#ifndef _TCDF_SHOWER_PARAMS_ #define _TCDF_SHOWER_PARAMS_ #include "ToolsLib.h" #include "TShowerParams.h" /** @file TCdFShowerParams.h */ //! TCdFShowerParams class : contains shower parameters after fit class TCdFShowerParams : virtual public TShowerParams { public: TCdFShowerParams() { InitShowerParams(); } // double fU; double fdU; // double fV; double fdV; double fTheta; double fdTheta; double fPhi; double fdPhi; // double fE; // double fdE; // double fS1000; double fdS1000; // double fXCore; double fdXCore; // double fYCore; double fdYCore; //double fZCore; double fdZCore; // double fXmax; double fdXmax; double fdUU; double fdVV; double fdUV; double fW; double fdW; double fsqfU2fV2; ///< sqrt(u^2+v^2) = sin^2(theta) double fT0s; /**< impact time in fraction of second since the smallest second value of the tanks in the event */ double fdT0s; ///< error on fT0s // double fR; ///< curvature radius double fdR; ///< error on curvature radius double fR10; ///< curvature radius double fdR10; ///< error on curvature radius double fR50; ///< curvature radius double fdR50; ///< error on curvature radius double fR70; ///< curvature radius double fdR70; ///< error on curvature radius double fR90; ///< curvature radius double fdR90; ///< error on curvature radius // double fBeta; double fdBeta; // double fGamma; int fConvergenceStatus; ///< convergence status given by Minuit bool fHasConverged; ///< convergence true if fConvergenceStatus != 0 double fGPSTime; ///< GPS Time of event impact int fYear; ///< year of the event (UTC) int fMonth; ///< month of the event (UTC) int fDay; ///< day of the event (UTC) double fHour; ///< decimal value of the hour (UTC) double fNorthing; ///< Northing of the core double fdNorthing; ///< error on Northing double fEasting; ///< Easting of the core double fdEasting; ///< error on Easting double fLongitude; ///< Longitude of the core double fdLongitude; ///< error on Longitude double fLatitude; ///< Latitude of the core double fdLatitude; ///< error on Latitude double fElevation; ///< elevation of the shower (angle above the horizon) double fdElevation; ///< elevation of the shower (angle above the horizon) double fAzimuth; /**< azimuth of the shower (from south measured westwards), faz = 270 - fPhi is the azimuth which must be used with the STCoordinates functions */ double fdAzimuth; ///< error on Azimuth double fL; ///< galactic longitude double fdL; ///< error on L double fB; ///< galactic latitude double fdB; ///< error on B double fra; ///< right ascension double fdec; ///< declination // double fChi2; ///< chi2 square of the last fit // double frChi2; ///< is the reduced chi-square (chi2/ddl) // double fddl; ///< number of degrees of freedom (is the number of tanks of the event) void Print(ostream&) const; void InitShowerParams(); }; inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const TCdFShowerParams& tsp) { tsp.Print(s); return s; } void CopyInstance(TCdFShowerParams * dest, const TCdFShowerParams * src); #endif