/space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/bin/make_average_surface --subjects 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 --out fsaverage3 --ico 3 --force --sd-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects $Id: make_average_surface,v 1.51 2009/09/21 17:14:26 greve Exp $ Tue Sep 22 16:33:41 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/birn_045/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study_fs4.5.0 setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study output ddir is /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects uid=5652(greve) gid=5652(greve) groups=160(fsdev),1031(daragp),1036(opdot),1046(recon),1048(seq),1049(lingua),1050(blackrgp),1071(birn),1085(reconx),1089(birned),1098(retinopy),1132(pgp),1513(c4026),3009(acqmody),5652(greve),6188(nmrclass) ==================== make_average_surface ==================== Tue Sep 22 16:33:43 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/birn_045/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study_fs4.5.0 /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/bin/make_average_surface --subjects 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 --out fsaverage3 --ico 3 --force --sd-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects input subjects: 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 output subject: fsaverage3 mri_add_xform_to_header -c auto /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/mri/mni305.cor.mgz /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/mri/mni305.cor.mgz INFO: extension is mgz #@# Making lh registration template --------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_template -norot -annot aparc lh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 lh.reg.template.tif not aligning hemispheres before averaging. zeroing medial wall in aparc creating new parameterization... processing subject 004 (1 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.021, std = 0.972 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 008 (2 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.592 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 0.751 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.014, std = 0.910 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 017 (3 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.585 curvature mean = -0.065, std = 1.003 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.036, std = 0.955 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 021 (4 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.593 curvature mean = -0.068, std = 0.863 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.033, std = 0.991 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 032 (5 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.605 curvature mean = -0.074, std = 0.693 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.030, std = 0.999 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 039 (6 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.002, std = 0.595 curvature mean = -0.074, std = 0.685 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.036, std = 0.974 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 040 (7 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.005, std = 0.603 curvature mean = -0.063, std = 0.570 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.034, std = 0.982 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 045 (8 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.567 curvature mean = -0.066, std = 0.477 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.025, std = 0.897 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 049 (9 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.595 curvature mean = -0.072, std = 0.987 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.028, std = 0.962 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 067 (10 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.003, std = 0.593 curvature mean = -0.074, std = 0.620 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.042, std = 0.933 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 073 (11 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.580 curvature mean = -0.068, std = 0.619 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.033, std = 0.952 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 074 (12 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.002, std = 0.576 curvature mean = -0.060, std = 0.515 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.048, std = 0.940 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 080 (13 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.602 curvature mean = -0.072, std = 0.928 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.027, std = 0.993 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 084 (14 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.593 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 0.697 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.036, std = 0.990 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 091 (15 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.609 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 1.143 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.019, std = 1.006 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 092 (16 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.006, std = 0.607 curvature mean = -0.090, std = 1.533 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.044, std = 0.918 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 093 (17 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.608 curvature mean = -0.061, std = 0.625 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.030, std = 0.996 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 095 (18 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.592 curvature mean = -0.065, std = 0.579 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.060, std = 0.899 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 097 (19 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.569 curvature mean = -0.046, std = 1.014 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.051, std = 0.941 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 099 (20 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.002, std = 0.600 curvature mean = -0.065, std = 0.616 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.053, std = 0.889 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 102 (21 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.582 curvature mean = -0.069, std = 1.081 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.047, std = 0.951 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 103 (22 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.592 curvature mean = -0.062, std = 0.686 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.056, std = 0.959 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 106 (23 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.002, std = 0.594 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 1.400 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.032, std = 0.991 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 108 (24 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.576 curvature mean = -0.055, std = 1.294 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.031, std = 0.991 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 111 (25 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.002, std = 0.587 curvature mean = -0.076, std = 1.027 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.036, std = 0.959 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 114 (26 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.561 curvature mean = -0.065, std = 0.552 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.047, std = 0.988 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 123 (27 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.009, std = 0.610 curvature mean = -0.090, std = 1.096 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.035, std = 0.978 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 124 (28 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.590 curvature mean = -0.057, std = 0.504 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.041, std = 0.997 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 128 (29 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.574 curvature mean = -0.054, std = 0.859 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.056, std = 0.944 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 129 (30 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.010, std = 0.599 curvature mean = -0.090, std = 0.730 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.041, std = 0.964 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 130 (31 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.601 curvature mean = -0.068, std = 0.658 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.022, std = 0.985 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 131 (32 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.582 curvature mean = -0.061, std = 0.677 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.051, std = 0.938 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 133 (33 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.597 curvature mean = -0.068, std = 0.617 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.058, std = 0.967 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 136 (34 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.590 curvature mean = -0.079, std = 0.763 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.044, std = 0.967 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 138 (35 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.597 curvature mean = -0.059, std = 0.772 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.037, std = 0.942 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 140 (36 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.606 curvature mean = -0.059, std = 0.560 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.041, std = 0.946 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 141 (37 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.585 curvature mean = -0.072, std = 0.546 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.031, std = 0.994 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 144 (38 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.001, std = 0.619 curvature mean = -0.058, std = 0.990 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.060, std = 0.902 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 145 (39 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.591 curvature mean = -0.082, std = 7.609 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.027, std = 0.955 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.smoothwm... processing subject 149 (40 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.613 curvature mean = -0.066, std = 1.438 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.045, std = 0.974 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.smoothwm... writing updated template with 40 subjects to lh.reg.template.tif... curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.581 curvature mean = -0.084, std = 0.643 #@# Making lh annotation --------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:37:32 EDT 2009 mris_ca_label -ml-annot lh.curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2009-03-04.gcs 3 label/lh.aparc.annot /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 ML Label: lh.curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2009-03-04.gcs 3 label/lh.aparc.annot Reading icosahedron /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri Reading gcsa from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/average/lh.curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2009-03-04.gcs reading color table from GCSA file.... average std = 1.0 using min determinant for regularization = 0.011 0 singular and 384 ill-conditioned covariance matrices regularized Building most likely labels Filtering labels 2 filter iterations complete (2 requested, 27 changed) writing colortable into annotation file... mris_ca_label -ml-annot lh.destrieux.simple.2009-07-29.gcs 3 label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 ML Label: lh.destrieux.simple.2009-07-29.gcs 3 label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot Reading icosahedron /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri Reading gcsa from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/average/lh.destrieux.simple.2009-07-29.gcs reading color table from GCSA file.... average std = 3.9 0.2 using min determinant for regularization = 0.000 0 singular and 1066 ill-conditioned covariance matrices regularized Building most likely labels Filtering labels 2 filter iterations complete (2 requested, 68 changed) writing colortable into annotation file... #@# Making average lh.orig surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:37:48 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o orig -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects lh orig_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from orig... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = lh avg_surf_name = orig_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 963.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 753.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 945.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 933.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 890.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 749.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 703.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 697.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 922.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 880.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1048.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 742.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 978.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 862.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 831.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 897.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 871.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 713.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 808.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 699.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 861.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 793.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 773.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 896.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 851.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 636.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 818.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 699.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 683.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 734.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 831.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 713.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 750.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 694.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 764.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 872.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 825.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 852.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 855.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 656.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 811.427 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 811.4 cm^2 (scale=1.22) writing average orig_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/lh.orig_avg writing group avg surface area 811 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done #@# Making average lh.white surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:40:59 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o white -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects lh white_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from white... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = lh avg_surf_name = white_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1007.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 791.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1009.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 979.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 930.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 789.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 739.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 730.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 963.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 928.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1089.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 788.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1029.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 903.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 873.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 934.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 918.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 732.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 846.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 732.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 891.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 842.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 812.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 941.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 882.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 664.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 850.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 734.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 722.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 770.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 861.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 739.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 790.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 715.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 795.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 914.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 864.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 897.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 881.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 697.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 849.693 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 849.7 cm^2 (scale=1.23) writing average white_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/lh.white_avg writing group avg surface area 850 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done #@# Making average lh.pial surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:43:59 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o pial -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects lh pial_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from pial... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = lh avg_surf_name = pial_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1229.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 982.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1232.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1188.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1121.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 948.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 913.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 902.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1186.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1149.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1278.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1004.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1294.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1105.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1127.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1087.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1113.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 874.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1027.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 900.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1058.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1022.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1001.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1156.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1087.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 847.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1014.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 905.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 892.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 923.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 999.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 898.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 996.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 856.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 968.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1155.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1061.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1089.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1088.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 863.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 1038.87 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 1038.9 cm^2 (scale=1.28) writing average pial_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/lh.pial_avg writing group avg surface area 1039 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done #@# Making average lh.inflated surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:47:00 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o inflated -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects lh inflated_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from inflated... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = lh avg_surf_name = inflated_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 919.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 722.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 922.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 897.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 852.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 722.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 679.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 669.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 878.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 850.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 997.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 723.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 944.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 828.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 798.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 855.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 844.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 669.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 774.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 666.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 816.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 771.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 744.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 863.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 810.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 605.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 781.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 674.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 658.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 703.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 791.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 677.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 722.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 656.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 731.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 841.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 793.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 814.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 806.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 633.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 777.885 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 777.9 cm^2 (scale=0.93) writing average inflated_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/lh.inflated_avg writing group avg surface area 778 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done --------------------------------------------------- #@# Making average lh.sulc ---------------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_average_curvature -o fsaverage3 sulc lh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/lh.avg_sulc painting output onto subject fsaverage3. processing subject 004... processing subject 008... processing subject 017... processing subject 021... processing subject 032... processing subject 039... processing subject 040... processing subject 045... processing subject 049... processing subject 067... processing subject 073... processing subject 074... processing subject 080... processing subject 084... processing subject 091... processing subject 092... processing subject 093... processing subject 095... processing subject 097... processing subject 099... processing subject 102... processing subject 103... processing subject 106... processing subject 108... processing subject 111... processing subject 114... processing subject 123... processing subject 124... processing subject 128... processing subject 129... processing subject 130... processing subject 131... processing subject 133... processing subject 136... processing subject 138... processing subject 140... processing subject 141... processing subject 144... processing subject 145... processing subject 149... reading output surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg... #@# Making average lh.curv ---------------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_average_curvature -o fsaverage3 curv lh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/lh.avg_curv painting output onto subject fsaverage3. processing subject 004... processing subject 008... processing subject 017... processing subject 021... processing subject 032... processing subject 039... processing subject 040... processing subject 045... processing subject 049... processing subject 067... processing subject 073... processing subject 074... processing subject 080... processing subject 084... processing subject 091... processing subject 092... processing subject 093... processing subject 095... processing subject 097... processing subject 099... processing subject 102... processing subject 103... processing subject 106... processing subject 108... processing subject 111... processing subject 114... processing subject 123... processing subject 124... processing subject 128... processing subject 129... processing subject 130... processing subject 131... processing subject 133... processing subject 136... processing subject 138... processing subject 140... processing subject 141... processing subject 144... processing subject 145... processing subject 149... reading output surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg... #@# Making average lh.thickness ---------------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_average_curvature -o fsaverage3 thickness lh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/lh.avg_thickness painting output onto subject fsaverage3. processing subject 004... processing subject 008... processing subject 017... processing subject 021... processing subject 032... processing subject 039... processing subject 040... processing subject 045... processing subject 049... processing subject 067... processing subject 073... processing subject 074... processing subject 080... processing subject 084... processing subject 091... processing subject 092... processing subject 093... processing subject 095... processing subject 097... processing subject 099... processing subject 102... processing subject 103... processing subject 106... processing subject 108... processing subject 111... processing subject 114... processing subject 123... processing subject 124... processing subject 128... processing subject 129... processing subject 130... processing subject 131... processing subject 133... processing subject 136... processing subject 138... processing subject 140... processing subject 141... processing subject 144... processing subject 145... processing subject 149... reading output surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg... --------------------------------------------------- #@# Smoothing, inflating, etc lh ---------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_smooth -n 5 ./lh.white_avg ./lh.smoothwm writing group avg surface area 850 cm^2 into surface file mris_inflate -no-save-sulc -n 2 ./lh.smoothwm ./lh.inflated Not saving sulc step 000: RMS=0.115 (target=0.015) step 005: RMS=0.098 (target=0.015) step 010: RMS=0.092 (target=0.015) inflation complete. writing group avg surface area 850 cm^2 into surface file Not saving sulc mris_curvature -a 10 -w ./lh.white_avg mri_annotation2label --subject fsaverage3 --hemi lh --outdir /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150 --annotation aparc.a2009s reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 76 entries read (originally /autofs/space/birn_044/users/christophe_atlas_rebuild//scripts_2008/Simple_surface_labels2009.txt) subject = fsaverage3 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = lh outdir = (null) surface = white Reading surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.white Loading annotations from /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/label/lh.aparc.a2009s.annot max index = 74 1 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_frontomargin.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_frontomargin.label 2 4 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_occipital_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_occipital_inf.label 3 11 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_paracentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_paracentral.label 4 13 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_subcentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_subcentral.label 6 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_cingul-Ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_cingul-Ant.label 7 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant.label 8 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post.label 9 6 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_cingul-Post-dorsal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_cingul-Post-dorsal.label 10 1 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_cingul-Post-ventral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_cingul-Post-ventral.label 11 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_cuneus.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_cuneus.label 12 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_inf-Opercular.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_inf-Opercular.label 14 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_inf-Triangul.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_inf-Triangul.label 15 21 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_middle.label 16 36 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_front_sup.label 19 15 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_occipital_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_occipital_middle.label 20 6 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_occipital_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_occipital_sup.label 21 11 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor.label 22 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_oc-temp_med-Lingual.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_oc-temp_med-Lingual.label 23 5 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_oc-temp_med-Parahip.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_oc-temp_med-Parahip.label 24 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_orbital.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_orbital.label 25 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_pariet_inf-Angular.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_pariet_inf-Angular.label 26 19 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_pariet_inf-Supramar.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_pariet_inf-Supramar.label 27 13 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_parietal_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_parietal_sup.label 28 13 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_postcentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_postcentral.label 29 16 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_precentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_precentral.label 30 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_precuneus.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_precuneus.label 31 3 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_rectus.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_rectus.label 34 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temp_sup-Lateral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temp_sup-Lateral.label 36 4 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo.label 37 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temporal_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temporal_inf.label 38 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temporal_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.G_temporal_middle.label 41 10 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Lat_Fis-post.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Lat_Fis-post.label 42 64 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Medial_wall.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Medial_wall.label 43 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Pole_occipital.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Pole_occipital.label 44 13 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Pole_temporal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.Pole_temporal.label 45 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_calcarine.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_calcarine.label 46 15 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_central.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_central.label 47 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_cingul-Marginalis.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_cingul-Marginalis.label 48 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_circular_insula_ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_circular_insula_ant.label 49 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_circular_insula_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_circular_insula_inf.label 50 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_circular_insula_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_circular_insula_sup.label 51 2 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_collat_transv_ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_collat_transv_ant.label 53 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_front_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_front_inf.label 54 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_front_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_front_middle.label 55 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_front_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_front_sup.label 57 21 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_intrapariet_and_P_trans.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_intrapariet_and_P_trans.label 59 3 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_oc_sup_and_transversal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_oc_sup_and_transversal.label 60 3 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_occipital_ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_occipital_ant.label 62 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual.label 66 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_parieto_occipital.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_parieto_occipital.label 67 3 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_pericallosal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_pericallosal.label 68 17 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_postcentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_postcentral.label 69 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_precentral-inf-part.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_precentral-inf-part.label 70 5 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_precentral-sup-part.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_precentral-sup-part.label 72 5 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_subparietal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_subparietal.label 74 33 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_temporal_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/lh.S_temporal_sup.label mri_mergelabels -o /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/label/lh.cortex.label -d /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150 Done #@# Making rh registration template --------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_template -norot -annot aparc rh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 rh.reg.template.tif not aligning hemispheres before averaging. zeroing medial wall in aparc creating new parameterization... processing subject 004 (1 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.031, std = 0.949 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 008 (2 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.603 curvature mean = -0.065, std = 0.718 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.045, std = 0.985 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 017 (3 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.597 curvature mean = -0.062, std = 1.245 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.020, std = 0.979 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 021 (4 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.003, std = 0.626 curvature mean = -0.069, std = 0.802 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.031, std = 0.987 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 032 (5 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.590 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 0.543 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.032, std = 1.004 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 039 (6 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.608 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 0.770 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.045, std = 0.968 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 040 (7 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.614 curvature mean = -0.058, std = 0.684 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.032, std = 0.989 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 045 (8 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.001, std = 0.580 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 1.097 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.064, std = 0.870 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 049 (9 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.598 curvature mean = -0.074, std = 0.753 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.029, std = 0.987 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 067 (10 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.587 curvature mean = -0.069, std = 0.569 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.052, std = 0.927 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 073 (11 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.005, std = 0.588 curvature mean = -0.074, std = 0.659 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.039, std = 0.955 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 074 (12 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.005, std = 0.604 curvature mean = -0.054, std = 1.231 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.062, std = 0.921 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 080 (13 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.600 curvature mean = -0.083, std = 0.787 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.039, std = 0.986 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 084 (14 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.000, std = 0.584 curvature mean = -0.072, std = 0.656 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.037, std = 0.990 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 091 (15 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.002, std = 0.588 curvature mean = -0.066, std = 0.587 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.027, std = 1.009 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 092 (16 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.000, std = 0.596 curvature mean = -0.083, std = 0.855 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.047, std = 0.876 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 093 (17 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.573 curvature mean = -0.054, std = 0.545 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.032, std = 0.993 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 095 (18 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = 0.001, std = 0.599 curvature mean = -0.068, std = 0.605 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.055, std = 0.966 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 097 (19 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.570 curvature mean = -0.040, std = 1.664 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.051, std = 0.935 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 099 (20 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.600 curvature mean = -0.076, std = 0.792 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.030, std = 0.947 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 102 (21 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.008, std = 0.593 curvature mean = -0.085, std = 1.905 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.038, std = 0.992 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 103 (22 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.606 curvature mean = -0.057, std = 0.870 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.052, std = 0.962 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 106 (23 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.599 curvature mean = -0.061, std = 0.848 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.049, std = 0.955 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 108 (24 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.563 curvature mean = -0.061, std = 0.567 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.034, std = 1.004 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 111 (25 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.582 curvature mean = -0.075, std = 1.023 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.054, std = 0.924 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 114 (26 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.575 curvature mean = -0.066, std = 0.669 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.056, std = 0.996 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 123 (27 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.013, std = 0.618 curvature mean = -0.114, std = 1.504 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.039, std = 0.946 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 124 (28 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.008, std = 0.582 curvature mean = -0.056, std = 0.533 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.051, std = 0.942 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 128 (29 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.576 curvature mean = -0.053, std = 0.980 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.032, std = 0.966 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 129 (30 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.011, std = 0.611 curvature mean = -0.091, std = 0.865 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.055, std = 0.952 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 130 (31 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.585 curvature mean = -0.074, std = 0.875 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = 0.003, std = 0.781 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 131 (32 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.004, std = 0.596 curvature mean = -0.060, std = 1.134 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.047, std = 0.936 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 133 (33 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.601 curvature mean = -0.071, std = 0.736 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.058, std = 0.949 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 136 (34 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.583 curvature mean = -0.083, std = 0.632 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.054, std = 0.956 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 138 (35 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.006, std = 0.579 curvature mean = -0.058, std = 0.591 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.032, std = 0.966 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 140 (36 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.003, std = 0.586 curvature mean = -0.064, std = 0.603 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.040, std = 0.941 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 141 (37 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.598 curvature mean = -0.077, std = 0.638 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.033, std = 0.983 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 144 (38 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.624 curvature mean = -0.054, std = 0.860 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.062, std = 0.892 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 145 (39 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.012, std = 0.594 curvature mean = -0.065, std = 1.056 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.047, std = 0.933 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.smoothwm... processing subject 149 (40 of 40) reading spherical surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg... reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 36 entries read (originally /autofs/space/amaebi_026/users/buckner_cortical_atlas/scripts/colortable_final.txt) curvature mean = -0.007, std = 0.610 curvature mean = -0.067, std = 1.102 ripping medial wall... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.inflated.H... curvature mean = -0.039, std = 0.979 computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sulc... computing parameterization for surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.smoothwm... writing updated template with 40 subjects to rh.reg.template.tif... curvature mean = -0.001, std = 0.601 curvature mean = -0.077, std = 0.691 #@# Making rh annotation --------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:58:17 EDT 2009 mris_ca_label -ml-annot rh.curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2009-03-04.gcs 3 label/rh.aparc.annot /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 ML Label: rh.curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2009-03-04.gcs 3 label/rh.aparc.annot Reading icosahedron /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri Reading gcsa from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/average/rh.curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2009-03-04.gcs reading color table from GCSA file.... average std = 0.7 using min determinant for regularization = 0.006 0 singular and 311 ill-conditioned covariance matrices regularized Building most likely labels Filtering labels 2 filter iterations complete (2 requested, 25 changed) writing colortable into annotation file... mris_ca_label -ml-annot rh.destrieux.simple.2009-07-29.gcs 3 label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 ML Label: rh.destrieux.simple.2009-07-29.gcs 3 label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Reading icosahedron /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri Reading gcsa from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/average/rh.destrieux.simple.2009-07-29.gcs reading color table from GCSA file.... average std = 1.9 0.2 using min determinant for regularization = 0.000 0 singular and 851 ill-conditioned covariance matrices regularized Building most likely labels Filtering labels 2 filter iterations complete (2 requested, 75 changed) writing colortable into annotation file... #@# Making average rh.orig surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 16:58:30 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o orig -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects rh orig_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from orig... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = rh avg_surf_name = orig_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 957.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 753.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 959.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 923.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 902.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 750.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 700.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 699.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 919.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 865.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1027.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 728.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 973.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 850.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 837.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 894.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 870.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 712.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 821.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 697.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 853.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 802.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 783.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 896.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 855.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 616.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 836.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 685.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 681.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 735.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1318.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 701.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 753.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 703.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 746.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 881.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 816.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 840.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 852.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 660.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 821.651 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 821.7 cm^2 (scale=1.23) writing average orig_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/rh.orig_avg writing group avg surface area 822 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done #@# Making average rh.white surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 17:01:31 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o white -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects rh white_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from white... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = rh avg_surf_name = white_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1011.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 785.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1018.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 971.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 946.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 796.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 735.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 740.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 962.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 922.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1079.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 776.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1028.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 895.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 884.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 933.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 919.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 732.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 863.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 735.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 885.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 847.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 823.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 946.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 884.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 645.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 873.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 728.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 725.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 773.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 865.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 731.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 795.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 725.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 785.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 928.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 860.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 892.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 889.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 705.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 851.312 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 851.3 cm^2 (scale=1.24) writing average white_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/rh.white_avg writing group avg surface area 851 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done #@# Making average rh.pial surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 17:04:31 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o pial -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects rh pial_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from pial... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = rh avg_surf_name = pial_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1219.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 978.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1260.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1195.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1137.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 954.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 911.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 920.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1180.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1152.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1272.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 996.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1283.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1101.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1125.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1089.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1118.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 873.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1046.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 906.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1057.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1034.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1001.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1171.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1092.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 838.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1045.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 895.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 894.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 923.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1034.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 881.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1014.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 874.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 956.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1172.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1056.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1092.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 1087.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 868.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 1042.96 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 1043.0 cm^2 (scale=1.29) writing average pial_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/rh.pial_avg writing group avg surface area 1043 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done #@# Making average rh.inflated surface --------------------- Tue Sep 22 17:07:31 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_make_average_surface -i 3 -o inflated -sdir-out /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects rh inflated_avg sphere.reg fsaverage3 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 reading vertex positions from inflated... --------------------------------------------------- hemi = rh avg_surf_name = inflated_avg canon_surf_name = sphere.reg out_sname = fsaverage3 xform = talairach.xfm --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 1/40 004... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 919.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 2/40 008... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 719.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 3/40 017... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 931.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 4/40 021... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 891.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 5/40 032... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 866.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 6/40 039... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 726.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 7/40 040... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 675.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 8/40 045... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 677.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 9/40 049... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 879.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 10/40 067... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 841.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 11/40 073... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 990.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 12/40 074... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 711.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 13/40 080... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 942.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 14/40 084... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 822.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 15/40 091... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 806.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 16/40 092... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 853.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 17/40 093... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 845.9 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 18/40 095... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 670.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 19/40 097... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 788.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 20/40 099... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 669.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 21/40 102... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 810.8 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 22/40 103... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 778.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 23/40 106... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 755.3 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 24/40 108... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 867.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 25/40 111... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 811.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 26/40 114... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 586.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 27/40 123... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 802.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 28/40 124... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 667.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 29/40 128... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 659.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 30/40 129... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 705.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 31/40 130... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 793.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 32/40 131... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 668.7 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 33/40 133... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 728.6 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 34/40 136... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 665.0 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 35/40 138... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 720.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 36/40 140... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 854.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 37/40 141... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 790.2 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 38/40 144... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 810.4 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 39/40 145... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 811.1 cm^2 Applying linear transform --------------------------------------------------- #@# processing subject 40/40 149... Reading /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg Read /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/mri/T1.mgz Surface area: 641.5 cm^2 Applying linear transform Finished loading all data Avg surf area = 778.936 cm Reading icosahedron from /space/crash/1/users/greve/freesurferx86/lib/bem/ic3.tri... setting group surface area to be 778.9 cm^2 (scale=0.93) writing average inflated_avg surface to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/rh.inflated_avg writing group avg surface area 779 cm^2 into surface file mris_make_average_surface done --------------------------------------------------- #@# Making average rh.sulc ---------------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_average_curvature -o fsaverage3 sulc rh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/rh.avg_sulc painting output onto subject fsaverage3. processing subject 004... processing subject 008... processing subject 017... processing subject 021... processing subject 032... processing subject 039... processing subject 040... processing subject 045... processing subject 049... processing subject 067... processing subject 073... processing subject 074... processing subject 080... processing subject 084... processing subject 091... processing subject 092... processing subject 093... processing subject 095... processing subject 097... processing subject 099... processing subject 102... processing subject 103... processing subject 106... processing subject 108... processing subject 111... processing subject 114... processing subject 123... processing subject 124... processing subject 128... processing subject 129... processing subject 130... processing subject 131... processing subject 133... processing subject 136... processing subject 138... processing subject 140... processing subject 141... processing subject 144... processing subject 145... processing subject 149... reading output surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg... #@# Making average rh.curv ---------------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_average_curvature -o fsaverage3 curv rh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/rh.avg_curv painting output onto subject fsaverage3. processing subject 004... processing subject 008... processing subject 017... processing subject 021... processing subject 032... processing subject 039... processing subject 040... processing subject 045... processing subject 049... processing subject 067... processing subject 073... processing subject 074... processing subject 080... processing subject 084... processing subject 091... processing subject 092... processing subject 093... processing subject 095... processing subject 097... processing subject 099... processing subject 102... processing subject 103... processing subject 106... processing subject 108... processing subject 111... processing subject 114... processing subject 123... processing subject 124... processing subject 128... processing subject 129... processing subject 130... processing subject 131... processing subject 133... processing subject 136... processing subject 138... processing subject 140... processing subject 141... processing subject 144... processing subject 145... processing subject 149... reading output surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg... #@# Making average rh.thickness ---------------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3 mris_average_curvature -o fsaverage3 thickness rh sphere.reg 004 008 017 021 032 039 040 045 049 067 073 074 080 084 091 092 093 095 097 099 102 103 106 108 111 114 123 124 128 129 130 131 133 136 138 140 141 144 145 149 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/surf/rh.avg_thickness painting output onto subject fsaverage3. processing subject 004... processing subject 008... processing subject 017... processing subject 021... processing subject 032... processing subject 039... processing subject 040... processing subject 045... processing subject 049... processing subject 067... processing subject 073... processing subject 074... processing subject 080... processing subject 084... processing subject 091... processing subject 092... processing subject 093... processing subject 095... processing subject 097... processing subject 099... processing subject 102... processing subject 103... processing subject 106... processing subject 108... processing subject 111... processing subject 114... processing subject 123... processing subject 124... processing subject 128... processing subject 129... processing subject 130... processing subject 131... processing subject 133... processing subject 136... processing subject 138... processing subject 140... processing subject 141... processing subject 144... processing subject 145... processing subject 149... reading output surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg... --------------------------------------------------- #@# Smoothing, inflating, etc rh ---------------- /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_smooth -n 5 ./rh.white_avg ./rh.smoothwm writing group avg surface area 851 cm^2 into surface file mris_inflate -no-save-sulc -n 2 ./rh.smoothwm ./rh.inflated Not saving sulc step 000: RMS=0.114 (target=0.015) step 005: RMS=0.099 (target=0.015) step 010: RMS=0.093 (target=0.015) inflation complete. writing group avg surface area 851 cm^2 into surface file Not saving sulc mris_curvature -a 10 -w ./rh.white_avg mri_annotation2label --subject fsaverage3 --hemi rh --outdir /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150 --annotation aparc.a2009s reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 76 entries read (originally /autofs/space/birn_044/users/christophe_atlas_rebuild//scripts_2008/Simple_surface_labels2009.txt) subject = fsaverage3 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh outdir = (null) surface = white Reading surface /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot max index = 74 1 6 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_frontomargin.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_frontomargin.label 2 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_occipital_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_occipital_inf.label 3 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_paracentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_paracentral.label 4 13 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_subcentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_subcentral.label 6 17 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_cingul-Ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_cingul-Ant.label 7 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant.label 8 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post.label 9 3 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_cingul-Post-dorsal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_cingul-Post-dorsal.label 11 4 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_cuneus.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_cuneus.label 12 5 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_inf-Opercular.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_inf-Opercular.label 13 2 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_inf-Orbital.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_inf-Orbital.label 14 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_inf-Triangul.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_inf-Triangul.label 15 11 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_middle.label 16 35 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_front_sup.label 17 1 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins.label 18 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_insular_short.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_insular_short.label 19 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_occipital_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_occipital_middle.label 20 10 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_occipital_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_occipital_sup.label 21 6 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor.label 22 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_oc-temp_med-Lingual.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_oc-temp_med-Lingual.label 23 6 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_oc-temp_med-Parahip.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_oc-temp_med-Parahip.label 24 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_orbital.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_orbital.label 25 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_pariet_inf-Angular.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_pariet_inf-Angular.label 26 18 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_pariet_inf-Supramar.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_pariet_inf-Supramar.label 27 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_parietal_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_parietal_sup.label 28 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_postcentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_postcentral.label 29 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_precentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_precentral.label 30 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_precuneus.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_precuneus.label 31 5 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_rectus.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_rectus.label 34 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temp_sup-Lateral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temp_sup-Lateral.label 36 3 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo.label 37 11 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temporal_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temporal_inf.label 38 13 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temporal_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.G_temporal_middle.label 41 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Lat_Fis-post.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Lat_Fis-post.label 42 67 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Medial_wall.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Medial_wall.label 43 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Pole_occipital.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Pole_occipital.label 44 11 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Pole_temporal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.Pole_temporal.label 45 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_calcarine.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_calcarine.label 46 18 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_central.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_central.label 47 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_cingul-Marginalis.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_cingul-Marginalis.label 49 9 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_circular_insula_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_circular_insula_inf.label 50 10 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_circular_insula_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_circular_insula_sup.label 51 4 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_collat_transv_ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_collat_transv_ant.label 53 11 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_front_inf.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_front_inf.label 54 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_front_middle.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_front_middle.label 55 12 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_front_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_front_sup.label 57 20 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_intrapariet_and_P_trans.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_intrapariet_and_P_trans.label 58 1 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus.label 59 5 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_oc_sup_and_transversal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_oc_sup_and_transversal.label 60 4 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_occipital_ant.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_occipital_ant.label 62 10 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual.label 65 7 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_orbital-H_Shaped.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_orbital-H_Shaped.label 66 14 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_parieto_occipital.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_parieto_occipital.label 68 11 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_postcentral.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_postcentral.label 69 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_precentral-inf-part.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_precentral-inf-part.label 70 8 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_precentral-sup-part.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_precentral-sup-part.label 72 6 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_subparietal.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_subparietal.label 74 35 /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_temporal_sup.label LabelWrite: saving to /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150/rh.S_temporal_sup.label mri_mergelabels -o /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/label/rh.cortex.label -d /homes/4/greve/l/sc1/subjects/fsaverage3/make_cortex_label.tmp.11150 Done /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_preproc --out rh.orig.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi rh --area orig --mean --surfreg sphere.reg nsubjects = 40 tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf Tue Sep 22 17:15:04 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf --out rh.orig.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi rh --area orig --mean --surfreg sphere.reg Linux compute-0-74.local 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:10 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263 Src rh sphere.reg Trg rh sphere.reg --------------------------------------------------- #@# 1/40 004 Tue Sep 22 17:15:05 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 004 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/004.1.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/004.1.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151346) Reverse Loop had 150704 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.741 nSrc121 = 151346, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/004.1.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 2/40 008 Tue Sep 22 17:15:12 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 008 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/008.2.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/008.2.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (117812) Reverse Loop had 117170 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 183.508 nSrc121 = 117812, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/008.2.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 3/40 017 Tue Sep 22 17:15:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 017 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/017.3.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/017.3.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151011) Reverse Loop had 150369 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.22 nSrc121 = 151011, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/017.3.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 4/40 021 Tue Sep 22 17:15:23 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 021 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/021.4.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/021.4.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145072) Reverse Loop had 144430 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 225.969 nSrc121 = 145072, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/021.4.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 5/40 032 Tue Sep 22 17:15:29 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 032 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/032.5.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/032.5.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140914) Reverse Loop had 140272 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 219.492 nSrc121 = 140914, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/032.5.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 6/40 039 Tue Sep 22 17:15:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 039 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/039.6.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/039.6.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (117280) Reverse Loop had 116638 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 182.679 nSrc121 = 117280, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/039.6.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 7/40 040 Tue Sep 22 17:15:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 040 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/040.7.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/040.7.