#include #include #include #include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3 types of atmospheric effects at the same (r,DX) : // Type I --> Showers with the same (theta,psi) but different rho_ground // Type II--> Showers with the same (psi,rho_ground) show theta depedences. // Type III--> Showers with the same (theta,rho_ground) show psi depedences due to the different atmospheric profiles //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remarks : // -A wrong attenuation parameter can also induce azimuthal asymmetries that can be confused with atmospheric effects // -Type III corrections for AMIGA are due to imperfections in the Geometrical asymmetries // Corrections calculated using FeQGSJetII namespace AtmCorrNS { class AtmCorr { private: int fDetectorType; public: AtmCorr(int DetectorType); ~AtmCorr(){}; //Type I atmospheric effect double GetAlphaRho(double r,int icomp); double GetCorrTypeI( double r, int icomp, double rhoGround, double hGround); //Type II atmospheric effects double GetCorrTypeII( double r, double theta, int icomp, double hground); //Type III atmospheric effect double GetParCorrTypeIII( double r, int icomp, int ipar ); double GetCorrTypeIII( double r, double theta, double psi, int icomp ); }; }