/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * esjpar.inc -> esjpar.h */ #ifndef __ESJPAR__ #define __ESJPAR__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // * //=== esjpar ===========================================================* // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // Copyright (C) 2014-2019 by CERN & KIT * // All Rights Reserved. * // * // ESJ model PARameters * // * // Author(s): Anatoli Fedynitch, Ralph Engel, Alfredo Ferrari * // * // Created on 10 April 2014 by A.Fedynitch, R.Engel, A.Ferrari * // (KIT & CERN) * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // // s0= 40^2 GeV^2 for the old/new total/elastic pp cross sections const int NSTSEJ = 2; // s0= 30^2 GeV^2 for the old/new total/elastic pp cross sections // PARAMETER ( ESJES0 = 30.D+00 * 30.D+00 ) // Log[s0] for the old/new total/elastic pp cross sections const double ESJES0 = 40.E+00*40.E+00; // PARAMETER ( ESJ0LG = 6.802394763324311D+00 ) // s1=150^2 GeV^2 for the old/new total/elastic pp cross sections const double ESJ0LG = 7.3777589082278725E+00; // Log[s1] for the old/new total/elastic pp cross sections const double ESJES1 = 150.E+00*150.E+00; // s2= 250^2 GeV^2 for the pp/pbarp total/elastic cross sections // transition const double ESJ1LG = 10.021270588192511E+00; // Log[s2] for the pp/pabrap total/elastic pp cross sections transition const double ESJES2 = 250.E+00*250.E+00; // s1=800^2 GeV^2 for the pp/pvarp total/elastic cross sections // transition const double ESJ2LG = 11.042921835724492E+00; // Log[s1] for the pp/pbarp total/elastic cross sections transition const double ESJES3 = 800.E+00*800.E+00; // const double ESJ3LG = 13.36922345533585E+00; extern struct { double epsesj[NSTSEJ]; double aesjel[NSTSEJ][4]; double besjel[NSTSEJ][4]; double delesj[NSTSEJ][4]; double alppej[NSTSEJ][4]; double s0esje[NSTSEJ][4]; double sigesj[2][5]; logical lesjxs; } esjpar_; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif