*$ CREATE USRTRC.ADD *COPY USRTRC * *=== usrtrc ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Copyright (C) 1990-2021 by Alberto Fasso`, Alfredo Ferrari * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * Created on 14 May 1990 by Alfredo Ferrari * * Infn - Milan * * (using the trk/cll scoring of A.Fasso` for Morse as a template) * * * * Module usrtrc: * * A. Ferrari : user defined track-length & collision density * * estimators * * * * Last change on 30-Nov-21 by Alfredo Ferrari * * Private * * * * * * Up to MXUSTC user defined track or coll are allowed * * lusrtc = logical flag, .true. if at least 1 user defined * * track or coll is used * * lustrk = logical flag, .true. if at least 1 user defined * * track is used * * luscll = logical flag, .true. if at least 1 user defined * * coll is used * * ltkpwx = logical flag, .true. if neutron energy spectra * * should not be grouped for this tracklength esti- * * mator * * lclpwx = logical flag, .true. if neutron energy spectra * * should not be grouped for this collision esti- * * mator * * ltrken = logical flag, .true. if the energy scale must be * * energy/nucleon for tracklength estimators * * lcllen = logical flag, .true. if the energy scale must be * * energy/nucleon for collision estimators * * nusrtc = number of user defined track & coll used * * nustrk = number of user defined track used * * nuscll = number of user defined coll used * * iustrk = list of track-length estimators * * iuscll = list of collision density track estimators * * itustc = type of binning: 1 = linear energy, track * * 2 = linear energy, coll, -1 = logarithmic ener- * * gy, track, -2 = logarithmic energy, coll * * idustc = distribution to be scored: the usual values are * * allowed * * jdustc = secondary distribution to be scored: the usual * * values are allowed * * nrustc = region * * vusrtc = volume (cm**3) of the detector * * llnutc = no low energy neutron scoring if false, yes if * * true * * lpwctc = logical flag for applying conversion coefficient * * to low energy neutron explicit charged particle * * products * * titutc = track or coll name * * dequtc = track or coll name for dose equiv. conversions * * ipustc = logical unit to print the results on: formatted * * if > 0, unformatted if < 0 * * igmutc = maximum low energy neutron group to be scored * * kbustc = initial location in blank common of the consi- * * dered track or coll (real*8 address) * * I T I S F O R A D D R E S S OF 1 !!!!! * * netcbn = number of energy intervals * * etclow/etchgh = minimum and maximum energies * * detcbn = energy bin width * * kdcyut = flag for radioactive decay scoring (-1=prompt + * * all radioactive decays, 0=prompt only, i=i_th * * decay time only) * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * PARAMETER ( MXUSTC = 2500 ) LOGICAL LUSRTC, LUSTRK, LUSCLL, LLNUTC, LPWCTC, LTRKEN, LCLLEN, & LTKPWX, LCLPWX CHARACTER*10 TITUTC, DEQUTC COMMON /USRTC/ ETCLOW(MXUSTC), ETCHGH(MXUSTC), DETCBN(MXUSTC), & VUSRTC(MXUSTC), & IUSTRK(MXUSTC), IUSCLL(MXUSTC), NETCBN(MXUSTC), & NRUSTC(MXUSTC), ITUSTC(MXUSTC), IDUSTC(MXUSTC), & JDUSTC(MXUSTC), KBUSTC(MXUSTC), IPUSTC(MXUSTC), & IGMUTC(MXUSTC), KDCYUT(MXUSTC), LLNUTC(MXUSTC), & LPWCTC(MXUSTC), LTKPWX(MXUSTC), LCLPWX(MXUSTC), & NUSRTC, NUSTRK, NUSCLL, LUSRTC, LUSTRK, LUSCLL, & LTRKEN, LCLLEN COMMON /USTCH/ TITUTC(MXUSTC), DEQUTC(MXUSTC) SAVE / USRTC / SAVE / USTCH /