/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * emftrn.inc -> emftrn.h */ #ifndef __EMFTRN__ #define __EMFTRN__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // //=== Emftrn ===========================================================* // //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * // All Rights Reserved. * // * // EMF TRaNsport related variables: * // * // Lemagn = flag for magnetic field (set by Emfgeo) * // * // Lrflbx = flag for reflection at boundary (set by Electr) * // * // Xemfld = x-coordinate of the end point in the electro/magnetic* // field * // Yemfld = y-coordinate of the end point in the electro/magnetic* // field * // Zemfld = z-coordinate of the end point in the electro/magnetic* // field * // * // Uemfld = u-cosine of the end point in the electro/magnetic * // field * // Vemfld = v-cosine of the end point in the electro/magnetic * // field * // Wemfld = w-cosine of the end point in the electro/magnetic * // field * // * // Dedxem = current de/dx for electrons/positrons * // Demelf = energy loss/gain in EM fields * // Rndrfl = boundary reflection random number * // * // Irold = old region * // * // Irnew = new region * // * // Idisc = geometry discard flag * // * // Intrck = flag for tracking initialization: it must be set to * // zero every time the trajectory direction has changed * // from the previous call to Emfgeo * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // extern struct { double xemfld; double yemfld; double zemfld; double uemfld; double vemfld; double wemfld; double dedxem; double demelf; double edep; double rndrfl; logical lemagn; logical lrflbx; int irold; int irnew; int idisc; int intrck; } emftrn_; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif