* *=== comput ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * include file: comput copy created 23/08/94 by A.Fasso` * * * * included in the following subroutines or functions: * * * * bdtrns * * cmsppr * * dtimst * * echinp * * elsgrd * * epilog * * feeder * * flukam * * fluoin * * geogeo * * mgdraw * * ncdtrd * * nuscti * * pisgrd * * plotgm * * rsncli * * source * * usrbdx * * usrbin * * usrtrk * * usryld * * which * * xnbnls * * xnloan * * xsread * * * * description of the common block(s) and variable(s) * * * * /comput/ contains information about the computer used * * and about the input file * * komput = system (1=OpenVms, 2=ibm-vm, 3=ibm-mvs, * * 4=cray, 5=unix-aix, 6=unix-hp, * * 7=unix-sun, 8=DEC-unix, 9=Linux...) * * Cpuspe = computer speed with respect to IBM 370/168-3 * * or to VAX 780/11 or to IBM RISC/6000 7012/370 * * Cpujob = cpu limit (s) for the current job * * Kinpnm = last non blank character of Inpnam * * Kpwdir = last non blank character of Pwddir * * Kfldir = last non blank character of Hfldir * * Khmdir = last non blank character of Homdir * * Mxftnu = maximum fortran unit number allowed * * Comptr = model * * Inpfil = input file name (old VM way) * * Inpnam = input file name (new Linux way) * * Pwddir = current work directory * * Hfldir = home FLUKA directory * * Homdir = user home directory * * Hostnm = host name * * Usrflk = user name * * Grpflk = group name * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CHARACTER COMPTR*50 , INPFIL*200, PWDDIR*200, HFLDIR*200, & HOMDIR*200, HOSTNM*200, USRFLK*200, GRPFLK*200, & INPNAM*200, CHINPF*256, HFPATH*200 COMMON / COMPUT / CPUSPE, CPUJOB, KOMPUT, KINPNM, KPWDIR, KFLDIR, & KHMDIR, MXFTNU, KFPATH COMMON / CHCMPT / COMPTR, INPFIL, PWDDIR, HFLDIR, HOMDIR, HOSTNM, & USRFLK, GRPFLK, INPNAM, CHINPF, HFPATH SAVE / COMPUT / SAVE / CHCMPT /