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108940) Reverse Loop had 108298 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.688 nSrc121 = 108940, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/040.7.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 8/40 045 Tue Sep 22 17:15:45 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 045 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/045.8.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/045.8.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109564) Reverse Loop had 108922 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.66 nSrc121 = 109564, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/045.8.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 9/40 049 Tue Sep 22 17:15:50 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 049 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/049.9.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/049.9.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145039) Reverse Loop had 144397 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 225.917 nSrc121 = 145039, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/049.9.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 10/40 067 Tue Sep 22 17:15:55 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 067 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/067.10.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/067.10.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135889) Reverse Loop had 135247 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.665 nSrc121 = 135889, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/067.10.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 11/40 073 Tue Sep 22 17:16:01 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 073 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/073.11.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/073.11.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (161713) Reverse Loop had 161071 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 251.889 nSrc121 = 161713, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/073.11.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 12/40 074 Tue Sep 22 17:16:08 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 074 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/074.12.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/074.12.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (113562) Reverse Loop had 112920 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 176.888 nSrc121 = 113562, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/074.12.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 13/40 080 Tue Sep 22 17:16:13 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 080 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/080.13.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/080.13.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (152042) Reverse Loop had 151400 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 236.826 nSrc121 = 152042, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/080.13.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 14/40 084 Tue Sep 22 17:16:19 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 084 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/084.14.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/084.14.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132889) Reverse Loop had 132247 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.992 nSrc121 = 132889, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/084.14.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 15/40 091 Tue Sep 22 17:16:24 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 091 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/091.15.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/091.15.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132067) Reverse Loop had 131425 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 205.712 nSrc121 = 132067, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/091.15.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 16/40 092 Tue Sep 22 17:16:30 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 092 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/092.16.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/092.16.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140344) Reverse Loop had 139702 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 218.604 nSrc121 = 140344, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/092.16.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 17/40 093 Tue Sep 22 17:16:36 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 093 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/093.17.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/093.17.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135495) Reverse Loop had 134853 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.051 nSrc121 = 135495, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/093.17.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 18/40 095 Tue Sep 22 17:16:41 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 095 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/095.18.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/095.18.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (111318) Reverse Loop had 110676 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 173.393 nSrc121 = 111318, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/095.18.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 19/40 097 Tue Sep 22 17:16:46 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 097 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/097.19.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/097.19.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (129085) Reverse Loop had 128443 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 201.067 nSrc121 = 129085, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/097.19.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 20/40 099 Tue Sep 22 17:16:52 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 099 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/099.20.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/099.20.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109465) Reverse Loop had 108823 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.506 nSrc121 = 109465, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/099.20.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 21/40 102 Tue Sep 22 17:16:57 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 102 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/102.21.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/102.21.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (133559) Reverse Loop had 132917 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 208.036 nSrc121 = 133559, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/102.21.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 22/40 103 Tue Sep 22 17:17:02 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 103 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/103.22.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/103.22.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (125822) Reverse Loop had 125180 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 195.984 nSrc121 = 125822, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/103.22.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 23/40 106 Tue Sep 22 17:17:08 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 106 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/106.23.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/106.23.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (122260) Reverse Loop had 121618 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 190.436 nSrc121 = 122260, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/106.23.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 24/40 108 Tue Sep 22 17:17:13 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 108 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/108.24.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/108.24.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140503) Reverse Loop had 139861 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 218.852 nSrc121 = 140503, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/108.24.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 25/40 111 Tue Sep 22 17:17:19 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 111 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/111.25.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/111.25.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (133251) Reverse Loop had 132609 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 207.556 nSrc121 = 133251, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/111.25.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 26/40 114 Tue Sep 22 17:17:24 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 114 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/114.26.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/114.26.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (95758) Reverse Loop had 95116 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 149.156 nSrc121 = 95758, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/114.26.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 27/40 123 Tue Sep 22 17:17:28 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 123 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/123.27.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/123.27.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (131384) Reverse Loop had 130742 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 204.648 nSrc121 = 131384, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/123.27.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 28/40 124 Tue Sep 22 17:17:34 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 124 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/124.28.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/124.28.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (107546) Reverse Loop had 106904 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 167.517 nSrc121 = 107546, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/124.28.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 29/40 128 Tue Sep 22 17:17:39 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 128 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/128.29.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/128.29.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (106345) Reverse Loop had 105703 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 165.646 nSrc121 = 106345, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/128.29.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 30/40 129 Tue Sep 22 17:17:44 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 129 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/129.30.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/129.30.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115946) Reverse Loop had 115304 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 180.601 nSrc121 = 115946, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/129.30.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 31/40 130 Tue Sep 22 17:17:49 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 130 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/130.31.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/130.31.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (131814) Reverse Loop had 131172 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 205.318 nSrc121 = 131814, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/130.31.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 32/40 131 Tue Sep 22 17:17:54 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 131 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/131.32.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/131.32.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (110000) Reverse Loop had 109358 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 171.34 nSrc121 = 110000, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/131.32.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 33/40 133 Tue Sep 22 17:17:59 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 133 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/133.33.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/133.33.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (119213) Reverse Loop had 118571 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 185.69 nSrc121 = 119213, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/133.33.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 34/40 136 Tue Sep 22 17:18:04 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 136 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/136.34.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/136.34.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (110389) Reverse Loop had 109747 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 171.945 nSrc121 = 110389, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/136.34.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 35/40 138 Tue Sep 22 17:18:09 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 138 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/138.35.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/138.35.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (116899) Reverse Loop had 116257 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 182.086 nSrc121 = 116899, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/138.35.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 36/40 140 Tue Sep 22 17:18:14 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 140 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/140.36.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/140.36.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (138112) Reverse Loop had 137470 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 215.128 nSrc121 = 138112, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/140.36.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 37/40 141 Tue Sep 22 17:18:19 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 141 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/141.37.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/141.37.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128064) Reverse Loop had 127422 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 199.477 nSrc121 = 128064, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/141.37.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 38/40 144 Tue Sep 22 17:18:25 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 144 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/144.38.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/144.38.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132846) Reverse Loop had 132204 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.925 nSrc121 = 132846, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/144.38.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 39/40 145 Tue Sep 22 17:18:31 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 145 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/145.39.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/145.39.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134570) Reverse Loop had 133928 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.611 nSrc121 = 134570, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/145.39.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 40/40 149 Tue Sep 22 17:18:36 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 149 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/149.40.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/149.40.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (103039) Reverse Loop had 102397 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 160.497 nSrc121 = 103039, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/149.40.mgh ----------------------- mri_concat ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/004.1.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/008.2.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/017.3.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/021.4.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/032.5.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/039.6.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/040.7.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/045.8.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/049.9.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/067.10.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/073.11.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/074.12.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/080.13.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/084.14.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/091.15.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/092.16.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/093.17.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/095.18.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/097.19.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/099.20.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/102.21.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/103.22.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/106.23.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/108.24.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/111.25.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/114.26.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/123.27.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/124.28.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/128.29.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/129.30.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/130.31.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/131.32.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/133.33.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/136.34.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/138.35.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/140.36.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/141.37.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/144.38.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/145.39.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263/149.40.mgh --o rh.orig.avg.area.mgh --mean ninputs = 40 Checking inputs nframestot = 40 Allocing output nframes = 40 Computing mean across frames Writing to rh.orig.avg.area.mgh Cleaning up ----------------------- rm -r ./tmp.mris_preproc.13263 Tue Sep 22 17:18:43 EDT 2009 mris_preproc done /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_preproc --out rh.white.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi rh --area white --mean --surfreg sphere.reg nsubjects = 40 tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf Tue Sep 22 17:18:46 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf --out rh.white.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi rh --area white --mean --surfreg sphere.reg Linux compute-0-74.local 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:10 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099 Src rh sphere.reg Trg rh sphere.reg --------------------------------------------------- #@# 1/40 004 Tue Sep 22 17:18:48 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 004 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/004.1.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/004.1.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151346) Reverse Loop had 150704 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.741 nSrc121 = 151346, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/004.1.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 2/40 008 Tue Sep 22 17:18:54 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 008 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/008.2.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/008.2.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (117812) Reverse Loop had 117170 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 183.508 nSrc121 = 117812, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/008.2.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 3/40 017 Tue Sep 22 17:18:59 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 017 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/017.3.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/017.3.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151011) Reverse Loop had 150369 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.22 nSrc121 = 151011, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/017.3.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 4/40 021 Tue Sep 22 17:19:05 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 021 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/021.4.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/021.4.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145072) Reverse Loop had 144430 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 225.969 nSrc121 = 145072, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/021.4.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 5/40 032 Tue Sep 22 17:19:11 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 032 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/032.5.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/032.5.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140914) Reverse Loop had 140272 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 219.492 nSrc121 = 140914, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/032.5.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 6/40 039 Tue Sep 22 17:19:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 039 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/039.6.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/039.6.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (117280) Reverse Loop had 116638 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 182.679 nSrc121 = 117280, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/039.6.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 7/40 040 Tue Sep 22 17:19:22 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 040 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/040.7.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/040.7.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108940) Reverse Loop had 108298 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.688 nSrc121 = 108940, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/040.7.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 8/40 045 Tue Sep 22 17:19:26 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 045 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/045.8.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/045.8.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109564) Reverse Loop had 108922 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.66 nSrc121 = 109564, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/045.8.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 9/40 049 Tue Sep 22 17:19:31 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 049 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/049.9.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/049.9.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145039) Reverse Loop had 144397 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 225.917 nSrc121 = 145039, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/049.9.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 10/40 067 Tue Sep 22 17:19:37 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 067 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/067.10.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/067.10.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135889) Reverse Loop had 135247 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.665 nSrc121 = 135889, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/067.10.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 11/40 073 Tue Sep 22 17:19:43 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 073 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/073.11.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/073.11.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (161713) Reverse Loop had 161071 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 251.889 nSrc121 = 161713, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/073.11.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 12/40 074 Tue Sep 22 17:19:49 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 074 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/074.12.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/074.12.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (113562) Reverse Loop had 112920 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 176.888 nSrc121 = 113562, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/074.12.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 13/40 080 Tue Sep 22 17:19:54 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 080 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/080.13.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/080.13.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (152042) Reverse Loop had 151400 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 236.826 nSrc121 = 152042, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/080.13.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 14/40 084 Tue Sep 22 17:20:00 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 084 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/084.14.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/084.14.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132889) Reverse Loop had 132247 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.992 nSrc121 = 132889, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/084.14.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 15/40 091 Tue Sep 22 17:20:06 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 091 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/091.15.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/091.15.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132067) Reverse Loop had 131425 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 205.712 nSrc121 = 132067, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/091.15.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 16/40 092 Tue Sep 22 17:20:11 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 092 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/092.16.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/092.16.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140344) Reverse Loop had 139702 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 218.604 nSrc121 = 140344, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/092.16.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 17/40 093 Tue Sep 22 17:20:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 093 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/093.17.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/093.17.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135495) Reverse Loop had 134853 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.051 nSrc121 = 135495, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/093.17.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 18/40 095 Tue Sep 22 17:20:23 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 095 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/095.18.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/095.18.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (111318) Reverse Loop had 110676 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 173.393 nSrc121 = 111318, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/095.18.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 19/40 097 Tue Sep 22 17:20:28 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 097 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/097.19.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/097.19.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (129085) Reverse Loop had 128443 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 201.067 nSrc121 = 129085, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/097.19.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 20/40 099 Tue Sep 22 17:20:33 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 099 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/099.20.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/099.20.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109465) Reverse Loop had 108823 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.506 nSrc121 = 109465, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/099.20.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 21/40 102 Tue Sep 22 17:20:38 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 102 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/102.21.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/102.21.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (133559) Reverse Loop had 132917 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 208.036 nSrc121 = 133559, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/102.21.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 22/40 103 Tue Sep 22 17:20:43 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 103 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/103.22.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/103.22.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (125822) Reverse Loop had 125180 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 195.984 nSrc121 = 125822, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/103.22.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 23/40 106 Tue Sep 22 17:20:49 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 106 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/106.23.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/106.23.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (122260) Reverse Loop had 121618 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 190.436 nSrc121 = 122260, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/106.23.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 24/40 108 Tue Sep 22 17:20:54 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 108 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/108.24.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/108.24.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140503) Reverse Loop had 139861 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 218.852 nSrc121 = 140503, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/108.24.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 25/40 111 Tue Sep 22 17:21:00 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 111 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/111.25.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/111.25.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (133251) Reverse Loop had 132609 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 207.556 nSrc121 = 133251, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/111.25.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 26/40 114 Tue Sep 22 17:21:05 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 114 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/114.26.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/114.26.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (95758) Reverse Loop had 95116 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 149.156 nSrc121 = 95758, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/114.26.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 27/40 123 Tue Sep 22 17:21:09 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 123 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/123.27.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/123.27.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (131384) Reverse Loop had 130742 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 204.648 nSrc121 = 131384, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/123.27.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 28/40 124 Tue Sep 22 17:21:15 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 124 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/124.28.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/124.28.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (107546) Reverse Loop had 106904 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 167.517 nSrc121 = 107546, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/124.28.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 29/40 128 Tue Sep 22 17:21:20 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 128 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/128.29.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/128.29.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (106345) Reverse Loop had 105703 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 165.646 nSrc121 = 106345, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/128.29.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 30/40 129 Tue Sep 22 17:21:24 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 129 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/129.30.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/129.30.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115946) Reverse Loop had 115304 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 180.601 nSrc121 = 115946, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/129.30.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 31/40 130 Tue Sep 22 17:21:29 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 130 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/130.31.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/130.31.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (131814) Reverse Loop had 131172 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 205.318 nSrc121 = 131814, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/130.31.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 32/40 131 Tue Sep 22 17:21:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 131 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/131.32.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/131.32.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (110000) Reverse Loop had 109358 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 171.34 nSrc121 = 110000, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/131.32.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 33/40 133 Tue Sep 22 17:21:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 133 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/133.33.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/133.33.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (119213) Reverse Loop had 118571 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 185.69 nSrc121 = 119213, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/133.33.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 34/40 136 Tue Sep 22 17:21:45 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 136 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/136.34.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/136.34.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (110389) Reverse Loop had 109747 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 171.945 nSrc121 = 110389, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/136.34.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 35/40 138 Tue Sep 22 17:21:50 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 138 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/138.35.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/138.35.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (116899) Reverse Loop had 116257 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 182.086 nSrc121 = 116899, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/138.35.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 36/40 140 Tue Sep 22 17:21:55 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 140 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/140.36.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/140.36.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (138112) Reverse Loop had 137470 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 215.128 nSrc121 = 138112, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/140.36.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 37/40 141 Tue Sep 22 17:22:01 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 141 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/141.37.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/141.37.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128064) Reverse Loop had 127422 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 199.477 nSrc121 = 128064, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/141.37.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 38/40 144 Tue Sep 22 17:22:06 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 144 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/144.38.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/144.38.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132846) Reverse Loop had 132204 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.925 nSrc121 = 132846, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/144.38.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 39/40 145 Tue Sep 22 17:22:12 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 145 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/145.39.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/145.39.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134570) Reverse Loop had 133928 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.611 nSrc121 = 134570, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/145.39.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 40/40 149 Tue Sep 22 17:22:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 149 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/149.40.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/149.40.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (103039) Reverse Loop had 102397 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 160.497 nSrc121 = 103039, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/149.40.mgh ----------------------- mri_concat ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/004.1.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/008.2.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/017.3.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/021.4.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/032.5.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/039.6.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/040.7.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/045.8.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/049.9.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/067.10.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/073.11.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/074.12.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/080.13.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/084.14.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/091.15.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/092.16.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/093.17.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/095.18.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/097.19.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/099.20.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/102.21.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/103.22.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/106.23.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/108.24.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/111.25.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/114.26.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/123.27.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/124.28.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/128.29.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/129.30.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/130.31.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/131.32.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/133.33.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/136.34.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/138.35.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/140.36.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/141.37.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/144.38.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/145.39.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099/149.40.mgh --o rh.white.avg.area.mgh --mean ninputs = 40 Checking inputs nframestot = 40 Allocing output nframes = 40 Computing mean across frames Writing to rh.white.avg.area.mgh Cleaning up ----------------------- rm -r ./tmp.mris_preproc.14099 Tue Sep 22 17:22:24 EDT 2009 mris_preproc done /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_preproc --out rh.pial.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi rh --area pial --mean --surfreg sphere.reg nsubjects = 40 tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf Tue Sep 22 17:22:27 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf --out rh.pial.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi rh --area pial --mean --surfreg sphere.reg Linux compute-0-74.local 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:10 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920 Src rh sphere.reg Trg rh sphere.reg --------------------------------------------------- #@# 1/40 004 Tue Sep 22 17:22:28 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 004 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/004.1.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/004.1.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151346) Reverse Loop had 150704 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.741 nSrc121 = 151346, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/004.1.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 2/40 008 Tue Sep 22 17:22:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 008 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/008.2.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/008.2.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (117812) Reverse Loop had 117170 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 183.508 nSrc121 = 117812, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/008.2.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 3/40 017 Tue Sep 22 17:22:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 017 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/017.3.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/017.3.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151011) Reverse Loop had 150369 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.22 nSrc121 = 151011, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/017.3.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 4/40 021 Tue Sep 22 17:22:46 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 021 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/021.4.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/021.4.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145072) Reverse Loop had 144430 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 225.969 nSrc121 = 145072, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/021.4.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 5/40 032 Tue Sep 22 17:22:52 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 032 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/032.5.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/032.5.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140914) Reverse Loop had 140272 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 219.492 nSrc121 = 140914, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/032.5.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 6/40 039 Tue Sep 22 17:22:58 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 039 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/039.6.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/039.6.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (117280) Reverse Loop had 116638 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 182.679 nSrc121 = 117280, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/039.6.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 7/40 040 Tue Sep 22 17:23:03 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 040 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/040.7.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/040.7.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108940) Reverse Loop had 108298 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.688 nSrc121 = 108940, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/040.7.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 8/40 045 Tue Sep 22 17:23:08 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 045 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/045.8.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/045.8.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109564) Reverse Loop had 108922 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.66 nSrc121 = 109564, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/045.8.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 9/40 049 Tue Sep 22 17:23:12 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 049 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/049.9.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/049.9.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145039) Reverse Loop had 144397 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 225.917 nSrc121 = 145039, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/049.9.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 10/40 067 Tue Sep 22 17:23:18 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 067 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/067.10.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/067.10.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135889) Reverse Loop had 135247 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.665 nSrc121 = 135889, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/067.10.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 11/40 073 Tue Sep 22 17:23:24 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 073 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/073.11.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/073.11.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (161713) Reverse Loop had 161071 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 251.889 nSrc121 = 161713, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/073.11.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 12/40 074 Tue Sep 22 17:23:30 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 074 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/074.12.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/074.12.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (113562) Reverse Loop had 112920 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 176.888 nSrc121 = 113562, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/074.12.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 13/40 080 Tue Sep 22 17:23:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 080 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/080.13.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/080.13.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (152042) Reverse Loop had 151400 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 236.826 nSrc121 = 152042, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/080.13.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 14/40 084 Tue Sep 22 17:23:41 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 084 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/084.14.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/084.14.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132889) Reverse Loop had 132247 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.992 nSrc121 = 132889, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/084.14.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 15/40 091 Tue Sep 22 17:23:47 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 091 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/091.15.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/091.15.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132067) Reverse Loop had 131425 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 205.712 nSrc121 = 132067, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/091.15.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 16/40 092 Tue Sep 22 17:23:52 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 092 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/092.16.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/092.16.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140344) Reverse Loop had 139702 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 218.604 nSrc121 = 140344, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/092.16.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 17/40 093 Tue Sep 22 17:23:58 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 093 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/093.17.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/093.17.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135495) Reverse Loop had 134853 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.051 nSrc121 = 135495, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/093.17.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 18/40 095 Tue Sep 22 17:24:04 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 095 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/095.18.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/095.18.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (111318) Reverse Loop had 110676 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 173.393 nSrc121 = 111318, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/095.18.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 19/40 097 Tue Sep 22 17:24:09 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 097 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/097.19.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/097.19.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (129085) Reverse Loop had 128443 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 201.067 nSrc121 = 129085, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/097.19.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 20/40 099 Tue Sep 22 17:24:14 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 099 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/099.20.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/099.20.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109465) Reverse Loop had 108823 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.506 nSrc121 = 109465, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/099.20.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 21/40 102 Tue Sep 22 17:24:19 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 102 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/102.21.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/102.21.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (133559) Reverse Loop had 132917 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 208.036 nSrc121 = 133559, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/102.21.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 22/40 103 Tue Sep 22 17:24:25 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 103 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/103.22.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/103.22.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (125822) Reverse Loop had 125180 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 195.984 nSrc121 = 125822, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/103.22.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 23/40 106 Tue Sep 22 17:24:30 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 106 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/106.23.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/106.23.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (122260) Reverse Loop had 121618 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 190.436 nSrc121 = 122260, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/106.23.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 24/40 108 Tue Sep 22 17:24:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 108 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/108.24.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/108.24.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140503) Reverse Loop had 139861 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 218.852 nSrc121 = 140503, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/108.24.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 25/40 111 Tue Sep 22 17:24:41 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 111 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/111.25.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/111.25.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (133251) Reverse Loop had 132609 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 207.556 nSrc121 = 133251, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/111.25.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 26/40 114 Tue Sep 22 17:24:47 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 114 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/114.26.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/114.26.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (95758) Reverse Loop had 95116 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 149.156 nSrc121 = 95758, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/114.26.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 27/40 123 Tue Sep 22 17:24:51 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 123 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/123.27.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/123.27.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (131384) Reverse Loop had 130742 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 204.648 nSrc121 = 131384, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/123.27.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 28/40 124 Tue Sep 22 17:24:56 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 124 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/124.28.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/124.28.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (107546) Reverse Loop had 106904 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 167.517 nSrc121 = 107546, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/124.28.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 29/40 128 Tue Sep 22 17:25:01 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 128 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/128.29.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/128.29.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (106345) Reverse Loop had 105703 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 165.646 nSrc121 = 106345, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/128.29.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 30/40 129 Tue Sep 22 17:25:06 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 129 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/129.30.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/129.30.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115946) Reverse Loop had 115304 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 180.601 nSrc121 = 115946, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/129.30.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 31/40 130 Tue Sep 22 17:25:11 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 130 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/130.31.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/130.31.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (131814) Reverse Loop had 131172 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 205.318 nSrc121 = 131814, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/130.31.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 32/40 131 Tue Sep 22 17:25:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 131 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/131.32.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/131.32.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (110000) Reverse Loop had 109358 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 171.34 nSrc121 = 110000, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/131.32.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 33/40 133 Tue Sep 22 17:25:21 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 133 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/133.33.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/133.33.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (119213) Reverse Loop had 118571 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 185.69 nSrc121 = 119213, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/133.33.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 34/40 136 Tue Sep 22 17:25:27 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 136 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/136.34.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/136.34.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (110389) Reverse Loop had 109747 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 171.945 nSrc121 = 110389, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/136.34.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 35/40 138 Tue Sep 22 17:25:31 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 138 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/138.35.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/138.35.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (116899) Reverse Loop had 116257 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 182.086 nSrc121 = 116899, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/138.35.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 36/40 140 Tue Sep 22 17:25:37 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 140 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/140.36.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/140.36.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (138112) Reverse Loop had 137470 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 215.128 nSrc121 = 138112, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/140.36.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 37/40 141 Tue Sep 22 17:25:42 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 141 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/141.37.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/141.37.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128064) Reverse Loop had 127422 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 199.477 nSrc121 = 128064, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/141.37.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 38/40 144 Tue Sep 22 17:25:48 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 144 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/144.38.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/144.38.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132846) Reverse Loop had 132204 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.925 nSrc121 = 132846, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/144.38.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 39/40 145 Tue Sep 22 17:25:53 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 145 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/145.39.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/145.39.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134570) Reverse Loop had 133928 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.611 nSrc121 = 134570, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/145.39.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 40/40 149 Tue Sep 22 17:25:59 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 149 --srchemi rh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi rh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/149.40.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/149.40.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/rh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (103039) Reverse Loop had 102397 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 160.497 nSrc121 = 103039, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/149.40.mgh ----------------------- mri_concat ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/004.1.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/008.2.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/017.3.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/021.4.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/032.5.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/039.6.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/040.7.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/045.8.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/049.9.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/067.10.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/073.11.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/074.12.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/080.13.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/084.14.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/091.15.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/092.16.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/093.17.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/095.18.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/097.19.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/099.20.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/102.21.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/103.22.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/106.23.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/108.24.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/111.25.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/114.26.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/123.27.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/124.28.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/128.29.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/129.30.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/130.31.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/131.32.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/133.33.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/136.34.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/138.35.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/140.36.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/141.37.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/144.38.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/145.39.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920/149.40.mgh --o rh.pial.avg.area.mgh --mean ninputs = 40 Checking inputs nframestot = 40 Allocing output nframes = 40 Computing mean across frames Writing to rh.pial.avg.area.mgh Cleaning up ----------------------- rm -r ./tmp.mris_preproc.14920 Tue Sep 22 17:26:05 EDT 2009 mris_preproc done /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_preproc --out lh.orig.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi lh --area orig --mean --surfreg sphere.reg nsubjects = 40 tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf Tue Sep 22 17:26:08 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf --out lh.orig.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi lh --area orig --mean --surfreg sphere.reg Linux compute-0-74.local 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:10 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738 Src lh sphere.reg Trg lh sphere.reg --------------------------------------------------- #@# 1/40 004 Tue Sep 22 17:26:10 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 004 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/004.1.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/004.1.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151235) Reverse Loop had 150593 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.569 nSrc121 = 151235, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/004.1.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 2/40 008 Tue Sep 22 17:26:16 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 008 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/008.2.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/008.2.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (118037) Reverse Loop had 117395 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 183.858 nSrc121 = 118037, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/008.2.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 3/40 017 Tue Sep 22 17:26:21 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 017 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/017.3.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/017.3.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (149262) Reverse Loop had 148620 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 232.495 nSrc121 = 149262, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/017.3.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 4/40 021 Tue Sep 22 17:26:27 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 021 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/021.4.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/021.4.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (146816) Reverse Loop had 146174 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 228.685 nSrc121 = 146816, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/021.4.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 5/40 032 Tue Sep 22 17:26:33 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 032 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/032.5.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/032.5.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (139697) Reverse Loop had 139055 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 217.597 nSrc121 = 139697, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/032.5.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 6/40 039 Tue Sep 22 17:26:39 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 039 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/039.6.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/039.6.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (116837) Reverse Loop had 116195 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 181.989 nSrc121 = 116837, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/039.6.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 7/40 040 Tue Sep 22 17:26:44 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 040 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/040.7.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/040.7.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109337) Reverse Loop had 108695 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.307 nSrc121 = 109337, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/040.7.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 8/40 045 Tue Sep 22 17:26:49 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 045 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/045.8.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/045.8.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108532) Reverse Loop had 107890 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.053 nSrc121 = 108532, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/045.8.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 9/40 049 Tue Sep 22 17:26:54 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 049 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/049.9.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/049.9.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145922) Reverse Loop had 145280 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 227.293 nSrc121 = 145922, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/049.9.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 10/40 067 Tue Sep 22 17:27:00 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 067 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/067.10.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/067.10.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (137112) Reverse Loop had 136470 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 213.57 nSrc121 = 137112, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/067.10.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 11/40 073 Tue Sep 22 17:27:06 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 073 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/073.11.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/073.11.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (165043) Reverse Loop had 164401 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 257.076 nSrc121 = 165043, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/073.11.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 12/40 074 Tue Sep 22 17:27:12 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 074 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/074.12.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/074.12.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115457) Reverse Loop had 114815 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 179.84 nSrc121 = 115457, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/074.12.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 13/40 080 Tue Sep 22 17:27:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 080 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/080.13.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/080.13.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (153617) Reverse Loop had 152975 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 239.279 nSrc121 = 153617, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/080.13.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 14/40 084 Tue Sep 22 17:27:23 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 084 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/084.14.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/084.14.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134673) Reverse Loop had 134031 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.771 nSrc121 = 134673, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/084.14.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 15/40 091 Tue Sep 22 17:27:29 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 091 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/091.15.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/091.15.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (130607) Reverse Loop had 129965 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 203.438 nSrc121 = 130607, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/091.15.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 16/40 092 Tue Sep 22 17:27:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 092 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/092.16.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/092.16.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (141478) Reverse Loop had 140836 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 220.371 nSrc121 = 141478, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/092.16.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 17/40 093 Tue Sep 22 17:27:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 093 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/093.17.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/093.17.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135842) Reverse Loop had 135200 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.592 nSrc121 = 135842, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/093.17.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 18/40 095 Tue Sep 22 17:27:46 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 095 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/095.18.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/095.18.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (112289) Reverse Loop had 111647 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 174.905 nSrc121 = 112289, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/095.18.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 19/40 097 Tue Sep 22 17:27:51 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 097 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/097.19.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/097.19.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (126479) Reverse Loop had 125837 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 197.008 nSrc121 = 126479, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/097.19.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 20/40 099 Tue Sep 22 17:27:56 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 099 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/099.20.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/099.20.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109490) Reverse Loop had 108848 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.545 nSrc121 = 109490, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/099.20.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 21/40 102 Tue Sep 22 17:28:01 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 102 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/102.21.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/102.21.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134152) Reverse Loop had 133510 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 208.96 nSrc121 = 134152, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/102.21.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 22/40 103 Tue Sep 22 17:28:07 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 103 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/103.22.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/103.22.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (124217) Reverse Loop had 123575 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 193.484 nSrc121 = 124217, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/103.22.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 23/40 106 Tue Sep 22 17:28:12 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 106 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/106.23.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/106.23.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (121105) Reverse Loop had 120463 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 188.637 nSrc121 = 121105, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/106.23.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 24/40 108 Tue Sep 22 17:28:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 108 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/108.24.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/108.24.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140678) Reverse Loop had 140036 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 219.125 nSrc121 = 140678, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/108.24.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 25/40 111 Tue Sep 22 17:28:23 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 111 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/111.25.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/111.25.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132727) Reverse Loop had 132085 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.74 nSrc121 = 132727, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/111.25.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 26/40 114 Tue Sep 22 17:28:29 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 114 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/114.26.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/114.26.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (98503) Reverse Loop had 97861 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 153.431 nSrc121 = 98503, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/114.26.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 27/40 123 Tue Sep 22 17:28:33 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 123 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/123.27.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/123.27.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128636) Reverse Loop had 127994 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 200.368 nSrc121 = 128636, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/123.27.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 28/40 124 Tue Sep 22 17:28:39 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 124 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/124.28.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/124.28.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108533) Reverse Loop had 107891 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.055 nSrc121 = 108533, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/124.28.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 29/40 128 Tue Sep 22 17:28:43 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 128 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/128.29.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/128.29.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (106672) Reverse Loop had 106030 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 166.156 nSrc121 = 106672, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/128.29.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 30/40 129 Tue Sep 22 17:28:48 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 129 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/129.30.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/129.30.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115671) Reverse Loop had 115029 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 180.173 nSrc121 = 115671, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/129.30.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 31/40 130 Tue Sep 22 17:28:53 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 130 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/130.31.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/130.31.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (129872) Reverse Loop had 129230 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 202.293 nSrc121 = 129872, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/130.31.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 32/40 131 Tue Sep 22 17:28:59 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 131 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/131.32.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/131.32.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (111844) Reverse Loop had 111202 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 174.212 nSrc121 = 111844, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/131.32.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 33/40 133 Tue Sep 22 17:29:03 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 133 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/133.33.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/133.33.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (118641) Reverse Loop had 117999 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 184.799 nSrc121 = 118641, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/133.33.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 34/40 136 Tue Sep 22 17:29:09 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 136 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/136.34.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/136.34.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108842) Reverse Loop had 108200 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.536 nSrc121 = 108842, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/136.34.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 35/40 138 Tue Sep 22 17:29:13 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 138 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/138.35.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/138.35.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (119418) Reverse Loop had 118776 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 186.009 nSrc121 = 119418, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/138.35.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 36/40 140 Tue Sep 22 17:29:18 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 140 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/140.36.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/140.36.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (136629) Reverse Loop had 135987 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 212.818 nSrc121 = 136629, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/140.36.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 37/40 141 Tue Sep 22 17:29:24 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 141 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/141.37.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/141.37.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128318) Reverse Loop had 127676 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 199.872 nSrc121 = 128318, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/141.37.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 38/40 144 Tue Sep 22 17:29:29 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 144 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/144.38.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/144.38.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134905) Reverse Loop had 134263 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 210.132 nSrc121 = 134905, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/144.38.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 39/40 145 Tue Sep 22 17:29:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 145 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/145.39.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/145.39.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134357) Reverse Loop had 133715 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.279 nSrc121 = 134357, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/145.39.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 40/40 149 Tue Sep 22 17:29:41 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 149 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/149.40.mgh --sval-area orig --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/149.40.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.orig Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (102891) Reverse Loop had 102249 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 160.266 nSrc121 = 102891, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/149.40.mgh ----------------------- mri_concat ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/004.1.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/008.2.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/017.3.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/021.4.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/032.5.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/039.6.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/040.7.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/045.8.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/049.9.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/067.10.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/073.11.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/074.12.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/080.13.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/084.14.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/091.15.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/092.16.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/093.17.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/095.18.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/097.19.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/099.20.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/102.21.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/103.22.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/106.23.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/108.24.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/111.25.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/114.26.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/123.27.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/124.28.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/128.29.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/129.30.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/130.31.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/131.32.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/133.33.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/136.34.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/138.35.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/140.36.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/141.37.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/144.38.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/145.39.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738/149.40.mgh --o lh.orig.avg.area.mgh --mean ninputs = 40 Checking inputs nframestot = 40 Allocing output nframes = 40 Computing mean across frames Writing to lh.orig.avg.area.mgh Cleaning up ----------------------- rm -r ./tmp.mris_preproc.15738 Tue Sep 22 17:29:47 EDT 2009 mris_preproc done /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_preproc --out lh.white.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi lh --area white --mean --surfreg sphere.reg nsubjects = 40 tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf Tue Sep 22 17:29:51 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf --out lh.white.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi lh --area white --mean --surfreg sphere.reg Linux compute-0-74.local 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:10 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560 Src lh sphere.reg Trg lh sphere.reg --------------------------------------------------- #@# 1/40 004 Tue Sep 22 17:29:52 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 004 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/004.1.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/004.1.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151235) Reverse Loop had 150593 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.569 nSrc121 = 151235, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/004.1.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 2/40 008 Tue Sep 22 17:29:58 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 008 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/008.2.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/008.2.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (118037) Reverse Loop had 117395 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 183.858 nSrc121 = 118037, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/008.2.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 3/40 017 Tue Sep 22 17:30:03 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 017 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/017.3.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/017.3.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (149262) Reverse Loop had 148620 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 232.495 nSrc121 = 149262, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/017.3.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 4/40 021 Tue Sep 22 17:30:09 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 021 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/021.4.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/021.4.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (146816) Reverse Loop had 146174 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 228.685 nSrc121 = 146816, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/021.4.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 5/40 032 Tue Sep 22 17:30:15 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 032 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/032.5.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/032.5.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (139697) Reverse Loop had 139055 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 217.597 nSrc121 = 139697, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/032.5.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 6/40 039 Tue Sep 22 17:30:21 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 039 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/039.6.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/039.6.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (116837) Reverse Loop had 116195 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 181.989 nSrc121 = 116837, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/039.6.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 7/40 040 Tue Sep 22 17:30:26 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 040 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/040.7.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/040.7.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109337) Reverse Loop had 108695 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.307 nSrc121 = 109337, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/040.7.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 8/40 045 Tue Sep 22 17:30:31 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 045 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/045.8.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/045.8.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108532) Reverse Loop had 107890 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.053 nSrc121 = 108532, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/045.8.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 9/40 049 Tue Sep 22 17:30:36 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 049 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/049.9.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/049.9.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145922) Reverse Loop had 145280 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 227.293 nSrc121 = 145922, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/049.9.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 10/40 067 Tue Sep 22 17:30:42 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 067 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/067.10.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/067.10.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (137112) Reverse Loop had 136470 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 213.57 nSrc121 = 137112, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/067.10.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 11/40 073 Tue Sep 22 17:30:48 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 073 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/073.11.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/073.11.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (165043) Reverse Loop had 164401 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 257.076 nSrc121 = 165043, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/073.11.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 12/40 074 Tue Sep 22 17:30:54 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 074 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/074.12.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/074.12.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115457) Reverse Loop had 114815 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 179.84 nSrc121 = 115457, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/074.12.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 13/40 080 Tue Sep 22 17:30:59 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 080 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/080.13.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/080.13.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (153617) Reverse Loop had 152975 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 239.279 nSrc121 = 153617, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/080.13.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 14/40 084 Tue Sep 22 17:31:05 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 084 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/084.14.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/084.14.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134673) Reverse Loop had 134031 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.771 nSrc121 = 134673, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/084.14.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 15/40 091 Tue Sep 22 17:31:11 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 091 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/091.15.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/091.15.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (130607) Reverse Loop had 129965 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 203.438 nSrc121 = 130607, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/091.15.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 16/40 092 Tue Sep 22 17:31:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 092 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/092.16.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/092.16.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (141478) Reverse Loop had 140836 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 220.371 nSrc121 = 141478, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/092.16.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 17/40 093 Tue Sep 22 17:31:22 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 093 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/093.17.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/093.17.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135842) Reverse Loop had 135200 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.592 nSrc121 = 135842, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/093.17.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 18/40 095 Tue Sep 22 17:31:28 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 095 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/095.18.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/095.18.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (112289) Reverse Loop had 111647 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 174.905 nSrc121 = 112289, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/095.18.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 19/40 097 Tue Sep 22 17:31:33 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 097 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/097.19.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/097.19.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (126479) Reverse Loop had 125837 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 197.008 nSrc121 = 126479, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/097.19.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 20/40 099 Tue Sep 22 17:31:38 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 099 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/099.20.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/099.20.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109490) Reverse Loop had 108848 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.545 nSrc121 = 109490, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/099.20.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 21/40 102 Tue Sep 22 17:31:43 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 102 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/102.21.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/102.21.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134152) Reverse Loop had 133510 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 208.96 nSrc121 = 134152, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/102.21.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 22/40 103 Tue Sep 22 17:31:49 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 103 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/103.22.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/103.22.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (124217) Reverse Loop had 123575 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 193.484 nSrc121 = 124217, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/103.22.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 23/40 106 Tue Sep 22 17:31:54 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 106 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/106.23.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/106.23.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (121105) Reverse Loop had 120463 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 188.637 nSrc121 = 121105, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/106.23.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 24/40 108 Tue Sep 22 17:31:59 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 108 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/108.24.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/108.24.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140678) Reverse Loop had 140036 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 219.125 nSrc121 = 140678, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/108.24.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 25/40 111 Tue Sep 22 17:32:05 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 111 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/111.25.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/111.25.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132727) Reverse Loop had 132085 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.74 nSrc121 = 132727, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/111.25.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 26/40 114 Tue Sep 22 17:32:10 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 114 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/114.26.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/114.26.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (98503) Reverse Loop had 97861 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 153.431 nSrc121 = 98503, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/114.26.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 27/40 123 Tue Sep 22 17:32:15 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 123 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/123.27.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/123.27.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128636) Reverse Loop had 127994 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 200.368 nSrc121 = 128636, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/123.27.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 28/40 124 Tue Sep 22 17:32:20 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 124 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/124.28.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/124.28.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108533) Reverse Loop had 107891 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.055 nSrc121 = 108533, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/124.28.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 29/40 128 Tue Sep 22 17:32:25 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 128 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/128.29.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/128.29.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (106672) Reverse Loop had 106030 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 166.156 nSrc121 = 106672, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/128.29.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 30/40 129 Tue Sep 22 17:32:30 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 129 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/129.30.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/129.30.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115671) Reverse Loop had 115029 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 180.173 nSrc121 = 115671, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/129.30.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 31/40 130 Tue Sep 22 17:32:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 130 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/130.31.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/130.31.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (129872) Reverse Loop had 129230 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 202.293 nSrc121 = 129872, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/130.31.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 32/40 131 Tue Sep 22 17:32:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 131 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/131.32.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/131.32.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (111844) Reverse Loop had 111202 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 174.212 nSrc121 = 111844, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/131.32.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 33/40 133 Tue Sep 22 17:32:45 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 133 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/133.33.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/133.33.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (118641) Reverse Loop had 117999 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 184.799 nSrc121 = 118641, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/133.33.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 34/40 136 Tue Sep 22 17:32:50 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 136 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/136.34.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/136.34.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108842) Reverse Loop had 108200 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.536 nSrc121 = 108842, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/136.34.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 35/40 138 Tue Sep 22 17:32:55 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 138 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/138.35.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/138.35.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (119418) Reverse Loop had 118776 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 186.009 nSrc121 = 119418, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/138.35.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 36/40 140 Tue Sep 22 17:33:00 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 140 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/140.36.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/140.36.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (136629) Reverse Loop had 135987 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 212.818 nSrc121 = 136629, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/140.36.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 37/40 141 Tue Sep 22 17:33:06 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 141 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/141.37.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/141.37.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128318) Reverse Loop had 127676 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 199.872 nSrc121 = 128318, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/141.37.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 38/40 144 Tue Sep 22 17:33:11 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 144 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/144.38.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/144.38.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134905) Reverse Loop had 134263 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 210.132 nSrc121 = 134905, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/144.38.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 39/40 145 Tue Sep 22 17:33:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 145 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/145.39.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/145.39.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134357) Reverse Loop had 133715 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.279 nSrc121 = 134357, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/145.39.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 40/40 149 Tue Sep 22 17:33:22 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 149 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/149.40.mgh --sval-area white --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/149.40.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.white Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (102891) Reverse Loop had 102249 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 160.266 nSrc121 = 102891, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/149.40.mgh ----------------------- mri_concat ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/004.1.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/008.2.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/017.3.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/021.4.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/032.5.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/039.6.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/040.7.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/045.8.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/049.9.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/067.10.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/073.11.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/074.12.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/080.13.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/084.14.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/091.15.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/092.16.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/093.17.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/095.18.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/097.19.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/099.20.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/102.21.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/103.22.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/106.23.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/108.24.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/111.25.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/114.26.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/123.27.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/124.28.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/128.29.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/129.30.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/130.31.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/131.32.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/133.33.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/136.34.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/138.35.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/140.36.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/141.37.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/144.38.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/145.39.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560/149.40.mgh --o lh.white.avg.area.mgh --mean ninputs = 40 Checking inputs nframestot = 40 Allocing output nframes = 40 Computing mean across frames Writing to lh.white.avg.area.mgh Cleaning up ----------------------- rm -r ./tmp.mris_preproc.16560 Tue Sep 22 17:33:29 EDT 2009 mris_preproc done /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf mris_preproc --out lh.pial.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi lh --area pial --mean --surfreg sphere.reg nsubjects = 40 tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf Tue Sep 22 17:33:32 EDT 2009 /autofs/space/crash_001/users/greve/subjects/fsaverage3/surf --out lh.pial.avg.area.mgh --f /tmp/subjlist.11150 --target fsaverage3 --hemi lh --area pial --mean --surfreg sphere.reg Linux compute-0-74.local 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:10 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study tmpdir is ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383 Src lh sphere.reg Trg lh sphere.reg --------------------------------------------------- #@# 1/40 004 Tue Sep 22 17:33:33 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 004 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/004.1.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/004.1.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/004/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (151235) Reverse Loop had 150593 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 235.569 nSrc121 = 151235, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/004.1.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 2/40 008 Tue Sep 22 17:33:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 008 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/008.2.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/008.2.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/008/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (118037) Reverse Loop had 117395 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 183.858 nSrc121 = 118037, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/008.2.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 3/40 017 Tue Sep 22 17:33:45 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 017 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/017.3.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/017.3.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/017/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (149262) Reverse Loop had 148620 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 232.495 nSrc121 = 149262, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/017.3.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 4/40 021 Tue Sep 22 17:33:51 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 021 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/021.4.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/021.4.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/021/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (146816) Reverse Loop had 146174 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 228.685 nSrc121 = 146816, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/021.4.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 5/40 032 Tue Sep 22 17:33:57 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 032 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/032.5.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/032.5.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/032/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (139697) Reverse Loop had 139055 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 217.597 nSrc121 = 139697, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/032.5.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 6/40 039 Tue Sep 22 17:34:03 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 039 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/039.6.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/039.6.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/039/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (116837) Reverse Loop had 116195 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 181.989 nSrc121 = 116837, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/039.6.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 7/40 040 Tue Sep 22 17:34:08 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 040 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/040.7.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/040.7.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/040/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109337) Reverse Loop had 108695 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.307 nSrc121 = 109337, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/040.7.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 8/40 045 Tue Sep 22 17:34:12 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 045 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/045.8.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/045.8.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/045/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108532) Reverse Loop had 107890 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.053 nSrc121 = 108532, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/045.8.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 9/40 049 Tue Sep 22 17:34:17 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 049 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/049.9.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/049.9.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/049/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (145922) Reverse Loop had 145280 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 227.293 nSrc121 = 145922, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/049.9.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 10/40 067 Tue Sep 22 17:34:23 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 067 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/067.10.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/067.10.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/067/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (137112) Reverse Loop had 136470 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 213.57 nSrc121 = 137112, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/067.10.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 11/40 073 Tue Sep 22 17:34:29 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 073 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/073.11.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/073.11.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/073/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (165043) Reverse Loop had 164401 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 257.076 nSrc121 = 165043, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/073.11.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 12/40 074 Tue Sep 22 17:34:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 074 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/074.12.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/074.12.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/074/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115457) Reverse Loop had 114815 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 179.84 nSrc121 = 115457, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/074.12.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 13/40 080 Tue Sep 22 17:34:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 080 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/080.13.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/080.13.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/080/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (153617) Reverse Loop had 152975 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 239.279 nSrc121 = 153617, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/080.13.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 14/40 084 Tue Sep 22 17:34:47 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 084 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/084.14.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/084.14.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/084/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134673) Reverse Loop had 134031 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.771 nSrc121 = 134673, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/084.14.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 15/40 091 Tue Sep 22 17:34:52 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 091 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/091.15.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/091.15.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/091/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (130607) Reverse Loop had 129965 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 203.438 nSrc121 = 130607, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/091.15.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 16/40 092 Tue Sep 22 17:34:58 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 092 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/092.16.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/092.16.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/092/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (141478) Reverse Loop had 140836 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 220.371 nSrc121 = 141478, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/092.16.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 17/40 093 Tue Sep 22 17:35:03 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 093 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/093.17.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/093.17.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/093/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (135842) Reverse Loop had 135200 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 211.592 nSrc121 = 135842, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/093.17.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 18/40 095 Tue Sep 22 17:35:09 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 095 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/095.18.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/095.18.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/095/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (112289) Reverse Loop had 111647 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 174.905 nSrc121 = 112289, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/095.18.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 19/40 097 Tue Sep 22 17:35:14 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 097 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/097.19.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/097.19.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/097/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (126479) Reverse Loop had 125837 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 197.008 nSrc121 = 126479, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/097.19.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 20/40 099 Tue Sep 22 17:35:19 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 099 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/099.20.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/099.20.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/099/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (109490) Reverse Loop had 108848 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 170.545 nSrc121 = 109490, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/099.20.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 21/40 102 Tue Sep 22 17:35:24 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 102 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/102.21.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/102.21.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/102/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134152) Reverse Loop had 133510 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 208.96 nSrc121 = 134152, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/102.21.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 22/40 103 Tue Sep 22 17:35:30 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 103 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/103.22.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/103.22.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/103/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (124217) Reverse Loop had 123575 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 193.484 nSrc121 = 124217, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/103.22.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 23/40 106 Tue Sep 22 17:35:35 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 106 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/106.23.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/106.23.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/106/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (121105) Reverse Loop had 120463 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 188.637 nSrc121 = 121105, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/106.23.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 24/40 108 Tue Sep 22 17:35:40 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 108 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/108.24.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/108.24.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/108/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (140678) Reverse Loop had 140036 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 219.125 nSrc121 = 140678, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/108.24.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 25/40 111 Tue Sep 22 17:35:46 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 111 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/111.25.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/111.25.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/111/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132727) Reverse Loop had 132085 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 206.74 nSrc121 = 132727, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/111.25.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 26/40 114 Tue Sep 22 17:35:52 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 114 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/114.26.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/114.26.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/114/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (98503) Reverse Loop had 97861 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 153.431 nSrc121 = 98503, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/114.26.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 27/40 123 Tue Sep 22 17:35:56 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 123 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/123.27.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/123.27.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/123/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128636) Reverse Loop had 127994 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 200.368 nSrc121 = 128636, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/123.27.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 28/40 124 Tue Sep 22 17:36:01 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 124 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/124.28.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/124.28.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/124/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108533) Reverse Loop had 107891 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.055 nSrc121 = 108533, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/124.28.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 29/40 128 Tue Sep 22 17:36:06 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 128 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/128.29.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/128.29.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/128/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (106672) Reverse Loop had 106030 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 166.156 nSrc121 = 106672, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/128.29.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 30/40 129 Tue Sep 22 17:36:11 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 129 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/129.30.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/129.30.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/129/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (115671) Reverse Loop had 115029 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 180.173 nSrc121 = 115671, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/129.30.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 31/40 130 Tue Sep 22 17:36:16 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 130 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/130.31.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/130.31.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/130/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (129872) Reverse Loop had 129230 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 202.293 nSrc121 = 129872, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/130.31.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 32/40 131 Tue Sep 22 17:36:21 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 131 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/131.32.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/131.32.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/131/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (111844) Reverse Loop had 111202 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 174.212 nSrc121 = 111844, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/131.32.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 33/40 133 Tue Sep 22 17:36:26 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 133 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/133.33.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/133.33.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/133/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (118641) Reverse Loop had 117999 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 184.799 nSrc121 = 118641, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/133.33.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 34/40 136 Tue Sep 22 17:36:31 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 136 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/136.34.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/136.34.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/136/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (108842) Reverse Loop had 108200 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 169.536 nSrc121 = 108842, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/136.34.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 35/40 138 Tue Sep 22 17:36:36 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 138 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/138.35.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/138.35.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/138/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (119418) Reverse Loop had 118776 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 186.009 nSrc121 = 119418, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/138.35.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 36/40 140 Tue Sep 22 17:36:41 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 140 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/140.36.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/140.36.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/140/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (136629) Reverse Loop had 135987 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 212.818 nSrc121 = 136629, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/140.36.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 37/40 141 Tue Sep 22 17:36:47 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 141 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/141.37.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/141.37.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/141/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (128318) Reverse Loop had 127676 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 199.872 nSrc121 = 128318, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/141.37.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 38/40 144 Tue Sep 22 17:36:52 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 144 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/144.38.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/144.38.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/144/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134905) Reverse Loop had 134263 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 210.132 nSrc121 = 134905, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/144.38.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 39/40 145 Tue Sep 22 17:36:57 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 145 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/145.39.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/145.39.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/145/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (134357) Reverse Loop had 133715 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 209.279 nSrc121 = 134357, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/145.39.mgh --------------------------------------------------- #@# 40/40 149 Tue Sep 22 17:37:03 EDT 2009 -------------- ----------------------- mri_surf2surf --srcsubject 149 --srchemi lh --srcsurfreg sphere.reg --trgsubject fsaverage3 --trghemi lh --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/149.40.mgh --sval-area pial --jac --noreshape --no-cortex Source registration surface changed to sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149 srcval = (null) srctype = trgsubject = fsaverage3 trgval = ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/149.40.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = lh trghemi = lh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 Reading source surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.sphere.reg Loading source data Reading surface file /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/149/surf/lh.pial Reading target surface reg /space/birn/45/users/BWH/buckner_data/group_study/fsaverage3/surf/lh.sphere.reg Done Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface with Jacobian Correction surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: 1st Forward Loop (642) surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (102891) Reverse Loop had 102249 hits INFO: nSrcLost = 0 nTrg121 = 0, nTrgMulti = 642, MnTrgMultiHits = 160.266 nSrc121 = 102891, nSrcLost = 0, nSrcMulti = 0, MnSrcMultiHits = 0 Saving target data Saving to ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/149.40.mgh ----------------------- mri_concat ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/004.1.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/008.2.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/017.3.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/021.4.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/032.5.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/039.6.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/040.7.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/045.8.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/049.9.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/067.10.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/073.11.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/074.12.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/080.13.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/084.14.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/091.15.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/092.16.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/093.17.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/095.18.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/097.19.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/099.20.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/102.21.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/103.22.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/106.23.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/108.24.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/111.25.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/114.26.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/123.27.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/124.28.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/128.29.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/129.30.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/130.31.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/131.32.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/133.33.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/136.34.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/138.35.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/140.36.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/141.37.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/144.38.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/145.39.mgh ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383/149.40.mgh --o lh.pial.avg.area.mgh --mean ninputs = 40 Checking inputs nframestot = 40 Allocing output nframes = 40 Computing mean across frames Writing to lh.pial.avg.area.mgh Cleaning up ----------------------- rm -r ./tmp.mris_preproc.17383 Tue Sep 22 17:37:09 EDT 2009 mris_preproc done --------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 22 17:37:10 EDT 2009 make_average_surface done