/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * ionpbm.inc -> ionpbm.h */ #ifndef __IONPBM__ #define __IONPBM__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // * //=== ionpbm ===========================================================* // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * // All Rights Reserved. * // * // interacting ION Properties for BMe by Francesco Cerutti, * // CERN/EN * // * // included in : * // minima * // percol * // sgpbme * // critlw * // sigmcf * // buffal * // totmul * // parpro * // angdis * // ddspec * // sepeej * // preequ * // * // Tlanmu = projectile kinetic energy in the LAb system * // per Nuclear Mass Unit * // Aapbme = PROJectile mass number * // Zzpbme = PROJectile atomic number * // Aatbme = TARGet mass number * // Zztbme = TARGet atomic number * // Fmproj = PROJectile mass * // Fmtarg = TARGet mass * // R0proj = PROJectile half-density reduced radius (fm) * // R0targ = TARGet half-density reduced radius (fm) * // Betala = projectile velocity (as fraction of c) in the LAb * // * // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * // !!!! Note that the variables below refer also to !!!! * // !!!! virtual complete fusion treatment where !!!! * // !!!! proj, targ and energy are different from the original ones !!!! * // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * // * // Elabpn = projectile kinetic Energy in the LAb system * // Per Nucleon (in MeV) * // Iapbme = PROJectile mass number * // Izpbme = PROJectile atomic number * // Iatbme = TARGet mass number * // Iztbme = TARGet atomic number * // Ialigh = LIGHter nucleus mass number * // Izligh = LIGHter nucleus atomic number * // Iaheav = HEAVier nucleus mass number * // Izheav = HEAVier nucleus atomic number * // Linvpt = .true. if the target is the lighter nucleus * // Ldeuin = .true. if the projectile is a deuteron * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * extern struct { double tlanmu; double aapbme; double zzpbme; double aatbme; double zztbme; double fmproj; double fmtarg; double r0proj; double r0targ; double elabpn; double betala; int iapbme; int izpbme; int iatbme; int iztbme; int ialigh; int izligh; int iaheav; int izheav; logical linvpt; logical ldeuin; } ionpbm_; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif