/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * higfis.inc -> higfis.h */ #ifndef __HIGFIS__ #define __HIGFIS__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // //=== higfis ===========================================================* // //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * // All Rights Reserved. * // * // HIGh energy FISsion common for FLUKA9x/200x: * // * // Created on 9 April 1993 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * // INFN - Milan * // * // Iafflg = auxiliary flag for fission level density * // 0 = heavy evaporation on, coalescence on * // 1 = heavy evaporation on, coalescence off * // 2 = heavy evaporation off, coalescence off * // Lhefss = logical flag for HE fission * // Lfrgmn = logical flag for fragmentation * // Lagoes = logical flag for controlling the Agoes correction * // in the high energy fission module * // Lfprdc = logical flag for controlling the fission level den-* // sity correction in the high energy fission module * // Afiss(i)= i_th fragment mass number just after fission * // Zfiss(i)= i_th fragment atomic number just after fission * // Ufiss(i)= i_th fragment excitation energy (MeV) just after * // fission * // Ekfis(i)= i_th fragment kinetic (MeV) energy just after fis- * // sion * // Amfis(i)= i_th fragment atomic mass (MeV) just after fission * // Ppfis(i)= i_th fragment momentum (MeV/c) just after fission * // Atfis(i)= i_th fragment mass number after evaporation * // Ztfis(i)= i_th fragment atomic number after evaporation * // Utfis(i)= i_th fragment excitation energy (MeV) after evapo- * // ration * // Recfis(i)= i_th fragment kinetic (MeV) energy after evapora- * // tion * // Atmfis(i)= i_th fragment atomic mass (MeV) after evaporation * // Pptfis(i)= i_th fragment momentum (MeV/c) after evaporation * // Bhyfis(k,i)= (Nuclear) binding energy of the k_th bound hyperon * // for the i_th fission /fragmentation remnant (MeV) * // Ebfiss = (Highest) fission barrier + centrifugal (MeV) * // Ebfis0 = (Highest) fission barrier (MeV) * // Dbfiss = Difference between the highest fission barrier * // and the lowest one (if any) (MeV) * // Amdiff = Fission fragment kinetic energy (MeV) * // Abefis = Mass number of the (first) fissioning nucleus * // Zbefis = Atomic number of the (first) fissioning nucleus * // Ubefis = Excitation energy (MeV) of the (first) fissioning * // nucleus * // Erbfis = Recoil kinetic energy (MeV) of the (first) fissio- * // ning nucleus * // Npartf(j,i)= Number of evaporated particle of type j after the * // evaporation of the i_th fragment * // Hevfis(i)= Evaporated "heavies" kinetic energy (MeV) after the* // evaporation of the i_th fragment * // Istfis(i) = Particle stable state index for the i_th fission/ * // fragmentation remnant * // Ismfis(i) = Isomeric state index for the i_th fission/fragmen- * // tation remnant * // Ihyfis(i) = Number of (possible) bound hyperons for the i_th * // fission/fragmentation remnant * // Khyfis(k,i) = Id of the k_th bound hyperon for the i_th fission * // /fragmentation remnant * // Nfiss = Number of fission/fragmentation fragments in the * // stack * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // // Maximum Z for which fission is allowed: original value // PARAMETER ( IZFSMX = 66 ) // New value with new fission settings: // PARAMETER ( IZFSMX = 61 ) const int IZFSMX = 55; const int MXFISS = 40; extern struct { double afiss[MXFISS]; double zfiss[MXFISS]; double ufiss[MXFISS]; double ekfis[MXFISS]; double amfis[MXFISS]; double ppfis[MXFISS]; double atfis[MXFISS]; double ztfis[MXFISS]; double utfis[MXFISS]; double recfis[MXFISS]; double amtfis[MXFISS]; double pptfis[MXFISS]; double bhyfis[MXFISS][IHYPMX]; double coslff[MXFISS+1][3]; double ebfiss; double ebfis0; double dbfiss; double amdiff; double abefis; double zbefis; double erbfis; double ubefis; double hevfis[MXFISS+1]; int istfis[MXFISS]; int ismfis[MXFISS]; int ihyfis[MXFISS]; int khyfis[MXFISS][IHYPMX]; int npartf[MXFISS+1][6+1]; int nfiss; logical lhefss; logical lfrgmn; logical lagoes; logical lfprdc; int iafflg; } higfis_; const int higfis_coslff_base = 0; const int higfis_hevfis_base = 0; const int higfis_npartf_base = 0; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif