/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * dimpar.inc -> dimpar.h */ #ifndef __DIMPAR__ #define __DIMPAR__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // * //=== dimpar ===========================================================* // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * // All Rights Reserved. * // * // DIMension PARameters: * // * // DIMPAR: included in any routine * // * // Mxxrgn = maximum number of regions * // Mxxmdf = maximum number of media in Fluka * // Mxxmde = maximum number of media in Emf * // Mfstck = stack dimension in Fluka * // Mestck = stack dimension in Emf * // Mostck = stack dimension for optical photons * // Mxprsn = secondary stack dimension for resonance generator * // Mxpdpm = secondary stack dimension for DPM generators * // Mxpscs = secondary stack dimension overall * // Mxfrag = maximum number of pre-fragments * // Mxglwn = maximum neutron group number * // Mxoutu = maximum number of output units * // Mxknwc = number of "known" compounds * // Mxeshl = maximum number of electronic shells * // Mxgnpr = maximum number of generalized particles * // Kxheav = maximum number of heavy fragment types * // Mevprd = maximum number of possible evaporation products * // Nallwp = number of allowed particles * // Nelemx = number of maximum allowed elements of a compound * // or mixture * // Mpdpdx = number of particle types for which EM dE/dx pro- * // cesses (ion,pair,bremss) have to be computed * // Mxhttr = maximum number of (hit) target nucleons for a * // given collision generation * // Mxseax = maximum number of sea components of a projectile * // /target nucleon * // Icomax = maximum number of materials for compounds/mixtures * // (equal to the sum of the number of materials for * // every compound/mixture) * // Ichmax = maximum number of harmonic oscillator levels for * // compounds/mixtures (equal to the sum of the number * // of harmonic oscillator levels for every compound * // /mixture) * // Nstbis = number of stable isotopes recorded in common iso- * // top * // Nqstis = number of "quasi" stable isotopes which are not * // in the standard isotopic composition of a given * // element, but for which special data (like GDR data)* // are anyway available * // Ntstis = total number of stable ans "quasi" stable isotopes * // Mxpabl = number of resonances inside Hadrin common blocks * // Idmaxp = number of particles/resonances defined in common * // part * // Idmxdc = number of particles/resonances decay channels * // defined in common decayc * // Ihypmx = maximum number of hyperons in a hypernucleus * // Mkbmx1 = dimension for KWB real spare array in Fluka Stack * // Mkbmx2 = dimension for KWB int. spare array in Fluka Stack * // Mxirrd = maximum number of irradiation sub-intervals * // Mxtrdc = maximum number of decay (cooling) times * // Mxrpns = maximum stack for parenthesis * // Mxcwdf = maximum number of #define/#let definitions * // Nprdfn = number of predefined #define definitions * // Nchprs = number of characters in the parsing element arrays * // Nktl = overall dimension parameter for EMF bremsstrahlung * // Nblnmx = blank common dimension in real*8 units! * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * const int MXXRGN = 20000; const int MXXMDF = 710; const int MXXMDE = 702; const int MFSTCK = 70000; const int MESTCK = 100; const int MOSTCK = 2000; const int MXPRSN = 100; const int MXPDPM = 800; const int MXPSCS = 60000; const int MXFRAG = 30; const int MXGLWN = 300; const int MXOUTU = 50; const int MXKNWC = 45; const int MXESHL = 32; const int MXGNPR = 60; const int MEVPRD = 700; const int KXHEAV = 40; const int NALLWP = 64; const int NELEMX = 90; const int MPDPDX = 33; const int MXHTTR = 260; const int MXSEAX = 30; const int MXHTNC = MXSEAX+1; const int ICOMAX = 4000; const int ICHMAX = ICOMAX+MXXMDF; const int NSTBIS = 304; const int NQSTIS = 46; // Till 3-Aug-99: // PARAMETER ( MXPABL = 110 ) const int NTSTIS = NSTBIS+NQSTIS; const int MXPABL = 120; const int IDMAXP = 450; const int IDMXDC = 2000; const int MXMCIN = 410; // Till 19-jul-2000: // PARAMETER ( MKBMX1 = 9 ) // PARAMETER ( MKBMX2 = 3 ) const int IHYPMX = 4; const int MKBMX1 = 11; const int MKBMX2 = 11; const int MXIRRD = 2500; const int MXTRDC = 1500; const int MXRPNS = 100; const int MXCWDF = 2100; const int NPRDFN = 7; const int NCHPRS = 60; const int NKTL = 17; // Start_G77_seq // PARAMETER ( NBLNMX = MXNBLN ) // End_G77_seq const int MXNBLN = 85000000; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif