* *=== gdrdcm ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * Created on 16 August 2000 by Alberto Fasso` & Alfredo Ferrari * * SLAC, Infn - Milan * * * * description of the common block(s) and variable(s) * * * * Egdrbn = energy bin width in data table * * Egdrth(is) = threshold energy for isotope is * * Fgdrpk(if) = peak energy (MeV) for the if_th Lorentz fit compon- * * ent, if any, in use for the last xsec request * * Fgdrgm(if) = width (MeV) for the if_th Lorentz fit compon- * * ent, if any, in use for the last xsec request * * Fgdrxk(if) = peak xsec (mb) for the if_th Lorentz fit compon- * * ent, if any, in use for the last xsec request * * Ngdrpn(is) = number of table points for isotope is * * Igdrpn(is) = pointer to the first table point for isotope is * * Igdrmt = index of GDR method in use for the last xsec request,* * = 0 general formula * * > 0 tabulated data for isotope is=Mod(Igdrmt,100000) * * (if Igdrmt>100000 -> requested energy out of tab- * * ulation range) * * =-1 specialized fit with one Lorentzian * * =-2 specialized fit with two Lorentzians * * Ltgdrt = logical flag for tabulated GDR data being total (in- * * cluding quasi-deuteron) cross sections if true * * Lgdrld = logical flag for using the old GDR routine * * Lgdrtl = flag for correcting GDR tails (they are mostly mis- * * sing) * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * LOGICAL LTGDRT, LGDRLD, LGDRTL PARAMETER ( LGDRTL = .TRUE. ) PARAMETER ( EGDRBN = 0.2 D+00 ) PARAMETER ( DEGXTH = 0.02 D+00 ) COMMON / GDRDCM / EGDRTH (NTSTIS), FGDRPK (2), FGDRGM (2), & FGDRXP (2), & NGDRPN (NTSTIS), IGDRPN (NTSTIS), IGDRMT, & LTGDRT, LGDRLD SAVE / GDRDCM /