* *=== cmsres ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * New version of CMSRES: * * * * Created on 20-January-1996 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * * * * This common has in FLUKA9x-20xy a different purpose and meaning: * * it records the original resonances produced in a series of * * one/two chain events, possibly boosted back to the relevant * * initial frame, so that the production history of final particles * * can be disentangled * * * * Description of the common block(s) and variable(s) * * * * Pxr(i) = X-component of the momentum of the i_th produced * * resonance * * Pyr(i) = Y-component of the momentum of the i_th produced * * resonance * * Pzr(i) = Z-component of the momentum of the i_th produced * * resonance * * Her(i) = Total energy of the i_th produced resonance * * Amr(i) = Mass of the i_th produced resonance * * Ichr(i) = Charge of the i_th produced resonance * * Ibarr(i) = Baryon number of the i_th produced resonance * * Nrer(i) = Identity (part scheme) of the i_th produced resonance* * Ichnr(3,i) = Array containing additional informations about pro- * * duction verteces, ranking etc. * * Nres = Number of produced resonances (cumulative) * * Nres1 = Number of produced resonances from the first chain * * in the last (one/two) chain event * * Nres2 = Number of produced resonances from the second chain * * in the last (one/two) chain event * * Nres0 = Number of produced resonances before the last (one/ * * two) chain event * * Nvrres = Number of virtual resonances (cumulative) * * Anr(i) = Literal name of the i_th produced resonance * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CHARACTER*8 ANR COMMON / CMSRES / PXR (-10:MXPDPM), PYR (-10:MXPDPM), & PZR (-10:MXPDPM), HER (-10:MXPDPM), & AMR (-10:MXPDPM), ICHR (-10:MXPDPM), & IBARR (-10:MXPDPM), NRER (-10:MXPDPM), & ICHNR(3,-10:MXPDPM), NRES, NRES1, NRES2, NRES0, & NVRRES COMMON / CHCMSR / ANR (-10:MXPDPM) SAVE / CMSRES / SAVE / CHCMSR /