/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * flkcmp.inc -> flkcmp.h */ #ifndef __FLKCMP__ #define __FLKCMP__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // //=== Flkcmp ===========================================================* // //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // Partial (some variables come from FLUKA87) * // Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * // All Rights Reserved. * // * // FLuKa CoMPound/mixture constants: new version for FLUKA92-200x * // * // Created on 30 October 1992 by Alfredo Ferrari * // INFN, Milan * // * // This common contains some auxiliary informations about compounds * // /mixtures. Other infos are recorded in specialized commons * // * // Icompl(imat) = number of materials in a compound * // Matnum(i) = material numbers (compounds consist of the * // materials) * // Aocmbc(i) = atomic densities in barn**-1 cm**-1 * // (Atoms Over Cm times Barn for Compounds) * // Eocmbc(i) = electron densities in barn**-1 cm**-1 * // (Electrons Over Cm times Barn for Compounds) * // Cona13(i) = A^1/3 of the constituents * // Sumzmf(i) = cumulative z^2 for multiple scattering * // Contnt(i) = partial densities * // Sumacn(i) = cumulative atom contents of the compounds * // Pliflu(imat) = plasma energy of the Fluka medium Imat * // Jchflu(imat) = number of harmonic oscillator levels in a * // compound * // Jc0flu(imat) = starting position for 0 index for Imat medium * // in the following arrays * // Ehoflu(j) = jth - jc0flu(imat) harmonic oscillator levels * // of Fluka medium Imat * // Elnhfl(j) = natural logarithm of ehoflu (j) * // Fosflu(j) = oscillator strength for the jth - jc0flu(Imat)* // harmonic oscillator levels of Fluka medium * // Imat * // Zhoflu(j) = atomic number of the element for the jth - * // jc0flu(imat) harmonic oscillator level of * // Fluka medium Imat * // Ahoflu(j) = atomic weights of the element for the jth - * // jc0flu(imat) harmonic oscillator level of * // Fluka medium Imat * // Eliflu(j) = l_i of the Sternheimer theory for the jth - * // jc0flu(Imat) harmonic oscillator level of * // Fluka medium Imat * // Mnthcp = number of extra (X,Y,...) elements in * // hydrogenated compounds H_n X_m Y_k... up * // to which the "sophisticated" mu-,pi-,pbar * // capture probability selection is applied * // Iacpcm = index for the algorithm to be applied for * // the mu-,pi-,pbar capture probability selection* // in compounds * // 0 = Z-law * // 1 = Daniels law * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // extern struct { double aocmbc[ICOMAX]; double eocmbc[ICOMAX]; double cona13[ICOMAX]; double sumzmf[ICOMAX]; double contnt[ICOMAX]; double sumacn[ICOMAX]; double ehoflu[ICHMAX]; double elnhfl[ICHMAX]; double fosflu[ICHMAX]; double zhoflu[ICHMAX]; double ahoflu[ICHMAX]; double eliflu[ICHMAX]; double pliflu[MXXMDF]; int icompl[MXXMDF]; int jc0flu[MXXMDF]; int jchflu[MXXMDF]; int matnum[ICOMAX]; int mnthcp; int iacpcm; } flkcmp_; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif