* *=== Srapho ===========================================================* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Synchroton RAdiation PHOton stack. * * * * ESRA(i) = Energy of synchrotron radiation (SR) photon (GeV). * * EKPSRA(i) = Kinetic energy of parent particle (GeV). * * WSRA(i) = Weight of SR photon. * * ASRA(i) = Age of the SR photon. * * {X,Y,Z}SRA(i) = Position where SR photon was generated. * * C{X,Y,Z}SRA(i) = Cosine directors of produced SR photon. * * C{X,Y,Z}PSRA(i) = Polarisation of produced SR photon. * * CMPSRA(i) = Cumulative curved path of SR photon. * * ESRMIN(j) = Lower energy bound of SR photon spectrum in the * * j-th region. * * IRGSRA(i) = Region number. * * ILTSRA(i) = Lattice cell number. * * IHSSRA(i) = History pointer. * * LTRSRA(i) = Generation number. * * NSRAPH = Number of SR photons in the stack. * * LSRAPH = Global flag to toggle SR photon emission. * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * PARAMETER (NSRAMX=10000) PARAMETER (ESRMID=1.0D-9) LOGICAL LSRAPH INTEGER*8 ILTSRA COMMON / SRAPHO / & ESRA(NSRAMX), & EKPSRA(NSRAMX), & WSRA(NSRAMX), & ASRA(NSRAMX), & XSRA(NSRAMX), YSRA(NSRAMX), ZSRA(NSRAMX), & CXSRA(NSRAMX), CYSRA(NSRAMX), CZSRA(NSRAMX), & CXPSRA(NSRAMX), CYPSRA(NSRAMX), CZPSRA(NSRAMX), & CMPSRA(NSRAMX), & ESRMIN(MXXRGN), & IRGSRA(NSRAMX), ILTSRA(NSRAMX),IHSSRA(NSRAMX), & LTRSRA(NSRAMX), & NSRAPH, & LSRAPH(MXXRGN) SAVE / SRAPHO /