* *=== Flkmat ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Partial (some variables come from FLUKA87) * * Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * FLuKa MATerial properties and atomic data * * * * Version for Fluka91/.../2012/...: * * * * This common contains the basic properties of the materials used * * in the FLUKA run. Other properties are recorded in specialized * * commons (ie for dE/dx etc) * * * * Aocmbm(i) = Atomic density of the i_th material in barn^-1 cm^-1 * * (Atoms Over Cm times Barn for Materials) * * Eocmbm(i) = Electron density of the i_th material in barn^-1cm^-1* * (Electrons Over Cm times Barn for Materials) * * Cberho(i) = Conduction band electron density of the i_th material* * Amss(i) = Atomic weight (g/mole) of the i_th material * * Amssem(i) = "Effective" i_th material atomic weight for the para-* * metrized EM cascade * * Rho(i) = Density of the i_th material * * Ztar(i) = Atomic number of the i_th material * * Zsqtar(i) = Squared atomic number of the i_th material * * Ztarem(i) = "Effective" atomic number for the i_th material for * * the parametrized EM cascade * * Ainlng(i) = Inelastic scattering length of the i_th material * * for beam particles at the average beam energy in cm * * Aellng(i) = Elastic scattering length of the i_th material for * * beam particles at average beam energy in cm * * X0rad(i) = Radiation length of the i_th material in cm * * Dmgene(i) = Damage energy of the i_th material (GeV) * * Barcdp(i) = b_arcdpa from Nordlund2018 Eq. (7) * * Carcdp(i) = c_arcdpa from Nordlund2018 Eq. (7) * * Ainnth(i) = Inelastic scattering length of the i_th material * * for neutrons at threshold energy in cm * * Medflk(k,j) = Material number of the k_th region, for prompt (j=1) * * or radioactive decay (j=2) particles * * Mulflg(i) = Flags for multiple scattering options for the i_th * * material * * Icomp(i) = Starting address in the Matnum array if the i_th * * material is a compound/mixture, 0 otherwise * * Mssnum(i) = Mass number of the target nucleus for the i_th mater-* * ial, if =< 0 it means that it is in the natural isot-* * opic composition * * Msindx(i) = Index for tabulations for the given isotope of the * * target nucleus (meaningful only for mssnum > 0) * * that it is in the natural isotopic composition * * Lcmpnd(i) = logical flag for real compounds versus mixtures * * Imetal(i) = flag for metallic materials (1 if metallic, -1 * * otherwise) * * Libsnm(i) = flag whether inelastic interaction biasing must be * * done for this medium * * Matnam(i) = Alphabetical name of the i_th material number * * Nmtibs = number of materials to which inelastic biasing * * applies * * Nregs = total number of regions * * Nregcg = total number of combinatorial geometry regions * * Nmat = total number of materials used in the problem * * Matqlt = special extra material (water) for Q(L) calculations * * Mrgqlt = special region with the extra material (water) for * * Q(L) calculations * * Mrgext = possible extra fake region with the extra material * * (water) for Q(L) calculations * * * * Mxxmdf = maximum number of materials * * Mxxrgn = maximum number of regions * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CHARACTER*8 MATNAM LOGICAL LCMPND, LIBSNM COMMON / FLKMAT / AOCMBM(MXXMDF), EOCMBM(MXXMDF), CBERHO(MXXMDF), & AMSS (MXXMDF), AMSSEM(MXXMDF), RHO (MXXMDF), & ZTAR (MXXMDF), ZTAREM(MXXMDF), ZSQTAR(MXXMDF), & AINLNG(MXXMDF), AELLNG(MXXMDF), X0RAD (MXXMDF), & AINNTH(MXXMDF), DMGENE(MXXMDF), BARCDP(MXXMDF), & CARCDP(MXXMDF), & MEDFLK(MXXRGN,2), MULFLG(MXXMDF), & ICOMP (MXXMDF), MSSNUM(MXXMDF), MSINDX(MXXMDF), & IMETAL(MXXMDF), LCMPND(MXXMDF), LIBSNM(MXXMDF), & NMTIBS, NREGS , NMAT , NREGCG, MATQLT, MRGQLT, & MRGEXT COMMON / CHFLKM / MATNAM(MXXMDF) SAVE / FLKMAT / SAVE / CHFLKM /