* *=== snnucm ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Copyright (C) 2003-2019: CERN & INFN * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * SuperNova NeUtrino CoMmon: * * * * Created on 29 February 1996 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * * Infn - Milan * * * * Tmpsnn(i) = temperature (MeV) of the emission spectrum for the * * i_th neutrino specie * * Alpsnn(i) = alpha term of the emission spectrum for the * * i_th neutrino specie * * Fnrsnn(i) = normalization factor for the emission spectrum for * * the i_th neutrino specie * * Ftsnnu(i) = total flux (at 10 kpc) for the emission spectrum * * for the i_th neutrino specie * * Rtsnnu(i) = total rate (ev/kTon at 10 kpc) for the i_th * * neutrino specie * * Resnnu(i) = electron elastic rate (ev/kTon at 10 kpc) for * * the i_th neutrino specie * * Rgsnnu(i) = Gamow-Teller rate (ev/kTon at 10 kpc) for the i_th * * neutrino specie * * Rfsnnu(i) = Fermi rate (ev/kTon at 10 kpc) for the i_th * * neutrino specie * * Weisnn(i) = weight of the emission spectrum for the i_th * * neutrino specie * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Number of energy bins for elastic supernova neutrino scattering PARAMETER ( NSNESC = 3000 ) * Number of energy bins for Gamow-Teller and Fermi supernova neutrino * absorptions PARAMETER ( NSNGTF = 1200 ) * Energy step for elastic supernova neutrino scattering PARAMETER ( DESNES = 0.00002D+00 ) * Energy step for Gamow-Teller and Fermi supernova neutrino * absorptions PARAMETER ( DESNGF = 0.00005D+00 ) COMMON / SNNUCM / TMPSNN (6), ALPSNN (6), FNRSNN (6), FTSNNU (6), & RTSNNU (6), RESNNU (6), RGSNNU (6), RFSNNU (6), & WEISNN (6), & SPESSN (0:NSNESC,6), CUESSN (0:NSNESC,6), & SPGTSN (0:NSNGTF,6), CUGTSN (0:NSNGTF,6), & SPFRSN (0:NSNGTF,2), CUFRSN (0:NSNGTF,2) SAVE / SNNUCM /