=== Fluka-4.3.2 === PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - The hitherto missing decay products of 11Be have been added, thus addressing the issue raised in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/spallation-isotope-decays/4199 - The reaction cross section for proton on B has been extended below 1 MeV, thus addressing the 5th item in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/interaction-of-proton-beam-with-thin-boron-targets-which-iontrans-should-i-use/4133 TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS: - C++ header files are now provided for the FLUKA commons. - The maximum number of heavy secondaries emitted during nuclear evaporation has been increased to 120, in order to accommodate a large (yet physical) number of heavy secondaries observed during a rare nuclear interaction between heavy nuclei which led to a crash in previous versions of the code. - The FLUKA manual features newly formatted tables and several typo and error corrections. BUG FIXES: - The code is now aligned with DPMJET v19.3.5, fixing a rare crash due to a slightly mismatching value of the nuclear mass unit. - A logic error which allowed elastic recoils (and in general recoils with A and Z equal to those of the target nucleus) to mistakenly contribute to RESNUCLEi scoring in the region where they originate has been rectified. - A rare numerical precision error which led to a slight inaccuracy when determining the azimuthal-angle bin in cylindrical USRBIN for particles traveling along the x axis (and eventually to a crash, kindly reported by BNL colleagues) has been fixed. - An underflow in the ionization fluctuation module, which manifested as a zeroing out of ionization losses for charged particles in very dilute gases, has been resolved. - The energy deposition quenching issue for biased runs raised in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/energy-scoring-along-step-in-user-routine-biasing-and-particle-weight/4006 has been corrected, thus superseding the temporary solutions proposed therein. === Fluka-4.3.1 === PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - Reworked the sampling of the target nucleus thermal motion for the elastic scattering of thermal neutrons. This corrected an artifact that led to neutron fluxes slightly skewed towards energies lower than kT, affecting in particular light target nuclei. - The parametrized reaction cross section of protons on deuterium below 5.5 MeV was refined to better reproduce experimental data available from EXFOR for the (p,g) and (p,n) channels, removing an unphysical rise below few MeV. TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS: - Nuclear recoils with the same atomic and mass number as the target isotope (e.g. from (n,el), (n,n'), (p,p'), etc.) now contribute to RESNUCLEi scoring only when reaching a different geometry region. - Kshort and Klong scorings now also include the respective contribution of K0 and K0bar, and viceversa. - A simplified version of mgdraw (mgdraw_empty.f) is now offered for convenience, in addition to the original mgdraw.f. BUG FIXES: - Fixed a bug affecting point-wise fission events by low-energy neutrons, removing the spurious survival of the projectile. - Fixed a bug whereby deuterium content was suppressed from natural hydrogen when requesting thermal scattering via the S(a,b) treatment. - Two bugs were addressed in the crystal channeling module concerning the volume acceptance region: - Fixed a misbehavior in the limit case of straight crystals; - Fixed a spurious decrease of the nuclear interaction rate. - Fixed a rare bug manifesting when the code was trying to recover a geometry tracking failure and parentheses were used in the region description, addressing https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/unexpected-geofar-tracking-errors/3627 - Fixed an error introduced in v4-3.0 affecting the scoring of the restricted NIEL (RES-NIEL). - Fixed improper account of optical photon sensitivity for local energy depositions, addressing the issue reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/sensitiv-card-in-optical-photon-production - Fixed unintended passage through scoring routines after unsuccessful (i.e. rejected during sampling) electronuclear event, addressing the issue reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/mgdraw-f-endraw-routing-quenching - Fixed numerical excursion into negative kinetic energies in electric field tracking when particles reach a turning point, addressing the issue reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/error-stop-etrack-xm/ and fixing an index out of bounds. === Fluka-4.3.0 === This major release contains several physics improvements, as well as the further technical improvements and notable bug corrections listed below. Among the former ones, the inclusion of a novel point-wise treatment for low-energy neutron interactions (below 20 MeV) should be particularly highlighted, since it overcomes a longstanding lack and considerably extends the applicability of the code. The code manual has been recast in restructured text format, providing the user with three consistent versions: text, pdf, and html. The latter is accessible at https://flukafiles.web.cern.ch/manual . PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - A new point-wise treatment has been developed for the interactions of low-energy neutrons (below 20 MeV), relying on the Evaluated Neutron Cross Section Libraries for the Geant4 code: https://www-nds.iaea.org/geant4 . The pre-existing group-wise treatment remains available by default and can be adopted in mixed group- and point-wise calculations. The LOW-PWXS card enables the new treatment on an elemental material basis, allowing the user to select among the full isotope list in the various neutron libraries to be downloaded from https://flukafiles.web.cern.ch/neutron . The same card offers the possibility to apply Doppler broadening at arbitrary temperatures and to request S(alpha,beta) treatment to account for molecular binding effects. As opposed to the group-wise treatment, reaction products - including residuals - are explicitly generated in a correlated manner. Fission fragments are sampled from the library or, if missing, by means of the Wahl systematics. Special attention has been devoted to minimize the intrinsic CPU cost. - The code is now aligned with DPMJET v19.3.2, as distributed at https://github.com/DPMJET/DPMJET , which fixed spurious features in kaon spectra from nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies of ~10 GeV/n. - Scoring of athermal-recombination-corrected displacements per atom (arc-DPA) has been added, following Eqs. 6-7 of K. Nordlund et al., Nature Communications 9 1084 (2018), requiring two new user-specified parameters, as detailed in the MAT-PROP card documentation. Generalized particle DPA-NRES (#245) has been deprecated and replaced by the Norgett-Robinson-Torrens DPA-NRT. - The emission of synchrotron radiation photons along charged particle steps, in vacuum regions subject to a magnetic field, has been implemented and can be requested with the dedicated SYRASTEP card. Note that the related SYNC-R.. options of SPECSOUR remain available, although they may be more naturally and effectively superseded by the use of the former. - Mass distribution of 226Ra fission fragments was corrected, addressing https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/comparison-of-mass-yield-distribution-for-fission-products/2649 TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS: - The new DETGEB card allows the user to apply a Gaussian broadening to energy deposition spectra scored with the DETECT card. - The maximum number of regions of interest (ROI) in voxel geometries has been increased from 100 to 400. - In the source_newgen.f user routine, sampling from a spectrum file (energy, intensity) was added. BUG FIXES: - Fixed faulty branchings for Auger, XR and CE radiation products in decays of the following nuclides/isomers - 83mKr, 94mNb, 132mI, 138mCs, 151mTb, 164mHo, 205mPb - 57Mn, 101Mo, 105Sn, 111Pd, 120Xe, 123Cs, 174Ta, 228Ra, 230Pa, 247Cf addressing https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/70-additional-electrons-appearing-in-beta-decay/3451 - Unphysical forward/backward CM asymmetry in symmetric nucleus-nucleus collisions simulated by DPMJET was removed. - A sampling bug in the original synchrotron radiation special source was fixed. - In the source_newgen.f user routine, unexpected behaviour for annular sampling was fixed. === Fluka-4.2.2 === PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - Shell and pairing effects adjustment in the course of the IntraNuclear Cascade (already implemented since FLUKA 4-2.0). - A typo in the RELEASE-NOTES for FLUKA 4-2.0 has been fixed: the proton reaction cross section refinement for {63,65}Co should have read {63,65}Cu. BUG FIXES: - Fixed the unexpected behavior reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/different-results-from-same-input-on-2-computers/2733 due to a spurious setting in the pre-equilibrium stage of FLUKA's hadron-nucleus inelastic interaction module. - Fixed a rare crash reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/running-errors-abort-called-from-deusev-reason-np-0-before-nuceaz due to a bookkeeping error for biased low-energy nuclear projectiles with A>2 on 2H in inverse kinematics. - Fixed the gamma double counting reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/cd-109-decay-radiation-photon-emission-probability/2571/5 due to the attribution of decay products of 109*Ag to 109Cd too. - Fixed a bug which truncated multiple Auger-electron emission from radionuclides to a single one. - The offset of a magnetic field prescribed in the input card MGNCREAT now applies not only to field maps, but also to analytical magnetic fields. - A missing transformation matrix has been introduced to correctly apply the azimuthal angle prescribed in the MGCNREAT card. - Whereas in previous versions the MGNDATA and MGNFIELD cards had to appear after the MGNCREATE card to properly work, now they are position-independent. - A meaningful abort message is now written to the output file if no field data are given in case a 2D/3D field map is requested. - Fixed an incorrect region indexing in the magnetic field acquisition in case lattice indices started from a value different from 1. - Increased upper energy limit for stopping power tabulations so as to accommodate high-energy protons generated in relativistic ion collisions. - The source.f user routine now initializes the age variable (AGESTK) also in the case of radioactive-isotope decay, fixing the issue reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/using-tcquench-together-with-source-subroutine/2559 === Fluka-4.2.1 === PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - TENDL reaction cross section for protons on 13C is now used below the 13C(p,n) threshold. Ref: A.J. Koning, D. Rochman, J.-Ch. Sublet, N. Dzysiuk, M. Fleming, S. van der Marck, TENDL: Complete Nuclear Data Library for Innovative Nuclear Science and Technology, Nuclear Data Sheets, Volume 155, 2019, Pages 1-55, ISSN 0090-3752, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nds.2019.01.002. TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS: - Following the user request under https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/eventbin-directly-into-histogram/2523 the maximum number of DETECT scorings has been increased from 20 to 100. BUG FIXES: - Fixed geometry error reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/unknown-geometry-error-causing-run-stop/2400 which was traced back to an occasionally incorrect setting of the initial position of optical photons from local/sub-threshold energy depositions. - Fixed a rare crash in electromagnetic dissociation event for virtual photons with energy below threshold for photonuclear reaction. - Fixed crash reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/error-while-using-218po-isotope-source/2470 whereby the kinetic energies of decay alpha particles were not systematically included in the tabulation of electronic stopping power done at initialization. - Fixed rare crash reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/stop-invalid-whydr/2416 whereby the evaluation of the antiproton capture probability for 4He failed. - Fixed bug when setting up residual nucleus scoring for semi-analogue radioactive decay simulations. - Fixed bug leading to inconsistent memory allocation in auxiliary post-processing tools when the number of angular bins exceeded the number of energy bins, reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/finished-with-errors-running-normally-with-half-time/2457 - Fixed bug in SPECSOUR with SDUM=PPSOURCE, CROSSASY, or CROSSSYM which led to inconsistent results in case of first beam particles heavier than second beam particles. === Fluka-4.2.0 === This release contains several improvements and bug fixes as listed in the following. Among the first ones, the inclusion of low energy deuteron interactions and the availability of state-of-the-art dose equivalent conversion coefficients are of particular significance. With this release, the embedded DPMJET package is now aligned with the DPMJET-III version 19.2.0 officially distributed at https://github.com/DPMJET/DPMJET Linux users of gfortran 11 (who should download the gfor9 precompiled package of FLUKA, as indicated in the installation guide under https://fluka.cern/documentation/installation ), should avoid subversions older than 11.2, which are known to miscompile. Please update to gfortran 11.2. (All other Linux users with gfortran from 7 to 10 are not affected by this issue). PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - An effective model for nuclear reactions of low energy (< 150 MeV/n) deuterons has been included, accounting for stripping to the continuum, stripping to discrete levels (for a selection of light isotopes), and deuteron elastic break-up. This overcomes a very long-lasting lack that in the past was crudely treated by adding in the input file a PHYSICS card requesting IONSPLIT for deuterons. In order to engage the new model, as recommended, such a PHYSICS/IONSPLIT card has to be removed. Although this new interaction model has been reasonably tested, residual bugs or misbehaviors cannot be excluded: thanks in advance for reporting them on https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/! As a control measure, a PHYSICS card with SDUM=LOWDEU allows to switch off low-energy deuteron nuclear reactions altogether (not recommended). For deuteron-beam interactions on deuterium, tritium, and helium, the model performances are still tentative and the use of a user-customized source routine describing independently the interaction products may remain preferable. - A deuteron preformation mechanism is now accounted for in the course of the intranuclear cascade and pre-equilibrium stages of a hadron-nucleus interaction, provided a PHYSICS card is input with SDUM=COALESCE (as recommended for several purposes). This improves the excitation functions of reactions like (p,d)/(p,pn) and (n,d)/(n,np) on light nuclei at low and intermediate energies, as illustrated in Nuclear Data Sheets 120 (2014) 211–214 (Fig. 4). - The explicit generation and transport of alpha particles from the decay of radioactive nuclei are now performed. - The nuclear reaction cross section of protons has been refined in the near-threshold region for {50,52,53,54}Cr, {54,56,57,58}Fe, {60,61}Ni, {63,65}Cu, {92,94,95,96,100}Mo, and 184W. - Optical photon generation by local sub-threshold energy deposition events is now accounted for, addressing the behavior reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/opt-prod-scintillation-light-production-doubt/2130 - Further dose-conversion coefficients are now available (see the manual for more details): - Coefficients for effective dose from ICRP Publication 116 for photons, neutrons, electrons, positrons, protons, charged muons, charged pions and alpha particles. - Ambient dose from ICRU Report 95 for photons, neutrons, electrons, positrons, protons, charged muons, charged pions and alpha particles. - Personal dose from ICRU Report 95 for photons, neutrons, electrons, positrons, protons, charged muons, charged pions and alpha particles for different irradiation geometries. - Directional and personal absorbed dose in the lens of the eye from ICRU Report 95 for electrons, positrons, neutrons and photons. - Directional and personal absorbed dose in the local skin from ICRU Report 95 for photons, neutrons, electrons and positrons on the slab phantom. TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS: - Two new cards (MGNCREATe and MGNDATA, see the manual) have been added, allowing for the definition of multiple custom magnetic fields, either analytical for the most common fields (from dipole up to decapole), interpolated in 2D or 3D, or a combination of both (analytic in the so-called core region and interpolated outside), allowing to exploit mirror symmetries if applicable. - An unnecessary restriction in regard to the SPECSOUR use was lifted, which was preventing to simulate interactions on a target particle at rest. - All post-processing tools (bin/us*, bin/gplevbin, and bin/detsuw) now make use of dynamic memory allocation. - A new processing tool (usbscw) is available in order to add USRBINs from different study cases with respective weights. This applies for instance to independent source terms, such as for separate electromagnetic dissociation and nonelastic interaction SPECSOUR runs (to be weighted by the respective cross section), or synchrotron radiation emission from different circular arcs or helical paths. BUG FIXES: - Fixed a crash occurring when ions with high transport threshold were ranged out in a material with low delta-ray production threshold. - Fixed rare crash in kaon-nucleon elastic and charge-exchange interaction. - Fixed DETECT card misbehavior reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/error-with-the-coincidence-scoring-using-detect-card/2173 - Fixed crashes occurring in the de-excitation of super-heavy systems generated by nucleus-nucleus interactions in rQMD. - Fixed a series of rare rQMD crashes, including those reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/why-the-running-failed-in-xe-u-while-no-error-before-the-running/2181 - In the aftermath of a nucleus-nucleus nuclear interaction in rQMD, corrected a Lorentz boost loss of precision due to a small transverse momentum component. - Fixed exponential overflow in the evaporation module occurring in a nuclear inelastic interaction between heavy ions. - In the crystal module, particles entering the crystal with an angle at the limit of the volume reflection acceptance and approaching the channeling acceptance exhibited a spurious kick. This has now been fixed. - A temporary treatment is now in place to fix a spurious volume-reflection kick in case of low delta-ray production thresholds in crystal regions. - Added a protection for activity scoring in regions whose material is changed in the radioactive decay stage. === Fluka-4.1.1 === BUG FIXES: - Fixed the issues reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/run-aborts-with-stop-3500/1144 including two further single-precision-induced crashes in rQMD which led respectively to a non-positive center-of-mass momentum and an array index out of bounds. Additionally fixed a few rare crashes due to uninitialized nuclear spin and parity in the course of nucleus-nucleus collisions and electromagnetic dissociation involving exotic isotopes. - Fixed rare crashes in the aftermath of sub-150-MeV/n nucleus-nucleus interactions going through complete fusion for heavy isotopes: instead of failing to deal with these systems in FLUKA's pre-equilibrium module, the code now treats them directly through its evaporation module. - Fixed bookkeeping error in the propagation of spin and parity in inverse kinematics for nucleus-nucleus interactions such that the projectile nucleus is heavier than the target. - Handling of possible pathological light fragments returned by BME. - Fixed a rare crash due to a muon pair production event by a photon which led to a slightly negative target recoil energy. - If NOMORE is set different from zero in the source.f user routine, the total kinetic energy and the total primary weight are now correctly printed in the output file (they were off by the contribution of the discarded event before). - Fixed the DETECT card scoring crash reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/detect-histogram-overflow-and-error-code-rc-144/1357 removing at the same time the "Detect: Histogram overflow" warnings formerly appearing when the deposited energy exceeded the upper limit of the DETECT-card histogram. === Fluka-4.1.0 === PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - Spin and parity of the compound nucleus are now accounted for during the evaporation and Fermi break-up stages. - Photonuclear cross sections on 46Ti, 48Ti, 181Ta, and 208Pb have been slightly adjusted in the Giant-Dipole-Resonance region to remove spurious features. TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS: - An additional version of the source routine, source_newgen.f, with a cleaner structure that facilitates access to newcomers and several built-in options, has been made available as beta release in the src/user/ directory. (The traditional source.f is still fully operational and preexisting user-customized source routines remain totally compatible). - The usrmed.f user routine has now three additional arguments (TXXPOL, TYYPOL, and TZZPOL) carrying the particle polarization direction. - The sixth parameter (WHAT(6)) of the GLOBAL card, interpreted as REAL*8 units, now allows the user to customize the size of the blank common. - Prompt and decay electromagnetic transport thresholds, as possibly altered by the RADDECAY card, are now explicitly written in the output file. BUG FIXES: - As an unintentional side effect of the photofission restoring in 4.0, an excessive fission yield was reported for some material (e.g. Ta). This has now been cured. - The two crashes reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/crash-with-index-error-and-floating-point-exception/879 have been solved. - In the SPOTBEAM card, flat angular divergences along X and Y directions appeared swapped and angles were misinterpreted as half-angles (instead of full angles). The respective corrections have been implemented. - The crash reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/some-runs-are-failing-kaskad-reason-engw-0-ekres-0/1011 (due to an uninitialized variable in a low-energy proton reaction) has been solved. - Ions channelled in a bent-crystal now experience the suppression of large-angle single scattering, previously not active. - The angular distribution of photoelectrons generated by polarized photons has been restored. - Two rare PEANUT crashes, leading respectively to an index out of bounds and to an undefined particle mass, have been solved. - XSIZERO and AXSIZERO are no longer included in the HAD-CHAR generalized particle. - The rare crash reported in https://fluka-forum.web.cern.ch/t/ubchck-error-regarding/1098 (due to a misinitialized tolerance in USRBIN scoring) has been fixed. ========================================================================== === Fluka-4.0.1 === BUG FIXES: - Prevented USRBIN apportioned scoring of NET-CHRG, RES-NUCL, and annihilation at rest of positrons (all are point-like quantities). - Now stopping (instead of looping forever) for empty input file. - Fixed optical photon crash. - Fixed rare crash in rQMD leading to an index out of bounds error. - Fixed rare crash in rQMD leading to zero center-of-mass momentum. - Fixed index-out-of-bounds in usysuw.f and raised the maximum number of first-quantity bins to 5000. - Fixed bug in USRBIN scoring which resulted in zero by-region scoring. - Fixed bug in SPOTTRAN: handling of transformation #2. - In the crystal tracking module, corrected a missing factor Z (projectile charge) when the electrostatic potential is calculated in the volume zone for ions. - When computing the electrostatic potential for a charged particle in a crystal volume zone, the contributions from the charge distribution of the four nearest crystal planes are now considered (instead of just the two nearest planes). - Lifted an