/* * DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE THIS FILE. * If needed: make cpp_headers * * fortran2c.py - automatic conversion * rtdfcm.inc -> rtdfcm.h */ #ifndef __RTDFCM__ #define __RTDFCM__ #include "types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // //=== rtdfcm ===========================================================* // //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // * // Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * // All Rights Reserved. * // * // RoTation DeFinition CoMmon: * // * // Created on 12 February 1997 by Alfredo Ferrari * // Infn - Milan * // * // Rtmtrx(i,j,k) = R_ij rotation matrix for the k_th transfor- * // mation * // Rimtrx(i,j,k) = R^-1_ij rotation matrix for the k_th transfor- * // mation * // Rtofst(i,k) = Traslation vector (i=1,2,3->x,y,z) for the k_th * // transformation * // Thertn (k) = Polar angle (degrees) for the k_th transfor- * // mation * // Phirtn (k) = Azimuthal angle (degrees) for the k_th transfor- * // mation * // Jaxrtn (k) = Axis used to define the angles for the k_th * // transformation * // Lrfrtn (k) = flag for a reflection-like transformation * // Rtname (k) = Transformation name * // * //----------------------------------------------------------------------* // const int MXRTNS = 9999; const int MDRTNS = MXRTNS+1; extern struct { double rtmtrx[MXRTNS][3][3]; double rimtrx[MXRTNS][3][3]; double rtofst[MXRTNS][3]; double thertn[MXRTNS]; double phirtn[MXRTNS]; int jaxrtn[MXRTNS]; logical lrfrtn[MXRTNS]; } rtdfcm_; extern struct { char rtname[MXRTNS][10]; } chrtdf_; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif