *
*                  with A>4. If < 99 it is the index of an isomeric    *
*                  state, if > 10000, Jexlvl-10000 is the index for an *
*                  excited state in the level (Ripl) database,         *
*                  whose excitation energy is given by Eexprt          *
*          Aname = particle literal name                               *
*                                                                      *
*  Be careful, the following definitions are in Part numbering:
      PARAMETER ( KPPRTN =   1 )
      PARAMETER ( KPPBAR =   2 )
      PARAMETER ( KPELCT =   3 )
      PARAMETER ( KPPOST =   4 )
      PARAMETER ( KPNTRN =   8 )
      PARAMETER ( KPNBAR =   9 )
      PARAMETER ( KPMUOP =  10 )
      PARAMETER ( KPMUOM =  11 )
      PARAMETER ( KPTAUP = 131 )
      PARAMETER ( KPTAUM = 132 )
      PARAMETER ( KPPIOP =  13 )
      PARAMETER ( KPPIOM =  14 )
      PARAMETER ( KPPIO0 =  23 )
      PARAMETER ( KPKAOP =  15 )
      PARAMETER ( KPKAOM =  16 )
      PARAMETER ( KPKAO0 =  24 )
      PARAMETER ( KPKBA0 =  25 )
      PARAMETER ( KPKAOL =  12 )
      PARAMETER ( KPKAOS =  19 )
      PARAMETER ( KPETA0 =  31 )
      PARAMETER ( KPRHOP =  32 )
      PARAMETER ( KPRHO0 =  33 )
      PARAMETER ( KPRHOM =  34 )
      PARAMETER ( KPOME0 =  35 )
      PARAMETER ( KPPHI0 =  96 )
      PARAMETER ( KPDEPP =  53 )
      PARAMETER ( KPDELP =  54 )
      PARAMETER ( KPDEL0 =  55 )
      PARAMETER ( KPDELM =  56 )
      PARAMETER ( KPN14P = 208 )
      PARAMETER ( KPN140 = 209 )
      PARAMETER ( KPK89P =  36 )
      PARAMETER ( KPK890 =  37 )
      PARAMETER ( KPK89M =  38 )
      PARAMETER ( KPAK89 =  39 )
      PARAMETER ( KPS13P = 104 )
      PARAMETER ( KPS130 = 105 )
      PARAMETER ( KPS13M = 106 )
      PARAMETER ( KPXSI0 =  97 )
      PARAMETER ( KPXSIM =  98 )
*  Low mass diffraction partners:
      PARAMETER ( KDETA0 =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDRHOP =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDRHO0 = 210 )
      PARAMETER ( KDRHOM =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDOME0 = 210 )
      PARAMETER ( KDPHI0 = 210 )
      PARAMETER ( KDDEPP =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDDELP =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDDEL0 =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDDELM =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDN14P =   0 )
      PARAMETER ( KDN140 =   0 )
      COMMON / PART /  AAM    (-6:IDMAXP), GA     (-6:IDMAXP),
     &                 TAU    (-6:IDMAXP), AAMDSC (-6:IDMAXP),
     &                 EEXPRT (-6:IDMAXP), ZMNABS (-6:IDMAXP),
     &                 ATNMNA (-6:IDMAXP), ATXN14,     ATMN14,
     &                 RNRN14    (-10:10), IICH   (-6:IDMAXP),
     &                 IIBAR  (-6:IDMAXP), JEXLVL (-6:IDMAXP),
     &                 ISOSYM (-6:IDMAXP), ICHCON (-6:IDMAXP),
     &                 K1     (-6:IDMAXP), K2     (-6:IDMAXP),
     &                 KPTOIP (-6:IDMAXP), IPTOKP (-6:NALLWP),
     &                 KPTOIA (-6:IDMAXP), IATOKP (-6:MXPABL),
     &                 IDCFLG (-6:NALLWP), IPTYPE (-6:NALLWP)
      SAVE / PART /
      SAVE / CHPART /