excessively cautious abort in case of nuclear cross-section was not initialized for new particle species resulting from ion fragmentation in the crystal channeling module. - Lifted condition which inhibited the dechanneling in case of volume captured particles in the crystal channeling module. === Fluka-4.0.0 === PHYSICS IMPROVEMENTS: - Charged particle transport in electric fields has been implemented, as far as vacuum regions are concerned. See the ELCFIELD card and the src/user/elefld.f user routine. - Anisotropic effects in crystals have been modeled for positively charged particles, including channeling, dechanneling, volume reflection and volume capture. See the CRYSTAL card. - Electronuclear reactions have been enabled. See the PHOTONUC card with SDUM = ELECTNUC. The Electric Quadrupole (E2) contribution to the virtual photon spectrum, applying also to muon photonuclear reactions and ion electromagnetic dissociation, has been added. - Direct (p,n) reactions to the Isobaric Analogue State of several target isotopes (27Al, 40Ar, 42,44,48Ca, 51V, 90Zr, 120Sn, 208Pb, 209Bi) have been implemented and substantially improved (7Li and 9Be) from threshold up to a few hundred MeV, accounting for monoenergetic peaks in the emitted neutron spectrum and yielding a particular improvement for 7Li and 9Be at forward angles. - The near to threshold treatment of alpha reaction cross sections has been refined. Moreover, reaction cross sections of alpha particles on light nuclei (12C and 16O) have been corrected around the 1-GeV minimum so as to improve the agreement with experimental data in F. Horst et al., PhysRevC 96 024624 (2017) and F. Horst et al., PhysRevC 99 014603 (2019). - The BME event generator, describing ion-ion interactions below 150 MeV/n, has been interfaced to the PEANUT pre-equilibrium for cases outside the domain of the pre- computed BME database, yielding a particular improvement for the excitation functions of heavy residues produced by low energy alphas. Moreover, it has been extended to 3He and 3H induced reactions (on A>5 nuclei). - The RQMD event generator, describing ion-ion interaction between 0.1 and 5.5 GeV/n (partially overlapping the BME and DPMJET energy ranges), has been interfaced to the PEANUT pre-equilibrium, prior to the final de-excitation stage of hot fragments, improving its accuracy. - Photofission has been eventually restored, including electron and positron photonuclear reactions. - (Anti)Neutrino cross sections have been revised. TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENTS: - Parenthesis expansion in region definitions is evaluated runtime, if it results in too many terms at initialization. - A spatially distributed source can be defined from a USRBIN output file by means of the new SDUM = BIN-SOUR of the SPECSOUR card. - Multiple beam spots can be defined by means of the SPOTBEAM, SPOTDIR, SPOTPOS and SPOTTRAN cards, allowing treatment planning system simulations. - Dynamic memory allocation has been implemented. E.g. scoring grids requiring more memory than the default memory block reserved by FLUKA, which led to a program halt in earlier versions, are now automatically accommodated for (as long as sufficient RAM is available). BUG FIXES: - Typo correction in the neutrino interaction package. - Corrected check of perpendicularity of REC axes. - Corrected missing substitution of user defined variables in body continuation lines. - Corrected rare crash in invariant mass check in the DPM interface. - Corrected scoring of the generalized particles ALPHA-D and SQBETA-D. ========================================================================== === Fluka2011.3 === All FLUKA versions older than Fluka2011.2x.8 (included) are not compatible with the present release distributed by CERN and will no longer be supported. No debugging/maintenance/assistance will be provided for older versions. The download and use of the FLUKA package distributed by CERN are governed by a new license, which is available in the package. Support for the present release is available from http://fluka.cern and/or http://cern.ch/fluka-forum To propose modifications to the FLUKA source files, you can send a request fluka.team@cern.ch BUG FIXES AND TECHNICAL UPDATES: - The package structure has been completely changed (see the INSTALL for a description of the FLUKA structure) - The name of the include files has changed (by removing the parentheses and adding the extension .inc). A python script fluka_src_converter.py, located in the bin directory, can be used to convert source files with the old convention of the include file name, - No environment variables are needed to compile, link and run FLUKA executable - A PEANUT bug, resulting in the error message NO CHANNEL SELECTED, has been fixed - A bug in electromagnetic dissociation, resulting in an abort at ion-ion collision energies above the LHC ones, has been fixed