/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * cmsres.inc -> cmsres.h */ #ifndef __CMSRES__ #define __CMSRES__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // //=== cmsres ===========================================================* // //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // New version of CMSRES: * // * // Created on 20-January-1996 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * // * // This common has in FLUKA9x-20xy a different purpose and meaning: * // it records the original resonances produced in a series of * // one/two chain events, possibly boosted back to the relevant * // initial frame, so that the production history of final particles * // can be disentangled * // * // Description of the common block(s) and variable(s) * // * // Pxr(i) = X-component of the momentum of the i_th produced * // resonance * // Pyr(i) = Y-component of the momentum of the i_th produced * // resonance * // Pzr(i) = Z-component of the momentum of the i_th produced * // resonance * // Her(i) = Total energy of the i_th produced resonance * // Amr(i) = Mass of the i_th produced resonance * // Ichr(i) = Charge of the i_th produced resonance * // Ibarr(i) = Baryon number of the i_th produced resonance * // Nrer(i) = Identity (part scheme) of the i_th produced resonance* // Ichnr(3,i) = Array containing additional informations about pro- * // duction verteces, ranking etc. * // Nres = Number of produced resonances (cumulative) * // Nres1 = Number of produced resonances from the first chain * // in the last (one/two) chain event * // Nres2 = Number of produced resonances from the second chain * // in the last (one/two) chain event * // Nres0 = Number of produced resonances before the last (one/ * // two) chain event * // Nvrres = Number of virtual resonances (cumulative) * // Anr(i) = Literal name of the i_th produced resonance * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // extern struct { double pxr[MXPDPM+10+1]; double pyr[MXPDPM+10+1]; double pzr[MXPDPM+10+1]; double her[MXPDPM+10+1]; double amr[MXPDPM+10+1]; int ichr[MXPDPM+10+1]; int ibarr[MXPDPM+10+1]; int nrer[MXPDPM+10+1]; int ichnr[MXPDPM+10+1][3]; int nres; int nres1; int nres2; int nres0; int nvrres; } cmsres_; const int cmsres_pxr_base = -10; const int cmsres_pyr_base = -10; const int cmsres_pzr_base = -10; const int cmsres_her_base = -10; const int cmsres_amr_base = -10; const int cmsres_ichr_base = -10; const int cmsres_ibarr_base = -10; const int cmsres_nrer_base = -10; const int cmsres_ichnr_base = -10; extern struct { char anr[MXPDPM+10+1][8]; } chcmsr_; const int chcmsr_anr_base = -10; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif